UK - Nurse Lucy Letby Faces 22 Charges - 7 Murder/15 Attempted Murder of Babies #10

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I was kind of hoping there’d be someone who knew LL not as a nurse but as a friend who could give some insight into how she was acting at the time, what she was going through in her personal life etc…

I guess I’ve been wondering since the first arrest whether there was a bad breakup or an ex she was particularly angry with or something going on in her life around 2015..
We know very little about her life outside of work, did she seem distracted or withdrawn for example? Usually in murder cases you get old friends coming out the woodwork with stories in the media for example, yet in this case there’s nothing!

It intrigues me too whether, if guilty, something triggered her to suddenly start trying to kill babies in June 2015. If guilty, I've pondered whether it might have been any of the following possibilities:

  1. If something significant had happened in her personal life (a death, a break up, pregnancy loss etc)
  2. If she was trying to get the attention of one of the members of the crash team
  3. If June was a significant anniversary date for her
  4. If it was to do with Fathers day approaching
  5. If she witnessed a baby's(none suspsicious) death and enjoyed the drama of it
  6. If she had been building up to it by harming babies in less noticeable ones for a long time
  7. If she had recently done her emergency care training and wanted to put it into practice
  8. If she had seen dramatic resus attempts on TV hospital docusoaps and wanted to recreate something similar

“Apart from the fact that it wasn't Dr Jayaram alone who voiced concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses (it was him along with other senior colleagues) Are you really saying that that was a lie and that you think her name was only mentioned because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???

I doubt they all had that same idea at the same time, check the notes and posts again to double check.

“Apart from the fact that it wasn't Dr Jayaram alone who voiced concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses (it was him along with other senior colleagues) Are you really saying that that was a lie and that you think her name was only mentioned because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???

I doubt they all had that same idea at the same time, check the notes and posts again to double check.

You didn't really answer my question.

I'll rephrase it slightly:

Are you really saying that you think Dr Jayaram (or anybody else) was lying when he raised concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses, and that you think he only mentioned her name because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???

“Apart from the fact that it wasn't Dr Jayaram alone who voiced concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses (it was him along with other senior colleagues) Are you really saying that that was a lie and that you think her name was only mentioned because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???

I doubt they all had that same idea at the same time, check the notes and posts again to double check.

You didn't really answer my question.

I'll rephrase it slightly:

Are you really saying that you think Dr Jayaram (or anybody else) was lying when he raised concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses, and that you think he only mentioned her name because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???

i Didn’t say that, nope. “Assuming she is innocent“.

Your original post said:
I’m just wondering how the tv doc initially came to suspect her really. I know he said it was due to the association with otherwise unexplained events but I doubt he would say, “she is too quiet, weird and shes blonde“. that note of hers also includes the word discrimination. There also seems to be cases that don’t point to her involvement other than being around Like child H. Jmo.

Seems to be implying that you think Dr Jayaram gave a false reason for why he suspected her.

But I think I'll leave it there, as I'm not convinced that even you agree with what you wrote.
You didn't really answer my question.

I'll rephrase it slightly:

Are you really saying that you think Dr Jayaram (or anybody else) was lying when he raised concerns about how often LL was present at babies' collapses, and that you think he only mentioned her name because she was too quiet, weird and ... *checks notes*... blonde???
So what other than her being around made him or others think it was her? Assuming she is innocent. They were examples of discrimination IMO Obviously.
It intrigues me too whether, if guilty, something triggered her to suddenly start trying to kill babies in June 2015. If guilty, I've pondered whether it might have been any of the following possibilities:

  1. If something significant had happened in her personal life (a death, a break up, pregnancy loss etc)
  2. If she was trying to get the attention of one of the members of the crash team
  3. If June was a significant anniversary date for her
  4. If it was to do with Fathers day approaching
  5. If she witnessed a baby's(none suspsicious) death and enjoyed the drama of it
  6. If she had been building up to it by harming babies in less noticeable ones for a long time
  7. If she had recently done her emergency care training and wanted to put it into practice
  8. If she had seen dramatic resus attempts on TV hospital docusoaps and wanted to recreate something similar
If guilty...

The answer (IMO) can be only one:
Very, and I mean VERY disturbed psyche.


Too bad that untreated.
Or maybe treated - but not adequately.

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How many of us have to overcome difficulties in life?
Do they "trigger" us?
Or help us to toughen up?

If guilty, I was just looking at what may have triggered her to start at that particular time, rather than what made her capable of doing it at all. But yours is a good point in that maybe there was no trigger and the timing of when she started isn't relevant. All IMO , if guilty etc.
It intrigues me too whether, if guilty, something triggered her to suddenly start trying to kill babies in June 2015. If guilty, I've pondered whether it might have been any of the following possibilities:

  1. If something significant had happened in her personal life (a death, a break up, pregnancy loss etc)
  2. If she was trying to get the attention of one of the members of the crash team
  3. If June was a significant anniversary date for her
  4. If it was to do with Fathers day approaching
  5. If she witnessed a baby's(none suspsicious) death and enjoyed the drama of it
  6. If she had been building up to it by harming babies in less noticeable ones for a long time
  7. If she had recently done her emergency care training and wanted to put it into practice
  8. If she had seen dramatic resus attempts on TV hospital docusoaps and wanted to recreate something similar
All of those are interesting
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