TN - Holly Bobo, 20, Darden, believed abducted 13 April 2011 - # 2

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I'm stuck. If I saw my sister, at 7:30 in the morning on the driveway w/someone, on a weekday, a school day for her, I would think wtf? This early?

I don't really know that we know much more than we knew earlier this morning.

They have confirmed that they found HER lunchbox, but won't say where. They also just confirmed that they found other items that are hers....but, again, won't say where or what. BUT, because of that recent find, they moved their search about 12 miles from her home and have volunteers scheduled to show tomorrow morning at 7am. Say they have no suspects, but also say that brother and boyfriend are not suspects.

TY, krista!! And, I'm reading that the brother didn't really see her being dragged into the woods? And, what's up with the blood found in the car?

Thanks for your help!!
I'm stuck. If I saw my sister, at 7:30 in the morning on the driveway w/someone, on a weekday, a school day for her, I would think wtf? This early?

Normally I'd agree with you....But

He's in camo Tennessee. Maybe CB saw the 'boyfriend' in his camo and figured that he was going to use the land to go hunting and was just saying good morning to Holly before she left for school. It's very likely--with all of those acres of woods--that Holly's boyfriend had hunted those woods numerous times before. MOO.
I wonder if the brother passed a LD test; otherwise I don't know how LE can rule anyone out, when they don't really know what happened and he is the only eyewitness.

well, hate to mention Fox to you :)....but first thing this morning they had a report that stated that the mother was home at the time too. Later on another channel I heard a report that the mother also spoke on the 911 call. So...I guess those two reports mesh together and seem to be correct.

This makes me trust the brother's story more rather than less.

TY, krista!! And, I'm reading that the brother didn't really see her being dragged into the woods? And, what's up with the blood found in the car?

Thanks for your help!!

I didn't hear of any blood in the car as they continue to discount the car entirely. I did hear of blood outside, in the carport, etc.
TY, krista!! And, I'm reading that the brother didn't really see her being dragged into the woods? And, what's up with the blood found in the car?

Thanks for your help!!

No, she was seen by brother walking with abductor....but brother thought it was the boyfriend. There is alleged blood on the carport floor, but it hasn't been confirmed to be related to the case yet. These are avid it could be animal or something else entirely.
well, hate to mention Fox to you :)....but first thing this morning they had a report that stated that the mother was home at the time too. Later on another channel I heard a report that the mother also spoke on the 911 call. So...I guess those two reports mesh together and seem to be correct.

This makes me trust the brother's story more rather than less.


Other reports say mom was at work...:(
The amount of unsubstantiated info coming out in msm in this case is very..... f r u s t r a t i n g.
All the miss information or conflicting reports makes me wonder if LE is putting false info out there in case the perp is listening. I dont know just a theory.
All the miss information or conflicting reports makes me wonder if LE is putting false info out there in case the perp is listening. I dont know just a theory.

Your theory is a LOT more hopeful than mine. I think they have NO CLUE where Holly is or who took her.
That said, MSM ALWAYS screws up missing person reports.....sometimes it's just a few facts, but lately this has seemed to be a consistent problem in many cases. MOO.
I think this case started off so dramatically that the media really got carried away and repeated other news stories, without checking facts. Yesterday every article said she was "dragged" away (one said she was "drug away" :( )
and the idea of that happening while a brother possibly watched was so controversial, they were off and we hear that she was not dragged and brother did not see this occur...instead she appeared to be walking with him (presumably by force) but that her brother could not see that.

This case is plenty disturbing and dramatic without needing any additional emotive words, in my opinion...
Really hoping to wake up in the morning to news she has been found safely. 'Night...prayers for Holly and everyone involved :(

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Praying for the searchers out there tonight and early tomorrow morning....let them please bring Holly home safe!!
There are more than a few comments above that are just not true. I spent the entire day listening to the scanner and communicating with someone who was AT the scene of the search.

False rumor #1 A car was found with its engine still warm. This did not happen per LE. They did NOT find a vehicle.

False rumor #2 Holly's phone was found in the vehicle. This did not happen. They did NOT find her phone and there was no vehicle.

False rumor #2 There were various items that were found and it was believed that Holly was "leaving clues." This did not happen. The ONLY thing that was found today was her lunch bag/box, which was found 8 miles away from her home and by a creek.

I admit that I myself even was pulled into believing some of these things until I began to listen solely to what LE actually was saying and what the person on the scene was saying.
What LE is saying is not always the truth.

They are more than able to lie to the public and the media as much as they want. Which is fine, especially if it helps their case or helps an abduction victim. I have no problem with them doing that if they need to.

Link again, for those who haven't seen it:

Holly's Scanner Thread - #270 and #271

The "various articles found" thing came from the Mayor.

The "leaving a trail" thing came from the official who was briefing the searchers.

Those were reported by Will
as he listened to the Mayor and the searchers being briefed. He has been VERY careful about what he reports. He did not report the car or phone.

Link to Will's reporting of those two things,
Friday afternoon obviously far down the page:

I haven't seen those things disputed in the media by law enforcement. So that is still what we have to go on as far as I know.

The most recent articles still say they found other things but won't say what they are. They also talk about being on a trail, whatever they mean by that.

Everything in this case has changed so much, I don't think it matters if LE disputes something. It took them 2 days to tell us she WALKED away rather than was DRAGGED away.

They still haven't given a straight story about what happened. If she just walked away with a guy and they won't comment on the blood/haven't identified the blood... then HOW do they even know she was abducted???

Obviously there is a lot we are missing here.

We aren't going to know the truth until they find Holly and even then, maybe not.
Still praying for Holly's safe return to her family!
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