Found Deceased TN - Riley Strain, 22, missing from a bar, Nashville, 8 March 2024

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As a young guy I wonder if his tolerance for alcohol was pretty low and this was not a norm for him. He looked beyond drunk. He was “hammered” by all appearances.

Also wonder how much he really drank before he landed at Luke Bryan’s? I hope this wasn’t some “hazing” type deal. Fraternity guys and all.

At the end of the day, I fear that Riley has succumbed and will be found in the River.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug. It kills just as others do.

So very sad for Riley and his family.

Also, although he’s very tall, he’s slim with a low body-weight, which contributes to extreme reaction to alcohol. Poor kid. It’s just a nightmare for his parents. :(
It is odd how many of these cases end with the missing person ending up in the water and not being found until the water gives them up.
I suppose it makes perfect sense though because if they just passed out in the bushes/ out of sight they would wake up at some point and make their way back and wouldn’t be missing. Likely they make it back before they are officially reported missing or someone uses data to “find their friend” passed out in the bushes and retrieves them.
That must happen with some regularity and we just never hear about it.
Obviously they don’t make their way back when they end up in the water.
It is so predictable and excruciatingly sad.
It’s a very, very strong pattern- the first thing that any of us who have followed similar stories think about.
My heart goes out to Riley’s family and friends. Praying they find him today.
I think it's just a frequency illusion/tendency for humans to assign meaning to patterns. Noticing something makes you more aware of it and applies significance to an event that doesn't really exist.

Nobody's surprised when they hear a drunk driver got into a car accident--because it happens so frequently and we know how alcohol impacts judgment/motor ability. But this current scenario--a drunk person goes missing near a body of water, there's a panicked search for them--gains initial interest because of the disappearance. People are intrigued by the more rare possibilities (abduction; targeted; faked death) and then when it turns out a drunk person has fallen into the water again, it's correlated with "how strange that this happened again," when it was always the most likely outcome.
As a young guy I wonder if his tolerance for alcohol was pretty low and this was not a norm for him. He looked beyond drunk. He was “hammered” by all appearances.

Also wonder how much he really drank before he landed at Luke Bryan’s? I hope this wasn’t some “hazing” type deal. Fraternity guys and all.

At the end of the day, I fear that Riley has succumbed and will be found in the River.

Alcohol is a dangerous drug. It kills just as others do.

So very sad for Riley and his family.

Agreed except frat hazing almost always would involve new “pledges” who are 17-18 years old and definitely not a 22 year old.
<modsnip - opinion stated as fact>
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If he did hit his head really hard, it could be a situation like Bob Saget’s death. The theory is that he fell and hit his head, went to bed and died- probably of a brain bleed. That could very well be the case with Riley tho I’d think they would’ve found him somewhere by now, no? I know it’s a large area, but I get the impression there have been large search parties. (Unless he is in the river). JMO
It seems likely he's in the river. That seems a common occurrence for young men in Riley's situation. But there are other possibilities. When you look at Google street view, there's a lot of territory there. The one that caught my eye was the rock wall whose height is about perfect for Riley to sit on to rest a bit. On the backside of the wall are "brambles" (as close as I can describe the plants). If he fell into them or somehow wandered down the hill, and got entangled in the overgrowth behind the wall, I wonder if he could have gotten out and I wonder how difficult it would be to check that area thoroughly . . . . Plus, it looks like there are good places to crawl off and hide to "sleep it off".
He looked to me like every absolutely hammered person I’ve ever seen. They’d been bar hopping, and almost certainly pregaming prior to that.

With his build, I can’t imagine it would have taken much. A male with his friends doesn’t profile as a likely roofie victim in the first place, and there’s absolutely no evidence that occurred here.

This speculation came from that family friend who also claimed his friends were prohibited from leaving with him.

Alcohol explains everything.

Yep, you're probably right. But stories like this make you take a step back and wonder ...

Men in Atlanta kidnapped and robbed of thousands after visiting Buckhead bars (

I find it hard to believe that colleges are educating their kids this way. So much has changed in one generation.
My daughter was required to watch an hours long video on alcohol education and answer questions that her private university required before she attended.
College kids are often drinking to achieve what they call getting “blackout drunk” I know it as a fact from discussion with my daughter and her friends - who all used the words “black out” and talked about what some kids like to do/ aspire to do.
I personally paid a $600 Uber cleaning fees when my daughter’s roommate needed to be escorted home from a formal and she got sick in every possible way in the Uber. My daughter and her date bore the brunt of it as they had to leave the formal early and escort her thoroughly drunk roommate home. A lot of kids will be sure their friends get home safely when they are extremely drunk.
I only ever drank to get tipsy in college- ditto with most of my friends.
We would never ever have tried to purposely get “black out drunk.”
Many college kids these days drink to get on a completely different and very, very dangerous level. I was shocked to find out how prevalent it is and especially shocked to see girls as well as boys doing this.
One of my daughter’s friends fell out of a second floor window and she broke numerous bones… there are too many stories to list but this type of story was extremely rare in my generation and happens often in this generation.
We never needed the kind of education they are giving (like the recent video above) because we simply didn’t drink to anywhere near this excess. Now it is fairly common to do so. It’s simply inexplicable really.
I hate to say this but if Riley succumbed on land, somewhere along the shore, or elsewhere, he would have been found I think, due to the odor. It's been 9 days.
I think he's in the river.
From what I've read a body starts decomposing in a body of water after 2-3 days and will bloat, rise to the surface, and float. It seems he would have been found in a river by now if he was in it.

If he felt he was in danger or wasn't feeling right there was so many <modsnip> non-homeless people around him while he was walking on the street that he could have asked help or directions to his hotel from if his phone shut down or he wasn't capable of doing that himself. It's just weird how a 6'7" foot tall man with an iphone and apple watch can disappear with no trace, unless they wanted to disappear.
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It seems to be a major problem in the Nashville bar scene. Some suggesting that the bartender or employees are involved due to how frequent it is happening. The local news has even talked about there being a "roofie problem" in the city and how implementing safe bar measures is needed.
How is Nashville addressing its roofie problem?
I live in Atlanta. There have been several documented instances lately of men being roofied at bars in Buckhead. The criminals use the person’s phone (after using the facial recognition) to transfer thousands of dollars to their own CashApps and Venmo. Not to accuse anyone, but I have wondered if the bartenders are in on it from the start, and get a cut of whatever money the criminals get.
Is it known if any quit?
not by me. A bar that size has to be a magnet for people with schemes dancing in their heads. Many of those schemes involve separating drunks from their valuables. I have heard of such things in other incidents and locations and really over many centuries. This isn't something new. and when questions arise or an investigation begins, I have read of employees leaving. Sometimes it's just to work across the street, other times the employee will skip town completely.
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I live in Atlanta. There have been several documented instances lately of men being roofied at bars in Buckhead. The criminals use the person’s phone (after using the facial recognition) to transfer thousands of dollars to their own CashApps and Venmo. Not to accuse anyone, but I have wondered if the bartenders are in on it from the start, and get a cut of whatever money the criminals get.
Yes the staff is in a perfect position to locate a good mark.
From what I've read a body starts decomposing in a body of water after 2-3 days and will bloat, rise to the surface, and float. It seems he would have been found in a river by now if he was in it.

If he felt he was in danger or wasn't feeling right there was so many normal non-homeless people around him while he was walking on the street that he could have asked help or directions to his hotel from if his phone shut down or he wasn't capable of doing that himself. It's just weird how a 6'7" foot tall man with an iphone and apple watch can disappear with no trace, unless they wanted to disappear.
I don't think it's weird at all. His phone would stop transmitting a signal once it was submerged, and bodies can show up weeks, months, or sometimes never. A body rising depends in large part on water temperature, and this is a flowing river. He could be snagged somewhere, or floated countless miles away if he's no longer submerged.

This is a view from the Nashville Metro Courthouse looking back at the river with the A.A.Birch building at the top left. Appears to me to be fairly dense foliage along the riverbank so I'd be surprised if he made it down to the river at this location. It also appears that for him to get up on either bridge he would have to cross the street working back from the river.

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