TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #5

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I can tell you for a fact that Matt's mother loves Gail, and always has considered her a daughter. She has told me many stories of trips she and Gail took together, shopping, decorating, etc. She is devastated by all that is going on, but with all the accusations flying around about Matt and even her, she's scared to step foot out of her house.

Matt's mother and other family members definitely represent collataral damage, imo. :(. I can imagine the pressure she is under, and the fear she feels for Gail and her son Matt, and the children.

What a mess.
I've wondered about this situation. My response would have depended greatly on the location. Such as...was it in a rural area where leaving him could have posed a real danger? Was it day or night, and how many miles would he have had to walk? If those details were given somewhere, I missed it.

We don’t know those details; I don’t think someone may correct me.

I am not as intelligent as GP as I am sure not as educated but I would be so mean as to not care.

If he being a full grown adult with a high level job wanted to get out then really, considering all I know, then the worst the situation the better. He would probably just call the girlfriend to come get him anyway.

I think "threat" is a dramatic word-If the text message is accurate, I think it could be viewed as a warning.

I wonder if the sponsors of the RiverBend event would consider posting pictures of the missing women in the area at the venues???

I've asked about mentioning Gail at Riverbend, but haven't received a response.

I live on Signal Mtn and my problem with the police is that they still consider it a missing person case and says there is no evidence of a crime. That statement along with silence makes me concerned. They don't have to share details, but at least call it "concerning" or "suspicious". When they say they are investigating all leads, it makes me think they're sitting there waiting for it to be handed to them.

I would be doing the same thing as Arlene. It's taken a long time to get the word out there and the head of the Times Free Press lives next door to the Palmgrens. However, this is my first "case" and it seems that you sleuthers have a lot of experience.
Was it red or crimson? Yes those things could be changed. From what I have read the crimson color is very rare. correct me if I am wrong. Gail's is crimson.

I would call it burgundy!

And there is another just like it on SM.
As far as the riverbend thing (IMO not going to happen) they have High PR and it is to be "happy" the pr team even keeps a tight lip about crime surrounding it. Don't get me wrong they have alot of police presence there. Alot goes on down there and surrounding it and because of the tight lip many are not aware of things. Also the head of the organization is from Signal Mountain and he would definitely not let there be so sort of venue of sorts and I am sure they would came legal issues or then they would have to allow others access to the festival and keep in mind the festival is backed by alot of corporate sponors (BCBS) you get my drift. BUT, alot of people really enjoy the festival including my family. we know for a fact that the residence of MP has not been searched? Even if it's just a brief look around. I am guessing without probable cause the police cannot just walk in and search. From what I can tell there is not enough to go on for a search warrant. We have to remember this has to be done by the book, not by the way we think it should be done or what they should be doing. Everything counts if this turns into more than a missings persons case and if it ends up in court down the road, they will find any mistake they can that the police make.

As I have stated, the police have been very quiet and that speaks volumes to me. It does not mean they are not doing their jobs. They don't owe us or anyone else an explanation right now---again any slip up on their part could cause huge problems in the future...we have seen it happen

Absolutely...big thank you for this!
Also remember the law firm involved....LE can afford NO slip-ups...we will all be so quick to condemn them for shoddy investigative techniques after the fact, so lets have them do it right.

Which doesn't mean I'm not frustrated!!!'s another viewpoint in all this police-stalking of innocent citizens. It's off-topic but pertinent.

How many of us bother to lock our doors...and why is that exactly?

EX:Our un-connected (because we don't feel a need for it) security system was buzzing horribly during an ice storm power-outage a few years ago and we literally pulled it out of the wall at 2am to stop it. A short while later the police arrived...navigating icy roads and downed lines they had to hike the last 1/4 make sure everything was ok. They asked a bunch of questions about who had been out that day and such and we were mystified untill we remembered that we'd cleaned the ice off the car in the driveway. It was a shock to have a flashlight shone in on you through the back porch windows while sleeping infront of the fireplace...but I was impressed...not upset, by their vigilance.

If they follow innocent citizens....don't you think this net also catches the guilty?

Yes, it can be annoying when they pull over teenagers driving home at night...but don't you think that also helps to keep them safe...not only from others but from their own poor decisions of the future..that is, "I'd better be a law abiding citizen because the law is sure out there and ready!"

My friend as a 21ish was pulled over, police approached with shotguns and she heard the clunk as they were readied for action. Was she scared? Oh yes! Was it a problem in the end? No...because she had the right license plate they were looking for, but wrong state. She was Mad, upset and frightened in the moment....but the end result was that it made her feel safer!!

I like living somewhere where the police are this vigilant...they do of course have their moments...but so do they all! I remember once in NY. my friend hit a cop as he ran a red light WITH NO LIGHTS OR SIREN. She was 23 and not even 5 feet tall and in tears....8 cop cars came and blocked the street, huge 6 foot guys in uniforms and guns swanking around. They charged her with everything they could think of. In court they accused her eyewitness of being romantically involved with her (he was her boss...she was leaving the work parking lot!). The judge threw it all out in disgust. Compared to this sort of behaviour SMPD does not come close!!!!

Personally I love living in a town where there is an officer at the high school with his own office, where he encourages the kids to come and chat, do their homework...whatever. Who goes on field trips with them.....and the kids fight over who will be in his group because they all want to be...

Just another perspective because I think this group needs the other half of the picture. This town does have an un-usual PD!
I can understand. A sleepy town where things like this don't happen. It's real easy to jump on LE in any situation. Their arms are tied as well since they have to follow procedure.

I appreciate that side of the picture. Trust me we as people can pick apart anything. As I have stated in other posts we still have two women missing in this area and it's been over 2 years now if not more and I am not from small town USA..actually the missing women are not from my town, it's the next town over, but regardless we have task forces and all sorts of crime fighting teams in this county and still we have two missing women, and one hubby claims just like in this case that she was unhappy and left.

Wait, I should clarify that MP never said she was unhappy and left...sorry I was speculating that is his story
My personal opinion would be that if she committed suicide, would she put her children through the despair of not knowing? I understand the idea of not wanting your kids to find your body, but not knowing leaves that lack of closure that cause even more despair down the road. Would she do that to her loved ones?

Gail lost her mom in her teens...she knows what it feels like first hand. Cannot believe she would allow her kids to loose their mom and not even provide the relative peace of closure. Only way would be if she truly had some mental issues...and NOTHING points to this at all.
Thus suicide or voluntary leaving which leaves accident or foul play. JMHO
I can tell you for a fact that Matt's mother loves Gail, and always has considered her a daughter. She has told me many stories of trips she and Gail took together, shopping, decorating, etc. She is devastated by all that is going on, but with all the accusations flying around about Matt and even her, she's scared to step foot out of her house.

From my interactions with this family, I would agree with these statements.
Matt's mom has always been sweet, kind, thoughtful and involved...the FB page even has a pic of her that I think so sums up her personality.

Someone twisted this view on me a little though and asked...could it be that she was around so much because she was overbearing and controlling?

I've really thought about that one, because I suppose it could be so....but call me naiive, I find as much support for this in my heart as I do for Gail leaving voluntarily.

devastated is deffinately what she looked when I saw her last....but she has also said some uncomplimentary things that haven't been sitting well with Gail's friends...which makes things even more mysterious because everyone I know has/had the same view of their relationship as you do, confused!
From my interactions with this family, I would agree with these statements.
Matt's mom has always been sweet, kind, thoughtful and involved...the FB page even has a pic of her that I think so sums up her personality.

Someone twisted this view on me a little though and asked...could it be that she was around so much because she was overbearing and controlling?

I've really thought about that one, because I suppose it could be so....but call me naiive, I find as much support for this in my heart as I do for Gail leaving voluntarily.

devastated is deffinately what she looked when I saw her last....but she has also said some uncomplimentary things that haven't been sitting well with Gail's friends...which makes things even more mysterious because everyone I know has/had the same view of their relationship as you do, confused!

Are you still speaking of Gail's MIL in this statement? I got confused.
From my interactions with this family, I would agree with these statements.
Matt's mom has always been sweet, kind, thoughtful and involved...the FB page even has a pic of her that I think so sums up her personality.

Someone twisted this view on me a little though and asked...could it be that she was around so much because she was overbearing and controlling?

I've really thought about that one, because I suppose it could be so....but call me naiive, I find as much support for this in my heart as I do for Gail leaving voluntarily.

devastated is deffinately what she looked when I saw her last....but she has also said some uncomplimentary things that haven't been sitting well with Gail's friends...which makes things even more mysterious because everyone I know has/had the same view of their relationship as you do, confused!

bolded by me.

Maybe MP is bending her mind? Just a thought.
Absolutely...big thank you for this!
Also remember the law firm involved....LE can afford NO slip-ups...we will all be so quick to condemn them for shoddy investigative techniques after the fact, so lets have them do it right.

Which doesn't mean I'm not frustrated!!!'s another viewpoint in all this police-stalking of innocent citizens. It's off-topic but pertinent.

How many of us bother to lock our doors...and why is that exactly?

EX:Our un-connected (because we don't feel a need for it) security system was buzzing horribly during an ice storm power-outage a few years ago and we literally pulled it out of the wall at 2am to stop it. A short while later the police arrived...navigating icy roads and downed lines they had to hike the last 1/4 make sure everything was ok. They asked a bunch of questions about who had been out that day and such and we were mystified untill we remembered that we'd cleaned the ice off the car in the driveway. It was a shock to have a flashlight shone in on you through the back porch windows while sleeping infront of the fireplace...but I was impressed...not upset, by their vigilance.

If they follow innocent citizens....don't you think this net also catches the guilty?

Yes, it can be annoying when they pull over teenagers driving home at night...but don't you think that also helps to keep them safe...not only from others but from their own poor decisions of the future..that is, "I'd better be a law abiding citizen because the law is sure out there and ready!"

My friend as a 21ish was pulled over, police approached with shotguns and she heard the clunk as they were readied for action. Was she scared? Oh yes! Was it a problem in the end? No...because she had the right license plate they were looking for, but wrong state. She was Mad, upset and frightened in the moment....but the end result was that it made her feel safer!!

I like living somewhere where the police are this vigilant...they do of course have their moments...but so do they all! I remember once in NY. my friend hit a cop as he ran a red light WITH NO LIGHTS OR SIREN. She was 23 and not even 5 feet tall and in tears....8 cop cars came and blocked the street, huge 6 foot guys in uniforms and guns swanking around. They charged her with everything they could think of. In court they accused her eyewitness of being romantically involved with her (he was her boss...she was leaving the work parking lot!). The judge threw it all out in disgust. Compared to this sort of behaviour SMPD does not come close!!!!

Personally I love living in a town where there is an officer at the high school with his own office, where he encourages the kids to come and chat, do their homework...whatever. Who goes on field trips with them.....and the kids fight over who will be in his group because they all want to be...

Just another perspective because I think this group needs the other half of the picture. This town does have an un-usual PD!

Great post, thanks.
I can tell you for a fact that Matt's mother loves Gail, and always has considered her a daughter. She has told me many stories of trips she and Gail took together, shopping, decorating, etc. She is devastated by all that is going on, but with all the accusations flying around about Matt and even her, she's scared to step foot out of her house.
Confused and everyone.
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devastated is deffinately what she looked when I saw her last....but she has also said some uncomplimentary things that haven't been sitting well with Gail's friends...which makes things even more mysterious because everyone I know has/had the same view of their relationship as you do, confused!

IMHO - This doesn't seem abnormal and maybe WS experts here can give further explanations with relevant cases.

But, I walked on water in my mother-in-law's eyes until her son and I got a divorce. Then I experienced the complete opposite from her. I accepted that and came to a 'civil' place, years later.

I would assume MP's mom will defend MP to the end, believe whatever he says, and he has justified everything he has done, therefore her comments to LE, friends, family, etc., will not be the one's that put him in a bad light.
What concerns me is the fact there had been multiple calls of domestic issues----frequently-- within the prior two weeks to GP going missing. Taking this into consideration, plus the fact that Diane had to make the initial move in reporting her missing, and that LE gave GP a safe haven telephone number does make me wonder why LE didn't ASK MP if it was ok to have a look around. All, imo, but something could have been missed....early on...MP wasn't thinking too logical. I'd be asking the same question of any LE dept.....not just SM. JMO They may not be telling the public they are speculating foul play, but we know crimial investigators are on the case now...which says they are....?? Gods speed to all LE in GP's case, and I just hope nothing was overlooked in the beginning.
I completely agree, but at the same time with the constant exposure of AD and other's keeping it out there does place (if even some) pressure on LE to just not hope it goes away. SMPD is not a bad town force, they just do not have the type of resources to deal with a case like this. To add to that, HCSO is slammed with new investigations every day! It's going to take a while for sure. IMHO!

The TBI has new investigations every day also. Their presence, while it would be another resource, is no guarantee of an overnight solution.

For reference, study the Holly Bobo case. The TBI have been involved since the beginning and they are at a stalemate anyway.

I think there's plenty of pressure on the SMPD. :cow: But that may or may not help find Gail until someone who knows something about her disappearance starts talking. Which could be never. So you have to be resigned that some of these cases can go on long than we want them to.

I think what they don't realize (because it is so personal to them) that in every case on Websleuths there are blogs and facebooks that post rumors and no one is allowed to quote them either.

But despite what they are saying, we don't post rumors here - we just speculate about stuff that is printed in the media.

It's really sad because when all this started, WS was the first place on the internet where people could cut through some of the lies and shady information.

We are not the problem, in my opinion. The police are not the problem. Gail's family is not the problem. The problem lies with whomever was involved in Gail's disappearance, and that's the only way this is ever going to be solved.

Hysteria is never the answer to getting a case solved. :twocents:
I walked on water in my mother-in-law's eyes until her son and I got a divorce. Then I experienced the complete opposite from her. I accepted that and came to a 'civil' place, years later.

I would assume MP's mom will defend MP to the end, believe whatever he says, and he has justified everything he has done, therefore her comments to LE, friends, family, etc., will not be the one's that put him in a bad light.

I totally agree. The family is likely circling-the-wagon. I'm sure this lady is a good person, but just does not want (or can't) believe that her child would be capable of harming his wife. Truly, we do not know that he physically harmed her, although it seems pretty clear that he did in other ways.
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