TV Station Pushes for Release of ICA Jailhouse Video

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If you had found out they found the remains of a child close to where you lived, wouldn't you have at least started screaming? Yelling for someone to come and explain what you were seeing on tv? The fact that she remained seated and IMO fairly composed leads me to believe she was only fearing what it would mean for her sorry self.

i agree..i WISH they had shown the jury this, i heard of when leonard p. and his team were in the little econ river diving, and found bones( later animal origin) and a bag of toys, i thought its this caylee..ica looked and had NO interest in this. of course not, she KNEW THIS WASNT CAYLEE.( was there ever video of THIS reaction?) fast forward to dec 2008, when they announced the remains of a small child. didnt even mention the gender of the child, she FLIPS out screaming for a sedative...she knew her goose was cooked, they found caylee, and the jig was up...and fearing she was in a heap of trouble. JMO
didn't the guard say he was crying in there? iirc said he didn't take his notepad out till half an hour later.

What I saw was 'frustration', not crying. In the second video right after he takes off his jacket and places it on chair on the other side of the table (Maybe KC was having a snotfest and he was afraid some of it would get on his coat :great:) He went over at one point and looked like he got a box of tissues, but I didn't see either one of them get one or make a gesture like they where wiping their eyes, at least not with a tissue. Baez used both hands to wipe across his eyes and was scooted so far toward the front of the chair that his weight had the back end of it up off the floor. He had his left arm and elbow up on the table and used his left hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, again out of frustration, I don't think he was crying. I think the cop didn't know what he was talking about, it wouldn't be the first time that happened :great:
Second part wasn't as good as the first, but one does have to ask the question: Why call Baez in if she wasn't 100% sure the body was Caylee's? They had 'found' things before that she didn't have a panic attack or demand to see her lawyer about. So, you know she KNEW. And the way Baez was bent forward in that chair, I thought it was going to flip it over on him any minute :) He was worried, very worried, he kept wiping his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose with the left hand he was leaning on. I bet he was trying to figure out what to do next. So she must have enlightened him in on the fact that she did kill Caylee and that is where she put her and there goes her chances of being set free because of the lack of a body.

God, if only. I am so sorry Caylee. So sorry. :(

Great point lowens.
I'd like to add that it's so sad that WE have to tell Caylee we are so sorry. We never got to hold Caylee in our arms and give her kisses and tell her every day that we love her, but the people who did get to do those things call Caylee a "shell" who would have been okay with leaving her in that dumpy swamp just as they were with leaving her in box. GOD MY HEART HURTS!!!!!
That was some really grainy video. I could see her chest heave up and down rapidly and did see her ugly fisties and the grabbing of her own arms. She hyperventilated so badly that her hand must have tingled, I noticed that she opened and closed her hand. She was scared chitless. The girl has a temper for sure. She also has a hard time controlling her anger. We haven't seen the last of her yet. Unless they keep her heavily sedated in the future she'll lash out again.
On Jose, from his body movements I seen worry but it was so grainy how did you guys see tears? Perhaps he was in the , Oh Chit Mode, "Casey, why didn't you mention that you had duct taped her face and nose and tripled bagged her, what are we going to do now?"
I agree that if the jury had seen this tape it would have just went right over their heads like everything else. I think since day one of the trial all they envisioned was GA's penis in little 13 year old Casey mouth on a daily basis before she left for school and for all of the people that think that she's innocent they still envision it.
I'm glad that the judge decided to release the tapes. I thank him. Does it change anything? For those of us who believe that she's guilty, it reinforces our believes. Jose felt it was enough to incriminate her in her daughters death, that's why he fought so hard to keep it hidden. What's that say about him?
Casey is a lost cause. No matter where she goes, there she is. She'll never get away from her own thoughts. NEVER! There is NOTHING special about her. She's not unique. She's not pretty. She's not nice. She's NOTHING.
How is that possible when according to Baez's OS, OCA knew Caylee was dead in June/08 on Day 1?

Oh LG, such a good point and missed by some if not paying attention.

The only reaction that makes sense by Anthony is one of being caught out, she knew that Caylee was in garbage bags, she knew the duct tape was there and she knew she was busted, ie. big old panic attack. Anthony's body language is as much as I suspected but Baez looked shattered.
Well it sure pleases me to see her in misery, even if was for a very short time.
Making fist in that video as she did in some of her jailhouse tapes. Disgusting RIP sweet Caylee.
Granted, I am just catching up.

Tape 1: For more than 5 minutes no one pays any attention to her, as in no one addresses her distress. People are there and they pass in and out of the area where she is. I see figiting, doubling over and inhalations that I cannot tell whether or not they are panicked. BUT-it looks like consciousness of guilt to me.

Regardless of the circumstances leading up to Caylees death (I think murder), SA and DT agreed that Casey had always known where Caylee's body was. I can think of many reasons why the discovery of Caylee would lead to that reaction if Casey killed her daughter. But nothing really springs to mind if Caylee was there as a result of an accident. Either way, she knew her daughter was dead. I could see being resigned or relieved if Caylee were finally found. Then the nightmare would have ended for Casey as well. If Caylee had drowned. I mean, she had the perfect chance to speak her truth then.

But instead she spent another 2.5 years in jail.....because.... see, I am still not getting it.
didn't the guard say he was crying in there? iirc said he didn't take his notepad out till half an hour later.

Yes, we have always known the guard said he was crying....and from what I saw - he was and looked genuinely in distress...
It twists the knife deeper, doesn't it? The verdict hasn't hurt me this much in awhile now. I think I was starting to slowly get past it...the worst thing is feeling so darn helpless. She's out in the world...I pray that God and karma really stick it to her somehow. Somehow. They just have to! *sigh*

And why in the he!! is karma taking so long?
The only thing I can tell you for sure about that video is someone didn't know how to run a camera!...LOL
Was it ever explained who taped this and why?

The only real emotion I ever saw from FCA was when Judge S was announcing his judgement and the verdict was read at the trial. Other than that she is one of the worst actors I've ever seen. She can't even lie well. She lies knowing full well that sooner or later she will be found out and have to come up with another lie. CA isn't as good though, she let some cats out of the bag during the Dr. P interview. It's hard for most to remember their own lies let alone have to remember someone elses and then add to them. I thought it was kinda funny that FCA sat there for so long and you never saw one person go up to her and put their hand on her shoulder to see if she was ok. I even thought I saw her look over towards the desk to check and see if anyone was watching her.
As Vinnie said on HLN tonite, it wouldn't have made any difference to the jurors, they watched the video of FCA and TL in the video store the same day Caylee died. Didn't seem to effect the verdict.

It was mentioned - I think by HHJP - that the normal video camera had broken down so this was a hand held video camera they stuck up there because they wanted to get this recorded and obviously you couldn't have a OCS standing there with a video recorder taping her......which is why the picture is so bad compared to the videos that were usually taken - think jailhouse family tapes.
It twists the knife deeper, doesn't it? The verdict hasn't hurt me this much in awhile now. I think I was starting to slowly get past it...the worst thing is feeling so darn helpless. She's out in the world...I pray that God and karma really stick it to her somehow. Somehow. They just have to! *sigh*

And why is karma taking so long?
seen the video..notice how she doubles over, like shes sick to her stomach??? hmmmm
duct tape could have started anywhere, and ended up as it did for many different reasons. tape starting there and ending up there through all of the water movement, animals etc is pretty far fetched

How in the world could duct tape have started "anywhere" and ended up around Caylee's face so tightly that the mandible was held in place?? Water movement, wind, animals - how?
In this case, there was no eyewitness, and you're not going to get DNA evidence, nor fingerprints because of the length of time from death until the body was recovered- 6 months, and Caylee was underwater- water is a very destructive element to fingerprints and DNA ( I got that directly from a criminalist). The duct tape didn't get there on it's own, that's insane.
Why do you believe there was a drowning at home? Her own mother proposed that theory to her in jail and she pooh-poohed it with "Surprise, surprise"! How do you explain the extraordinary amounts of Chloroform in her trunk???
Her mental issues are that she's a sociopath.

Hey maybe if she accidently drowned at home in the pool - we now know the reason for the hits by the cadaver dogs in the back yard. FCA would have had to lay Caylee's dead body in the sun to dry - so she could finally use the duct tape on her nose and mouth.

Since duct tape does NOT stick to wet skin......:banghead:
If it doesn't make sense to you, then you know your theory is off. When an accident happens, people call 911. They don't come up with a fake babysitter who ran off with their kid. A person would come up with a story like that to hide what had really happened, for fear of the consequences.

Eliminate all other factors, and the one which remains must be the truth. - Sherlock Holmes

They might not call if neglect was at play....say Caylee drowned but Casey didn't notice for two hours? That'd be pretty obvious she wasn't watching her for quite some time....that'd make ya panic and stage a kidnapping.
Why was JB crying? A serious question.

I can seriously give you my opinion believe09. Despite the boos I will get for my answer - I think this is the first time Baez knew for sure the child was dead and his client killed her. And how she killed her. And what she did with her after she killed her. To me he looks seriously shaken in that video - and he keeps using that open handed gesture palm up with one hand while the other remains clenched. He's asking a question and knows/hates the answer. IMO
How in the world could duct tape have started "anywhere" and ended up around Caylee's face so tightly that the mandible was held in place?? Water movement, wind, animals - how?

I guess we have to start quoting the Supreme Court decision in the Huck case all over again......:sigh:
If anything, I'm just glad the "sanitizing" of Casey has been thwarted. Singer and her gang (if they're still out there ) can spin what ever version of events they want. IMO...the fact remains...Casey is a sick pup who wanted only for herself...and nothing for her child.

Was just thinking the same thing! Who upthread was asking about Karma? Sometimes Karma takes baby steps - excruciatingly small steps - one at a time over time...
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