TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #57

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There are numerous cases of missing and murdered children: And it seems to me that sex and drugs are in the scenario somewhere ! The question is , Are there statistics anywhere that show that this Sex, Drug and Child murders are connected?

Since I am not in the Drug scene ! I just cannot put it together, I can understand the Sex and Drugs, but why the children ? That bothers me so much !

I think the connection is something called "neglect". If so focused on drugs, sex/*advertiser censored*, bf, gf, etc or even Farmville that they pay no attention to the child, and give the perp the opportunity to walk into the scenario. Seems to me the teens here were allowed to come and go without many questions or concern....including the 25 yr old who moved in. JMO
Or are not saying. The suspicion is on SA because he had an unusual day the day she dissappeared. But much of that suspicion has been because of BDs changing stories.

You should keep in mind that allthough SA had an unusual day, so did CD (according the great little table prepared by Janeumayer here) and if you go by BDs changing accounts of the events of those few days, SDs behaviour is also odd.

I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice all the oddities in the other players in this.

Thanks for the link.
Pondering, can you please link the info that confirms that DD was removed by CPS? if I recall correctly, Kampfer issued a statement that he was mistaken when he said that they removed DD. I thought that Billie chose to send DD to live with her brother because of the hateful people cruising the house and throwing things or hurling insults. Has there been a different statement negating Kampfer's statment that he was mistaken?


The police said CPS removed DD. Because Billie says no she sent him away doesnt make it the truth.

I never told my father about the sexual abuse from my uncle. Many young girls don't tell their fathers for a few major reasons.
SHAME is one main reason. The abusers make you feel ashamed and many even tell you that your father will think you are dirty and worthless.
Also, I was afraid that my father would kill mu uncle and no longer be around for me. I barely got to see my Dad enough after the divorce, and I worried that if he hurt my uncle, I would never see him again.

I think there are many reasons victims don't tell. Will they be believed? Who will it hurt? Will it rip the family apart? Threats, shame, all of the above. If she did tell someone, I think it's extremely negligent that nothing was done about it.
I share your frustration, completely. I have a feeling CPS may have been called and investigated. I won't be one bit surprised if more than one report surfaces. IMO, based on everything we've heard and seen thus far, Billie's version of the truth does not match reality. I think she would really manipulate the situation with a case worker and go after the person who called in the complaint (she could probably figure it out) or take it out on Hailey. Heck, her daughter was missing for 3 weeks and she was already talking libel and slander by the media and the public. Extremely self-centered individual who takes no accountability for the clear and present danger she brought into her children's lives.

One of the hardest things about CPS investigations is the child often does not tell the case worker what they told others or what others have seen. Sometimes it's hard to prove neglect or abuse or endangerment - especially with people who can put on an act. Hailey may have been very unhappy, for very good reason, at home. Yet, if she couldn't be with Clint, she probably at least wanted to stay as close to him as as possible (and maybe feared being moved somewhere she didn't know or was too far from Dad). Or, she may have just been afraid of what her mom and/or SA would do if she was honest with a CPS investigator. I just get the feeling CPS was engaged at some point(s)...

I agree with you and also wanted to make a comment on the part that is bolded.
In my stepdaughter's case, the allegations did not have to be proven. CPS took her word for it and gave her mother a choice... she could move the stepdad out or send her to live with her dad. They lived in another state. She chose to send her down here, and her dad was given custody very quickly after the court hearing.
I don't know if it's the difference in state laws or just the CPS agency or even the difference in social workers but it was never a matter of whether to believe her or not... they just removed her from the home. Maybe it's because her mom did not fight it. She did sign papers acknowledging that she didn't protect her and basically giving up her rights.
Frankly, I find it incredible that CD and Naomi weren't positive of the last time they saw Hailey. When someone goes missing, wouldn't the very first thing you think of be, when did I see her last? Why the confusion? Why did N tell BD she saw her on the 27th and then change her mind? Did N not see the missing posters? Why didn't she clarify that HD had removed her red earrings? Was her son with her on the 27th? These are rhetorical questions, I'm not trying to sleuth Naomi. I'm just wondering why all the confusion?

Most didn't believe that N had told BD that she had seen HD on the 27th until she confirmed it during the recent interview. Everyone assumed it was a "lie" but now we know differently.
And the key word to all that is "placed".

DD was "placed" with his uncle. Even BD said on NG that she decided to "place" him there. The article linked above used the word "placement".

DD was "placed" with relatives pending the outcome of this investigation. You can bet a judge was involved and paperwork was signed. That's what they do when they "place" a child.

I think CPS can place a child in temporary custody without having to go before a judge, especially if the parent is in agreement. I do recall Billie saying there was no court hearing. If I am not mistaken, the CPS worker can meet with the judge, explain the situation and he/she can sign the papers for temporary placement. No hearing required. I could be wrong, but I think that is what happened here.
I think it was this from Nancy Grace on the 17th

To Clint Dunn, this is Hailey`s father, Hailey`s father, I know you have been out physically searching for your little girl. What do you make of your mother`s fear that she was attacked by the boyfriend? I don`t want to focus just on the boyfriend, all right, because it could be somebody else. I don`t want to have tunnel vision on him. But she told us, here on the show, that your daughter feared him, that he would come and stand at her door at night.

C. DUNN: Yeah, you know, that kind of scared me, but I really didn`t want to hear it. Like your expert said the other day, it`s her emotions and she`s seen the worst things that can happen out of this. http://archives.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/17/ng.01.html

IMO, I think he doesn't want to hear it now, from his Mom, not that HD told him about it and he didn't want to hear it then, but I could be wrong.

bbm. It's clear to me that Clint was referring to grandma's statements that she thought what's happened to Hailey is that Shawn has attacked her, and that he doesn't want to hear that, because he can't bring himself to think about his little girl being viciously attacked by the Shawn we see in Shawn's horror pics and videos of himself.

I would not be able to think about it either, nor would I want people talking to me about it. I just could not bear it. I would keep hoping my child was alive, and that I could find him, and that I would be able to once more hold him, and calm his fears, and heal his wounds.

My opinion.
On the 911 call she said SA threatened her and CD,but didn't say on the call he threatened Hailey.SA admitted it in interviews,so it had to be on the officers written up report on the call.

Or they interviewed the responding officers, and asked if Shawn had mentioned Hailey at all, and what he'd said, and they recalled he threatened her.
Or they interviewed the responding officers, and asked if Shawn had mentioned Hailey at all, and what he'd said, and they recalled he threatened her.
Isn't it just a bit odd that we have the suspect admitting things like having friends over for "a few drinks" and threatening Hailey, yet Hailey's mother denies these things? Would we not expect it to be the other way around?
In all honesty the articles where it said shes not a person of interest is open to interpretation. I personally think she will be charged with something in the future and if shes not..then she should have been the way she is trying to make sure her own daughter doesnt get justice :(


If a person is not a POI, then I take that to mean they are also not a suspect. From where I sit, I don't think they consider Billie anything other than a disillusioned mother who can't accept that the guy she loves may have harmed her daughter.
AFAIK, it's not a crime to love someone, and I personally think that's all that Billie is guilty of... refusing to accept that Shawn did anything to Hailey.
Now... if she KNOWS he did, that's one thing. She could be charged with obstruction of justice in that case. But I firmly believe she does not know what happened and does not believe he is guilty. That's hard for us to accept, but it's not all that uncommon.
IMO, it's not a matter of not wanting Hailey to have justice. It's simply a matter of not wanting to have to face the fact that she is wrong about Shawn. If he IS guilty, then she is going to be hit with a double whammy.... one, that her daughter is gone, and also that the man she loves and trusts is the one that killed her. That would be very hard to take, IMO.
I'm catching up, so this may already have been posted. There are two interviews with this friend.



Yes, I've seen those - but there's another video with a different girl that I think Amster and I are referring to. Since we're not sleuthing minors, I don't want to give out details but she specifically spoke of Hailey not wanting to be alone with Shawn. I'm searched and searched and have seen "link" but the video is gone.

Anyone else remember this particular video?
Thinking about the blog interview Monday night. Since CD had NS on with him how many think BD may have SA on with her since they are "friendly"?
Thinking about the blog interview Monday night. Since CD had NS on with him how many think BD may have SA on with her since they are "friendly"?

I honestly don't think that will happen. SA has been quiet and will probably stay quiet and out of the limelight. He has a lawyer and there is no doubt that he's been advised not to talk.
I honestly don't think that will happen. SA has been quiet and will probably stay quiet and out of the limelight. He has a lawyer and there is no doubt that he's been advised not to talk.

True. Thats why Im surprised he is still talking to BD. Im surprised if his lawyer told him he could.
Does anyone know where I can find where BD said Shawn told her he wanted to quit his job and she didn't want him to. TIA
True. Thats why Im surprised he is still talking to BD. Im surprised if his lawyer told him he could.

Taking the leap where we end up in a murder trial without a body, I am not one hundred percent sure I see the downside for SA to remain buddy buddy if not a full fledge couple with Billie if she will have it.

As far as reasonable doubt goes it might be worth some major points with the jury if mom is standing by his side, maintaining that HD was seen hours after SA saw her leave the house, and providing the counter testimony to all the people that will say HD was afraid of SA.

Going with the idea that the state is usrually pretty sure of themselves when they go to trial on a murder charge I not sure what other roll of the dice defense would have to work with.

No way in the world we see in showing up for press interviews with her though.
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