GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #4

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According to some Turkish news sources, Ziya T got money sent to him from his brother and bought a bus ticket to return to his home town under an assumed name.

Yes it was written that he borrowed 100 TL (65 dollars) which is like nothing for his escape and hiding.
I don't think the point was to broadstroke Ivy Leagues. I think the point is simply that a lot of people have misconceptions about Turkey, and some of those people are not uneducated people.

People have misconceptions about a lot of things. I could also throw out a lot of stereotypes but I don't because I judge people as individuals. Prejudices are part of being human, but our preconceived notions about people and places -- whether backed up by facts or not -- are irrelevant to this case.
According to some Turkish news sources, Ziya T got money sent to him from his brother and bought a bus ticket to return to his home town under an assumed name. He has since left his home town. Apparently, the brother was able to give police material for a dna sample to be taken. Some news agencies have a photo of Ziya. (I don't think the brother was aware of any wrong-doing until the police arrived.) Maybe it has been insinuated to the press that Z is number one suspect or maybe the press have decided that as he is the missing itinerant they have the most info on.

Very interesting. Did LE test the DNA sample Z's brother gave them yet?
That's right.

In fact, Laz is an adjective/noun like Turk or Turkish.

Laz people are an ethnic group, but all or most of them would call themselves Turks or Turks with Laz descent.

Most of them have a hawk-like nose.

Blond hair and blue eyes are quite common, too.

There are really known as nice people. There aren't even (AFAIK) any negative stereotypes about them. IMO, they are very down-to-earth and easygoing people.

They have a great sense of humor. They don't even mind any jokes made about them, e.g. "Six Lazs played Russian roulette and all of them died".

They themselves like telling them.

Really fun people to hang out with. A true ethnic color of Turkey.

Side note:

The term Turk/Turkish is not used to denote any specific ethnic group. Otherwise, all Turks would be questioned as to why they don't look like their ancestors in Central Asia.

So the usage "Turkish" is similar to the usage of "American". And the usage of "Laz" (or Kurdish, etc.) would be similar to the usage of the term "Hispanic".

At least in Turkey. (Not that everybody is totally content with this.)

Yashim, it's getting hard to tell whether you're serious or not. I don't know you well enough to gauge.

But I never said anything negative about any ethnic groups here, Laz or otherwise.
It says: Its been the blanket found at the crime scene belongs to Laz Ziya.

There was an article yesterday saying that they found several DNA's on the blanket. It was just before the news about Laz Ziya was published so I think it wasn't everywhere. I'll translate it if I can find it.

Thank you very much! :) Am waiting for the translation.
I wouldn't be surprised if 10 people's DNA were on that blanket.
People have misconceptions about a lot of things. I could also throw out a lot of stereotypes but I don't because I judge people as individuals. Prejudices are part of being human, but our preconceived notions about people and places -- whether backed up by facts or not -- are irrelevant to this case.

With all due respect, everything about us- those of us on this thread- is irrelevant to this case, since none of us have anything to do with it in the slightest.

In this particular forum, a lot of the erronious information that has floated around has been a direct result of false information, human bias, and prejudice. It has to do with the over-all tone of our conversations, what theories we do and do not entertain, and most recently, whether or not we're at each other's throats.

So I fail to see your point. If, in your opinion, these things are irrelevant, you're obviously free to stop talking about them, and focus on the aspects of the case you do find relevant.
Why would the perp have moved the body to another cave? Wouldn't he risk someone catching him? Why not just leave her in first cave?

Those photos show graffiti so maybe she was taking pictures. Not sure if she would have went in cave, especially if a stranger was around, most women would be scared to do that if no one was around but strange man... Except if she did not see him,

I wonder if that cave went through the other side, that is maybe she went in cave one way thinking she was alone, he went in other entrance and surprised her in cave.

Seems it would be tough, space wise, to kill someone in that cave though..

If killed in cave, could explain why not take jewelry, it was dark maybe he did not see it,
With all due respect, everything about us- those of us on this thread- is irrelevant to this case, since none of us have anything to do with it in the slightest.

In this particular forum, a lot of the erronious information that has floated around has been a direct result of false information, human bias, and prejudice. It has to do with the over-all tone of our conversations, what theories we do and do not entertain, and most recently, whether or not we're at each other's throats.

So I fail to see your point. If, in your opinion, these things are irrelevant, you're obviously free to stop talking about them, and focus on the aspects of the case you do find relevant.

Well, to be frank, it's hard to ignore when there are pages worth of it.
Why would the perp have moved the body to another cave? Wouldn't he risk someone catching him? Why not just leave her in first cave?

Those photos show graffiti so maybe she was taking pictures. Not sure if she would have went in cave, especially if a stranger was around, most women would be scared to do that if no one was around but strange man... Except if she did not see him,

I wonder if that cave went through the other side, that is maybe she went in cave one way thinking she was alone, he went in other entrance and surprised her in cave.

Seems it would be tough, space wise, to kill someone in that cave though..

If killed in cave, could explain why not take jewelry, it was dark maybe he did not see it,

Agree, I don't see why Z would take the time to move Sarai's body from another cave that's not his dwelling to the one that is his, and also place his own blanket on/near her. That doesn't jive.
Perhaps she went into cave#1 took pics not knowing it was a cave dwellers home, beit him there or not. This action being a perceived invasion of ones home or privacy could certaonly enrage the dweller, especially not knowing her intentions with the pics. Word got out that she was filming and the murder ensued. Maybe taken to cave2 which was uninhabited.
Just wondering what happened to the assumptions about Z being from the East of Turkey and his tribesmen.
Just wondering what happened to the assumptions about Z being from the East of Turkey and his tribesmen.

And I'm just wondering what happened to the LE's assumption about Sarai's being murdered in a guy's home and being carried to the cave from there. Can the story change this drastically every single day??
Yashim, it's getting hard to tell whether you're serious or not. I don't know you well enough to gauge.

But I never said anything negative about any ethnic groups here, Laz or otherwise.

I am really really sorry.

You're right. You never said anything negative.

My message was not really a reply to yours.

I was just going to write something like "... the place they live was used to be called Lazistan" or something similar to that.

But as I was writing, I decided to write a bit about the Laz people, my thoughts about them.

At that point I should have erased your quote. Because it was no longer relevant.

And you're right it does seem like a counter arguement to what something you had written. But it wasn't.

I edited my message and erased the quote from your post.

My apologies, again.
And I'm just wondering what happened to the LE's assumption about Sarai's being murdered in a guy's home and being carried to the cave from there. Can the story change this drastically every single day??

Could this have been lost in translation?

Maybe the other cave WAS this guy's home.
Could this have been lost in translation?

Maybe the other cave WAS this guy's home.

No, I don't think so. Two days ago LE believed that Sarai met someone in Eminonu and then they went to a bar at night, then to his place and they were in an argument then a fight. He hit her in the head and then carried her to the cave knowing that there would be a lot of DNA from the people living around the walls. They even assumed he got the blanket from a homeless guy.

This is totally another story. And it can't be lost in translation because I've read them both in Turkish.
No, I don't think so. Two days ago LE believed that Sarai met someone in Eminonu and then they went to a bar at night, then to his place and they were in an argument then a fight. He hit her in the head and then carried her to the cave knowing that there would be a lot of DNA from the people living around the walls. They even assumed he got the blanket from a homeless guy.

This is totally another story. And it can't be lost in translation because I've read them both in Turkish.

Oh, I missed that one. That doesn't even jive with the camera information. Weird.
Oh, I missed that one. That doesn't even jive with the camera information. Weird.
Every single thing about this case is weird. Is it because of the LE or the press who hears a single word from the police station and builds up a whole story on it, I really dont know. I think we get gossips rather than information.
According to some Turkish news sources, Ziya T got money sent to him from his brother and bought a bus ticket to return to his home town under an assumed name. He has since left his home town. Apparently, the brother was able to give police material for a dna sample to be taken. Some news agencies have a photo of Ziya. (I don't think the brother was aware of any wrong-doing until the police arrived.) Maybe it has been insinuated to the press that Z is number one suspect or maybe the press have decided that as he is the missing itinerant they have the most info on.

Well, if all the above is true, he seems a very likely candidate. At least in some way involved.
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