I don't post here much outside of the occasional comment on Brandon Lawson or Maura Murray lol... so hopefully I don't break any of the rules. I just found out about this case yesterday, so I'll give my first impressions, and then I have some questions that hopefully someone can answer.
First and foremost, this doesn't strike me as a random event. I saw some folks theorizing that this could have been a serial killer, or a random killing. I don't get that. To me, there's no way this was a break-in gone wrong. It also seems silly to think that the victim wasn't targeted. The "swat perp" definitely knew the victim... period. After reviewing the video several times, I think the perp is male. I've read so many comments from people who are convinced the perp is a woman... I just don't see it. I'm not saying it isn't a woman, but I'm leaning strongly towards the perp being a male... specifically an older male. I guess you could say my profile is an older, short, heavyset man, with bad posture, and perhaps some aches and pains. The way the perp walks reminds me of my 68 year old father. In no way am I picking up feminine vibes. I think the blurry picture that appears to show female eyes is nothing more than an optical illusion... but I'll keep an open mind about that. You can probably tell from my "profile" who I think the perp is. I know we don't victim bash here, etc. But if I may say this, there's a certain person some people have suspected, and he has a similar limp where he always walks with his right foot angled out at 45 degrees. If that isn't the "swat perp", then perhaps it's someone trying to implicate him by walking in a similar manner. Hopefully I'm being vague enough. I understand this person has an alibi, but that footage is pretty damning in my opinion... ok, enough of that.
Here are my questions (they may have been answered elsewhere and I missed it). First, is the footage of the perp taken before the murder, after the murder, or is it a composite of both? Do we know if the perp is searching for the victim when they're opening all those doors, or are they attempting to make it look like a burglary? You'd think if they were smashing glass and making all that noise, the victim would have time to escape, or at the very least try to call 911. With my limited knowledge of the case, it almost seems like she must have been deceased at the point all this was happening, otherwise she would have been tipped off to an intruder, and would have attempted to call the police. By the time the victim was aware of what was happening it must have been over pretty quickly. Does that make sense?