TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #40

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If we are clearly using the information because we think it might be a place that SA is familiar with and could have hidden evidence, it is okay. Just be SURE to link and use initials only.

OK...LE needs to check mom and gmom's home land whatever! Jessica Lunsford was held in a family members home before she was buried ON THE PROPERTY! the family members KNEW IT and reported nothing!
I just got done doing an update and refinement on the timeline. I spent most of the day with the NG transcripts (lol), looking for some specific pieces of info. Boy was that ever fun.

But... having spent all that time and reviewed all the transcripts, as well as going and looking at articles and videos, I finally got something straight in my head. Took me long enough lol.

It's about the polygraphs. And this is all according to Billie.

- Friday, Dec 31 - Shawn and Billie go to take polys, but can't because they both took Ativan the night before.

- Monday, Jan 3 - Shawn and Billie go to take polys, but *again* can't because they both *again* took Ativan the night before.

- Wednesday, Jan 5 - Shawn and Billie take polys. Billie says for this one she took pain meds and antiobiotics for her tooth. Both Billie and Shawn fail their polys.

Not a biggie, but I wanted to post because I got all excited when I figured out wth Billie was saying :floorlaugh:

Hitting "thanks" isn't enough. Thank you SO MUCH for bringing this to us.

So, after the first time they were told they couldn't be polygraphed because they took the drugs, why did they take them again when they knew the tests were being scheduled again???

Something about this has my hinky meter beeping all over the place as it spins through my roof. :waitasec:

CW listed in CC in 2001 obit.
CN listed in Sand or Sandy Springs (on Rt20 on way to Big Spring) same obit.
In the NG transcripts for Jan.18th it says:

"Police say they're convinced text messages deleted off of Hailey's phone..."

Billie said that she saw the 2pm text to MB on the phone before LE took the phone into evidence so I'm wondering why she wouldn't have seen the alleged 12pm call that Hailey had in the yard if she had checked the phone herself? I'm also wondering who deleted the text messages and why? The affidavit says that SA deleted the call records off of his phone in front of LE and that 3 of the calls were to "Billie" so did he delete the calls and texts off of Billie's phone too? Or did Billie have the phone, not Hailey and she deleted them herself? I've also considered that maybe Hailey deleted the texts to hide where she was going and who with but I think we would have seen different activity from LE if that were the case. LE knows where Billie's phone was pinging from the day Hailey disappeared and they know who was called and have the text messages but they are not giving out that information. I think the key to this case lies in those phone records, that's my opinion anyway.

imho...If the phone records are like the Casey Anthony case...the LE's can contact the phone companies and get transcripts of ALL text's and a log of ALL phone calls made by BD, SA and MB's phones.

Let us HOPE and pray that the LE's have been able to do just that. Maybe those phone logs are part of the inconsistencies that LE was talking about early in their investigation!

Well I hope alot of searcher show up tomorrow and a big break in the case.
I sure dont want to see this case go the way of HC case.
Ease her mind. It was dark. Didnt touch her. All seemed alittle weird to me. :waitasec:

It reminds me of Cindy Anthony saying she heard Caylee and Casey breathing through Casey's room door before she left the house the morning of June 16th. They had to be alive that morning so that Casey couldn't have left the house and killed Caylee the night before when Casey and Cindy had a big fight. It sounds like BD wants to believe that she did check on Hailey and Hailey was okay. Maybe it's guilt that's building in her mind and now she's forming a fantasy where she was a good mother that checked on her child when the reality is far different. I'm thinking she's not handling the reality of this situation well at all, and it might be causing her to tell lies and make things up to form a reality she can live with.

I'm not saying it's right, but BD doesn't seem to possess a lot of coping skills at all. Honestly, she should stay off of NG and get away from the media for a bit just to deal with this whole situation instead of letting NG batter her night after night.
imho...If the phone records are like the Casey Anthony case...the LE's can contact the phone companies and get transcripts of ALL text's and a log of ALL phone calls made by BD, SA and MB's phones.

Let us HOPE and pray that the LE's have been able to do just that. Maybe those phone logs are part of the inconsistencies that LE was talking about early in their investigation!

Wasn't BD at work when SA called her? If so and she probably had a phone at work that he called. Maybe getting those records will take a little longer.
No, we can't bring in people who aren't named as suspects. We can look at the areas that the family owns. If there is a public record, that is. We can link to the public record and state the the property is owned by "initials" and it might be a good place to look.

Is it ok to ask for ex-have the barns and silo's been checked? As long as we don't say who the land owner is right? TIA
I would have to ask BD what she meant. There are a lot of reasons that I used to peek in on my young teens to ease my mind. Sometimes it was just because I had a creepy day and looking at them sleeping gave me the warm fuzzies. I didn't always touch them though.

But you definitely saw them sleeping, right? The way BD said it, it seemed like she didn't see actually see Hailey but thought she was there. And there's the big difference. IMO
The only thing BD needs to get is a lawyer.

Now I know this will "shut her up" but - remember the first one to sing gets the deal and a good lawyer will know that. So, again, I say

the only thing BD needs to get is a lawyer.
CW listed in CC in 2001 obit.
CN listed in Sand or Sandy Springs (on Rt20 on way to Big Spring) same obit.

If I didn't live in GA I'd be happy to go place flowers on the grave. To make sure the was no fresh dirt around it! I read a novel about something similar to that. But the victim was actually 3 feet UNDER the freshly dug grave and the casket. It was Called "Dry Ice". Can't believe something similar has never been done. ANY OBITS RECENT? like a death on 12/25?
andriod posted please excuse typos!
CW listed in CC in 2001 obit.
CN listed in Sand or Sandy Springs (on Rt20 on way to Big Spring) same obit.

Do you mean Sand Springs? There is a Sand Springs between Big Spring and Coahoma. I don't remember a cemetery there but there is one in Coahoma. There's a back road that goes through Sand Springs straight to the Coahoma Cemetery.
Wow... 113 people on this thread....Welcome to the 41 guests. Why don't you join us in our quest to find Hailey Dunn?

Here it is 12:30 AM and I am in Florida freezing to death. Going to leave it with you guys and head off to that warm bed and DH. Maybe I can sneek in and not wake him up. Websleuths is my guilty pleasure!!

DEAR GOD...PLEASE BRING HAILEY HOME!! (I hope ya'll are not tired of me screaming this little prayer)
The "ease my mind" thing is killing me here.

My kids are 13 and 17. The 17 y/o sleeps on the couch, so I'm leaving her out for now. My 13 y/o sleeps in his room. I'll open his door, look at his bed, then turn off the tv if he left it on. If I don't see him because he is under the blankets, I'm not going to freak out and assume he's not there.

I'm not going to go up and touch him, he's not a baby anymore.

This is how I "ease my mind".

I don't understand why there is such an issue of her not touching Hailey. She wasn't worried that Hailey had stopped breathing, or snuck out of the house. Why would she touch her???
They named a suspect. Just how deep can you go with where he lived, where worked,where he hunted where he hung out? How much does he know abt CC? Does he chime in on hunting sites or just MM? Where did he go for entertainment? Did he sit in the house every weekend? Did he shoot pool someplace?
Just what do we know about this man?
It is probably just me, however when I would leave for work, I would wake my daughter up to tell her that I was leaving. You know not wanting her to wake with no one here. And yes this was when she was older than 13.
The "ease my mind" thing is killing me here.

My kids are 13 and 17. The 17 y/o sleeps on the couch, so I'm leaving her out for now. My 13 y/o sleeps in his room. I'll open his door, look at his bed, then turn off the tv if he left it on. If I don't see him because he is under the blankets, I'm not going to freak out and assume he's not there.

I'm not going to go up and touch him, he's not a baby anymore.

This is how I "ease my mind".

I don't understand why there is such an issue of her not touching Hailey. She wasn't worried that Hailey had stopped breathing, or snuck out of the house. Why would she touch her???


I'm not quite convinced of that. Especially if something did happen on Sunday night.

As for sneaking out of the house - MB's mom has said that MB spent the night at Hailey's and the last time she (mom) found out that MB and Hailey had sunck out of hte house and were roaming the streets - so its possible that BD was "easing her mind" that Hailey hadn't snuck out again. But, I'm leaning more to the "worried she had stopped breathing".

It wasn't just her words - it was her inflection, her micro expressions, her body language when she offered this up on NG.
Does anyone here actually want to see what they can find out to help with the searches?
They named a suspect. Just how deep can you go with where he lived, where worked,where he hunted where he hung out? How much does he know abt CC? Does he chime in on hunting sites or just MM? Where did he go for entertainment? Did he sit in the house every weekend? Did he shoot pool someplace?
Just what do we know about this man?

Did anyone mark the post made by the poster whom said her daughter had knew SA while in school? Several threads back. And I don't know if she is still posting but maybe she could tell us some of the hangouts?
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