AMBER ALERT TN - Autistic teen Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers, 15, missing in Hendersonville - Feb 27, 2024

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My entry door is locked from inside or outside by pushing a button. It has a keypad and lots of people have those these days. SR could have slipped out and pushed the lock button and no one would have been the wiser.

But still, what happened to him after that?

LE told neighbors to check their camera footage, so I'm guessing at least some of the neighbors had cameras. But, nothing...

Did SR plan to run away? Did he just want some time alone and ran into someone with bad intentions? Did he plan to meet someone?

In my junior year, my best friend ran away from her parent's house one night and snuck into my bedroom window. I made her a little bed in my closet--every time she rolled over, the bifold doors would open a bit. She went home the next day, but did SR have any friends close enough and loyal enough to hide him out?

SR doesn't seem like the sort to do a lot of planning like that, but kids can be secretive.

I know a whole world of options still exists but I'm getting a sick feeling in my stomach that makes me think little SR never left home. Not alive, at any rate. I hope like mad that I'm wrong.
I'm following LE's lead.
A landfill search looks grim, and I think they have more information than the rest of us !
Yes, but if your child is missing -- nothing else should matter !
That's how I would feel. I remember the time my three-year-old (very active daughter) disappeared when we were shopping in the mall. I started hollering her name--everyone stopped to look, but I was frantic and I wasn't going to be silent. Then, a nice man pointed under a clothing rack, and sure enough, there were her feet sticking out. She got a public swat on the behind that day--in front of everyone. And no one scolded me for it.

I can't imagine a parent of a missing child not begging for every minute of airtime the media would allow. I'd do tricks if they told me to. I'd stand on my head. I'd do everything I could to draw attention to the situation and wouldn't give a dang what anyone thought of me. I'd cry ugly with snot running and I wouldn't care. I think most of us would.

I'm not saying that SR's parents aren't hurting. I'm just saying that I think most of us would be more visible and vocal. All just MOO.
Was the stepdad home on Sunday evening? I thought he was in Memphis, TN, for work. Or, did you mean Mom was talking on the phone to the stepdad while he was out of town? [This question may have already been answered. I'll keep reading, as I have not yet read the entire thread.]

AMBER Alert: Urgent search continues for Sebastian Rogers
“Understandably, there is interest in hearing from friends and family to help provide more of a personal context about Sebastian. However, we have been requested by the family to let local media know that they are not in a position to speak to or be available to the media at this time. We have told them that while we would relay their message, it would be the decision of the individual media outlets and reporters to proceed as they see fit.” [Not a good look (IMO) when you have a child missing, but, obviously, they had a change of heart since the Mom and Stepdad have since been interviewed (although, for the most recent interview, they declined to show their faces on camera due to being "too distraught")]
Actually it might help if they held a presser to try to 'speak' directly to Sebastian.
Their child is missing and they need to keep speaking to the media to tell them more about Sebastian for those who have never met him.
What's his favorite food ?
Does he like stores ?
Does he like to climb inside cars ?

Small actions that may lead to someone noticing him ?

If I'm wrong in what I fear (foul play or death), he could be alive & held somewhere, and see his bio parents in a news clip ?
Just hearing them may not be enough for Sebastian, he may need to 'see' them, if only on camera ?
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To wherever he wanted to go. It's hard to say because he wouldn't wander off by himself and also, he hates to walk, but he will go out and walk in the rain, or on the wet ground without shoes with no worries.

I'm not autistic but I went through a phase as a teenager, around 13ish, where I went everywhere outside of school with no shoes.
Stepped on a bee or wasp one day and suddenly being barefoot lost its appeal :rolleyes:
That'll do it!
Despite “exhaustive efforts,” the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office said a search of a Kentucky landfill did not provide any additional clues as to what happened to missing teen Sebastian Rogers.

Friday marked 11 days since Sebastian was reported missing from his home in Hendersonville. After a massive search covering thousands of miles, authorities announced this week that they were scaling back the ground search and transitioning to the investigative side of the case.

In the Friday news release, the sheriff’s office said the support and cooperation of the community has been instrumental in the search efforts so far. Investigators are continuing to urge anyone with information regarding Sebastian’s disappearance to come forward.

Sebastian Rogers AMBER Alert: Officials say no evidence, leads found after landfill search
11 days is not good. This case is not going to end on a happy note. I feel so, so badly for him, and he could be my son at that age. Just heartbreaking.
Actually it might help if they held a presser to try to 'speak' directly to Sebastian.
Their child is missing and they need to keep speaking to the media to tell them more about Sebastian for those who have never met him.
What's his favorite food ?
Does he like stores ?
Does he like to climb inside cars ?

Small actions that may lead to someone noticing him ?

If I'm wrong in what I fear (foul play or death), he could be alive & held somewhere, and see his bio parents in a news clip ?
Just hearing them may not be enough for Sebastian, he may need to 'see' them, if only on camera ?
I think if LE thought there was a possibility that he was lost or kidnapped they would have actively encouraged his mother to speak directly to Sebastian or any one who might be holding him.
LE seems to have taken a massive amount of steps to find, at first, a missing child and also areas where he may not be alive. The video's have been requested, door knocks to remind others to search their properties, blaring his favorite song in hopes to lure him out, canines, horse back searches, engaged both CART and TBI, the endangered alert later changed to Amber alert, bringing out public utilities to search the storm drains, the land fill search - an incredible amount of resources!! I hope that their investigations can lead them to what happened to this sweet faced 15 year old child.
LE seems to have taken a massive amount of steps to find, at first, a missing child and also areas where he may not be alive. The video's have been requested, door knocks to remind others to search their properties, blaring his favorite song in hopes to lure him out, canines, horse back searches, engaged both CART and TBI, the endangered alert later changed to Amber alert, bringing out public utilities to search the storm drains, the land fill search - an incredible amount of resources!! I hope that their investigations can lead them to what happened to this sweet faced 15 year old child.
Yes, they gave it their all, beckoned all their resources, and did everything to lure this child home.

Unfortunately, it would appear that their investigation now has them believing that something criminal happened.
So, what happened? Was SR taken from a locked house? Or before the house was locked? I don't believe whatever happened, happened at the residence as LE have been there a dozen times. Do they have a septic system and was it checked when public utilities were there? I don't think so as I believe that would require a warrant for a private company. Did SR really leave in black sweat pants and sweat shirt with a flash light and who would know that last detail? Did someone already say that we have accumulated more conversation in this thread than has been accumulated in the media because that's just sad. What on earth would be the motive.
1. How was the date of Sunday, 25 Feb 2024 spent, from 00:01 AM to 12 midnight?

2. What happened at the home on Monday, 26 Feb 2024, from 12:01 AM until Sebastian was reported as missing that morning?

3. When did the Step-Father depart the home to travel to his job location in Memphis, TN.

We don't know the answers to these most basic questions. I am confident that law enforcement does.
By now LE have prob. sifted through all available security cams from Sebastian's house (assuming they have them ?) and also the neighbors.
So any comings and goings of people and/or vehicles might be known to LE.
How far would your son walk without shoes?
I’m autistic also and I HATE shoes. As a kid I would walk to/from school (1 mile to middle school, 1.5 to high school) without shoes and then only put them on when i got there because i had to. I definitely walked pretty extensively as a kid without shoes, even more so than now that i’m older and my feet hurt lol
Was the stepdad home on Sunday evening? I thought he was in Memphis, TN, for work. Or, did you mean Mom was talking on the phone to the stepdad while he was out of town? [This question may have already been answered. I'll keep reading, as I have not yet read the entire thread.]

AMBER Alert: Urgent search continues for Sebastian Rogers
“Understandably, there is interest in hearing from friends and family to help provide more of a personal context about Sebastian. However, we have been requested by the family to let local media know that they are not in a position to speak to or be available to the media at this time. We have told them that while we would relay their message, it would be the decision of the individual media outlets and reporters to proceed as they see fit.” [Not a good look (IMO) when you have a child missing, but, obviously, they had a change of heart since the Mom and Stepdad have since been interviewed (although, for the most recent interview, they declined to show their faces on camera due to being "too distraught")]
I've never heard of this approach with media when there is a missing child. Anyone else?
I've never heard of this approach with media when there is a missing child. Anyone else?
No, at least when everything is as it initially appears. Parents beg for media attention in cases like this, because they know how vital it is. There's nothing more important than keeping your child's name and face in the news, and keeping the public engaged.

When I have seen this behavior, it's because everything is not as it seems. The only think that makes sense to me is that law enforcement has in reality treated this as a criminal investigation since early on, and they're suspects. That interview was an attempt to quiet the noise of a suspicious public, while protecting themselves from the scrutiny of showing their faces on camera.
How far would your son walk without shoes?

I have an example, if I may. Not long ago, we had an adorable autistic 4yo from rural Alabama who walked away. He was found a couple of days later about a mile from home. He was without shoes that included freezing overnight temperatures. His feet had stickers, blisters and were swollen. Thus, a nonverbal autistic 4yo traveled a mile in two days.
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