GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #4

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Hey Guys, I know I have been out of the loop for a few days and believe me, I have been reading everyones threads page after page. I find myself up a wee hours of the night, just reading and speculating. I have not voiced any input simply because...well... I have none. Because this story is becoming so overwhelming. And flip flopping every minute.

Before I start to say what I came on her to say, I just want to share with you guys that SS story has really scared me from roaming around alone in the streets alone. I am 29 years old. A lot of people find me to be an attractive woman(which means nothing) but, it scares me a little now. Last night I went out because I had a class to attend at a hotel which was a few blocks from me so I decided to walk (at night,alone) Now mind you, the hotel is in kind of a secluded area and I was saying to myself what the HECK am I doing. I can not tell you how scared and paranoid I was. I kept finding myself turning around and looking every which way possible. A car drove passed and honked his horn at me, It was a guy. I looked at him as he drove by and I proceeded to keep walking. He then stopped at the end of the block and was sitting in his car just watching me.OMG I was scared *****less....I turned down the next block and ran all the way back home. It was most likely nothing. The man probably stopped to see if I was going to approach him but who knows. Now I live in Staten Island. In a very safe neighborhood. Middle class I would say. But the point I guess I'm trying to make is, how SS story I feel will affect a lot of people. I used to walk around with my head down not thinking anything would ever happen to me, which I'm sure SS felt the same way. I will always from now and forever be aware of my surroundings at all times. SS story I believe will save the lives of many. I just wanted to share that with you guys. I know it has nothing to do with anything but when that happened to me last night I couldn't help but think of Sarai and what happened to her.

Now, as a few of you may know from previous posts I have made, that I personally knew Sarai and her family. I used to watch her 2 boys when they were a bit younger. From what I remember,she was such a sweet,caring,free spirited,king hearted, positive, genuine woman who cared tremendously for her 2 boys.

I just came not to long ago from her wake. What bothered me was that the media was actually there with cameras and video cameras. Like really? I was kind of expecting that, but not really thinking it would happen. And I am crying as I type this because it hurt so much to be there. First I would like to tell you guys that it was beautiful how they had it set up inside. Videos and photos on a screen as the sound of music was playing in the background was just very touching to see and hear. As I was approaching the front I noticed the younger son sitting down crying and his grandmother and Steve were consoling him, and thats when I broke. I could not bare to see that. I wish these boys did not have to go through this. I spoke very briefly with her mother and sister and gave my condolences. I just didn't know what to say or how to act. My heart hurt so bad at that moment. I am just happy this family was able to get closure in this. I pray that the power of god reaches out to them and comforts them through this.

I also hope and pray with everything in me, that this b*stard (excuse my language) that did this is found and suffers the rest of his life in jail.

Also want to say thank you, to you guys for the posts and kind words I have read from a lot of you guys. You guys are doing an amazing job at trying to crack this case.I know it means a lot to her family that so many people are involved and care. With that being said, I will continue, and look forward to read whats to come. But, I'm hoping that theres not much left!!!!
Two days ago LE believed that Sarai met someone in Eminonu and then they went to a bar at night, then to his place and they were in an argument then a fight. He hit her in the head and then carried her to the cave knowing that there would be a lot of DNA from the people living around the walls. They even assumed he got the blanket from a homeless guy.

This is totally another story. And it can't be lost in translation because I've read them both in Turkish.

I only recall that early on LE (or someone on the scene) said she had been moved, but not from where. I'm not recalling any more specifics than that. We were certainly considering whether she had been killed in someone's apartment, or in the back of a store (famous carpet seller discussion), etc.

However, I cannot read Turkish and cannot follow Turkish media pieces about this. We have made comments about the lack of veracity in some media pieces, not only Turkish, but UK, and US, too.
And I'm just wondering what happened to the LE's assumption about Sarai's being murdered in a guy's home and being carried to the cave from there. Can the story change this drastically every single day??

I think they were basically conveying the fact that they didn't think she was killed in the cave where she was found. Probably not enough blood... :(... but at that point had quite figured out just where she was killed.
KrysJP --

We are all here on this board because we feel some connection to Sarai's case and we all can't wait to see it solved. I personally am affected by it because I am 34, love photography, and have traveled to Spain to pursue some of my dreams. I'm from NY too. I understand her wanderlust, I guess, to feel the need to experience another place and broaden horizons. I'm rooting for them to catch the killer of someone I would consider a kindred spirit, and she's only a stranger to me. I pray for her family - that they have the strength to move on. This whole experience must be horrifying.
I only recall that early on LE (or someone on the scene) said she had been moved, but not from where. I'm not recalling any more specifics than that. We were certainly considering whether she had been killed in someone's apartment, or in the back of a store (famous carpet seller discussion), etc.

However, I cannot read Turkish and cannot follow Turkish media pieces about this. We have made comments about the lack of veracity in some media pieces, not only Turkish, but UK, and US, too.

I mentioned some threads ago that the US media, at least from what I see on the internet, hasn't really followed all the ups and downs that the Turkish press has. I read an article today from a Staten Island paper that said she had STAYED with Taylan K. Only today did they mention that they were hunting for Z..and they continue to rehash the same crap about her doing it in a bathroom and blah blah blah. They just hatch onto sensational stories and run with them, completely ignoring the new facts on the case. And they are still talking about the Amsterdam guy. UGH.
No, I don't think so. Two days ago LE believed that Sarai met someone in Eminonu and then they went to a bar at night, then to his place and they were in an argument then a fight. He hit her in the head and then carried her to the cave knowing that there would be a lot of DNA from the people living around the walls. They even assumed he got the blanket from a homeless guy.

This is totally another story. And it can't be lost in translation because I've read them both in Turkish.

Interesting, someone else could have killed her, leaving her in the cave bc he knows there would be alot of DNA. Maybe the cave she was left in was Z home and that is how he became involved in it..

If that is the case, it is really going to be hard to get a conviction, you will have one saying personal relationship (or attempt), another saying body is left in his home, maybe another whose blanket is was, maybe anyone who stole ipad... It will be hard to show which of those many people killed her bc they will just blame the next person....I hope not!
I think they were basically conveying the fact that they didn't think she was killed in the cave where she was found. Probably not enough blood... :(... but at that point had quite figured out just where she was killed.

do any of the turkish folk on here know this second cave? is it 'off the beaten' path? (long walk from regular walking areas). i'm assuming it's full of graffiti or has some interesting appeal?
Thank you for your wonderful and deeply moving post. Millions sympathize and many cried for this girl they were never lucky enough to know. And I cannot begin to imagine their pain. I am also so glad she was found and returned, for her families sake. Your posts and input is greatly appreciated.
I just want to share with you guys that SS story has really scared me from roaming around alone in the streets alone. I am 29 years old. A lot of people find me to be an attractive woman(which means nothing) but, it scares me a little now. Last night I went out because I had a class to attend at a hotel which was a few blocks from me so I decided to walk (at night,alone) Now mind you, the hotel is in kind of a secluded area and I was saying to myself what the HECK am I doing. I can not tell you how scared and paranoid I was. I kept finding myself turning around and looking every which way possible. A car drove passed and honked his horn at me, It was a guy. I looked at him as he drove by and I proceeded to keep walking. He then stopped at the end of the block and was sitting in his car just watching me.OMG I was scared *****less....I turned down the next block and ran all the way back home. It was most likely nothing. The man probably stopped to see if I was going to approach him but who knows. Now I live in Staten Island. In a very safe neighborhood. Middle class I would say. But the point I guess I'm trying to make is, how SS story I feel will affect a lot of people. I used to walk around with my head down not thinking anything would ever happen to me, which I'm sure SS felt the same way. I will always from now and forever be aware of my surroundings at all times. SS story I believe will save the lives of many. I just wanted to share that with you guys. I know it has nothing to do with anything but when that happened to me last night I couldn't help but think of Sarai and what happened to her.

It gives me the creeps thinking about that car that followed you and stopped, and I hear you.
It also made me think. If they exonerate the garbage men by DNA, could Sarai have been tricked somehow to enter a killer's vehicle?

Alone in a foreign country, a woman might not hesitate to get into a car with someone she believed was safe: a couple, another photographer, an expat, or someone impersonating an authority figure. She could have gotten into a car or even walked off course to get away from an uncomfortable situation and found herself in a worse scenario.
Especially if it was late or getting dark

Criminals lie, shrewd ones lie and do everything they can to lay the blame elsewhere.
That's most likely including the passports now issued for folks who just want to go to the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

and don't forget Canada! :) We need a passport for Canada now.
I am really really sorry.

You're right. You never said anything negative.

My message was not really a reply to yours.

I was just going to write something like "... the place they live was used to be called Lazistan" or something similar to that.

But as I was writing, I decided to write a bit about the Laz people, my thoughts about them.

At that point I should have erased your quote. Because it was no longer relevant.

And you're right it does seem like a counter arguement to what something you had written. But it wasn't.

I edited my message and erased the quote from your post.

My apologies, again.

I got your PM. Will message you back there.
It gives me the creeps thinking about that car that followed you and stopped, and I hear you.
It also made me think. If they exonerate the garbage men by DNA, could Sarai have been tricked somehow to enter a killer's vehicle?

Alone in a foreign country, a woman might not hesitate to get into a car with someone she believed was safe: a couple, another photographer, an expat, or someone impersonating an authority figure. She could have gotten into a car or even walked off course to get away from an uncomfortable situation and found herself in a worse scenario.
Especially if it was late or getting dark

Criminals lie, shrewd ones lie and do everything they can to lay the blame elsewhere.

Maybe a cab? Or livery car? If getting late, maybe she would have...
Can anyone tell if she was wearing the boots or not? I recall the original report said her boots were off.

According to the article, her boots were found and LE had analyzed/was analyzing the mud to determine where she had been. I would assume they were off if her pants were off, because they would have had to remove her boots to get her pants off. She was supposedly wearing the same outfit she had been wearing in the mall, which included straight leg, close fitting pants. Come to think of it, they did say her pants were torn...maybe she was still wearing her boots...??
Oh, I missed that one. That doesn't even jive with the camera information. Weird.

But it does jive with the report of a white car with a body being removed from it...
KrysJP --

We are all here on this board because we feel some connection to Sarai's case and we all can't wait to see it solved. I personally am affected by it because I am 34, love photography, and have traveled to Spain to pursue some of my dreams. I'm from NY too. I understand her wanderlust, I guess, to feel the need to experience another place and broaden horizons. I'm rooting for them to catch the killer of someone I would consider a kindred spirit, and she's only a stranger to me. I pray for her family - that they have the strength to move on. This whole experience must be horrifying.

Thats why I am constantly on here. You guys have had nothing but respect for Sarai since thread ONE. Some comment I read from other site, are very heart wrenching and cold. I know we are all rooting for them to catch this guy. Thank you, for the kind words.
But it does jive with the report of a white car with a body being removed from it...

The Daily Mail article specifies that LE is saying the body was DRAGGED from one place on the wall to the place she was found (100 m or about 328 ft).

That doesn't support the "white car" theory.
I may be wrong but I think it's the same info as this link that they have spoken to the family of the number one suspect and investigated his house

Thank you, but it seems to have some other information. Perhaps Ziya's reaction to the news (according to his sister)? Also something about the CIA? The translator is very poor at translating Turkish. There's also something about Ziya being unbalanced (the translator's word) for 15 years. It sounds like the family is saying he had a home but loved to live on the streets?
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