Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #5

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I had an experience with that. Altho I can't answer how they did it.

My son and his wife were living apart due to him being transferred to another state with his job and their marriage was rocky because wife didn't want to move. So on a Sat afternoon my daughter gets a call from the wife and she says he just sent me a terrible text and it sounds like he's going to commit suicide. My daughter has her forward the text to her and is horrified by his words. She calls him repeatedly and he doesn't answer. She asks wife where is he? Wife says I dunno probably where he lives.

Daughter calls me while driving to my house and says keep calling him until he answers...he will only answer for you. He does answer and is out of it and won't tell me where he is. Daughter is on the phone with the sheriff's dept in his small town, small county. They go to his house and look thru the windows and there is no evidence he is there. No car in the garage etc. He could be anywhere.

In the meantime his dad and I both take turns trying to get him to tell us where he is. He is so out of it and won't say but he finally tells me what he took before he goes unconscious. Time is of the essence and I am inconsolable. I call wife on the house phone and she says she has no idea where he is nor does she care.

His open line in which I can still him barely breathing goes dead. Daughter is still on the phone with sheriffs office as they search his yard, neighborhood. She says can you ping his phone? And they say oh yes we can. While I am thinking why didn't you do that two hours ago? But thank God they did.

They ping his phone and he is 500 miles away at the wife's house. My husband calls the wife back and she's not home and won't go home to look for him. She hopes he's dead she says. The sheriff contacts police in the other state and gives my daughter the phone number of the officer headed out to the wife's house.

Now she is talking with him giving him the exact address and filling him in on what we know. Ambulance is also on the way. They find him in the garage. Officer puts her on the phone with paramedic and she tells him what he told us he took. They now know what they are working with and get him to the hospital where he spent a couple of days in intensive care and then another week in the hospital before he went to another hospital for the suicide attempt.

Wife never once told us he had driven down that morning to surprise her.....roses in hand. She surprised him by being in bed with another man. They left him there heart broken. I hate her to this day and will never forgive her. But he's well and happy and divorced altho the wife fought like hell to get him back when she realized he didn't want her anymore. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Oh Sassy, so relieved for you that your son survived it! But what a living nightmare! I will never understand that degree of evil that can sit back and not help while another person's life is in danger.

Thankfully, she's out of your lives forever. So happy too to hear that your son is now doing well too.

He was so blessed to have such loving, caring parents and a sister who did everything they could which ultimately saved his life.

Good point too about the sheriff's office finding his phone and relaying the information. However they accomplished it, it's so wonderful they did.

Sounds like your son had someone up above in his corner too. Wow. Thank you for sharing!
VI said HCSO didn’t want to disclose how they knew MC made it home after Walmart. Maybe BC found clothes in the washing machine-before she checked the shop, alerted the neighbors and called 911. It’s a stretch to think she checked the washing machine considering she was so rattled. It makes me think there was more evidence in the house than shop.
According to Meeks, MC was “severely depressed” for the three weeks immediately prior to his disappearance.

At least for me, when severely and clinically depressed, laundry is one of the first things that goes out of the window. As gross as it sounds, I would come home from the hospital to two, three weeks’ worth of (if not more) dirty laundry and dishes.

Due to HIPAA, I don’t believe we will ever know whether MC had been diagnosed with depression by a clinician until/unless there is a criminal indictment(s) or a civil lawsuit(s), e.g., wrongful death.

Our VI posted on April 10, 2017:

“Health records have been obtained by law enforcement, no indications of any stage of mental illness. As someone who knows him, I can attest that he was sharp as a tack.”

However, she also posted two days later:

“The sheriff's department is getting medical records. Hopefully they have them already. “

So I don’t believe we know with absolute certainty if HCSO ever even obtained MC’s medical records.

As kidetec22 pointed out upthread, Meeks stated he called Suzy and JC1 to apologize for publicly discussing the suicide theory. This leads me to believe he had already shared the suicide scenario with BC, and she had no problem with it. This, in turn, also leads me to believe BC was the one who told Meeks MC had been “severely depressed.”

Yet, supposedly, “she asked him to pick up her mascara and he offered to do the laundry so she wouldn't have to that evening.”

Here is our VI’s post the above quote comes from:


It may not mean anything, but why did BC even mention MC offered to do laundry? How is it relevant to his disappearance? If anything, this indicates to me he was far from being depressed.

I am now wondering if there was any DFD shirt or blue sweatpants in the washer or dryer when HCSO first arrived at the scene after the 911 call (which I seriously doubt that they checked).

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Good post! Important points you've brought up. I agree with everything you say. I too believe the 'severe depression' information comes from BC.

I can believe he was depressed. Sounds like he had good reason to feel that way. But depression and suicidal behavior do not necessarily go hand in hand. Suicide is not an extension of depression for everyone. ( Not meaning you were saying that, but just my own observation. )

Your question about the laundry comment is shared by many. I seem to be the only one who does not see it as odd at all. I still think it could be one of those off the cuff comments BC made when MC disappeared.

For instance, in response to whether MC had told her of any plans for that day. She could have answered that no, she didn't know of any - that he had even offered to do her laundry for her in order that she didn't have to do it that evening when she got home.

But you've also made a really good point about the possibility of MC's clothes sitting in the washer or dryer when the HCSO arrived, even if they didn't check.

Good thinking!

I had an experience with that. Altho I can't answer how they did it.

My son and his wife were living apart due to him being transferred to another state with his job and their marriage was rocky because wife didn't want to move. So on a Sat afternoon my daughter gets a call from the wife and she says he just sent me a terrible text and it sounds like he's going to commit suicide. My daughter has her forward the text to her and is horrified by his words. She calls him repeatedly and he doesn't answer. She asks wife where is he? Wife says I dunno probably where he lives.

Daughter calls me while driving to my house and says keep calling him until he answers...he will only answer for you. He does answer and is out of it and won't tell me where he is. Daughter is on the phone with the sheriff's dept in his small town, small county. They go to his house and look thru the windows and there is no evidence he is there. No car in the garage etc. He could be anywhere.

In the meantime his dad and I both take turns trying to get him to tell us where he is. He is so out of it and won't say but he finally tells me what he took before he goes unconscious. Time is of the essence and I am inconsolable. I call wife on the house phone and she says she has no idea where he is nor does she care.

His open line in which I can still him barely breathing goes dead. Daughter is still on the phone with sheriffs office as they search his yard, neighborhood. She says can you ping his phone? And they say oh yes we can. While I am thinking why didn't you do that two hours ago? But thank God they did.

They ping his phone and he is 500 miles away at the wife's house. My husband calls the wife back and she's not home and won't go home to look for him. She hopes he's dead she says. The sheriff contacts police in the other state and gives my daughter the phone number of the officer headed out to the wife's house.

Now she is talking with him giving him the exact address and filling him in on what we know. Ambulance is also on the way. They find him in the garage. Officer puts her on the phone with paramedic and she tells him what he told us he took. They now know what they are working with and get him to the hospital where he spent a couple of days in intensive care and then another week in the hospital before he went to another hospital for the suicide attempt.

Wife never once told us he had driven down that morning to surprise her.....roses in hand. She surprised him by being in bed with another man. They left him there heart broken. I hate her to this day and will never forgive her. But he's well and happy and divorced altho the wife fought like hell to get him back when she realized he didn't want her anymore. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Man that's cold. Wow.

You all and PD did an outstanding job of saving his life.

I *believe* there is a way for LE to track a phone in an extreme emergency but there are very strict criteria. I think it may be a homeland security-related thing. It was used near me once while LE was apprehending a fugitive.

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And maybe that is what he was doing when he got back from Wal-Mart.
He didn't want to leave a pile of dirty laundry.

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I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree about this.

I don't want to badger anyone either. So, it's best I let go of the laundry comment completely...;)

Time for me to listen to everyone else's thoughts...
How would clothes in the washer prove that he made it back home from WM? He could have put them in the washer and then went to WM. I think that'd lean more toward him NOT coming back home, if anything, because if he'd come home he'd likely have switched them over. Sorry, rambling. I wonder if the drawer was warm or still running?! Any dryer I have had will shut off after X amount of time after the buzzer goes off. Say an hour. If the dryer was still running when she got home, they could tighten down the timeline with that info.
I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree about this.

I don't want to badger anyone either. So, it's best I let go of the laundry comment completely...;)

Time for me to listen to everyone else's thoughts...
I thought that was the reason for this forum. To talk, agree, disagree, mull over the facts etc.

I certainly don't mind when someone disagrees with the way I think. It hopefully produces productive talk and problem solving.

I do feel bad that I have become "the bad guy" in thinking the way I'm thinking. Some of my "insights" come out of what others have said. It makes sense to me he would have done the laundry for BC.

It seems everyone here has deduced he was murdered. You all must know something I don't.

Again JazzTune, I'm not trying to convince anyone here. But unless this
forum has been retitled to "The Murder of MC by his Unfaithful Wife and her Croonies", then I will continue to speak up when I have a bit of an aha moment. And if it doesn't coincide with what others are thinking, then so be it. I always welcome different thoughts.
Even more so if they're not the same as mine.

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VI said HCSO didn’t want to disclose how they knew MC made it home after Walmart. Maybe BC found clothes in the washing machine-before she checked the shop, alerted the neighbors and called 911. It’s a stretch to think she checked the washing machine considering she was so rattled. It makes me think there was more evidence in the house than shop.

Talullah, I may be thinking of something different, but I remembered the VI saying something along those lines, and then correcting herself by saying she just wanted to get permission first from the HCSO before saying that nothing was unusual in the house.

So I looked up the two posts I was remembering. The first one was # 101 on 4/10/17 in the first thread. She posted:

"...He did go into the house when he arrived home. Details on how we know that withheld for now, sorry. I'll ask the sheriff if it's ok to say that here..."

Her next post that related to that was # 118 in which she stated:

"...Got permission to divulge: His purchase from Walmart were found inside his home in their bedroom/bathroom ( the normal place he would put something like make-up). The receipt was also found in the bathroom trash and all purchases are accounted for - nothing out of the usual..."

Maybe you're referring to something else though? I'll keep looking to make sure I didn't miss something...

ETA: My 'sitting back' didn't last very long... < sigh > :rolleyes:
I thought that was the reason for this forum. To talk, agree, disagree, mull over the facts etc.

I certainly don't mind when someone disagrees with the way I think. It hopefully produces productive talk and problem solving.

I do feel bad that I have become "the bad guy" in thinking the way I'm thinking. Some of my "insights" come out of what others have said. It makes sense to me he would have done the laundry for BC.

It seems everyone here has deduced he was murdered. You all must know something I don't.

Again JazzTune, I'm not trying to convince anyone here. But unless this
forum has been retitled to "The Murder of MC by his Unfaithful Wife and her Croonies", then I will continue to speak up when I have a bit of an aha moment. And if it doesn't coincide with what others are thinking, then so be it. I always welcome different thoughts.
Even more so if they're not the same as mine.

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Oh Razz! I'm so sorry I didn't mean my comment that way at all. Actually I felt like I was the one browbeating everyone, especially about the laundry comment.

I'm sure you've read my last zillion comments on it. My post was really meant to be more of a 'I'm going to stop beating everyone over the head with this.'

It was most definitely NOT a reflection on you at all. It was a reflection on ME and how I can't let something go. That's one of my worst faults. I hold on to something tenaciously to the extreme.

My post was really my poorly written way of saying I was sorry for doing that to everyone here.

Your point of view is very welcome to be discussed! In fact, I think there's far more people who agree with you than me. And that's perfectly fine. It's not a competition. None of us even know who's right or wrong. We don't have enough information to make that clear decision.

I'm going on my gut feeling mainly, but I WANT to hear your opinions.

I'm just so, so sorry that I worded my post that way. I promise I will be much more careful in the future...

ETA: You are not the 'bad guy' in this. I do share some of your beliefs. For one thing I don't think BC had any idea what was going to happen to MC. I think MC's disappearance was a planned hit but my thoughts go to other people...
I have been reading Thread #1 today and came across a couple of posts by our VI that at the time I didn&#8217;t give much thought to, but with everything that has happened since, may be more relevant than I thought initially:

Posted: 04-27-2017, 05:00 PM
(Replying to question:
&#8220;I've been following but not commenting because I had nothing. My grandparents lived in Quinlan when I was young off Lake Tawakoni. It's been years since I've been that way but something struck me today. I know Michael is retired but I also have heard there's a lot of stuff going on with the Dallas police and fire pension lately. How long has he been retired and is there any possibility this pension nonsense has affected him?&#8221;)

&#8220;He retired in 2008. The pension issues in Dallas have the potential to impact ALL retired DFD, but Papaw had discussed this recently (this year) with the Pension Board reps and with Becca... so he wasn't worried about it.&#8221;

Posted: 04-27-2017, 05:08 PM
(Replying to question:
&#8220;I think the pension problems are not affecting those who go ahead and retire. It's those who are not at retirement age that have problems to look forward to when they are ready.&#8221;)

&#8220;The pension issues do have potential to impact retired firemen, but Papaw wasn't worried about it, based on his conversations with Becca.&#8221;


So it was sometime between Jan. and MC&#8217;s disappearance on Mar. 10th that he discussed potential pension-related issues with the Pension Board reps and with BC.

What was discussed during the meeting, I wonder.
I have been reading Thread #1 today and came across a couple of posts by our VI that at the time I didn&#8217;t give much thought to, but with everything that has happened since, may be more relevant than I thought initially:

Posted: 04-27-2017, 05:00 PM
(Replying to question:
&#8220;I've been following but not commenting because I had nothing. My grandparents lived in Quinlan when I was young off Lake Tawakoni. It's been years since I've been that way but something struck me today. I know Michael is retired but I also have heard there's a lot of stuff going on with the Dallas police and fire pension lately. How long has he been retired and is there any possibility this pension nonsense has affected him?&#8221;)

&#8220;He retired in 2008. The pension issues in Dallas have the potential to impact ALL retired DFD, but Papaw had discussed this recently (this year) with the Pension Board reps and with Becca... so he wasn't worried about it.&#8221;

Posted: 04-27-2017, 05:08 PM
(In replying to question:
&#8220;I think the pension problems are not affecting those who go ahead and retire. It's those who are not at retirement age that have problems to look forward to when they are ready.&#8221;)

&#8220;The pension issues do have potential to impact retired firemen, but Papaw wasn't worried about it, based on his conversations with Becca.&#8221;


So it was sometime between Jan. and MC&#8217;s disappearance on Mar. 10th that he discussed potential pension-related issues with the Pension Board reps and with BC.

What was discussed during the meeting, I wonder.

Good catch.
This is just my personal opinion here...

Whether he did the laundry or not doesn’t prove anything one way or the other.

What he bought at WalMart besides the obvious mascara probably isn’t relative.

We’ve disproven the RM suicide theory every which way. It’s bunk. It’s an insult to the public’s intelligence that he’s even trying to push such a story. If he’s going to spin something and twist it, then he should at least make it something that’s plausible.

There is no mystery bike. The PI verified that with the family, and through their own investigating, and publicly announced so.

The VI got most of her information from BC who obviously isn’t truthful, and has reasons to lie about certain things. So I put zero reliance on it. There’s no one who has legitimate firsthand knowledge that is allowed to post such here as a VI.

BC has had multiple affairs per both public knowledge, and the PI investigating.

There’s absolutely nothing that proves he made it home from WalMart, or that he didn’t. Or that he was at the bridge. Knowing how cell phone data works, I have many questions about the legitimacy of it.

There’s nothing that proves the shop was locked, etc., except the words of a Sheriff that has a record of grandstanding and being untruthful, and a woman who obviously has something to hide.

There’s no boat missing. There’s no bike missing. There’s no way that a 70 year old man made it that distance on foot, on a bike, or on anything else without being seen by one single person.

Different ideas that have been presented have been either proven or disproven by common sense, or the research of fact here. So constantly rehashing them isn’t getting us anywhere, or getting us any closer to anything.

BC did many, many questionable things in regards to court proceedings very soon after MC went missing.

Yes, several people here on this forum know quite a bit more about the case than some, but the information known isn’t allowed to be posted without being a VI, or without public links. So any information known by others is basically a moot point.

The only information that I put stock in that’s allowed on here is the word of KIC, and public records. Both speak volumes when looked at. And whatever either says, I take as fact.

Do I personally think he was murdered? Absolutely. By who is the main question that I have. And that’s what I am here to try to figure out. That’s what my own personal research has led me to believe. In the beginning, if people were to look back, I took up for BC somewhat. However, I came across many things that changed my mind.

It would be good if WS would allow a couple of new VIs to respond to questions on here that can direct us to truthful, and honest answers. I hope they will consider that.

Meanwhile, I’m sticking to the hard facts.

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I am sorry for blowing up the thread today. I just couldn’t ignore this one:

Posted by our VI on Apr. 27th:

“In Texas, it's 7 years before declaring dead unless you actively take it to court with at least circumstantial evidence of death. Only Becca would be able to do that, and with the way their pension is set up, she would be ill advised to declare him dead.”

And to now know that BC had already submitted the application for probate of MC’s will seven days before.

Obviously, this doesn’t prove anything. And BC wasn’t required to let anyone know she was starting the process of having MC declared deceased (per our VI, one of the sons did accompany her to the lawyer’s office).

Nonetheless, this just makes me so sad (as well as physically ill), and feel absolutely terrible for the rest of the family.
I am sorry for blowing up the thread today. I just couldn&#8217;t ignore this one:

Posted by our VI on Apr. 27th:

&#8220;In Texas, it's 7 years before declaring dead unless you actively take it to court with at least circumstantial evidence of death. Only Becca would be able to do that, and with the way their pension is set up, she would be ill advised to declare him dead.&#8221;

And to now know that BC had already submitted the application for probate of MC&#8217;s will seven days before.

Obviously, this doesn&#8217;t prove anything. And BC wasn&#8217;t required to let anyone know she was starting the process of having MC declared deceased (per our VI, one of the sons did accompany her to the lawyer&#8217;s office).

Nonetheless, this just makes me so sad (as well as physically ill), and feel absolutely terrible for the rest of the family.

It sure does say a lot about someone's character, if nothing else. It directs my mind toward the word: Calculating. And since it was done secretly: Devious. I can think of plenty of adjectives, but for some reason the ones that would normally pop in my mind to describe a person in this situation, don't apply. Like, devastated, concerned, pleading, helpful, etc.
This is MOO, of course.
Oh Razz! I'm so sorry I didn't mean my comment that way at all. Actually I felt like I was the one browbeating everyone, especially about the laundry comment.

I'm sure you've read my last zillion comments on it. My post was really meant to be more of a 'I'm going to stop beating everyone over the head with this.'

It was most definitely NOT a reflection on you at all. It was a reflection on ME and how I can't let something go. That's one of my worst faults. I hold on to something tenaciously to the extreme.

My post was really my poorly written way of saying I was sorry for doing that to everyone here.

Your point of view is very welcome to be discussed! In fact, I think there's far more people who agree with you than me. And that's perfectly fine. It's not a competition. None of us even know who's right or wrong. We don't have enough information to make that clear decision.

I'm going on my gut feeling mainly, but I WANT to hear your opinions.

I'm just so, so sorry that I worded my post that way. I promise I will be much more careful in the future...

ETA: You are not the 'bad guy' in this. I do share some of your beliefs. For one thing I don't think BC had any idea what was going to happen to MC. I think MC's disappearance was a planned hit but my thoughts go to other people...
The laundry comment was an aha moment for me but for different reasons.

I've always been concerned what MC may have been doing between noon and 2:30.

But doing laundry he told BC he would do makes perfect sense to me. And, I'm sure that the laundry was dried and neatly folded. (I'm not sure he would have put it away or left it at the end of
the bed.) This kind of goes with my theory that he finished up chores that needed attending to. And the house was probably neat and tidy too.

If my husband's family were asked if my husband owned a bike, they would have no clue.

I wonder if retirement was harder for MC than his family is willing to admit. He may have been restless and underfoot, not having a routine that he had when he worked. I wonder if the bike was a gift from BC so he'd get out and about and get a little exercise.

But, maybe things got worse so she agreed to build his dream garage. Maybe he would be happier if he had his own place to work on cars. (I really would be interested in knowing what possessed them to do this. Especially with the loan they took out. But I can understand it if it was to help MC be happy.)

Many of my friends bemoan the day their husbands retired. These were men who had been very successful in their work life. But once that routine ended and adulation for a job well done
was no longer given, it changed them.
They became more dependent on their wives and basically underfoot, expected 3 meals a day, two of them hot meals. And no, none of them have committed suicide to my knowledge, but then, they had/have loving, faithful wives.

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CBS News just had a mini special on PTSD and fire fighters and suicide and why many won't seek help....stigma.

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The laundry comment was an aha moment for me but for different reasons.

I wonder if retirement was harder for MC than his family is willing to admit. He may have been restless and underfoot, not having a routine that he had when he worked. I wonder if the bike was a gift from BC so he'd get out and about and get a little exercise.

But, maybe things got worse so she agreed to build his dream garage. Maybe he would be happier if he had his own place to work on cars. (I really would be interested in knowing what possessed them to do this. Especially with the loan they took out. But I can understand it if it was to help MC be happy.)

Many of my friends bemoan the day their husbands retired. These were men who had been very successful in their work life. But once that routine ended and adulation for a job well done
was no longer given, it changed them.
They became more dependent on their wives and basically underfoot, expected 3 meals a day, two of them hot meals. And no, none of them have committed suicide to my knowledge, but then, they had/have loving, faithful wives.

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I am certainly not a real estate or property tax professional, but according to the Hunt County Appraisal District and Hunt County Clerk Online Services websites, it appears the garage ("METAL BUILDING (EXCELLENT)" was built in 2006:

cad 04152018.jpg

As to the "MAIN AREA," "GARAGE" AND "OPEN PORCH W/ROOF"(s), I remember our VI talking about a fire that took place at their home around the time of the project. IIRC, the fire was caused by a coffee maker that had been left turned on while MC and BC were both out of the house. I haven't been able to find the post yet but will continue to look. If the fire did happen, though, my guess is that those areas of the house had to be rebuilt afterwards.

It appears the project began around May 2006 and ended around March 2007:

property records 2000 A 04152018.jpg

property records 2000 B 04152018.jpg

The house was originally built in 2000, if I am looking at these documents correctly:

property records 2000 04152018.jpg


I am certainly not a real estate or property tax professional, but according to the Hunt County Appraisal District and Hunt County Clerk Online Services websites, it appears the garage ("METAL BUILDING (EXCELLENT)" was built in 2006:

View attachment 132960

As to the "MAIN AREA," "GARAGE" AND "OPEN PORCH W/ROOF"(s), I remember our VI talking about a fire that took place at their home around the time of the project. IIRC, the fire was caused by a coffee maker that had been left turned on while MC and BC were both out of the house. I haven't been able to find the post yet but will continue to look. If the fire did happen, though, my guess is that those areas of the house had to be rebuilt afterwards.

It appears the project began around May 2006 and ended around March 2007:

View attachment 132962

View attachment 132963

The house was originally built in 2000, if I am looking at these documents correctly:

View attachment 132964

Thanks IMHO. I feel you are making a point here but I don't know what it is.

Sorry, the Dense demons have hit.

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CBS News just had a mini special on PTSD and fire fighters and suicide and why many won't seek help....stigma.

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FF do have a much higher risk than Joe Citizen. I'm always glad to see it brought into the public light. Education is the first line of defense.

The biggest thing that keeps me away from that theory is no note to his family.

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