TX TX - Prisma Denisse Peralta Reyes, 26, did not pick up her child, Mesquite, 17 Apr 2019

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I think if she were slipped something, without having had some drinks, she would have been able to tell and would probably drive herself to the hospital before she’d go to the apartments and have a nonchalant phone conversation... it’s possible she had a few drinks, was drugged and the effects took a minute for her to realize she didn’t feel “just drunk”
Texas Mother Reported Missing After Not Picking Up Child From Babysitter: Report

“Reyes’ mother told CBS 11 News that her daughter has never abandoned her family and never would. The last time she spoke to her daughter was at noon on Wednesday, warning her about the weather, she told CBS 11 News. However, when she called her daughter’s manager later, the manager told her Reyes never returned to work after lunch.”

“The babysitter, who called 911 to report Reyes missing, told Fox4, “Her child is the most important thing in her life.” She added that she spoke to Reyes later that day, “She talking to me 3 or 4 p.m. She was okay,” the babysitter said. “We were talking about her job.”

Several things concern me. Her mom talked to her at noon. Later her mom called her -and her daughter’s manager said Prisma never returned after lunch. So Prisma didn’t tell her mother she didn’t go back to work after lunch. And why would her mom call her manager instead of calling her cell phone?

And she talked to the babysitter around 3-4 about a job she had just quit.
(Not returning after lunch is a sure sign you’re done in my opinion)

Why did she not want anyone to know where she was? Especially what appears to be two important people in her life?
Her mother and the keeper of her child?
Several things concern me. Her mom talked to her at noon. Later her mom called her -and her daughter’s manager said Prisma never returned after lunch. So Prisma didn’t tell her mother she didn’t go back to work after lunch. And why would her mom call her manager instead of calling her cell phone?
Prisma last spoke to her mother before lunch. IMO it is likely that mother's conversation with the manager occured much later, after she or other relatives were unable to reach Prisma on her phone.
There are just too many possibilities given the info we have thus far. Everything at this point is going to be what if’s. Hopefully someone lives around there and can videotape that area for us. It may not give any answers as to where she is, not much to do but sit and wait for all of us not local.
OT...Apt complex is expensive...to me anyway, studios start at $1200/mo. Yikes that is double to where I live. But that may not be especially high for the area though they claim to be “luxury” apartments.

Thats about average for DFW right now. And for that area probably a good deal for people who work downtown and are wanting something less expensive that an apartment in downtown but still close to work.
Do we know how the police located her car (and placed her in the building)? Did they use phone pings/data?
Good question, but it seemed they located her too quickly for them to have got a warrant to ping her location. So how and WHY did they move so quickly with this and not assume it was just a young beautiful woman spending time with a romantic interest?

The babysitter called the police at 9:30 pm on Wednesday the 17th. The police say they located her vehicle on the morning of the 18th there. She is an adult and usually they won’t do anything for 48 hours. How and why did they move so quick on this one or did they just happen upon it? Or is it a stretch to wonder if maybe there was a hang up 911 call from her phone and this is how they justified moving so quick? She is 26 years old and can technically come and go as she pleases so what really alarmed the police into moving that quick?
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Sorry maybe this is cleared up as Im not caught up...but us 12 IS the same as nw hwy. I live in this general area and have been to this dealership.

US 12 is an Interstate running East to West in the most northern states and runs several hundred miles south of the states boarder Canada.. Loop 12 is a loop exit directly off of Northwest Highway or sometimes these offshoot intersections are called “Spurs” like Spur 244 or 248, but 100% NW Highway and Loop 12 are not the same, they are just right on top of one another. Also, Texas is notorious for giving several names to the same roads/highways... you have 635 which 50% of people refer to as LBJ or Lindon B Johnson so it gets very convoluted quickly.
That makes sense. Either way, she does not appear to be distressed. They have talked to the person she was on the phone with, and they did not know where she was at the time.

Is this elevator one that is in a garage that leads to apartments? Or just a garage elevator? (I’ve seen it said that it is to apartments and to a garage, so I’m unclear.).

@indicolite22 - LE do have video of her exiting her vehicle, so I think they do know the time.

As someone else mentioned, her lunch may not have been at noon. Especially if she got off at 7 (I think that is an assumption that another poster made based on her child-pick-up time?). So that leaves less time unaccounted for than I initially thought.

Of course! I think of lunch as happening at noon, but you are right: if she got off work at 7, maybe she started at 10, had an hour for lunch at 2, and that does change the timeline. If she called the babysitter at 3 or 4 to say that she was going for lunch, then the timeline is even later.
Since they did find her vehicle and last know location so quickly, is it possible there was a 911 call, even if someone called and hung up? I searched but since it was a few days ago that she went missing I can’t find records back that far.
This is from a news report, so is this news report inaccurate or do they have cctv of her Jeep in a different apartment complex in Mesquite? The location her car was found where she was last seen on the elevator video, is that apartment building in Mesquite or Dallas? It says the Jeep was seen on video in Mesquite but then the same paragraph says it was later found in Dallas. Maybe poor reporting or wording?

Mesquite mom reported missing after not picking up child

Surveillance video from an apartment complex in Mesquite shows her Jeep Wrangler. It was found abandoned Thursday in Dallas.
I’m so sorry but I cannot find this update that you did?

Dallas (WBAP/KLIF) – Dallas Police are investigating the death of a woman whose body was found Friday in a drainage ditch near the intersection of Bruton and North Masters Roads west of Mesquite. Police say there was no obvious cause of death, so that determination will be up to the Dallas County Medical Examiner. The body has not yet been identified, although police have determined it was not that of Prisma Reyes, a Mesquite woman who was reported missing Wednesday night.

Dallas Police are working to identify a body found in a drainage ditch
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