TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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I can't really make sense of all of Kampfer's contradictory statements, but THIS one looks like an admission that BD has good reason to feel frustrated with the investigation, and to think that authorities are not doing enough quickly enough - information about what is being done is not being shared with the family, so they (BD and others) may well think that things, or people, or possible suspects, are not being followed up in a timely fashion.

Then again maybe the police have there reasons for not telling the family everything especially when one of the parents remain friendly with the person suspected of doing something to her daughter and insists on trying to make time lines that will help him. Kemper said himself he could not attend Billies presser because he disagreed with some things she said and IMO if they do have any sensitive information telling her would be just stupid when she could share it with her "friend".

(majority of post removed by LisaB for clarity)
Last thing I wanna mention is that I too feel similarly as you about the RSOs in the area..and were they thoroughly searched or was it just one of those quickly scanned thru each home type of searches{as was done at John Couey's sister's while Jessica Lunsford was in that closet}..you'd think after that thye'd all learn to go that extra step..look in the closets..and basements..etc..because I fear that if it was an RSO that is involved that quite possibly it could be similar to the Lunsford case..with LE not going the full 9 yds..not thoroughly checking..that yes it is a possibility..Hailey very well could have been in one of those homes or on their properties..

My God how many children's lives have to end in a brutal nightmare of rape and murder for our LE agencies to get it and to go that extra step for the sake of all of our children!?

Jaycee Duggard. WTH was up with THAT? That should not have gone on as long as it did. Hidden in plain sight...
We have 2 stories, BD and CD's. It's simple, one is true. One is not. We have no way of knowing which is which.......we can pick one, but we can't "know".

Clint hasn't said much of anything other than on NG and he was flat out wrong, lied or made a mistake. I choose mistake.

BTW: I was answering a ? as to why. I'm not all knowing about anything other than myself... which I said.
Still no Hailey......................WTH!
Please someone update me on what were looking for . I need a case update please
We have 2 stories, BD and CD's. It's simple, one is true. One is not. We have no way of knowing which is which.......we can pick one, but we can't "know".

Or....BD wasn't acting as panicked at noon as she is now letting on. She spoke to CD about what was going on and told him she was coming home to check things out and call her friends then if she couldn't find her, she'd go to the police station. Maybe she asked him to call and check if there was an officer there that day and tell them that she might be coming in?

CD figured he'd wait to hear from BD after she got home but he never did...until DD came over at night, after all the reporting was done and the officer had come to the house, to tell him what all had transpired since the noon phone call. At that point CD knew from DD that HD was in fact actually missing.

I have lived in a couple of po'dunk Texas wide spots in the road we call towns. You call 911. That gets you what you need. If the one LE is at home or wherever, the 911 operator gets a hold of him. 911 is county wide. If for some reason the lone local officer could not get there, they would send county, or depending on the seriousness of the call, if a DPS trooper was closer, they would come.
We have conflicting stories. CD says night. BD says before reporting her missing at 2pm. They conflict. BD is the one saying DD called him, CD didn't say that. He said DD came over there. Besides he couldn't call CD, BD said his phone was broke.

It really makes me wonder if DD went to CD's twice looking for Hailey. The first time on Monday night and when he found out she wasn't there, SA suddenly remembered she said she was going to MB's afterwards. (Didn't BD say SA didn't tell her Hailey was spending the night at MB's until they got home?) That might also be when DD told CD about no one answering the door and the "deer in the headlights look". CD may have been starting to disclose this on NG and BD quickly moved him along to the second time DD asked him about Hailey on Tuesday afternoon and was reported missing. I don't know if any of this makes any sense, I'm just guessing here.
Seems all of a sudden an eerie silence. Hopefully a big break coming soon or better yet Hailey found.

GRACE: But the witnesses say they don`t know if they saw them on Monday or Sunday. But here`s the question.

To Billie, had she been in school on Monday? Was she off for Christmas break?

B. DUNN: No. She was out for Christmas break.

GRACE: So it would be entirely possible for her to have been walking along with two little friends at 1:00?

B. DUNN: Yes. And Sunday I was off of work. We all stayed home on Sunday.

GRACE: So it was not Sunday that she was out walking with little friends.

B. DUNN: I don`t believe so.

Ooooopsy.....what about the surveillance tapes from the stores, Billie?
IIRC Billie said Hailey got home at noon on the 26th.

I figured she had been both places..Do we know what time she was videotaped at the Dollar Store and the other location? (I can never remember where it was) Neither one mentions Hailey going there..so wonder when she went?
Really? Maybe it's just because I live in a larger city where they never close..I just don't understand why she would tell Clint to do that..yet, still go home and check to see if Hailey was there ...especially considering that I *assume* at such a traumatic time that DD was still @ home with a phone and her father across the field, so surely the brother could call BD if Hailey arrived home. (since that was her reason for stopping by there first) Not to mention that IF Billie was that panicked and truly believed that she may have been abducted by a stranger..I would call them to come to me, once I was ALREADY home...NOT leave home and go to them. Even giving her the benefit of doubt that in her panic it didn't occur to her that in a missing persons case LE is going to come out to the home anyway...it still is very odd to me..I'd even go as far to say that in THIS case.. it's EXTREMELY ODD <jmo

Maybe because she felt it was 30 minutes of down time where she didn't know what was going on and she wanted to feel something was being done. He was right there in town so why shouldn't he go. What is the big deal that she asked him to do that. And why didn't he? That is what is EXTREMELY ODD to me. jmo
Okay, then, lets look at it this way, Hailey is seen on Monday,,, then Sa is cleared.period..

I will say this again,,,, that is some really bad luck to quit your job and go home in the am be off the charts for two hours, show up in Big Spring,,,,,,, then come home to find that your girlfriends daughter is going to go spend the night with a gf,,, who is then seen Monday nite with her and an older boy/

Is this a coverup, and the LE is lying,,, bad luck I tell you,,,,,, this is the story we are to believe? I feel the LE needs to come out and do some damage control on all of these sightings and let us know when Hailey was REALLY seen... Is there a woman with a receipt on Monday the 27 that shows when she dropped off her video and saw Hailey and the two teenagers> that puts a spin on the entire story, if that is true,,,,, then SA is innocent.......... jis someone trying to put some unreasonable doubt in our heads?
While I was searching for something else, I found the Nancy Grace interview where Billie talks about easing her mind by looking in on Hailey in her room on Monday 12/27 a.m. before work. After yesterday's PC, I think many of us noted how it was inconsistent that Billie first said it was dark in Hailey's room and she couldn't see her on NG, vs. yesterday's PC where she said that Hailey's tv was on. I have a pretty good memory and would have sworn the tv was not mentioned on NG. Well, I was pretty surprised to find that she had actually mentioned the tv on NG. I totally blocked that out, I guess, because I thought the rest of the statement was so odd. Eyewitness testimony, ear witness testimony, all easily impaired maybe?

From NG transcript 1/12/2011

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and...

Grandmaj: sorry, I think I had a post poofed earlier today; learning my lessons about links and references! :blushing:

I always thought that tv reference was in reference to Sunday night when she looked in on Hailey when BD was going to bed.
Why in the world would you take Shawn out the equation? He SAID he saw her on Monday afternoon around 3:15 pm. He's never denied that. So what?????? :banghead:

Going to bed. Peace.

Well *I* certainly wouldn't take Shawn out of the equation - he's a named suspect, for God's sake. But *Billie* is working hard to. You'd have to ask her why she's doing that.
BD offered to do interviews today. Did no one take her up on it? I havent seen anything.
Link please.


Here ya go:


Dunn was last seen by her mother&#8217;s live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, on Dec. 27, 2010. Shawn reported he was told by Hailey around 3:15 p.m. she would be walking to her dad&#8217;s house then spending the night with a friend, MBG. Hailey&#8217;s dad said she never visited him that day and she reportedly did not spend the night with MB.

OR here's another one:

MIKKILINENI: He says he came home at about 3:15, that he was on his way into the house, and he said Hailey was on her way out, saying, Hey, I`m going to go see a friend, then go over to my dad`s and spend the night at a friend`s house.
I have seen it in other forums while searching for a MSM link ..but, make a guess where those forums that I have seen got it from..you only get one guess BeanE! :crazy:

* runs screaming *

ETA: Wait. Are you saying there's a MSM video linked on my site that has Naomi saying she didn't remember whether she saw Hailey on Monday???
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