TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #11

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is she able to get in her vmail by another phone? i know i can get mine with a password from another. or does LE or someone else have it where she cant.that has been a q ive had since they took her phone and i hope she can get it back soon she needs atleast that comfort.

Can you do that with a disposable?
Unfortunately, Billie does not have a phone that Hailey would know the number to. That is another thing that is really bothering her.... what if Hailey had just enough time to make one call? Wouldn't you think it would be to Billie? When you call her phone, it goes straight to voice mail.

You have got to be kidding me? A little girl is out there somewhere (hopefully) with no way to reach her mom?!? If it's going to voice mail then I think it's turned off... JMHO
LE is stressing that at least one person's story changed as recently as yesterday and that is not likely to be SA since he is the only one with legal representation. So who does that leave...Billie, Dad, and who else that they consider close to the case? With the word family included? That is the key...

Here's a supposed direct quote (from today's blog) that says "star witnesses" - hmmm - is that the same as family?

We have more witnesses and some of our witnesses have been deceptive in their answers to law enforcement. In fact, Dean is quoted as saying "Some of our star witnesses are being less than truthful and this is frustrating our investigators."


(and it's heartwarming to read the last paragraph in the article where the FBI agent said "he had never seen a community effort like the one here in Mitchell County." The community is reaching out no matter what's in the press.)
IIRC, didn't he say he was at his mother's home? Also, I thought his mom was his "alibi" for his whereabouts during the night/day when Haley was reported missing? I ((think)) SA was at his mother's home and that was his location when he went to Billie to comfort her when the news came out.:dunno:

Praying for the truth to be known and allowed to expedite the location of this dear little girl! I know my brain would be mush at this point IF my child were missing this long! May God grant this community and family strength and fortitude to bring this precious munchkin home to her family!:therethere:

SA was confirmed at his mothers on the day Hailey left the house~Monday.
It has not been said where he came rushing from on Tuesday.
His aunt picked him up after the LDT to take him to stay at his grandmothers after Billie asked him not to come home until Hailey does.
I hope to God that is the case.
Perhaps BD should bring this up with LE. She is the mother of a missing child, and she has the right to know if her own phone is being monitored for calls from the missing child. She deserves that bit of peace of mind.
The sleepover story is what caused BO not to look for Hailey or report her missing until the next day. 24 hours is a huge amount of time in a missing person's case. BO went to work the next morning thinking Hailey was at her friend's house. SA did not have to go to work but he let BO think that he did. IMO, he told that story to buy time to cover up what really happened.


I keep trying to not go there, but you very well may have it right, TGIRecovered.
I'm thinking if H ran away, it was because of the stuff going on at mom's house and if she was going to call anyone - it would be DAD.
You have got to be kidding me? A little girl is out there somewhere (hopefully) with no way to reach her mom?!? If it's going to voice mail then I think it's turned off... JMHO

She spent the night of the 25th and 26th with her dad.
She reportedly wanted to move in with her dad.

If she is out there she may be just as likely to reach out to her dad.
Hopefully that number is ringing to a person.
Here's a supposed direct quote (from today's blog) that says "star witnesses" - hmmm - is that the same as family?

We have more witnesses and some of our witnesses have been deceptive in their answers to law enforcement. In fact, Dean is quoted as saying "Some of our star witnesses are being less than truthful and this is frustrating our investigators."


(and it's heartwarming to read the last paragraph in the article where the FBI agent said "he had never seen a community effort like the one here in Mitchell County." The community is reaching out no matter what's in the press.)
witnesses to WHAT? I know - witnesses to the phone record that verifies she is missing. Witness to her missing? That would be SA. Witnesses to when they last saw her? How would they know that? Phone records don't necessarily mean that person SAW her. But guess there could be references in texts as to who saw what where.

Its getting very late......................
Anything is possible. It's troubling though and I don't like it. At this point I'm not putting my faith in anyone involved.

To quote Mark Klaas. The truth never changes.

Good saying. I also like-if you don't lie, you don't have to remember any thing.

IMO, guessing only, that in this case, people close to Hailey are telling different stories about the same day and possibly the same time.
Anyone know if DD has been interviewed by LE?
Sometimes siblings close in age share things.
I'm thinking if H ran away, it was because of the stuff going on at mom's house and if she was going to call anyone - it would be DAD.

Do we know...are there any living grandparents? Aunts and uncles close by? I don't think that I have heard any mention of any. Just trying to figure out what kind of a support network she had. I remember when B Smith was out there between VA and CA, her aunts and relatives kept getting on TV and pleading for help and answers.

Also, I wonder how the brother is faring. I think that sometimes people forget about the other siblings and the fact that they are not as well equipped as adults to deal with these things (not that any of us should have to be well equipped to deal with these things).
BBM- BD stated on NG that the polygrapher was brought in from Big Spring. Big Spring Texas is just about as small town as one can get. The FBI is involved, get a FBI polygrapher for heavens sake. I would hate to think that my daughters life may depend on some dude from Big Spring with credentials from who knows where.

I got the feeling that she wasn't sure where the polygrapher was from..kinda like she wasn't understanding Nancy's question really. I need to see if Patty has that show recorded and go listen again. I just remember thinking that she didn't seem sure, that's why I have kept asking if we had ever had confirmation as to who administered the polys..
msteach, I remember seeing one article talking about her 2 grandmothers and that they had changed their messages on their machines to messages to her if she called.
OMG...that is so sad. WTH...did LE not think of this before taking her phone? And LE is still saying Hailey could be a runaway??? :banghead:
Just unbelievable!! I hope and pray she could call her dad.

I wanted to BOLD your whole post! Exactly...IF Hailey is a runaway like LE is continually mentioning then why in the name of everything holy did LE take Hailey's only lifeline to her Mother?:furious:
Yes, I do personally know her.
She threatened one of my daughters when they were young.... about 12 yrs old?
I did tell her not to ever do it again. But, I was scared to say anything to her because I know what type of person she is.

I have wondered about her too, and wonder if LE has thoroughly investigated that family. I can't believe that after two weeks, LE is publicly stating that they believe that Hailey is hiding (!) and does not want to be found. They should realize that if that were the case in the beginning, the person who has been hiding her may see her as a danger to them and could harm her! How can they think a 13 year old girl could hide this long?! Those statements by LE upset me a lot.
Good saying. I also like-if you don't lie, you don't have to remember any thing.

IMO, guessing only, that in this case, people close to Hailey are telling different stories about the same day and possibly the same time.
Anyone know if DD has been interviewed by LE?
Sometimes siblings close in age share things.
I've wondered how close Hailey and her brother were too.

Mine were 4 four years apart instead of 3 and it was like having a cobra and a mongoose. They did NOT get along. Now that they're older it has gotten better but back then - nope not a bit.
WOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's you!!!!!!!!! I was trying to put off something the other day and this popped into my head:

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

So I was like yeah yeah ok and so I did it.........it just dawned on me where it came from when I read your last post! lmbo and totally OT, sorry.
I got the feeling that she wasn't sure where the polygrapher was from..kinda like she wasn't understanding Nancy's question really. I need to see if Patty has that show recorded and go listen again. I just remember thinking that she didn't seem sure, that's why I have kept asking if we had ever had confirmation as to who administered the polys..

JMO but BD was pretty sure of herself and stated quite distinctly that the polygrapher was brought in from Big Spring.

As far as LE having Billie's phone, they can make a copy of it and return it promptly.
If they have a warrant they can monitor calls to and from it while it is in Billie's possession. There is no reason or legal standing for them to physically have her phone and control of her number.

If this is accurate information she assert herself and get her phone back, or if she has voluntarily surrendered the physical phone she can get a new phone from her carrier with the same number.

I would like to think this is a misuderstanding on someone's part but it should not be considered acceptable either way.
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