Trial Discussion Thread #15

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I think he means console him. In her outgoing message she says it's hard to console him because it's a crappy thing and he's a nice guy... etc etc

I think he was replying saying thanks but you don't have to.

Yes, but I detect a little "I really wish you wouldn't" in there too. I bet OP doesn't know how to woo a woman, or understand the concept of putting her wants/needs above his own. His family seem to treat him like a god, probably his whole life.
Tune into @TheLinkTVShow right now 4 a sneak peek of "Tropika Islands of Treasure" @reevasteenkamp, @akaworldwide, @PearlThusi #tiot5

And she retweeted this at 3.55am same morning 14th feb 2013?

Was Oscar planning on getting rid of her body and claiming she disappeared? Sheesh!
Tune into @TheLinkTVShow right now 4 a sneak peek of "Tropika Islands of Treasure" @reevasteenkamp, @akaworldwide, @PearlThusi #tiot5

And she retweeted this at 3.55am same morning 14th feb 2013?

Was Oscar planning on getting rid of her body and claiming she disappeared? Sheesh!

That one is also showing as '13 Feb' when I click on it :confused:
OP has a gorgeous model, one that he obviously has been manipulating and trying to control since the day he met her, and yet he tells her that she does not have to be his angel, his love; and he tells her that twice in just the brief exchanges that you posted. That IMO is very strange! Would love to get the opinion of a psychologist or a psychiatrist on this! Just seems backwards and there is a reason he is doing it.

I think there may have been a mix-up in a previous post as to what exactly those texts said. Here they are taken directly from testimony (and my notes in red):


RS: Baba I hope you don’t mind but I came back to the house to work and do some washing. It will help me a lot to get stuff done and relieve some stress. I’ll go through to Jo’burg at like 3pm. (she is planning on going home) *advertiser censored*

RS: It’s a difficult thing to try to console you baba because it’s a ****** thing and you’re a nice guy. I guess these things happen and we can just hope they work out for the best. You are an amazing person with so many blessings and you are more than cared for. Your health and future monetary blessings far outweigh this hurdle I can promise you that 
OP: Thank you so much my angel you don’t have to (I believe he means you don't have to console me... or... you don't have to go home). X Stay tonight if you would like.

OP: I’m just finishing off at Ryan(?)
RS: Thank you baba let me know if you’d like to spend time with him or Carl. I’m sure you maybe feel like some family tonight. (She is suggesting that he spend the night with family)

RS: Angel I’m going to go home at like 6pm. (she's still planning on going home) Please stay and do whatever it was you were gonna do (she suggests to Oscar that he stay where he is and continue to do what he's doing... again, indicating she did not want to stay)

And then her cell phone pinging has her outside of his community as of 5:45pm... she had left... but then we saw her drive back in around 6pm. And he pulls in about 10 minutes after her.
Ah yes, there we have it .. the old 'she must've been imagining it' thing.

What are you talking about?

Respectfully, I request that you not parse and snip portions of my comments and present them out of context in your response.

Here's the entire paragraph, and not just the few words that you parsed for your response - no where did I say or imply that Reeva "must've been imagining it." Please do not attribute my words with your misinterpretation of them.

minor4th said:
Uh .. No I would not conclude that this was a normal healthy relationship. If I could extrapolate from those few texts Id say you've got two people who are very competent and comfortable in public and social environments but who are immature and insecure in romantic or intimate relationships. And none of that surprises me one bit when you're talking about a young man with celebrity and fame and wealth and admiration who has not yet grown up and learned how to be a man -- coupled with a woman who has had troubled relationships in the past, is hyper sensitive to criticism and excruciatingly focused on appearances and public perception.
@gossig That sounds amazing! Wow that's what it's all about! It should be a day of love for everyone :) may it be blessed!
10:56pm - 13 Feb 13

What does this one say?
Exactly. Once again, actions speak louder than words.

His words: "I am acutely aware of violent crime being committed by intruders entering homes with a view to commit crime, including violent crime".

His actions: sleeps with balcony doors open and courteously leaves ladders out for intruders.

Add to this the the "Panic Button."

Where is it and why wasn't it pressed?
Yes, I would say that (now I understand it :p ), that is just part of normal conversation .. I think we could start reading a bit too much into some of these things he has said, if we're not careful .. best to stick to the bits that are actually quite concerning (there are enough of them!). I can't remember, but I think I noticed someone picking up on OP supposedly having shouted 'get out of MY house' and made comment about that .. and I'm not sure if they meant he should've been saying something else, like 'get out of OUR house' .. I don't read anything into the fact he said 'MY' .. afterall, it was his house, and if he did actually have an intruder in the house it would just flow better to shout out 'MY' instead of 'OUR' house. Again, I think there can be a danger of reading too much into things like that (and again, I think we have enough other stuff where what has been said really is concerning).

Hi. I referenced his actual words, indicating they may have been directed at Reeva through the bedroom door. X
@gossig That sounds amazing! Wow that's what it's all about! It should be a day of love for everyone :) may it be blessed!
10:56pm - 13 Feb 13

What does this one say?

RS had twittered/tweeted? a question asking what peeps were planning for their love on Valentine's the next day, and she was reponding to someone's plans.

I think if Reeva had used the air rifle, it probably wouldn't have been found neatly leaning against the sunglasses display case near the bedroom door. If it had been picked up & used by Reeva that night, I would expect the air rifle to have been found in some haphazard fashion somewhere in the master suite.



The way the air rifle appears in the above photos suggests to me that it hadn't been used by anyone that night.

In chaotic situations, items generally don't get placed neatly - they tend to be strewn about.

Unless the accused goes back to the scene and moves things around.

I do not trust the location of anything in the police photos including gun, holster, bat, phones, cartridges, duvet, watches, etc.
I think there may have been a mix-up in a previous post as to what exactly those texts said. Here they are taken directly from testimony (and my notes in red):


RS: Baba I hope you don’t mind but I came back to the house to work and do some washing. It will help me a lot to get stuff done and relieve some stress. I’ll go through to Jo’burg at like 3pm. (she is planning on going home) *advertiser censored*

RS: It’s a difficult thing to try to console you baba because it’s a ****** thing and you’re a nice guy. I guess these things happen and we can just hope they work out for the best. You are an amazing person with so many blessings and you are more than cared for. Your health and future monetary blessings far outweigh this hurdle I can promise you that 
OP: Thank you so much my angel you don’t have to (I believe he means you don't have to console me). X Stay tonight if you would like.

OP: I’m just finishing off at Ryan(?)
RS: Thank you baba let me know if you’d like to spend time with him or Carl. I’m sure you maybe feel like some family tonight. She is suggesting that he spend the night with family

RS: Angel I’m going to go home at like 6pm. (she's still planning on going home) Please stay and do whatever it was you were gonna do (she suggests to Oscar that he stay where he is and continue to do what he's doing... again, indicating she did not want to stay)

And then her cell phone pinging has her outside of his community as of 5:45pm... she had left... but then we saw her drive back in around 6pm. And he pulls in about 10 minutes after her.
Yes I had noticed this too and posted a comment about this today, it contradicts his statement .
I think there may have been a mix-up in a previous post as to what exactly those texts said. Here they are taken directly from testimony (and my notes in red):


RS: Baba I hope you don’t mind but I came back to the house to work and do some washing. It will help me a lot to get stuff done and relieve some stress. I’ll go through to Jo’burg at like 3pm. (she is planning on going home) *advertiser censored*

RS: It’s a difficult thing to try to console you baba because it’s a ****** thing and you’re a nice guy. I guess these things happen and we can just hope they work out for the best. You are an amazing person with so many blessings and you are more than cared for. Your health and future monetary blessings far outweigh this hurdle I can promise you that 
OP: Thank you so much my angel you don’t have to (I believe he means you don't have to console me). X Stay tonight if you would like.

OP: I’m just finishing off at Ryan(?)
RS: Thank you baba let me know if you’d like to spend time with him or Carl. I’m sure you maybe feel like some family tonight. She is suggesting that he spend the night with family

RS: Angel I’m going to go home at like 6pm. (she's still planning on going home) Please stay and do whatever it was you were gonna do (she suggests to Oscar that he stay where he is and continue to do what he's doing... again, indicating she did not want to stay)

And then her cell phone pinging has her outside of his community as of 5:45pm... she had left... but then we saw her drive back in around 6pm. And he pulls in about 10 minutes after her.
Thanks for that lisa. So I wonder when it was that Reeva suggested they stay in and have a quiet evening together like OP claimed in his affidavit. He said they each had plans to go out with their friends, but then Reeva called and suggested a quiet night in. Her leaving at 5.45pm and then returning 10 minutes later makes me think maybe OP called her during that time (for whatever reason) and gave her cause to go back. But the way he words it in his affidavit is that it was Reeva's idea to change their original plans (of going out separately with friends). Hopefully Nel will get to the bottom of it.
I don't think the broken window in the downstairs lounge occurred on the night Reeva was killed.

Van Staden testified that there was no broken glass on the ground.

If the window had been broken that night, there would have been broken glass on the ground.

I think the damage to the lounge window raises questions.

At the very least, it makes me wonder about possible prior violent episodes.

I don't think OP would have had enough time to go outside and clean up broken glass before carrying Reeva downstairs as Stander, Stander's daughter, Baba, and Dr. Stipp arrived.

Points to another instance in which OP shows he is not THAT afraid of intruders or he would have gotten the broken window fixed post haste.
I think there may have been a mix-up in a previous post as to what exactly those texts said. Here they are taken directly from testimony (and my notes in red):


RS: Baba I hope you don’t mind but I came back to the house to work and do some washing. It will help me a lot to get stuff done and relieve some stress. I’ll go through to Jo’burg at like 3pm. (she is planning on going home) *advertiser censored*

RS: It’s a difficult thing to try to console you baba because it’s a ****** thing and you’re a nice guy. I guess these things happen and we can just hope they work out for the best. You are an amazing person with so many blessings and you are more than cared for. Your health and future monetary blessings far outweigh this hurdle I can promise you that 
OP: Thank you so much my angel you don’t have to (I believe he means you don't have to console me). X Stay tonight if you would like.

OP: I’m just finishing off at Ryan(?)
RS: Thank you baba let me know if you’d like to spend time with him or Carl. I’m sure you maybe feel like some family tonight. She is suggesting that he spend the night with family

RS: Angel I’m going to go home at like 6pm. (she's still planning on going home) Please stay and do whatever it was you were gonna do (she suggests to Oscar that he stay where he is and continue to do what he's doing... again, indicating she did not want to stay)

And then her cell phone pinging has her outside of his community as of 5:45pm... she had left... but then we saw her drive back in around 6pm. And he pulls in about 10 minutes after her.

Thanks for this, was wondering the time of the texts as i wanted to compare with the time of the phone calls from that day which were

13.02 4 minutes 1 second(not sure who called who)
15.24 Oscar calls Reeva for just under 2 minutes
17.12 Oscar calls Reeva for 63 seconds
17.44 Reeva calls Oscar for 144 seconds
Points to another instance in which OP shows he is not THAT afraid of intruders or he would have gotten the broken window fixed post haste.

It could have happened anytime I guess maybe earlier in the evening and cleaned up by one of them.
But yes you would imagine that he would have had it repaired or boarded up immediately
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