UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 #2

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If I was in that situation I'd call the friend and ask if the keys are there before I set off on the trek back to hers?

Absolutely, and I would think LE would have been able to verify the phone call and release that very important information
Point of detail - this picture is of Long Pond, which is towards the east of the Common, near where Rookery Road crosses it, and a considerable diversion from the apparent route along the A205.

Mount Pond is close to the A205, just north of Windmill Drive, and Tom's Kiosk is on the southern edge of it. It's open 24/7 and very popular with cabbies and coppers, so not somewhere you could ever count on being unobserved. OTOH, how much notice would someone on a tea break take of people wandering round the parts not right by the kiosk? Police were searching the banks of this pond from the water thus morning.

There are two other ponds on the Common - *advertiser censored* Pond, currently drained, and used as a paddling pool in the summer, and Eagle Pond which is close to the A24 not far from the A205 but definitely to away to the side for someone going down the south circular.
Thanks. This is great local info.
you can download a free app called panic guard. If you shake your phone and don’t enter the password it will start recording and contact your emergency contacts with your location. You can also set it to record your journey and if you don’t reach your destination it will alert your emergency contact.
Thank you so much for this fab tip angel2702
Thanks. This is great local info.

Does Tom's Kiosk have cameras?

Could also be other cameras in the area that don't clearly capture her image, but have something odd or some activity going on that could be temporally related to her walk
Hi all

I'm new to Websleuths but I've been lurking and following this case for a few days.

My biggest concern is that the police don't know if Sarah made it home, I'm guessing that there's no CCTV evidence to point either way? So if she did return home could something have happened much closer to her home than the police think? Hopefully they've already thought of that.
It’s interesting how we all see something different. It really looks as though she’s holding a phone to me.

In my opinion her fist looks far too tightly closed to be holding a phone, especially if it's an iPhone or android that are decently wide (even the old versions, I have an iPhone 6S and I wouldn't hold it like that). It looks to me now like she's adjusting an earbud in her ear, maybe not her mask.
Thanks for this - I thought it looked like Long Pond too, which was searched at the weekend too and is also the closest body of water to the Windmill site that the police started at/briefed at this morning according to MSM.

Edit to add that the water near the A24 (Eagle Pond?) is probably just as close if not a shade closer to the Windmill cluster of buildings.

The police will be starting at The Windmill because there's plenty of parking and another good tea kiosk....
New to websleuths, I live near Clarence Avenue and often take this route so strikes very close to home.

There was a lot of police presence today around the Oaklands estate, on the north side of Poynders Road by the junction with Cavendish. It actually makes more sense as the road is laid out for her to walk on the north rather than the south. Sniffer dogs and what looked like senior police) I overhead snippets of their convos) on the estate. There are gardens set in front and the estate as a whole feels pretty sketchy. It would make more sense that something happened here than Agnes Riley which as I understand is shut at night.
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