TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #6

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I think they should just break for the day, it's already getting late. Even Gary looked like he was going to lose it. The ME testimony is rough.

Yep, and it won't get any better either.
I feel for that staffer. But her timing was great! I don't mean to sound callous or anything.

I was thinking the same thing about the timing. I'm sure it wasn't faked, but perfect none the less.
Kiki, i've wondered the same thing. What was the plan. They obvioulsy knew how to destroy DNA on chris with fire and disposed of him. They did use the bleach on Channon, and did pour it both down her throat and on her private areas. But then they just put her in the trash and left her. I assume there was some plan to dispose of that, but what happened. They all paniced and fled first.

Suzi, I also am perplexed about the other statements, why were they sealed? there must be something in them very very interesting.

But dna in other orifices wouldn't be destroyed even nearly as effectively as oral (which itself would vary depending on whether person is alive or dead). Despicable, disgusting AND dumb. Especially when they're just gonna leave this poor woman to die in a %*()*&^!#!$@%@ trashcan anyway. :furious: Sorry. Probably good they're takin these breaks. DP fo sho.

Going for water and ibuprofen...brb.

Hope you feel better soon, try putting an ice pack over the area that your head hurts I know that sounds strange but it really help with the inflammation in your head which will reduce your headache.
Just shooting them would have been enough... but noooooo. Evil incarnate.
SuziQ, speaking from experience, JulieR's suggestion does work. I've sometimes used an ice pack and then sometimes a heating pad (I know, it causes the vessels to dilate, but sometimes it does help). I have cluster headaches and a chronic sinus infection so I've tried everything.
Kiki, i've wondered the same thing. What was the plan. They obvioulsy knew how to destroy DNA on chris with fire and disposed of him. They did use the bleach on Channon, and did pour it both down her throat and on her private areas. But then they just put her in the trash and left her. I assume there was some plan to dispose of that, but what happened. They all paniced and fled first.

Suzi, I also am perplexed about the other statements, why were they sealed? there must be something in them very very interesting.

They found Chris sooner then expected.
Oh man I hear you, I can't get over her DNA being all over. What a BBBBBB

She's the one I hate the most. I want to see her fry. As a woman she should have been able grasp the situation Channon was in and helped her.....not check for a pulse to make sure she was dead.
Timing is off, but interesting notes about jurors.

wbirymartinez: An employee with the district attorneys office has just fainted, taking a break #cntrial
October 23, 2009 10:12:05 am

wbirymartinez: Now two jurors are covering their mouths looking at Christian's rape injuries. One female juror is crying.
October 23, 2009 10:09:33 am

wbirymartinez: pictures. #cntrial
October 23, 2009 10:00:32 am

wbirymartinez: One juror has tears in her eyes and another has their hand over their mouth while the medical examiner shows Christian's autopsy #cntrial

Dear God I'da passed out a long time ago if I'd had to sit thru those slides.


They aren't people. They're subhuman.

And as much as I know the parents and we all need to hear them given the DP so we can see it formally established as to unquestionable guilt and the level of heinousness involved, a big part of me would rather see these POSs get LWOP so they'd be thrown in with the general population and get Jeffery Dahmered. ...a little every day.

The way we carry out the DP here is a friggin' joke. They get coddled & fed in their safe & secure cells for a decade at least, supported by anti-DP people and a lawyer, and then they get gently put to sleep. :mad:

And that is BS - if we are sure enough to put someone to death at all, then we shouldn't worry about its being merciful imo.

I'd show these sadistic b@st***s exactly as much mercy as they showed their victims.
Hope you feel better soon, try putting an ice pack over the area that your head hurts I know that sounds strange but it really help with the inflammation in your head which will reduce your headache.

I will defintely try that. Thanks!
ME's kind of a stark contrast to the defendant, isn't she? Good vrs Evile, right there in the courtroom.

I was thinking the exact same thing. And NO it doesn't make me sympathetic to his poor upbringing or any of that crap. There's a good chance this ME may have come from a more impoverished start than he did but MADE something of herself. I'm FRESH OUT of sympathy for any of these losers. LD's so ignorant and arrogant he probably thinks they're all rising for him. :rolleyes:

ME back on stand. I don't see Deena and Gary.
Yeah,this would be the perfect instance of an eye for an eye being more than deserved.
The area of skin between gums and lips was torn.
Yeah - you're trying to get this monster off. Feel it.
Neutrophils show that the injury to frenulum happened before the other injuries.

Then anogenital blunt trauma.

Then cut on hand was peri-mortem - happened very soon before she died.
She's the one I hate the most. I want to see her fry. As a woman she should have been able grasp the situation Channon was in and helped her.....not check for a pulse to make sure she was dead.

Yeah then take her purse and carry around. She will never get death if they didn't give Cobbins death I just don't see them giving it to any of them. Hopefully she will get hers behind bars.

IIRC The red purse wasn't Channons right? Also the ring with the two hearts wasn't hers so who did they belong to? That just bugs me like there is another victim out there somewhere.
Talking about positional asphyxia, lungs can't expand and take in air. Garbage bags and can lid. Bag over head suffocation. There were three elements in her death. Blunt trauma was not fatal, may have passed out.
ME just ordered the injuries. Teeth torn from mouth membrane first (Cobbins DNA on oral swab). Then, the ano gential injuries came later. (Davidson's DNA in anus and vagina.) Could indicate Davidson raping Channon later than Cobbins.
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