trial day 46: the defense continues its case in chief #138

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ALV: "Anger and fear can combine and make one overreact."

She was using that to defend Jodi's overkill---but couldn't that also justify Travis's mean texts to Jodi?
She certainly did....
....maybe she's worried about having to live, in, perhaps, ....
A shack in the woods...? :floorlaugh:

A cozy cottage with seven men she can ask are you mad at me? and do you need a time out?
ALV seemed to be wanting to delay having to come back. Just my opinion but I wonder if it has to do with her approaching Sam in the courtroom. If it was something that was going to be beneficial and help rehab ALV, you know darn well she would have said, "Judge you tell me the day and time, I will be here."
Agreed! She was weaseling as to whether her further tests would be on Mon. or Tues., so I'll bet she is in some kind of trouble. The judge seemed to be at the end of her rope with her- didn't want to hear her personal reasons.
since the judge told ALV that THIS is the priority, leads me to believe that this is not about any health issues that ALV might be it has to be about her approaching Sam in court the other just has to be....IMO

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I wonder if she's going to be questioned about whether she committed perjury or contempt while she was on the stand....?

I wouldn't have thought so but I'm neither a lawyer or an American so I'd be foolish to speculate further on that. :fence:
IMHO if I were on this jury I would have seen through ALV 30 mins into when JM was cross directing her. It's clear she is pro-Jodi to a FAULT.

According to ALV Jodi is superwoman and can do no wrong. Everything TA said or texted was demeaning and abhorrent. She refused to speculate on anything Jodi said on the calls. ALV's reasoning for Jodi to be commenting during the sex tape was because she felt "forced" to go along with it.

We all know what happens with common sense sometimes though... The CA trial was common sense and look what happened. It's clear to anyone with common sense that Jodi wasn't abused and she slaughtered TA. This defense is comical.
I'm catching up on today's testimony via youtube, and I just have to say I think I finally understand why Ms LaViolette doesn't consider Jodi a "liar." I think she would not consider herself a liar either, but rather a professional testifier imo (in re: juror question: how many times have you testified in criminal court on behalf of a man. her answer: one or two. In reality? None).

It's semantics, really. For her. :innocent:
since the judge told ALV that THIS is the priority, leads me to believe that this is not about any health issues that ALV might be it has to be about her approaching Sam in court the other just has to be....IMO
Or perjury with today's testimony???:please::please::please:
Please! They know their ships sinking and want out. Baez did tv interviews up the yang yang and created so much media atmosphere.
They haven't gotten anything but negative from everyone.

The tax payers have put alot of money on this trial to start over?

that's not going to happen. this deep into a trial, something HUGE would have to happen. this isn't huge. it's just desperate.
You know she was. Day 1 of her cross was on a Thursday or Friday, the last day of court before the weekend break, and Wilmott finished direct with just about 30 minutes to spare for Juan to start cross. Day 2 of her cross was the day of that super long delay at the start of court, where everyone was scratching their heads what could be going on that would require ALV to be back in chambers with the judge and attorneys. It was after that that Juan began just turning straight to the judge when she was unresponsive.

I am positive that after those first thirty minutes with Juan ALV knew two things, that Juan wasn't going to back down and she is incapable of it. So she rolled into court the next Monday demanded the judge instruct him on how she expects to be spoken to. Juan said, F that, of course, and the compromise struck was that when she was being difficult he would agree to appeal to the judge to direct her on how to answer rather than instruct her himself.

Yes, Juan had her for 30 minutes and she ended up in the ER that weekend.
I'm pitiful sitting here. Drs office lol tuning in to ws, obcession ?
Not a mod here, but have been around for a long time.

Regarding posting facts vs. opinions, at one time there was a whole lot of use of "IMO" (In My Opinion) and/or "IMHO" (In My Humble Opinion) here at websleuths. I don't see as much use of this nowadays. But it does help to delineate opinion from fact in a post.

Regarding "facts": There will always be errors made by posters who misheard something, who misread something, or who misinterpreted something they heard or read. Or someone who simply was not paying close attention to the testimony and failed to hear a question or an answer. Hey, it happens to all of us.

IMO the problems with "facts" arise when a poster "hears a rumor" or "reads a rumor" somewhere (usually at another website) and then comes onto websleuths and includes it in a post without bothering to mention that it is either their own opinion or it is a rumor picked up from another website.

And then, yes, there will be times when other posters will ask that poster to provide "proof" for what they are posting. Such as a link, etc.

The point being that nobody wants websleuths to become a name-calling rumor mill type of site.
2. Seems the "tuesday issue" just might be the ALV speaking to Sam like others have posted. This is from a spectator on twitter who has been in the courtroom... she "observed Alyce La Violette come over to the Alexander family in the spectator section of the courtroom and quietly make a comment to Travis' sister, Samantha. This spectator was unable to hear what the "expert witness" said to Samantha. This spectator was aware that this was in violation of courtroom protocol.

That spectator is a very special person, btw :D

(snipped some of original post)
Ok, someone please help me! Is this ACTUAL grounds for a mistrial? Should we worry? Or is it just typical defense team desperation?
I agree judge was visibly disgusted today. When JW kept asking to approach the judge was getting on her last nerve.

Anytime JM is hitting a homerun she objects 200x KNOWING she is not going to win the then she asks to approach.

Its literally the same tactic every day in court for her.

So true!
I wouldn't have thought so but I'm neither a lawyer or an American so I'd be foolish to speculate further on that. :fence:
But you have excellent insights, you should be- a lawyer that is!
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