Trial Thread 7 May 2012 - Closing Arguments, Defense then the Crown

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everyone take a deep breath and take your hands out of the snark jar....please! When posting please leave the dusting of snark out of your posts. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but leave the snark in the jar.

This made me chuckle :) Kk, this time I left the snark jar in the kitchen I promise!
The defence said that Rafferty had had sex with many women in the car right?
If Rodney ever writes a book I will buy it.
Not one crown witness, except McClintic, said the seat was back in the car

RaffertyLFP: Derstine said McClintic lied when she said there was a back seat in the car on April 8

Derstine says that is something else utterly at odds with McClintic's story.
RaffertyLFP: Derstine says the jury doesn't have to decide why McClinitic is "horribly lying"

She perjured herself "over and over and over again," Derstine tells the jury.
Being a 28 year old man with an ative sex life does not make him a pedophile rapist ... If I understand it correctly it is the opposite ...

Sorry, I respectfully disagree. Sleeping around and having 12 or more women on the go at once are two totally different things. And what about taking money from a women who is "escorting" at your suggestion. MOO.
And do you remember when there was a "dispute" between Rod and Tara and James after one of their press releases on her lawn? Was that relating to Rod's suggesting Tori was targeted? JMO/IMO/MOO

I think because of everything he was reading online and hearing what people were saying how TM was a suspect and that it had to be her, he probably went along thinking it was the only scenario that made sense. I think he was wired as well in her house to see if she would say something because he didnt trust what she was saying. You can obviously see he is being the bigger person, as much as you tell there is tension between them he is being respectable.

At that time emotions were high and everyone though Tori was alive and taken by someone they knew.
Steven D'Souza ‏ @cbcsteve
Derstine on McClintic: "I’m going to suggest to you, has perjured herself, over and over and over again"

Steven D'Souza ‏ @cbcsteve
Derstine on back seat missing in #Rafferty's car. Reminds Jury of neighbour saying there were tiny cuts, not big cuts as McClintic said

Steven D'Souza ‏ @cbcsteve
on jail visits, Derstine suggests #Rafferty & McClintic got caught in strange cycle where neither wanted the other to tell on them
RaffertyLFP: Derstine says McClintic "poisoned the entire atmosphere or courtroom" with her lies

Derstine says the court proceedings are important, a "special time". Almost all of the people who testified took that into account.

But McClintic poisoned the atmosphere of the courtroom.
Avery Moore ‏ @AveryFreeFMNews
Derstine tells jurors they need to be careful of how they use the evidence that #Rafferty was “sleeping around”. Evidence from over 15 women
RaffertyLFP: Derstine said the jury has to believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Rafferty knew what was going to Tori

Derstine suggests the evidence says Rafferty didn't know Tori was going to be killed, but says they only need to find it hasn't gene proven

RaffertyLFP: Derstine wraps up
And do you remember when there was a "dispute" between Rod and Tara and James after one of their press releases on her lawn? Was that relating to Rod's suggesting Tori was targeted? JMO/IMO/MOO

yes I believe it was...RS had thrown out some doubt that day and JG raced out of the house and attacked poor Rodney...Rodney always showed doubt in this from the start...JMO
RaffertyLFP: Derstine says McClintic "poisoned the entire atmosphere or courtroom" with her lies

Derstine says the court proceedings are important, a "special time". Almost all of the people who testified took that into account.

But McClintic poisoned the atmosphere of the courtroom.

omg (insert "say what" smiley here).
Derstine has wrapped up his closing. He thanks jurors for their attention.

Gowdey says he will start his closing tomorrow. Back at 10.

RaffertyLFP: Too late in the day for the Crown to start, Court recessed until tomorrow
And do you remember when there was a "dispute" between Rod and Tara and James after one of their press releases on her lawn? Was that relating to Rod's suggesting Tori was targeted? JMO/IMO/MOO

No. That was because Tara said something about not crying and not wanted to be compared to Susan Smith. Rodney asked her if she was implying that his crying made him like Susan Smith.

basically that
Where has it been proven that TLM knew Tori?

It was not proven that she did not either. The extreme likelihood is there of some remote acquaintance. Poor Tori, skipped along and chatted with too much trust for stranger danger. JMO
She said he had killed Tori soon after he said he was going to stop visiting.

Derstine suggests McClintic thought Rafferty helped her out, and she didn't want him to go to police on her.

RaffertyLFP: Derstine said it was McClintic who initiated contact with Rafferty after the crime

RaffertyLFP: Derstine said that Rafferty and McClintic maintained contact because both feared the other would go to the police

I am sorry that is just ridiculous if that was the case why the F would he go there??? Something is not right about those words.
Steven D'Souza ‏ @cbcsteve
Derstine summing up his closing arguments now. Tells jury: Be dispassionate, remember McClintic: "is no friend of the truth"

Hey I think he stole that from Ashton!! No fair!
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