**plz forgive typos, goofy words, etc..mobile posting
I very much support LE, national, as well as universally. They have Jobs that at times wear and tear on you not only emotionally but physically as well, not to even mention their spouses and children alot of times become affected as well by the family members LE job. And just as I am eternally grateful to our soldiers who are battling a war on the front lines for our everyday freedoms, I too feel similarly about LE.
With that clarified I do feel that sadly it is seeming to be more and more prevalent for certain offices and officers to not be willing to accept outside aide, nor new innovative tools of our technology that are literally growing leaps and bounds week to week and month to month. The technology even at this time is amazing when you take a moment to delve into what all we are capable of doing, and finding, and most of all In helping or assisting our fellow mankind. My mind goes to the Kim family tragedy back in 2006(wow that almost seems unbelievable that it's been 5 whole years) since the family was stranded in their car on Bear Camp Road which was "supposed" to have been closed with ppl not even having access to the road by a large gate that was to be deadbolted. Sadly for the Kims someone irresponsibly did not ensure this road was locked up and this out of town young family made the fateful decision one winter night to make that turn onto that road in hopes of a shorter route to the destination, the Northwestern coast. James Kim lost his life and his wife and their two daughters both under age of 5 came very close to losing their as well.. Why? Because certain agencies remained cocky and unwilling to accept outside help or advice on using up to the minute new technology of cell phone pinging and triangulation, therefor the search area couldnt be narrowed down any further than a couple thousand miles area..it was two young men working out of Medford Oregon for the cell tower's named Edge that were able to go into the Kim's account and easily, hardly with an exertion narrow that search area down to remarkably small area, they then took their findings to LE who with the help of these men the 3 of the members of the Kim family were rescued and their location was literally within feet of where the cell phone workers had pinpointed their location.. Sadly it was too late for James Kim because of the unwilling ness to accept these newest strides in technology and unwilling to budge on their not using any of these methods until 9 full days later into their missing these two men from Medford begged for police to please let them explain and detail how and what their info was that they strongly felt would lead them extremely close to atleast the cell phone of Mrs. Kim(whom they used to triangulate from a single text message sent to her phone from fam the first nite missing, immediately before the phone had dropped out of any cell phone towers range).. If they had gone initially with using this new technology James King would be alive today(as be did not set out on foot for help til 6 days into their being stranded)..in the aftermath alot of agencies especially in that area were speaking out about their now having officers train to use newer technologies in their investigations.. Sadly as I said too little too late for James Kim, tho.
It's that type of thing that is so very very frustrating.. IMO COMPLETE AND TOTAL unnecessary loss of life. Tge technology was there as were even those willingly and wanting so badly to assist This agency in quickly locating the Kim's.. But IMO due to an unwillingness to learn new techniques, keep up with the vast changes, and IMO UNWILLINGNESS to admit that there was indeed other techniques out there that these agencies were not trained in.. Just an all around feeling of pride as the root of the problem.. And that pride and unwillingness cost a young man, young husband, and young father of two lil baby GIRL's that will never know their daddy.. It cost this man his life.
With the leaps and bounds made forward in technology as I had spoken about earlier my wish is that there were some type of mandatory courses/training of all officers worldwide with how often specified and regulated and mandated. That way as to ensure this type tragedy does not occur again.. As I said so very unnecessary of loss of a life a preventable loss that had it been mandated that agencies and officers were periodically trained in these newest technologies and not just in technologies but as wfdgot mentioned that agencies use tactics that are proving to be much more successful in terms of the outcome as well as the perps brought to justice(refer upthread to wfdgot's post detailing these type tactics which include a large amount of assistance and working with the communities in which these crimes have occurred)..
That is what my hope is for because sadly too often we see pride and arrogance cause many negatives outcomes that without the barrier of that pride and arrogance the outcome of a situation could have resolved itself in a very positive manner. I understand that part of it is human nature, but IMO that carps gotta be put aside when we've missing babies out there like Kyron Horman, Haleigh Cummings, Hailey Dunn, and now Holly Bobo and that's just to name a few, the list goes on and on.. These babies and children never found, never brought home dead or alive, and families never given even an ounce peace in finding resolution to their child's disappearance. This can't continue!!! There are way too many presently getting away with murder!!!.. <-and that is in literally getting away with and freely walking the streets after having stolen, abused, and murdered someone's child!!!