UK UK - Christopher Halliwell, suspected serial killer

What's this about Halliwell having a "direct relationship" to/with Linda?!
‘Halliwell was besotted with Linda,’ says Karen. ‘He first met her in 1998 when he dug the footings on her property and used to stalk her. He used to sit in his taxi and watch her walk to work through an alleyway – they later found her mobile phone there. He even used to sketch pictures of her.’

Linda Razzell

The 41 year old mother of four disappeared from Swindon 14 years ago.

Mr Fulcher says in the Express: “Linda is thought to have had a relationship with her builder. Halliwell did building work at her house. She has been missing since March 19, 2002, and there are potential issues with the forensics in the investigation.”

But: Wiltshire Police sources say that while she did have a relationship with a builder, it was not Halliwell.

Make of it what you will.
Make of it what you will.

What I make of it is that I think he's a VERY strong contender for her disappearance... what about the other women he has been connected to (including Claudia), any more "direct relationships"? of the Razzell case from the campaign to clear the husband. They also suggest that she may have done a runner.
I haven't read all of this yet and I'm always wary of the objectivity of these sort of things, but on page 3, the claim that the blood was planted and the conclusions:
After reading this evidence you still have to ask yourself the question “If Glyn is innocent what happened to Linda”?

We have 2 possible explanations to this question, there may be others.

1 She went of her own free will, with or without the help of a third party

2 A third party was involved in abducting her against her will

Where did the 'planted' blood come from? I appreciate it is odd that the blood was missed on the first 2 forensic examinations, but are they suggesting Linda planted it, the abductor planted it, the police planted it?

I don't know what to think, I have no problem thinking CH could be responsible for LR's murder, but I'm not sure.

I need to read more on this.
Thanks for posting that link. I think that shows why you need an MSM or LE link to start a missing persons thread. I can't comment further or I'd be breaking TOS.

The thread was started more than a year after GR was convicted, but that's not mentioned in the OP. It is odd that there weren't more responses, but no doubt people assumed that it was solved. It would not have been in the news by then.
Just bringing this over from the Claudia Lawrence thread. Posted there by FromGermany some time ago :seeya:
I think there is some info in the - long - article that hasn't been on this thread so far.
Also that if he was unsure of when he killed Becky suggests he killed many more women during that time ? IDK

"How many do I need to become a serial killer?" Evil cabbie's sick words to cellmate

The evil cabbie – jailed for 25 years last week for stabbing to death clubber Sian O’Callaghan, 22 – worked across the country and owned around 80 different cars in which he is thought to have picked up victims.

Police are convinced he struck in the eight-year gap between the murders of Sian and first victim Becky Godden-Edwards, 20 - ....

Halliwell, 48 is thought to have used his taxi driver job as a cover to target girls outside clubs and in red light districts late at night.

It also emerged yesterday he was obsessed with multiple murder and studied forensics to keep one step ahead of police.
They added: “We know he travelled all over the country working as a driver, or in the construction industry, and we are also looking at where he took his holidays on his narrow boat. He could have left victims anywhere in the UK.
The cabbie claimed he did not know Becky’s name – only that he killed her in 2003, 2004 or 2005.
Halliwell regularly spent time alone in his own narrow boat on the Kennet and Avon canal, which he has since sold.

Almost no evidence of Halliwell’s forensic “footprint” could be found in the home he shared with his 55-year-old ex-lover.

A source said: “It was as if he didn’t live there. It leads us to ask if he has some other premises, a lock-up or similar, somewhere else, which does contain his life and - horrifically - maybe trophies of his victims.”:

ETA - I've brought the post over as was, but the Mirror article (click link) was from 2012 and is worth a read in full imo.
There was a woman named Trevaline Evans who vanished in Llangollen, which is where one of the canals ends on the routes depicted in a link on an earlier post.
Trevaline Evans who vanished in Llangollen - Earth post #219

Mr Davies, 62, of Froncysyllte, revealed he was stunned to discover his married sister "supposedly had a gentleman friend". (Maybe CH in usual suit?)

Trevaline was believed to have met a man in a Llangollen wine bar, the night before she disappeared.

But yesterday Detective Superintendent Alan Jones said inquiries on the man in the wine bar were closed.

The man's photofit was made from the evidence of two Scottish visitors to Mrs Evans' shop, who thought they later saw him with her in the wine bar. (Would like to see this photofit!)

Halliwell’s letters from jail revealed

“While he was in the witness box I said to him that it was a pleasure ruining his career,” said Halliwell.

“I’ve got no regrets on that point. His one and only mistake was he threatened my kids and he’s paying for it.”

He has also written about his former hobbies, including restoring classic cars, are “irrelevant now”.
Halliwell may be in the frame for the unsolved 1996 murder of Vera Holland:

Police to consider Halliwell link to 20-year-old murder

Cold case detectives investigating the murder of a woman 20 years ago are to look at whether the suspected serial killer Christopher Halliwell could be responsible, the Guardian has learned.

The partially clothed body of Vera Holland, 47, was found on a tip in Berkshire in November 1996. She had been strangled, dumped among rubbish and her body set on fire.

Thames Valley police and Holland’s children made an appeal on Friday for more information about the murder. Officers said they had no prime suspect but confirmed they would speak to colleagues in neighbouring Wiltshire, where Halliwell struck at least twice.
Thanks for the links, Earth.

I'd never heard of Donna Healey despite it being local to me. I think this one is unlikely to be Halliwell. According to the link below, police believe the body was stored indoors for three years before being dumped in a city suburb. The police are thinking it's someone from the area, and I find it hard to disagree.

A fair bit of info here:

And a later article.

They believe her killer must have worked or lived in the area where the body was dumped – and had an urgent need to dispose of it.

Det Chief Insp Morgan said: “It could be that they were moving house, or a partner was moving in with them, or that there were due to be renovations that would disturb the place where they had stored the body.”

He added: “Everything suggests that the answer to Donna’s death lies in the Allerton Park area. It is very unlikely that place was chosen at random.”

Read more at:
Thanks for the links, Earth.

I'd never heard of Donna Healey despite it being local to me. I think this one is unlikely to be Halliwell. According to the link below, police believe the body was stored indoors for three years before being dumped in a city suburb. The police are thinking it's someone from the area, and I find it hard to disagree.

A fair bit of info here:

And a later article.

You a Leeds lass, LB?
You a Leeds lass, LB?
LOL. This has happened before.

I really should have given more thought to my user name. It was supposed to be a self-deprecating pun, not a comment on my physical resemblance to Reese Witherspoon (there is none).

I'm a Leeds lad.

But no harm done, just thought it'd be weird if I let someone think I was female on an internet forum.

Disclaimer: I've never lived or worked within body-carrying distance of Allerton Park.

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