TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #53

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And now I have the BOMBSHELL of all BOMBSHELLS!!!!

Shawn and I still got back to Colorado City about 7:30 that evening, and we were probably in bed by nine.

[DD] came in to say good night soon after.

I was kind of upset that Hailey hadn’t called me, and confirmed that Shawn had let me know that she was staying the night with a friend, but I wasn’t worried about her.

I went to bed.


Billie went to bed twice that night. :)


Fried, I tell ya. Fried.

Gosh, it's the same thing. IMO.
I am disappointed to check in on Hailey's thread and not see some new, concrete information.

Where the heck is Hailey Dunn? Where?

Come home sweet child.
Interesting how he worded that because wasnt he supposed to be in the dollar store with Hailey?

Nah, we've never been given any information at all about what's on that video from the Dollar Store or Alco Dept store on 12/26 day time (except that Hailey was there, of course). We know from several articles that LE told Clint about the surveillance tapes on Sunday and assured him she was there. They also offered to let him watch all 30 days of the hotel surveillance to assure himself she was never there.

I'm curious about whether Hailey was alone, what she purchased, what time it was, etc...in regards to the Sunday tapes. But not a word has been released. Imo, there's something pretty important on those tapes for them not to be released, something that could jeopardize the investigation by tipping off a POI or something like that.

Here ya go:


Dunn was last seen by her mother&#8217;s live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, on Dec. 27, 2010. Shawn reported he was told by Hailey around 3:15 p.m. she would be walking to her dad&#8217;s house then spending the night with a friend, MBG. Hailey&#8217;s dad said she never visited him that day and she reportedly did not spend the night with MB.

OR here's another one:

MIKKILINENI: He says he came home at about 3:15, that he was on his way into the house, and he said Hailey was on her way out, saying, Hey, I`m going to go see a friend, then go over to my dad`s and spend the night at a friend`s house.

Darlin I apologized. I misread your post a few up. xoxo
Popping on to say..Hello...Here we are on another thread, and NO news of our Hailey.

czgtz...I see your name at the bottom..I am hoping you are doing OK. I just wanted to say "Thank You" for putting yourself out there and giving us some much needed facts in this case.

Ugh... I have the crud and can not talk...but hey, I can Type!

How is this for really confusing you? LOL Read on...

I know zilch about these new fangled technological devices, so I hope that you will be able to understand where I am going with this line of thought.

Let's say SA is at his mother's house with his phone. Billie's phone is at the house in Colorado City.

I have read that text messages can be sent via the internet.

Could SA have sent a text message via the internet to ultimately appear as though it originated from Billie's phone?

If so, would Billie's phone show that text in the messages folder?

Would the text cause a ping to occur on Billie's phone for text messages that were originally sent via the internet?

Do we know for sure that there is a ping for Billie's phone for that 2pm text?

Your post just made me think of something about that 2 pm text. What do you think the chances are that someone, SA?, could have used something like Spoof Caller ID, I think it's called, to where you call someone but can have your number show up not as your own but someone else's?
You are right SuziQ - Billie did say she saw Hailey Sunday 12/26 night at 10 p.m. (later changed to 11 p.m.) in her room watching tv.

She also said on NG that she saw Hailey before work on 12/27 a.m. in her room watching tv, but couldn't be sure it was her because she didn't touch her (NG 1/12).

In yesterday's press conference, Billie said that she saw Hailey before work in her room with the tv on - early 12/27 a.m.


I do want to clarify the conversation:

GRACE: Well, I don`t know what to believe, either, because I`m getting all these different stories about you having a New Year`s Eve party, and you`re high when you go take the polygraph. Let me ask you this. Let`s get back to the facts. When was the last time you absolutely are positive you saw Hailey?

BILLIE DUNN: I saw her Sunday night.

GRACE: What time, 10:00 PM?

BILLIE DUNN: Probably around 10:00.

GRACE: Now, was that when you looked in her room and it is was dark and you thought she was lying in her bed?

BILLIE DUNN: I did see her in her room, but I saw her watching TV. Monday morning, I looked in her room and it was dark and it looked look she was laying in bed. But I didn`t go touch her, make sure that was her. I just peeked in to make sure she was in bed to ease my mind and...

If you notice, when BD replies about seeing Hailey in her room watching tv, it goes with the conversation above it when NG asks when the last time BD is positive she saw Hailey. At that point she is talking about 10:00 p.m. on that Sunday night when BD saw her in her room watching tv, then BD switches to her looking in Hailey's room on Monday morning.
Hailey is last truely seen by brother at 9pm playing X box. Sun nite 12/27
I am leaving BD out of all of this because I do not believe her at all.
No one (reliable) sees Hailey at all on Monday 12/28 except SA (in his words)
No one sees Hailey on Tuesday 12/29.
BD reports Hailey missing to LE around 4 pm Tues 12/29
Lots of time to cover up any crime, IMO..........
If D. Broke into the house at 4pm, made the calls for his mother, and then went to his fathers it would certainly be after 5pm which I would certainly call night.

Was it 3 or 4 that DD broke in? In December it is dark by 5:00 5:15 I'd call that night.

Wasn't it MONDAY that DD broke into the house, and TUESDAY that he made the phone calls?
As for texting from my internet account. I do it often to my nephews and it shows on their phone my email addy that it was sent from.
Your post just made me think of something about that 2 pm text. What do you think the chances are that someone, SA?, could have used something like Spoof Caller ID, I think it's called, to where you call someone but can have your number show up not as your own but someone else's?

I think in the case of spoof caller ID, the text would show up on MB's phone, but it would NOT show up on HD's cell phone.
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