TX TX - Jason Landry, 21, en route from TSU to home, car found crashed at Luling, 14 Dec 2020

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Was he meeting someone up Salt Flat Rd to get the narcotics, but why would he do that on his way home?
Or, was he to meet someone to pass off the narcotics?
Or was he even in the car when it went up Salt Flat Rd.?


I've long believed that locals especially have had no doubt that Salt Flat Rd was a destination for whoever drove the car to this location. (Or anybody familiar with TX highways which outdate the Interstate system).

With all respect and courtesy for JL's parents, I think it was a good move to blame a navigational app if for nothing else, to cease the questions being posed to them, and to delay any speculation. Hopefully, this also enabled them to keep the focus on locating their missing son for as long as possible.

The DPS initial crash investigation report must be out to media now, and I think we will soon learn what narcotic was actually inside the backpack. MOO
I think it is important to look at who was Jason Landry. I’ve stated before that his tweets and likes on Twitter say depressed and sad to me. They also show me it’s possible he used weed. I do also think there may be more behind his multiple colleges. Maybe he had to prove himself before being allowed to go to school 2 hours away from home?

Then I look at his love for gaming. Easy to be isolated in that world. And then I notice he changed his cover picture to Spider-Man on November 26th. Jason Landry

Spider-Man represents something to him. What? Why? Is it important he changed to this after Thanksgiving? Was he passing his classes? Could this be how Jason saw himself? Does that give any insight at all? Why Is Spider-Man So Iconic?
Spider-Man’s biggest obstacles are not the supervillains he fights but the daily struggles in his difficult, ordinary life. He feels unpopular. He can’t pay his bills. He has relationship troubles. He’s perpetually worried about disappointing his Aunt May (who is his “mother,” basically). He has to go to school and do homework and wash his Spidey costume, and so on. Even when he’s saving the city as Spider-Man, the public insults him and the press hounds him and he’s unpopular and unappreciated. His boss is a jerk who underpays him and treats him like dirt.

Spider-Man strikes a chord with people because they relate to him. He’s not rich, he’s not a playboy, and he gets beat up a lot even though he’s a superhero. He’s young, he makes a lot of mistakes, and his emotional ups and downs are a driving force in the stories.
Presence of mind to lock the car door before shutting it? Crawled out back window? Car locked with keys in it is weird to me. Staged accident? Brick on gas pedal?

Or, he wrecked the car, stumbled out, shut the door, and then realized... he'd locked himself out? No keys, no phone, no wallet... On a dark, secluded road out in the sticks... Did he decide to break the rear window at that point?

What else could possibly go wrong? #2020

If another person was involved and this was drug related, I would think the phone and narcotics wouldn't be left at the scene. The phone possibly would since it's relatively easy to track both where it would have gone, though, leaving it at the scene would allow LE to see where Jason had been and what stops he made. At least I feel like it would have been tossed away from the wreck and/or distroyed. Forget the phone though, could be a red herring. I definitely don't think the drugs would have been left at the scene.

At this point all of this is baffling. When that's the case I always wonder if this is a case of Occam's razor. Head injury, concussion and wandering off.
I think it is important to look at who was Jason Landry. I’ve stated before that his tweets and likes on Twitter say depressed and sad to me. They also show me it’s possible he used weed. I do also think there may be more behind his multiple colleges. Maybe he had to prove himself before being allowed to go to school 2 hours away from home?

Then I look at his love for gaming. Easy to be isolated in that world. And then I notice he changed his cover picture to Spider-Man on November 26th. Jason Landry

Spider-Man represents something to him. What? Why? Is it important he changed to this after Thanksgiving? Was he passing his classes? Could this be how Jason saw himself? Does that give any insight at all? Why Is Spider-Man So Iconic?
Spider-Man’s biggest obstacles are not the supervillains he fights but the daily struggles in his difficult, ordinary life. He feels unpopular. He can’t pay his bills. He has relationship troubles. He’s perpetually worried about disappointing his Aunt May (who is his “mother,” basically). He has to go to school and do homework and wash his Spidey costume, and so on. Even when he’s saving the city as Spider-Man, the public insults him and the press hounds him and he’s unpopular and unappreciated. His boss is a jerk who underpays him and treats him like dirt.

Spider-Man strikes a chord with people because they relate to him. He’s not rich, he’s not a playboy, and he gets beat up a lot even though he’s a superhero. He’s young, he makes a lot of mistakes, and his emotional ups and downs are a driving force in the stories.
Covid only increases the isolation right now. Most classes online so not much interaction with peers. I still keep going back to how his family and friends are radio silence. Doesn't it seem like they would be doing interviews, begging for leads etc? I think back to all of these other missing person cases, Lacy Peterson, Kristin Smart, Maekenzie Lueck, Kaylee Sawyer. Their family and friends were all over the news. If the parents aren't up to doing interviews, he has two older siblings that could speak on behalf of the family. This is so weird, sad and confusing.
I can’t see leaving his stuff behind unless he was dazed and confused. I do think he was alone...another person would likely have taken his phone, if he intended bad toward Jason, to make sure he could try to delete messages etc...and just grab the wallet to discard elsewhere if no cash. Also I would be more surprised if a college student went home without weed...jmo.

But to leave everything is just so odd. I can only picture him stumbling away and quickly getting lost.
But it's extremely early for a FOI, isn't it?
Active investigation etc?
A vehicle crash or abandoned vehicle report is not the same as a criminal investigation report.

This case is actually two investigations: Crash report being investigated by DPS, and missing person investigation by Caldwell County Sheriff's office.

I don't know about TX but crash reports are public record in WA.

If the police crash report was filed on Dec 13, I don't think obtaining the report on Dec 29 too early to receive this information. MOO
Honestly, even the fact that the picture used on his poster in the beginning is quite an older look for him is a sign to me. How hard was it for family to come up with a picture of him with longer hair and a goatee? How long ago had they seen him? His change in appearance can also be a clue to a change in behavior. MOO.
His picture on his Facebook in September looks quite different than the image on his missing poster. I just don’t think everything was ok in his world. And by the way, this is an iPhone 11 I believe. I have it. Facial recognition to open.


eta: adding link. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1861420504000473&set=a.107299706079237&type=3
Or was he even going home.. or was that just assumed? No statement saying, he was expected at such and such time, or he said he’d be here...
It was mentioned earlier that 21 is an adult and a parent wouldn't expect to know when their college age kiddo is coming home. I must be a weirdo because I have my college kiddos check in with me via text when they are heading home on long drive or road trip and text to let me know they arrived safely to their destination. I guess I feel like since I'm footing the bill for tuition, it's the least they can do. I don't monitor every move by any means, but I would know for sure when they were heading home for a holiday.
Honestly, even the fact that the picture used on his poster in the beginning is quite an older look for him is a sign to me. How hard was it for family to come up with a picture of him with longer hair and a goatee? How long ago had they seen him? His change in appearance can also be a clue to a change in behavior. MOO.
His picture on his Facebook in September looks quite different than the image on his missing poster. I just don’t think everything was ok in his world. And by the way, this is an iPhone 11 I believe. I have it. Facial recognition to open.

View attachment 277383

eta: adding link. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1861420504000473&set=a.107299706079237&type=3

My daughter has the same iPhone. It is setup with facial recognition but has a key pin as a safety.
I think it is important to look at who was Jason Landry. I’ve stated before that his tweets and likes on Twitter say depressed and sad to me.

I'm adding my 2 cents here as I got the impression he was immature after seeing that page (Like 'liking' getting a duck drunk (or being someone that was present to that, I'm unsure which it was. Neither make me very happy with the incident.)).

And your take on Spiderman is very impressive. Wow. Good job! I just watch movies like that for the entertainment factor. I couldn't have come up with your assessment if I had to. lol But it sure is spot on!
I think it is important to look at who was Jason Landry. I’ve stated before that his tweets and likes on Twitter say depressed and sad to me. They also show me it’s possible he used weed. I do also think there may be more behind his multiple colleges. Maybe he had to prove himself before being allowed to go to school 2 hours away from home? <RSBM>

I like this approach and have also thought there’s something behind the frequent college changes.

The lack of statements from friends and possible roommates has made me wonder about his social circle, especially starting a new school during times of covid. It would be hard establishing new friends switching schools each year, and it seems the people speaking up from his hometown are more connected with his father’s church than with Jason.

You mention Spider-Man and his ordinary guy problems — I can connect those dots here. But I have a hard time connecting dots between Jason and a meth circle operating out of Luling, for instance. JMO. But we’ve both thought that figuring out how he (or his car) got there is key.

I sure hope that LE or family (with go-ahead) addresses what was found, because there’s a whole lot of gray between “backpack full of narcotics” and “a THC vape cartridge,” for instance. And it’s just odd to me that the backpack would be outside the car, though I suppose if it is black, it would be easy to miss on the ground at night.

Honestly, I’m not sure what scenario gives him the best chances for survival. I fear they’re slim in all cases. :(
Covid only increases the isolation right now. Most classes online so not much interaction with peers. I still keep going back to how his family and friends are radio silence. Doesn't it seem like they would be doing interviews, begging for leads etc? I think back to all of these other missing person cases, Lacy Peterson, Kristin Smart, Maekenzie Lueck, Kaylee Sawyer. Their family and friends were all over the news. If the parents aren't up to doing interviews, he has two older siblings that could speak on behalf of the family. This is so weird, sad and confusing.

IIRC, Maekenzie Lueck’s parents were criticized because they were silent during the search for her. Her uncle made a statement one time at the press conference with LE when they announced her horrific murder. IMO
Thanks Seattle.
Keys in ignition.
Doors locked.
BUT, he could easily have pushed in the back window if he had wanted access.?

I recall OR LE reported that Matthew Lang kicked out his driver's window after his vehicle was located crashed, and Lang remained missing for nearly a month. In fact, the following link could very likely describe exactly what JL's own family is dealing with right now regarding his investigation.

OSP confirms Matthew Lang who had been missing since October 25 was found deceased
I must be a weirdo because I have my college kiddos check in with me via text when they are heading home on long drive or road trip and text to let me know they arrived safely to their destination. I guess I feel like since I'm footing the bill for tuition, it's the least they can do.

You're not a weirdo. You're a caring parent. I am retired (so definitely not 21!!) and when I leave for my parents house hours away, I had to call before I left, and call as soon as I got back home. That way my mother would know I'm OK and not send the posse out to find me. lol

I also have to email her every single morning before 10am saying anything. The word 'Morning' is fine, I don't even need to say Good morning. She wants to know that I'm alive. She will send someone out to check on me if she can't then reach me by phone after not checking in by 10am. Drives me crazy but I get why she does it. She does the same (emails before 10am) so I'll know she's OK too.
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