Tru-TV/IN session Caylee Anthony coverage

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From what I remember seeing the jail logs..he has not spent much time with her and IIRC the last time he visited her in jail was August 2010...

I will go look again to see if he has gone to visit her in 2011

Nope. I don't see any visits from Mason between Feb thru mid April 2011

Thanks for pointing this out !
He's probably spent the least amount of time with her than all of the rest of the team ... (besides Sims) ... CM's got an ego that dwarfs Jose's ... his bullying of the judges in this case says a lot and is way over the top ... he has no excuse as far as knowledge of protocol, courtroom and criminal procedure ... he knows what's expected of him, he just doesn't give a ***** ... he'll do what he darn well wants to ... if he's called on the carpet about it, he'll claim bias ... he's just a nasty old coot ...
I see nothing esteemed, or well-respected, or knowledgeable about him now that I've gotten to see him in action .... :loser:
CM keeps saying the sunshine laws are wrong, that it paints a guilty verdict for ICA, that everyone is judging her based on the info released by the SA through the Sunshine Laws, not by his true facts of the case. (my words)

I like the Sunshine Laws.
Not only does it show the evidence that the SA has to prove their case, it also opens up the records to a lot of disgusting evidence that goes against ICA. The SA are not making up stuff to slant our thoughts and they are not trying to try this case in the public. They are releasing evidence that was discovered and it is up to us to determine if and how the pieces go together.

To this date, we have not seen anything from the defense that could prove their case.
If the DT had released any of their evidence that showed ICA to be innocent, we may have had a different ball game.

We would have been discussing the evidence on both sides as it relates to this case. Granted, in this case, we would probably find her guilty anyway, but it's not about the pitfalls of the Sunshine Laws.
Vinnie now asking Casey J. if a Mom kills her daughter would she put a heart shaped sticker over the mouth on the duct tape?

Casey J says evidence is going to be the most powerful . . . a good bye kiss. . . a sign of regret . . a sign of remorse.
playing clips of JA describing how Caylee may have died . . . AL holding kc as kc slinks into her chair . . .
no direct evidence . . . no fingerprints on the duct tape . . . play down the emotional aspect that the prosecution is presenting.
snippets of what CM said:

“She’s a nice human being,”

"… are callous toward her, fed by the media day after day day, don’t know her.”

CM seems to goading the Public that has taken a strong interest in seeking the ultimate Justice for Caylee. ICA wasn't that nice of a human being, IMO. I'm sure her old friends will tell us exactly what she did to them. Liars, in general, are not who I consider nice people. Thieves are not who I consider nice either. I'm still open though, so I hope CM will finally explain what was nice about what happened to Caylee while in her nice mother's care.
The Sunshine Laws are just as useful in pointing to someone's innocence as guilt. It's possible a witness will turn up. Look at LB, of course she was lying but if KC were innocent someone would have stepped forward by now with information useful to the defense.

It's hard to prove someone innocent when they aren't. jmo
JC: Are we gonna see you do some of those cross examinations in this trial?

CM: What do you think?

JC: (laughing) I want to you say it.

CM: The answer is yes. Yes, Jose and I have divided up the witnesses, and he's doing certain ones and I'm doing certain ones, and it's going to be up to...see who the State calls. But, Oh you'll definitely see cross examinations by me and if we have to put on a defense, if it goes that far then you'll see both of us putting on defense witnesses.

What exactly does he mean "if it goes that far"? There is only one reason in my mind that "it wouldn't go that far" and that would be if there is a plea deal.

I think they are hoping for a mistrial. JMHO.
Mason wouldn’t address*why Anthony went 31 days without telling anyone the child was missing. “That’s going to have to wait for trial for the answer,” he said.**”Does it make people prejudiced against her? Yes.”* But he added, “If the child were unlawfully killed, then the crime ended when she was killed. The next day, the next week, the next month really is kind of irrelevant to what happened.”

I am sorry but he really sounds like an idiot saying that stuff.

First of all, it is not 'prejudice' to dislike a mother who ignores that her baby is missing.
It is common sense. Who parties while ignoring their toddler has been 'kidnapped'?

And his other statement is pure nonsense. How can he even pretend that there is no relevance to the behavior of a criminal who is trying to hide a capital crime?

Well said! Thank you! :)

As for CM comments, in the words of JA:
"I don't even know how to respond to that!"
That was the one lie they were able to prove 100%. How about another biggie? Pleading not guilty to stealing Amy's money when KC signed her own name to the checks, there are videos at BOA showing her cashing the checks and also at Target. KC waiting until they were going to trial to admit it and JB made it sound like Amy was the criminal for not dropping the charges.

By-the-way, we are not bloggers, we are sleuthers. We are not idiots as we were not the ones who stood before the media and made comments about KC's guilt prior to joining her team.

As for InSessions, the media always has an angle and we will see it played out on InSessions during the trial.

I truly believe CM enjoys upsetting the judge. We can assume he was responsible for having JS removed. He is still at it with HHJP. CM may think he is being disruptive in the name of justice but JB has everything to lose and CM will lose nothing. He can retire and collect those royalties on his book. How boring would his book be if he just sat there and did what any normal defense attorney would do? There is a method to his madness. It's all about book deals. jmo

ITA Lambchop! There was no other reason for CM to get involved in this case besides fame and fortune ... he's an opportunist first, a lawyer second ...
ITA about CM and the judges ... we know what he did to Strickland and have witnessed him trying to intimidate and manipulate Perry, a CHIEF justice no less ... I would say that takes a pretty big ego and very unethical tactics ...
He prides himself on "fighting the government for 36 years" ... then why did he never run for public office and really make some changes if the system is so wrong ? The answer: MONEY
He's the idiot ... the bloggers know more about the case than he does ... that says it all ...
This is HUGE!!! I think we have the whole thing figured out now...

I am a goof and didn't DVR it - running errands and thought it would be some more JB fluff.:banghead:

Can anyone, anyone??? find or get a transcript or video???? I need to see this whole thing from start to finish...

Ok, breathe....

If it is not online anywhere, I will do that for those who missed it in a little while.
Bon, if CM is as sly as a fox, he'd better show his hand pretty soon - because in the hearings to date - we haven't even been sure he's awake - he seems to be napping....:banghead:

It's pretty easy to talk up a big story - but the proof is in the delivery of the goods. I know what I'm talking about - been in sales all of my life.

The key if it's helpful Mr. Mason is quite simple, talk less, work more and deliver the goods first. And out of three primary requirements as listed, I believe we've seen that you are a "no show".

Pretty impressive, huh?
I'm thinking CM just has a bunch of dirty tricks up his sleeve that he hopes he'll get away with trying in court ... he seems to be forgetting that Chief Justice Belvin Perry is running this courtroom ... IMO CM is no match ...
CM keeps saying the sunshine laws are wrong, that it paints a guilty verdict for ICA, that everyone is judging her based on the info released by the SA through the Sunshine Laws, not by his true facts of the case. (my words)

I like the Sunshine Laws.
Not only does it show the evidence that the SA has to prove their case, it also opens up the records to a lot of disgusting evidence that goes against ICA. The SA are not making up stuff to slant our thoughts and they are not trying to try this case in the public. They are releasing evidence that was discovered and it is up to us to determine if and how the pieces go together.

To this date, we have not seen anything from the defense that could prove their case.
If the DT had released any of their evidence that showed ICA to be innocent, we may have had a different ball game.

We would have been discussing the evidence on both sides as it relates to this case. Granted, in this case, we would probably find her guilty anyway, but it's not about the pitfalls of the Sunshine Laws.

That is it right there - exactly! This case is not about the Sunshine Laws, it is about the murder of two and a half year old Caylee Anthony and the prosecution of her mother, who is charged with the murder. :maddening:

CM chooses to "digress" - to shashay to the left and right, boogie us up the garden path - call it what you will - we are not fooled by your skirting around the issue and talking about everything except the crime and the evidence against your client. :loser:
Just In according to In Session . . . Media has filed an appeal to Dist Court of Appeals re: constitutionality of not revealing where jury selection will take place prior to Monday.

That is it right there - exactly! This case is not about the Sunshine Laws, it is about the murder of two and a half year old Caylee Anthony and the prosecution of her mother, who is charged with the murder. :maddening:

CM chooses to "digress" - to shashay to the left and right, boogie us up the garden path - call it what you will - we are not fooled by your skirting around the issue and talking about everything except the crime and the evidence against your client. :loser:

Dancing 'round the May Pole perhaps?
JC: Are we gonna see you do some of those cross examinations in this trial?

CM: What do you think?

JC: (laughing) I want to you say it.

CM: The answer is yes. Yes, Jose and I have divided up the witnesses, and he's doing certain ones and I'm doing certain ones, and it's going to be up to...see who the State calls. But, Oh you'll definitely see cross examinations by me and if we have to put on a defense, if it goes that far then you'll see both of us putting on defense witnesses.

What exactly does he mean "if it goes that far"? There is only one reason in my mind that "it wouldn't go that far" and that would be if there is a plea deal.

If it goes that far...if we have to put on a Mr. Mason...don't you realize that is the whole point of the trial...that you have to put on a defense... :loser::innocent:
:laugh: And how......:laugh: you think this points.... :laugh: to your client's innocence, Mr. Mason?

Now Logical, he couldn't answer that for Jean, so why would he tell us?!?!?!!

I ate a :cupcake: for us both when he called bloggers idiots - this from a man who thinks LOL = LOTS OF LUCK!

(Uploading part one now for those who missed it. Wenwe4 - was the 5 to 6 hour the same as the noon hour? I fell asleep!)
If only CM would complete the sentance.
"ICA is innocent"..... he never finishes and says "until proven guilty in a court of Law".
I felt bad for his wife in this interview. Even she is affected in a negative way by these Anthonys. They are not popular for any other reason but being the liars CM was talking about and not defending their precious GRanddaughter, so sad. None of ICA's friends have anything to gain by lying for their lying horrible mother-friend. When he talks of his career he is clear as day, when he speaks of the upcoming trial and the defendant he mumbles. At times I can hardly understand what he is saying.
Thanks for the response, logicalgirl
I need someone like you to keep me in line and not let the defense scare me so much :)

Bold mine.

Me too, Bon. I haven't even finished watching it all, (on my DVR), but I have been wavering between screaming at the TV during CM interview, to going to my bathroom and :sick::sick::sick:, to shaking with fear.
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