AMBER ALERT TN - Summer Moon-Utah Wells, 5, Rogersville, 15 Jun 2021 #24

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DW is no criminal mastermind that has fooled the TBI and FBI.
The public does not have the info that LE has, and to be honest DW or CB would be arrested already if LE had any reason to arrest them.
Unfortunately, I do wonder if there may be a theory (moo) but that LE may prefer to hold off on charges until Summer is found. Someone else may know more about how they’d proceed in that instance.
The one thing I did pick up from all that...whatever it was...was that apparently the neighbor who helped them look for Summer that day has changed his feelings about D & C now. And that someone contacted TBI pretending to be Don and said that her body was at "the lake". Don says that TBI called him to ask about that. I would HOPE that TBI had the ability to tell if someone created a fake facebook account pretending to be the father of a missing child prior to them calling the parent to check out the story. If they don't have that ability, Lord, we are in a world of trouble in this case.

Facebook has a way to check, with IP address and date it was created.
My goodness in all this we aren't a step closer to finding Summer.

I am not worried of Candus' silence, she is dealing with a lot and she probably has a multitude of things to do so she can work with CPS to bring the boys home.
Grandma has a sick relative to tend to.
The boys are in a safe stabile environment.
Don has YouTube.

Everyone knows where their place is, yet 2 months ago on the 15 of June nobody could remember where there place was for just 3 hours. 3....

Where is Summers place?
Mod Note:
Stay on topic and cease the bickering or the thread will close early tonight. We are here to discuss a missing child and the potential circumstances that could have led to her disappearance.
Statements made via approved sources are acceptable to be stated as referenced in those sources. Debating sexual assault however, is not the purpose of this thread.
I guess I don’t believe he’s been crucified on the WS thread and that’s all I can comment on. I’m not sure the relevance of this question.
ETA: I don’t believe he has been crucified. I believe the words he chooses to use can be discussed. I also do not have any patience for his admitting to SA with his younger step-sisters (per CM interview) and I don’t believe he can use the disappearance of his daughter (which is HORRIBLE) as a pass for those words with no repercussions from the people who listen.

One thing that DW does seem to be consistent is his feeling that Summer's disappearance is an act of revenge/retaliation directed at him. He mentions that the coworker he had just fired had been to their house several times and Candus did not like the way he "looked" at Summer.

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"Love and prayers to everybody. I'm sure Summer, she would say the same thing. She was always breaking up arguments and stuff, you know me and Candus was having a little argument or whatever she would always say stop you know and be nice and be good. She was...we love her and we miss her with all our hearts and everything we got. We love her and just hope and pray she's safe"


I wondered where we'd heard this type of thing before... it's Leticia Stauch (BBM):

Let’s Do what Gannon would do. Be Kind to one another! We all have engaged in something crazy online at some point but Gannon would want everyone to get along and to focus on finding him.

Gannon Stauch's stepmother releases statement about boy's disappearance
My thought about DW touring the sheds was that, while it may help a little in terms of giving people on the internet some context, is there anything that could have been in or around that shed and not have been removed in 2 months time? I just find it hard to care about how the shed looks now. It may be interesting to have seen the shed in a time frame much closer to her actual disappearance but I have no idea. IMO.
imo, DW didn't admit to SA on anyone. In the interview with CM, what I heard him say is that his step-sister accused him of rape. He mentions his age was around 15 and the only age he mentions in reference to his step-sister is 12. His comments indicate to me that he doesn't view what they did as meeting the definition of SA because they both were young at the time and it was consensual. smh.

One thing that DW does seem to be consistent is his feeling that Summer's disappearance is an act of revenge/retaliation directed at him. He mentions that the coworker he had just fired had been to their house several times and Candus did not like the way he "looked" at Summer.

Do you have a timestamp for when he said that please?
My thought about DW touring the sheds was that, while it may help a little in terms of giving people on the internet some context, is there anything that could have been in or around that shed and not have been removed in 2 months time? I just find it hard to care about how the shed looks now. It may be interesting to have seen the shed in a time frame much closer to her actual disappearance but I have no idea. IMO.
That shed tour was simply to get back at CM, nothing of that was to share anything with anyone who cares about this case. The night before they posted a shed video and got called out for being petty. So they deleted it and then yesterday they added the other shed and him driving to it so it didn't look like they were being smarta$$es.
If there was anything yes LE has it, yes.
What was his response when LE was first searching at his home?

I knew at that very second she was gone…I knew they were looking up the hill and I drove down to the creek, saw my boys…
I was trying to tell them she was not lost in the woods but they wouldn’t listen to me...

So he was angry they wouldn't listen to him about not needing to search that area for her. He even complained about all the first responders and SAR Teams 'clogging up' his road, when they were setting up their search headquarters. :rolleyes:

What parents of a missing child gets mad because there are too many searchers and squad vehicles setting up a command post?
How can he be upset that they were blocking traffic when he had said himself they should have completely blocked the roads immediately?
Do you have a timestamp for when he said that please?
I'm not the OP but maybe they're referring to the conversation starting at around 1:27:00? ETA: My bad, I was answering the wrong post. Something about DW being 15. Sorry about that. :oops:
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What did he say?
the things that we're learning through
social media could very well be true
it's it's incumbent upon us to weigh the
things that we hear
i would maybe slightly change the
sheriff's comment to say something like
this quote if we don't hear it from the
hawkins county sheriff's office or the
tennessee bureau of investigation it's
not authoritative
but it still might actually be true
it's just not coming from an official
and authoritative source

Basically I think he is saying social media can be beneficial and shouldn't be completely discounted. I'm not entirely sure why Mike chose to address Lawson's statement in this way. IMO, the bigger takeaway was "everyone is still a suspect". Meaning neither parent has been cleared.

Contrast that with the Michael Vaughan case - LE seems to be somewhat supportive of his parents.
That shed tour was simply to get back at CM, nothing of that was to share anything with anyone who cares about this case. The night before they posted a shed video and got called out for being petty. So they deleted it and then yesterday they added the other shed and him driving to it so it didn't look like they were being smarta$$es.
If there was anything yes LE has it, yes.
I think the shed tour was because CW told CM that it was for DW's tools and the kids didn't go into it so CM didn't press the subject.
Not implying this is the situation here, but it really peeze me off that there are so many missing kids with parents getting away with it because they have disposed of them well enough to not be found. So so many. Such a small percent of missing kids have actually been abducted or wandered off and perished. Moo
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