trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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You know what, I hate to say this but I could care LESS whether or not JA gets a sandwich for lunch or she gets NOTHING. IMO she deserves NOTHING. NO special treatment and that sorry Judge if she had CONTROL of her Courtroom like she should have she would have called a short recess of about 15-20 minutes, made the Jailer shove a Tylenol down her throat and giver her a couple crackers and MOVE ON with the trial. She is an ADMITTED MURDERER, IMO she deserves NO special treatment. Is Travis getting to eat, is Travis getting special medicine, Is Travis garnering sympathy for being frail and acting like they are just to delicate for trial? NO HE CANNOT BECAUSE SHE KILLED HIM, in Cold Blood and people like that deserve NOTHING but a cold, dark Jail cell while they are waiting for the Death Chamber. This is just insanity these delays. This is a purposeful, intentional little ACT that Arias is pulling to drag out the inevitable. Now, Jane Velez Mitchell is saying that there is a BIGGER issue here that something is "Causing" these Migraines at the Jail. I am SO over this trial, the Judge NOT controlling her Courtroom like she should and the State for allowing this nonsense and shenanigans to continue unchecked. This is a complete Sideshow Circus now and is losing its integrity rapidly.

While I totally agree that she deserves nothing from a moral standpoint, legally she is entitled to be treated as though she were a person not yet convicted.

But honestly, I care more because I don't want any reason for mistrial and this DT is like a pack of hyenas, just waiting to cry "mistrial!". :(
I find it interesting that Jodi was well enough for the hearing this AM regarding keeping the cost of her defense secret, but then when it's time for more testimony she is no longer well enough. Convenient.
I don't know if I'd missed the video earlier or if it was among the newly released stuff, but I recently saw more of the initial JA/Flores interview. He asks her if she's familiar with anything with decorative tassel-like trim in TA's bedroom/house. She thinks a bit, has an aha! moment, and mentions the throw pillows Travis kept on his chair. Were those pillows gone when le arrived?
Why is there a tiny piece of a decorative tassel at the crime scene?

There imo are several different, easily explained would be due to the fact that the killer slaughtered the victim and after having done so frantically gathered many articles of clothing and towels, and such for laundry as well as for disposal.. due to the fact that Travis Alexanders' home was quite nicely decorated including his bedroom leads me to believe that in the course of the commission of the murder along with the attempts of cleaning and concealing her tracks that the tiny, little piece of a decorative tassel came off from an item in the bedroom of Travis'..this we see is lying on a stair that leads to and from Travis bedroom..

another thought just as easily possible is the fact that this tiny piece of a decorative tassel came off of a roommates pillow, bedspread, comforter, etc.. especially seeing as how there were 5 days that came and went where the roommates and multiple others continued to live and come and go as they pleased in this home until the time that his body was found and the home was then cordoned off as a crime scene..

IMO the one thing I'm certain of is that its not at all what Jodi has attempted to build off of it to be.. ie. the nonexistent rope that was cut with the nonexistent knife from Travis' kitchen.. there was never rope involved in anything that day, just like there was no knife from Travis' home that was involved with anything that day..

the rope was fabricated in order to fabricate the knife that allowed the defendant to introduce into the bedroom/bathroom the fabricated knife from the attempt to prove the knife was not brought with the killer to the murder..

fact is the knife was brought by the killer, as was the gun..and so too did the killer take with her when she left that same knife and gun..

there was no rope ever..not rope brought with the killer, not rope that was at the home already, nor was there rope taken with the killer when she left...the rope is fully fabricated for the simple reason to attempt to prove there just happened to be a knife handy when Jodi was forced to protect her life...<--and as we all know this, too is complete fabricated BS as well..


I think there's a possibility that there was a rope, but that Jodi brought it and she brought the knife. This was her way of getting Travis to let her come. It explains the fibers, explains why she disposed of it, and doesn't change what happened.
I didn't mean a plea. There are a lot of lawyers that think the jury will be given instructions on manslaughter, possibly 2nd degree, etc. If they find her guilty of one of them... then the sentence goes to the judge. If they find her guilty of 1st degree murder than they enter a penalty phase to determine life or death.

I don't think anyone would cut her a break just because they don't want to go through a penalty phase... BUT I've heard it mentioned when talking about jury fatigue and was wondering if anyone else has thought about it.

I don 't think that at all. Penalty phase----at least where I live----are pretty short. The evidence is in so it's all about punishment. I can't believe, with this set of facts, and the time they've spent that this jury isn't totally invested in doing the whole job.

This trial's been long. We haven't had a juror out sick, have we? And haven't lost any either. I really believe they WANT to see this through.
Why is there a tiny piece of a decorative tassel at the crime scene?

There imo are several different, easily explained would be due to the fact that the killer slaughtered the victim and after having done so frantically gathered many articles of clothing and towels, and such for laundry as well as for disposal.. due to the fact that Travis Alexanders' home was quite nicely decorated including his bedroom leads me to believe that in the course of the commission of the murder along with the attempts of cleaning and concealing her tracks that the tiny, little piece of a decorative tassel came off from an item in the bedroom of Travis'..this we see is lying on a stair that leads to and from Travis bedroom..

another thought just as easily possible is the fact that this tiny piece of a decorative tassel came off of a roommates pillow, bedspread, comforter, etc.. especially seeing as how there were 5 days that came and went where the roommates and multiple others continued to live and come and go as they pleased in this home until the time that his body was found and the home was then cordoned off as a crime scene..

IMO the one thing I'm certain of is that its not at all what Jodi has attempted to build off of it to be.. ie. the nonexistent rope that was cut with the nonexistent knife from Travis' kitchen.. there was never rope involved in anything that day, just like there was no knife from Travis' home that was involved with anything that day..

the rope was fabricated in order to fabricate the knife that allowed the defendant to introduce into the bedroom/bathroom the fabricated knife from the attempt to prove the knife was not brought with the killer to the murder..

fact is the knife was brought by the killer, as was the gun..and so too did the killer take with her when she left that same knife and gun..

there was no rope ever..not rope brought with the killer, not rope that was at the home already, nor was there rope taken with the killer when she left...the rope is fully fabricated for the simple reason to attempt to prove there just happened to be a knife handy when Jodi was forced to protect her life...<--and as we all know this, too is complete fabricated BS as well..


I heard somewhere that the tassel from the chair in TA's bedroom.
That plus Big Gus said that her hands and FEET were both tied up on that sleigh bed :rolleyes:

Hypothetically .... when playing those 'reindeer games' would like a smooth transition from pre-foreplay to getting tied up--to being tied up--to more foreplay--to doing the deed (and NO...Imo TA did not cut the 'rope' as he climaxed--what man has that kind of motor control in said situation!???)

not to does not generally "stop" to measure or cut rope.:what:
And with a sleigh bed? No needs anchor points.

Ummmm.....Hypothetically of course. I'm just speculating :blushing:

There. Was. No. Rope.

Moo. :cow:
I don't know if I'd missed the video earlier or if it was among the newly released stuff, but I recently saw more of the initial JA/Flores interview. He asks her if she's familiar with anything with decorative tassel-like trim in TA's bedroom/house. She thinks a bit, has an aha! moment, and mentions the throw pillows Travis kept on his chair. Were those pillows gone when le arrived?

I think they were there. I just don't trust anyone (except for TA or even her) to say how many there were to begin with.
Good evening everyone!

Just got NG on and find out I haven't missed anything today because JA had a migraine headache.

Perhaps from doing this?

<br />
<br />
LUV this--my hubby says "there's a spatter on the wall"--I say paint or grease spatter--he says "spatter" &amp; wiggles his fingers to signal "spider".<br />
<br />
He asks "where's the ladder"--I say we don't own one--he flips his thumb to signal "lighter" for the "farplace" (fireplace).<br />
<br />
But the BEST was when he asked the grocery manager, "where do keep your a$$"--the guy just gave him the weirdest look--no signal for this one! He had to enunciate--LOL!! It's so darling, but he thinks I'm laughing at him.:blushing:

Ok you two...Ah am from Tn and Ah buhlieeve mahself to say "ice" and "five" and "haiuh" (hair) exseterah (etc) in mah bestest "nawrththun" (northern) axccent! "Giggling as I run off ova yonder"

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

So is a$$, ice?
A couple of questions I want you thoughts on:

Why didn't the police compare the "rope" fibers to possible sources like the throw pillows and slippers? Since the fibers were important enough to photograph, I would think they would have analyzed them.

Why did Jodi drag Travis into the shower? It would have been easier to put him in the tub and she still could have washed off any DNA/trace evidence.

Maybe the police didn't think the rope fibers were important in that they didn't believe they were rope or that rope was not used and JA made the rope and knife all up.

And if you look at the pics of TA bathroom you will see that it would be easier to move a body into the shower, about an inch off the ground, rather than a foot off the ground to lift him over the tub. :seeya:
Carrying this over from another thread.

Originally Posted by gcharlie View Post
What is your take on the DT not calling a forensic pathologist as an expert witness to testify that the gunshot wound came first, counter to the ME's opinion?

Well, keep in mind that the DT thought for a very long time that "gunshot first" WAS the ME's opinion. And certainly it was the state's theory, set forth in several briefs in great detail. Frankly, the DT might have thought that the ME would easily admit that the gunshot might have been first, since (as far as the DT was aware) that had been his original opinion, the prosecutor's original opinion, the detective's original opinion, the easiest explanation for the shot trajectory matching the positions of the parties at the end of the shower pics, the easiest explanation for Jodi being able to escape without a scratch, etc.

Nevertheless, I'm assuming that the DT must have learned before trial that "gunshot first" was no longer the state's theory, and the judge would have given them more time to get an expert if they had asked. Personally, I wouldn't have bothered with a forensic pathologist on this issue--maybe a trauma neurosurgeon to explain how the range of possible trajectories was consistent with some ability to move around afterward? I think they could have found an expert to say that.


Wait--I think I've got it!!

Maybe the REAL problem was that they needed an expert who would not only give the potentially REASONABLE opinion that Travis might have been able to stumble around helplessly and maybe scream for about 5 seconds, then fall to his knees and desperately try to crawl away from his attacker for 5 feet before being slaughtered, but who would also give the patently UNREASONABLE opinion that Travis could have run, lunged like a linebacker, yelled in complete sentences, and been a threat to someone else's life after the gunshot.

Yeah...I don't think they could have found anyone to give that testimony.

My impression is that if the DT cannot not present an expert witness here, it means that the gunshot did not come first and there goes the whole ball of wax for JA.
So true, just wondering how far the jail is that she is housed in to the courthouse. I just can't believe this today. Here they are in a hearing about the cost that the state is paying for this trial and then this happens. After all the court staff, juror's, family and witness are at the courthouse.:banghead::moo:

not sure if this is the correct address for the courthouse

o/t, but for all the locals on this thread, looks like we've got some more local activity. My daughter just called to tell me that a man strangled his wife to death in Scottsdale today...yikes!
The rate df domestic homicide here must be staggering. It seems like it is almost every day. The night before last some guy went to his gf's and caught her with new bf. He pounded the guy to death with a hammer, then they took him to the Rez and set him on fire. I'm not kidding! This is just another day in the desert.
Why is there a tiny piece of a decorative tassel at the crime scene?

There imo are several different, easily explained would be due to the fact that the killer slaughtered the victim and after having done so frantically gathered many articles of clothing and towels, and such for laundry as well as for disposal.. due to the fact that Travis Alexanders' home was quite nicely decorated including his bedroom leads me to believe that in the course of the commission of the murder along with the attempts of cleaning and concealing her tracks that the tiny, little piece of a decorative tassel came off from an item in the bedroom of Travis'..this we see is lying on a stair that leads to and from Travis bedroom..

another thought just as easily possible is the fact that this tiny piece of a decorative tassel came off of a roommates pillow, bedspread, comforter, etc.. especially seeing as how there were 5 days that came and went where the roommates and multiple others continued to live and come and go as they pleased in this home until the time that his body was found and the home was then cordoned off as a crime scene..

IMO the one thing I'm certain of is that its not at all what Jodi has attempted to build off of it to be.. ie. the nonexistent rope that was cut with the nonexistent knife from Travis' kitchen.. there was never rope involved in anything that day, just like there was no knife from Travis' home that was involved with anything that day..

the rope was fabricated in order to fabricate the knife that allowed the defendant to introduce into the bedroom/bathroom the fabricated knife from the attempt to prove the knife was not brought with the killer to the murder..

fact is the knife was brought by the killer, as was the gun..and so too did the killer take with her when she left that same knife and gun..

there was no rope ever..not rope brought with the killer, not rope that was at the home already, nor was there rope taken with the killer when she left...the rope is fully fabricated for the simple reason to attempt to prove there just happened to be a knife handy when Jodi was forced to protect her life...<--and as we all know this, too is complete fabricated BS as well..


BRAVO. This pretty well puts the rope lie to bed for me!

Maybe they should have looked into those fibers a little more. Seems reasonable that Jodi used a pillow when shooting Travis took it with her along with the other stuff she took.
The testimony of an admitted liar, without corroboration, IS admissible evidence in court. Judge Stephens had absolutely no authority to prevent Jodi Arias from getting on that stand and lying her heart out. If she had done so, the court of appeals would have smacked her down immediately and the taxpayers would have wasted even more time and money.

Judges ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EXCLUDE EVIDENCE just because they want to. There has to be some legal basis for doing that.

Judges are SUPPOSED to leave it up to the jurors to detangle the good evidence from the bad evidence. That is not the job of the judge. That is the job of the jurors.

Amen. :heartbeat:
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