Trial Discussion Thread #4 - 14.03.10, Day 6

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IMO, this request to deny broadcast of evidence in a high profile court case is an attempt to censor the freedom of expression and open justice.
Press chap is adamant that if there is continuing argument. he rejects the idea of deadlock or stalemate..


thinking time..

final submission. press man says..M'lady doesn't have to do this on the fly. on her feet.. is prepared to wait until tomorrow.

back to twitter..
Judge Masipa says no broadcast or audio or television of Saayman's testimony, including Twitter. We're in the dark.
by emily.smith 5:05 AM

Chriselda Lewis ‏@Chriseldalewis

#Pistorius Judge orders no live broadcast and no tweeting of Saayman testimony. Goodbye for now.. #sabcnews

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial

Wow, no tweeting, blogging or video about Saayman's testimony. Eeeeannnnddd we go dark. :/ #Pistorius
Dear Trooper, you need to write a book !!! You have the unique ability to enlighten folk of
logic, facts, wisdom and may I say a little "black humour". Look forward to reading all posts regarding this case.
Im truly disgusted with this development. This is a public trial like any other that plays itself out daily in our courts, and often more gruesome that Reevas injuries. How this has come about, this special treatment... is beyond me. SA justice fail (once again!!!)
who wants to bet that some earth shattering piece of evidence will be revealed during this testimony and it gets oscar off the hook ... and we never find out what it is
So we are never going to learn what the Medical Examiner has to say?????????:banghead:
What to make of this?
This implies Reeva's injuries were so horrific.
I wonder if he did more than shoot her...
Dear Trooper, you need to write a book !!! You have the unique ability to enlighten folk of
logic, facts, wisdom and may I say a little "black humour". Look forward to reading all posts regarding this case.

I second that.........thanks Trooper, you have given me a much needed chuckle more than once.:loveyou:
I am thinking the groin shot injured her vaginal area. For me it is what it is and I don't agree with the censoring.
What to make of this?
This implies Reeva's injuries were so horrific.
I wonder if he did more than shoot her...

It's baffling .. can her injuries have been more horrific, in quantity and savagery than any other woman so far in South Africa...?

as Carol pointed out.. what about all the other women and children that have had the details of their deaths all over the press.

My first instinct, and this is my nature not a matter of special wisdom, is that someone has a hell of a lot of CLOUT... I just cant decide who because both the defence AND the prosecutor argued for the ban.

So we are never going to learn what the Medical Examiner has to say?????????:banghead:

Well, the ME has just put a price on the autopsy report! It will be leaked soon enough, bet MSM will fall over themselves to get their hands on it and pay big bucks!
TY sweetcaro for your deduction i think you must be right.
If the shot to her groin area injuried her vaginal area then this could indicate that oscar intentionally shot her there - horrible thought & adds weight to the case for premeditated murder imo
This is ridiculous. People want access to the facts, preventing them from doing so opens the doors to complete speculation. This decision has brought this trial into doubt as far as I'm concerned.

As someone has already stated, it has put a price on the autopsy results, and the media will get it eventually, at great financial cost, so perhaps the financial gain is being sliced up already between certain people.
I understood a filtered vetoed and consented to précis will be given..

I have enough faith,..but only enough to see me thru to the expectation of it, in the judge, and Proff Saayman.. Nel and Roux will fight it out, but they don't have veto.. to wait until the filtered evidence is made public..

well. I think I have..

right now I am Papa'd Oscar and feel like muttering Foxtrot Oscar to the whole shindig..
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