MISTRIAL TX - Nine dead, 20 injured in shootout at Waco bikers' meeting, 17 May 2015

I am not seeing it reported here, but I saw on the CNN "headline banner" that there were weapons hid in the restaurant.

In chip bags, toilets.

About 1,000 weapons including firearms and knives have been recovered from the scene of a deadly Sunday battle between rival motorcycle gangs in the Texas city of Waco that left nine people dead, a police spokesman told broadcaster CNN on Wednesday.

Gang members hid weapons in bags of potato chips and in bathrooms at the Twin Peaks restaurant, where they attacked each other with guns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains, Waco Police Sergeant Patrick Swanton said.
It says 24 out of 171 were from our county. Most were from the I-35 corridor from DFW to San Antonio. I think it said 28 from the San Antonio area. A few west of I-35, and more from the eastern side of the state.

I've read several of the guys had decent city-type jobs, etc., and at least one article (somewhere, sorry) said he was on administrative leave from his Austin city job. For those who may have been innocent in all this, and just got wrapped up in this and weren't armed with chains, clubs, knives and guns, etc., and were there for the "stated" reason of working towards promoting "bikers rights," they may want to rethink their associations. Tough lesson to learn. Don't join a gang (or club) that causes you to pledge allegiance by hustling money, property or drugs from others, and don't squabble over who is wearing what patches and colors. Hello! I know I'm preaching to the choir here (well, I hope so!).

There really are some great bikers out there.

There's no doubt in my mind that the people joining the Bandidos and the other outlaw motorcycle gangs know exactly what they're getting into.

Likewise, the many fine, upstanding citizens who happen to enjoy riding their motorcycles and who like to do so in the company of like-minded people.... they too know which groups to join.

I would guess there is zero (or close to zero) overlap between the two types of groups.
Waco trib on FB (not on their website yet, apparently) states they can now say they found 1,000 weapons inside Twin Peaks. Hidden in toilets, in food, etc.
So apparently these guys don't just show up for an innocent gathering, they've got 1000 weapons stashed.... if there were about 200 bikers there, inside...let's just say that's about an average of 5 per person. Interesting.

Another FB site says one is now out, posted his bond this morning and has an ankle bracelet. Judge Strothers (adore him, LOL) set conditions as: ankle bracelet, no contact with biker gang members, surrender passports, stay away from potential victims or witnesses, and no alcohol and drugs. Darn :)
Waco trib on FB (not on their website yet, apparently) states they can now say they found 1,000 weapons inside Twin Peaks. Hidden in toilets, in food, etc.
So apparently these guys don't just show up for an innocent gathering, they've got 1000 weapons stashed.... if there were about 200 bikers there, inside...let's just say that's about an average of 5 per person. Interesting.

Another FB site says one is now out, posted his bond this morning and has an ankle bracelet. Judge Strothers (adore him, LOL) set conditions as: ankle bracelet, no contact with biker gang members, surrender passports, stay away from potential victims or witnesses, and no alcohol and drugs. Darn :)

That's a lot of rules. And with the number of arrests does anyone really think they will be able to enforce them?
Geez Louise! Maybe Hollingsworth should go sit and interview some of the DPS Intel folks down at the Capitol. He might learn a few things about the Bandidos. Someone needs to make that suggestion to him!
Hollingsworth lost me as a reader a few years ago, LOL.
Sad to hear about that family you know, faw. We parents have it rough, hoping and praying our children don't get sucked into bad things with bad people.

From listening to Hollingsworth talk I conclude that he is either a secret member of Bandidos or else he was threatened by them to give out false, positive spin. I kid you not, I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open & not believing my ears.
I don't get it. The issue of did officers fire shots? Did officers kill any of the dead.

There was a major fight going on. Shots were being fired. There was both active participants and innocents present. Had LE not fired, I would have been upset. That is their job to stop the fighting, by any means at their disposal. I am afraid I wouldn't have done much more than blinked if it turns out that 8 of the 9 dead were killed by LE. After all the higher count goes to the better shot. So don't get upset with LE for stepping in, for doing their jobs.

I have nothing against the police stepping up to do their job.

I do find it interesting that here, with the biker gangs, the police went straight to real bullets. No rubber bullets or tear gas for the biker gangs. Nine dead bikers. No "space to destroy." The incident was stopped quickly and decisively by police. No rioting or looting by the locals while screaming about "no justice no peace." This is how these things should be handled. Texas needs to give some lessons to a few other police departments that I can think of.

Those who see racism everywhere should reflect on the real bullets that took real lives here. I haven't seen anyone crying about what a tragedy it is anytime someone is killed by police, or screaming about police brutality or calling for an investigation into the police department's patterns and practices. I'll trade you a "th" word for real bullets anytime.
I have nothing against the police stepping up to do their job.

I do find it interesting that here, with the biker gangs, the police went straight to real bullets. No rubber bullets or tear gas for the biker gangs. Nine dead bikers. No "space to destroy." The incident was stopped quickly and decisively by police. No rioting or looting by the locals while screaming about "no justice no peace." This is how these things should be handled. Texas needs to give some lessons to a few other police departments that I can think of.

Those who see racism everywhere should reflect on the real bullets that took real lives here. I haven't seen anyone crying about what a tragedy it is anytime someone is killed by police, or screaming about police brutality or calling for an investigation into the police department's patterns and practices. I'll trade you a "th" word for real bullets anytime.

I agree. Looking at the pictures of the arrested I can't help but recognize that they appear to be racially mixed. About half seem to be of a minority. Where are the cries of racism? Where are the exclamations that that they are just poor and misunderstood?

I see this group of ****s the same as I saw the group of ****s in Baltimore. It is not their ethinic origin that I object to, it is their behavior, it is their destruction that I object to.
That's a lot of rules. And with the number of arrests does anyone really think they will be able to enforce them?

No, this is gonna end up costing taxpayers millions and millions, kill half the amzon forest in paperwork, and , at the end of the deal, if any of us are still breathing, three people will be charged with capital murder.

Obviously 170 people did not injure 18 or kill 9 - its a cattle call and at the end of the day millions and millions and millions of taxpayer money that could go for education or poverty - what a waste of money!

Just flat out stupid IMO!
I found out about the guy from Lometa. His comes from a respectable family, graduated top of his high school class, & joined the Marines. How kids like that can go so wrong bewilders me. BTW, he was one of the Cossacks. The word is that Cossacks work hard to recruit ex-military. They should have a fertile field for recruiting in the Waco, Temple, Killeen area since those cities are so close to Fort Hood.
I am not seeing it reported here, but I saw on the CNN "headline banner" that there were weapons hid in the restaurant.

In chip bags, toilets.

About 1,000 weapons including firearms and knives have been recovered from the scene of a deadly Sunday battle between rival motorcycle gangs in the Texas city of Waco that left nine people dead, a police spokesman told broadcaster CNN on Wednesday.

Gang members hid weapons in bags of potato chips and in bathrooms at the Twin Peaks restaurant, where they attacked each other with guns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains, Waco Police Sergeant Patrick Swanton said.

Just MOO i think this will be totally debunked next week - that is just silly - people are hiding guns in Lays potato chips bags when they all have 5 guns on their person in their daily lives -- what is the purpose - obviously their was no need or law that prevented them from having houndreds of "stuff", legally. The notion that they have been , for weeks hiding weapons in some potato chip bags , to me, sounds like Sat night live thats just silly.....................James Bond???

No, this is gonna end up costing taxpayers millions and millions, kill half the amzon forest in paperwork, and , at the end of the deal, if any of us are still breathing, three people will be charged with capital murder.

Obviously 170 people did not injure 18 or kill 9 - its a cattle call and at the end of the day millions and millions and millions of taxpayer money that could go for education or poverty - what a waste of money!

Just flat out stupid IMO!

LOL you are pretty pessimistic. No I don't think they will be able to convict all of them on the current charges. But I am hoping that they will be able to use this as a springboard to make more arrests on their criminal activities. It will make it easier for them to get search warrants, give them the freedom to question others about them. And if they can take down the leaders of the B's and the C's that would put a severe hurt on mc activity in Texas.
Just MOO i think this will be totally debunked next week - that is just silly - people are hiding guns in Lays potato chips bags when they all have 5 guns on their person in their daily lives -- what is the purpose - obviously their was no need or law that prevented them from having houndreds of "stuff", legally. The notion that they have been , for weeks hiding weapons in some potato chip bags , to me, sounds like Sat night live thats just silly.....................James Bond???


When the weapons were hidden is going to be important. Were they hidden before the shootings? That could indicate premedetation. Or were they hidden after the shootings to try to hide their involvement?
I am not seeing it reported here, but I saw on the CNN "headline banner" that there were weapons hid in the restaurant.

In chip bags, toilets.

About 1,000 weapons including firearms and knives have been recovered from the scene of a deadly Sunday battle between rival motorcycle gangs in the Texas city of Waco that left nine people dead, a police spokesman told broadcaster CNN on Wednesday.

Gang members hid weapons in bags of potato chips and in bathrooms at the Twin Peaks restaurant, where they attacked each other with guns, knives, brass knuckles, clubs and chains, Waco Police Sergeant Patrick Swanton said.

My guess would be, there was one gun found in a bathroom, and one found in a potato chip bag.

Another guess would be, every one of the bikers had a pocketknife, and every one of them had their wallet on a chain. I forget how many bikers were reported to be there, but that's several hundred "weapons" right there. Then, a lot of them (perhaps all) had a handgun, either on their person or in their saddlebag. And there were probably a lot of brass knuckles.

I think the news wants us to envision 1,000 guns, but I doubt that was the case.

With that many weapons, and what's been described as an all-out brawl, it's quite amazing there weren't hundreds killed and hundreds more injured. Not to minimize the serious of a large biker-gang brawl, but 9 dead, given how the event was described, sounds like not very many. That's just an average weekend for Chicago.
Can't link right now, maybe someone else can...not sure, it might have been Waco Trib? Sorry

Now they're downgrading that weapons "estimate" to 318, but still counting and it will go up. Also, their thought is they started hiding them once it all started going to hell in a hand basket.

What I was told is it's common for these bikers to have 2 knives in boots, brass knuckles and something else (sorry, can't remember)...so many have a minimum of 4 weapons on them at all times.

Just got out of a meeting with a commercial insurance guy for something, he said one of his customers is currently one being held. Said he comes from a good family. Doesn't know what to think.
Can't link right now, maybe someone else can...not sure, it might have been Waco Trib? Sorry

Now they're downgrading that weapons "estimate" to 318, but still counting and it will go up. Also, their thought is they started hiding them once it all started going to hell in a hand basket.

What I was told is it's common for these bikers to have 2 knives in boots, brass knuckles and something else (sorry, can't remember)...so many have a minimum of 4 weapons on them at all times.

Just got out of a meeting with a commercial insurance guy for something, he said one of his customers is currently one being held. Said he comes from a good family. Doesn't know what to think.

A lot of people are drawn to what they see as the freedom. Some are drawn to the lifestyle. Some are attracted to the brotherhood. A few are even attracted to the violence. It has nothing to do with his family or how he was raised.

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