GUILTY TX - Christina Morris, 23, Plano, 30 August 2014 - #29 *Arrest*

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If it was her opinion based off what she read in the article what more can she provide to satisfy you? CM was reported missing Sept 3rd. That article was written Sept 6th. That is 3 days later. So I can see how that is interpreted as a delay in bringing in his phone. I can see her point she presented.

Please do not sit here and demand everyone here provide links to everything that is said. Why not do your own research if you want to prove someone wrong. Let the MODS decide what is allowed or not. They have done a very good job policing us thus far.

This is not helping to find Christina. All my opinions no links provided.

Duly noted. Rather than asking people to provide a link to support their "facts" I'll stop asking.
Wait, exactly where are you getting that HF had more than one phone? Maybe he did, but is this verified?

I find it interesting that some are sleuthing a non-sleuthable harder than the only named suspect. :laughing:

It has been discussed many times that he very well could have had more than 1 phone. That is why I put in ( which one ) as in ? thought .
All as JMO~
as far as non-sleuthable - I am discussing what is in MSM - my opinion and that is acceptable.
HF was in fact requested his phone by PPD - an expectation-directive was given. At what point ? It is not clear - but the fact is he did not turn in any phone to PPD until sometime on the 6th of September, nor did he ever report CM missing.
The blog is not MSM. The blogger is not VI. If you wish to assert that Jonni has personally vouched for the info in the blog, you must provide a link. (Note also that the info in question doesn't even come from the interview.)

Oh brother. I'm not vouching for anything. All I'm saying is no one disputed the blog. I would imagine if something was wrong they would. Moving on now.
Here's something else I noticed about the UptownGirl article....

"Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”"

So does this mean that just because it was reported by UptownGirl, we must also accept that security camera timestamps were correct? EA and CM walked into garage at 3:57 and one minute later EA was on camera leaving the garage? I thought the affidavit said that they were last seen on camera at 3:55?
Mod note

Please knock off the bickering in here. Obviously you're allowed to disagree , but do so in a civil manner.

Telling people what to do and how to post is not allowed.

Personalizing posts in a negative way is not allowed.

If you have a problem with a post please alert and one of us will check it out.

Thank you
Oh brother. I'm not vouching for anything. All I'm saying is no one disputed the blog. I would imagine if something was wrong they would. Moving on now.

JMOM kind of did when she said Jonni no longer speaks to that blogger. I work in media and it's my opinion anyone with a keyboard and Internet connection can throw just about anything out to the free world. It's up to each individual to decide what they choose to believe.

Both the phone and key situations are confusing at best. Personally I think Christina's last communication from her phone was the call to SN. I think the last communication from Christina to Hunter came from EA's phone, more than likely because hers was low on battery. Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much. Just my opinion.

As you've all seen, even mainstream media gets it wrong, and they have editors behind them. I'm choosing to rely on live interviews where I can hear for myself what said person has to say and on the information in the affidavits.

Happy New Year, all....
Duly noted. Rather than asking people to provide a link to support their "facts" I'll stop asking.
All I am saying is picking each other apart and asking for a link any time anyone posts anything is not productive. We are allowed to post without a link. When it is our opinion. When we are referring to information VI's have provided in the last 4 months it is frustrating and time consuming to go back and find exactly where it was said in the thread because someone missed it. I for one have no problem going and finding a link for anything i have said. I even try to be helpful and post links for others if I have the time. But when someone just discredits everything anyway i do not want to waste my time finding links. IMO

Facts require links. We all should know that by now. It is also the MODs job to address those issues, not ours. IMO
JMOM kind of did when she said Jonni no longer speaks to that blogger. I work in media and it's my opinion anyone with a keyboard and Internet connection can throw just about anything out to the free world. It's up to each individual to decide what they choose to believe.

Both the phone and key situations are confusing at best. Personally I think Christina's last communication from her phone was the call to SN. I think the last communication from Christina to Hunter came from EA's phone, more than likely because hers was low on battery. Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much. Just my opinion.

As you've all seen, even mainstream media gets it wrong, and they have editors behind them. I'm choosing to rely on live interviews where I can hear for myself what said person has to say and on the information in the affidavits.

Happy New Year, all....

I think its fine and dandy for people to not like the uptown girl article. It really makes zero difference to me. I just think it's odd to post a link on your facebook to an article you don't think was accurate. Jmo.
JMOM kind of did when she said Jonni no longer speaks to that blogger. I work in media and it's my opinion anyone with a keyboard and Internet connection can throw just about anything out to the free world. It's up to each individual to decide what they choose to believe.

Both the phone and key situations are confusing at best. Personally I think Christina's last communication from her phone was the call to SN. I think the last communication from Christina to Hunter came from EA's phone, more than likely because hers was low on battery. Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much. Just my opinion.

As you've all seen, even mainstream media gets it wrong, and they have editors behind them. I'm choosing to rely on live interviews where I can hear for myself what said person has to say and on the information in the affidavits.

Happy New Year, all....

And what we are presented changes as we go along. I know I asked early on about Christina's phone activity and tracking. A VI told us that the last activity was when she was at the garage and then her phone died or was turned off. Then we read in the affidavit that Christina's phone had activity (ping? incoming call or text?) at 0447. (I honestly believe the VI was giving us the best info they had based on what LE had told them to that point. In all likelihood, LE was holding onto info till they could get an arrest warrant. LE could very well have further activity on Christina's phone beyond 0447.)
With no new info and just some bickering I'll check back. happy new year all!!!
And what we are presented changes as we go along. I know I asked early on about Christina's phone activity and tracking. A VI told us that the last activity was when she was at the garage and then her phone died or was turned off. Then we read in the affidavit that Christina's phone had activity (ping? incoming call or text?) at 0447. (I honestly believe the VI was giving us the best info they had based on what LE had told them to that point. In all likelihood, LE was holding onto info till they could get an arrest warrant. LE could very well have further activity on Christina's phone beyond 0447.)

Yeah when you can't trust what's in the media and you can't trust what LE says, it makes it hard. The affidavits IMO are the best documents to go by, but even they lack enough information to be of a big benefit to us.
JMOM kind of did when she said Jonni no longer speaks to that blogger. I work in media and it's my opinion anyone with a keyboard and Internet connection can throw just about anything out to the free world. It's up to each individual to decide what they choose to believe.

Both the phone and key situations are confusing at best. Personally I think Christina's last communication from her phone was the call to SN. I think the last communication from Christina to Hunter came from EA's phone, more than likely because hers was low on battery. Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much. Just my opinion.

As you've all seen, even mainstream media gets it wrong, and they have editors behind them. I'm choosing to rely on live interviews where I can hear for myself what said person has to say and on the information in the affidavits.

Happy New Year, all....
That's a really valuable point.....
Here's something else I noticed about the UptownGirl article....

"Christina sent a text at 3:36am to her boyfriend who was at home asleep that said “I can’t find the keys to the house.” after no response at 3:58am, 1 minute after the surveillance footage was taken, she sent another text to her boyfriend that said, “Can you please leave the door unlocked?” –As said by her mother “This means she must have gotten a ride with someone.”"

So does this mean that just because it was reported by UptownGirl, we must also accept that security camera timestamps were correct? EA and CM walked into garage at 3:57 and one minute later EA was on camera leaving the garage? I thought the affidavit said that they were last seen on camera at 3:55?

Valid points. I think anyone that has been following this case from day 1 is well aware that the early information that was released by MSM, Jonni, Officer Tilley himself has since changed as the investigation progressed and they find evidence and build their case. Here are links to some examples
A surveillance video released Friday morning from the parking garage where Morris was last seen showed her walking with a close male friend to their respective cars on the first floor. Officer David Tilley, Plano PD spokesman, emphasized that*his department does not believe the*man in the video is responsible for her disappearance.

"The young man that is in that video with her has been questioned repeatedly and has been very cooperative and we have nothing that indicates he is a suspect or even a person of interest in this case," Tilley said. (We know he has now been charged)

Her friend] walked off one way and she walked off the other way,” said Officer David Tilley, Plano PD spokesman, of the last time Morris was seen. “He said he didn’t see anything and didn’t necessarily notice her going to go get her car. He went and got in his car and left.” (Again we found out they were parked next to eachother in the parking garage) ( The video surveillance released does have a time stamp of 3:57 am bottom left corner. This was released to public prior to the 1st affidavit where the PD state 3:55am. I do not know if the 2 minute difference has ever been addressed or explained by PPD)

PPD has a very difficult job because the last known person to be seen with CM has lied since day 1 and intentionally impeding an investigation. IMO
That's a really valuable point.....
SaintGirl, in her excellent post, offered a logical opinion followed by a great point: "Both the phone and key situations are confusing at best. Personally I think Christina's last communication from her phone was the call to SN. I think the last communication from Christina to Hunter came from EA's phone, more than likely because hers was low on battery. Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much. Just my opinion."

The great poiint was this: "Not real sure, however, it's going to matter all that much."....If we accept what we otherwise know from LE, and then examine the possibilities of a text made by CM at 3:58, I think you've nailed it. Whether it existed or not, it really leaves us with the same ensuing possibilities either way!

Without a 3:58 text by CM. In this scenario, at 3:58 CM left in some part of EA's car (several implications that LE thinks she was a passenger, but not specified) and then came to be in the trunk by or before the trip to his residence in the 4:56-5:32 window. She had to have been in that car at some point, and also have been in the trunk at some point (based on DNA evidence), there's no evidence she left that garage in any other fashion, so she had to have been traveling with him in order for her DNA to somehow get into his trunk at some point. The pings from her phone - when combined with the DNA - kill the idea she was never there.

With a 3:58 text by CM. If you add in a 3:58 contact, what changes? We're still left with her leaving the garage with him, and no way to say which way, because the DNA and ping evidence is still the same. If she had her phone, and is sending out a text at 3:58 that isn't an SOS, that certainly would point to her leaving willingly at that point. Then again, if he had overpowered her, he could have gained control of her phone and sent a text himself to allay any suspicion. So we're left with a text at 3:58 by someone, and she's in the trunk or she's not, but she's in the car somewhere.

The same applies to a key. If she had her keys (which LE seems to believe) or if she didn't, she still ended up in that car based on the pings and DNA. And we still won't know whether she was in the trunk, or in the passenger seat, when she left, nor where the car traveled. Or where she is today.

So with or without a 3:58 text, and regardless of the key questions, we're still left with the same set of possibilities, which means ascertaining whether there was a 3:58 text and a missing key, or whether they were mythical, isn't going to really help us anyhow.
The affidavits IMO are the best documents to go by, but even they lack enough information to be of a big benefit to us.

I agree the affidavits are by far the best info we have. However, while they do lack some information, I still think they are a huge benefit, as they offer some of the exact details of hard evidence that LE has. Precision is very valuable, with all the fuzziness out there in the stories.

Would love to see the rest of what they have (that they didn't feel a need to mention) or to know what else they know (that they didn't reveal, because they didn't need to), but I think we can read between the lines and get some hints, even if we don't know all of the "why" they have hidden to back up those inferences.

For me, the best use of the affidavits is as a limiter. Using what they offer, it can keep us from going off in a completely wrong direction, one that's not really possible in light of (some of) what they've found.
Jmo we have a ton of info, considering this is a relatively new, active case, especially when the suspect is not a spouse and victim is still missing.

In those cases (spousal homicides) arrests sometimes come before the victim is found, but in most other missing persons cases, it is fairly rare.
What were the dates that CM attended Texas A & M University?
This is taken from Christina's Linkedin profile:

The University of Texas at Dallas - School of Management
Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Marketing, 3.67
2011 – 2013

I see and (it is known) that it states she graduated with a BS in Marketing from UT-Dallas
However I am specifically inquiring about her time at Texas A&M.
Primary location is at College Station,Texas. with other locations such as Corpus Christi and Kingsville.
CM reported her Texas A&M student ID stolen on March26th 2014. That link of the FWPD report is located in the Media file pg 2.
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