Unwanted Birth Control Advice Leads To 76 yr Old Woman Being Banned From Bus

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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I couldn't help but laugh..this woman sounds like a character...I bet she speaks her mind on EVERYTHING! But would I wanna her her "advice" to me? H*ll no!

LOGAN, Utah — A 76-year-old woman has been barred from the bus station after giving unwanted birth-control advice to mothers with large families.
"I think it's wrong. It's a violation of my First Amendment rights," Laura Stevens said.
She was arrested Tuesday for trespassing, a misdemeanor, according to police records.
"She's been making comments to some of the Hispanic passengers that they should be on the pill, that they're taking over our society," said Todd Beutler, general manager of the Cache Valley Transit District.
"The passengers have a right to ride and not be intimidated," he said.
Stevens said she recently noticed a mother struggling to control her six children.
"I felt sorry for her. Maybe she doesn't know that she could get a patch and not have a kid for five years," Stevens said.
She said she will fight the trespassing charge when she appears in Logan's Municipal Court on Tuesday.
"We want her to ride the bus," Beutler said. "We just need to make sure that she's not harassing any other passengers."
While I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her dribble, nor do I agree with her dictating lifestyle changes to people she doesn't even know, I just bet this woman lives on for many many years to come. She'l probably surpass the centurian mark for sure---she does have gusto and is quite spry.
Sounds like she's racist too by saying that "they're" taking over our society after targeting Hispanic mothers who have kids with them on the bus.
Sounds like she's racist too by saying that "they're" taking over our society after targeting Hispanic mothers who have kids with them on the bus.

Absolutely. I have found quite a few elderly folks to be racist. It's how they were raised.

The thing is, she has no right to complain to the lady on the bus with the kids. So what if she has 6 kids with her. Who's to say they're all hers, anyway? Even if they are, so what? For all she knows she could be watching her sisters kids, too. Either way, it's just none of this ladys business.

Hell yeah! You go granny! I love a woman with moxy! :dance:

Advice from the elderly is a good thing, imo. Experience is the best tool for obtaining knowledge.

I think she has every right to speak her mind.
I'll probaly get flamed for saying so but.....especially if our/her tax dollars are going towards the support of these breed sow mothers, which I hate to say is more often than not the case. Our Earth is over-populated enough!

Maybe not a racist, but a realist.
Bet granny would give a white girl with a gaggle of kids the same thing....especially if they were hard to control. Elderly people do not appreciate rudeness in children. Unfortunately, our world has turned into a much less refined place than what it was back in their day....when manners and well behaved children mattered.

jmo, of course
The woman lives in Utah - where large families are the norm - I wonder if she would go after a mormon family with such bravado?
If the people she is addressing are catholic - suggesting birth control could be highly offensive. I think she is most likely a racist as well.
If these Hispanic woman and those stuggling with their kids were illegal would her comments be racist then?
I don't think harrassment really falls under First Amendment Rights.
If these Hispanic woman and those stuggling with their kids were illegal would her comments be racist then?

Yes, why wouldn't they?

This women commented because the mother was hispanic ... Her legal status has nothing to do with it.
What she said was not cute nor did it show moxy ... It was rude and showed how ignorant this women was and her age has nothing to do with it.
My guess is that she has always been a racist.
Yes, why wouldn't they?

This women commented because the mother was hispanic ... Her legal status has nothing to do with it.
What she said was not cute nor did it show moxy ... It was rude and showed how ignorant this women was and her age has nothing to do with it.
My guess is that she has always been a racist.

From the article:
Stevens said she recently noticed a mother struggling to control her six children.
"I felt sorry for her. Maybe she doesn't know that she could get a patch and not have a kid for five years," Stevens said .

This just does not sound racist to me. The accusation that she made several remarks to several other hispanic woman is at this point just a accusation. Because of the article we assume the woman she's talking about is indeed Hipanic. We do not know who complained or to the extent of her comments. To haul off and call her racist, but not question the motives of others seems knee-jerk reation to me. Maybe the racists are the ones offended by one simple comment made about one woman who struggled with kids about birth control use.
Yes, why wouldn't they?

This women commented because the mother was hispanic ... Her legal status has nothing to do with it.
What she said was not cute nor did it show moxy ... It was rude and showed how ignorant this women was and her age has nothing to do with it.
My guess is that she has always been a racist.

I love a woman with moxyy too, but this woman just sounds rude. The comment that "they're taking over our society" is telling as to her views.

In any event, she is 72, so her antiquated beliefs will pass on soon enough.

Just my 2 cents.
I love a woman with moxyy too, but this woman just sounds rude. The comment that "they're taking over our society" is telling as to her views.

In any event, she is 72, so her antiquated beliefs will pass on soon enough.

Just my 2 cents.

As is often the case I totally agree with you!!

Rino ...
You posted ..
"Maybe the racists are the ones offended by one simple comment made about one woman who struggled with kids about birth control use"

I don't understand what you meant by this. Would you be kind enough to ellborate please?
Also why would you take at face value what they quoted her as saying but not what the others reported that implicate she is racist, all from the same article?
Its been my experience that racists hardly ever fess up to their comments on a public platform.
I could easily see someone making some snide ignorant comment then twisting their own words to omit that when it becomes public.

Why would the mother or others within hearing range make it up?

I would personally find the comment about the BC in and of itself offensive albeit not racist.
It is simple ignorance to presume to summerize a persons life situation based upon a chance encounter at the Bus station. As pointed out above those children may not have all been hers.
We have touched on this subject often on the "What Is autism" thread in the JR.
My child does not "look" autistic so a meltdown in the grocery store has at times brought comments or disgusted stares from people equally as ignorant and quick to judge as this women... All done without a clue as to why that happend .. just the presumption that he was a spoiled brat.
From the article:
Stevens said she recently noticed a mother struggling to control her six children.
"I felt sorry for her. Maybe she doesn't know that she could get a patch and not have a kid for five years," Stevens said .

This just does not sound racist to me.....

Maybe not, but this does:

"She's been making comments to some of the Hispanic passengers that they should be on the pill, that they're taking over our society," said Todd Beutler, general manager of the Cache Valley Transit District.

What's more likely: that this 72-year-old really believes that a grown-*advertiser censored* woman with children doesn't know about birth control and could use her kind grandmotherly wisdom OR that this 72-year-old women is fearful that more Hispanics are moving into this society and these changes frighten her so she strikes out at the representation of her fears.
As is often the case I totally agree with you!!

Rino ...
You posted ..
"Maybe the racists are the ones offended by one simple comment made about one woman who struggled with kids about birth control use"

I don't understand what you meant by this. Would you be kind enough to ellborate please?

It is very likely that all she said was the comment about the woman struggling with 6 kids, it is also very likey that they were indeed her children. I too agree that it would be rude, offensive and nosey, but not racist.

Also why would you take at face value what they quoted her as saying but not what the others reported that implicate she is racist, all from the same article?

Only because the others were heresay, not quotes from other woman who she spoke to or about.

Why would the mother or others within hearing range make it up?
Because they found it offensive and believed they had the "right" to do something about it.

My husband took my mis-behaving 2 1/2 year old son to the car and sat with him bawling, while my other kids and I finished dinner. He was misbehaving and being disciplined. Another nosey, probably well intentioned, diner called the police and we had to defend our actions because of her "right" to do fix what she found inapporpriate. My husband was taken aside, my son was removed until I was found, my other children were frightend - never mind being embarrassed... all this becuase accusations have to be investigated. (But, it did fix my son, he thought they were there for him :D )

I would personally find the comment about the BC in and of itself offensive albeit not racist.
It is simple ignorance to presume to summerize a persons life situation based upon a chance encounter at the Bus station.

I totally agree, but the knife cuts both ways. This could all be a result of one chance encounter at a Bus stop and now she is painted a racist. She may be, but I am willing to wait the story out.
Just for the record....IF she is being racist, I don't condone that at all.
I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would judge anyone on the color of their skin....

however, though the elderly lady may have stated her opinion in a very crass and rude way, we have a whole nation up in arms over border patrol and immigration....which pretty much comes down to that same point.
She's lucky that I'm not the one she said soemthing like that to. Otherwise, she'd went out the back of the bus with one good smack across the face. I have a VERY low tolerance for old people trying to tell people what to do -- racist comments or otherwise. And I also have a VERY low tolerance for people telling me what/how/why to do anything with my kids (or my right to have thirty if I want to). I am an adult and have just as much right to do as I please with my body and my family.

Apparently there must have been more than one complaint, or they wouldn't have banned her totally. But as far as I'm concerned, if she's as smart as she thinks she is, then she'd have learned by the age of 72 that sometimes you just need to keep your opinion to yourself. Good thing she's banned -- let her walk if she can't keep her mouth shut.
She's lucky that I'm not the one she said soemthing like that to. Otherwise, she'd went out the back of the bus with one good smack across the face. I have a VERY low tolerance for old people trying to tell people what to do -- racist comments or otherwise. And I also have a VERY low tolerance for people telling me what/how/why to do anything with my kids (or my right to have thirty if I want to). I am an adult and have just as much right to do as I please with my body and my family.

Apparently there must have been more than one complaint, or they wouldn't have banned her totally. But as far as I'm concerned, if she's as smart as she thinks she is, then she'd have learned by the age of 72 that sometimes you just need to keep your opinion to yourself. Good thing she's banned -- let her walk if she can't keep her mouth shut.

kygal, I hope you would stop and think about physically assaulting an old woman or you would more than likely wind up in jail with some pretty serious charges against you. No matter what someone says, it is not alright to physically assault them.

The article said she was 76. I know people her age.. it's probably very hard for them to change because of the way they were raised just as it would be for us if we were that old. I would probably ignore her or say "here, since you're so happy to help, take these 2 kids to watch on the bus for me." :) I bet she'd have shut up then.
Oh my goodness. First of all, the facts are this: If lower educated whites, hispanics or people of any race are having lots of children and using social funds to live, we are going to have a third world type society after this woman's "generation" dies out along with her old-fashioned beliefs. Granted, birth control is something her generation did not have, so I can see why she doesn't understand someone not using it. Most of the Mormons can support their children without using government funds so more power to them. I'm not a Mormon, but I know many, and despite the fact that others think they are doomed to hell, I think most live pretty descent lives and admire them for that.

What kind of bus was it? Public transportation? This is America. I'm so tired of the speech police. If you don't want to be harassed, hide out. Am I harassed by homeless people everytime I go to San Francisco? Yeah, about every three seconds. They get agressive with their speech. How come they can't be banned? If I get whistled at by a bunch of thugs hanging out at the gas station as I just try to pump my over-priced gas, am I being harassed for being female? Just wondering. It's a slippery slope my American friends. Grow thicker skin is my un-solicted advice.
If I get whistled at by a bunch of thugs hanging out at the gas station as I just try to pump my over-priced gas, am I being harassed for being female? Just wondering. It's a slippery slope my American friends. Grow thicker skin is my un-solicted advice.

If I got whistled at, I would become a regular at that station :D
Rino, my impression is not that this was one chance encounter and that there was more then one witness.
The bus rep quoted used the term "passengers", plural. IMO it obviously has become some issue with her at the bus station .. not just a one time thing.
Others in hearing range are just as valid to believe as if it was the women herself. I do not believe that based on being offended they would make up the racist aspect of what this women said.
I further don't believe that its "likely" all the kids were hers.
There is simply no way to gage that one way or the other.

About your son, is it possible the other diner did not realize it was your husband with him in the car?
Or they presumed your hubby was spanking him?
I do not agree with the other diner did ... But I do think that if she thought your child was being harmed she did the right thing.
(I am NOT saying you would harm him!) I just mean in the case of presuming a child may be at risk I would rather see someone call the police rather then a child be abducted or harmed.
That is a matter of safety as opposed to making judgements just to be judgemental.
When it comes to a child's safety or even that of another adult sometimes presuming is the only way to go.

Ember I disagree that border patrol and immigration issues come down to the same thing. That issue has more to do with our tax dollars being spent on others not paying into the pool.
Plenty of hispanics are born right here in the US.
I personally think it is totally ignorant for people to presume because someone is hispanic that it means they are illegally here.

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