Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #15 *ARREST*

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How do women "verify" a man's financial status? Well, I'd say women use some intuition and some clues. AA had been a subcontractor for Dell (Dell has stated this), and for a relatively brief period. So he lists them as an employer on LinkedIn and other places. College age women can be very naive about such things as LinkedIn - where a person can invent an entire new self. I know this because I teach labs in forensic anthropology and bio anthropology.

I too am very curious about his source of money. To KL, his purchase of a house must have seemed like a kind of proof that he was well of financially. But how did he do that without regular employment? It doesn't seem like it was a distress sale. He apparently had money to make some renovations/buy a lot of cameras, etc. It's not from his "modeling career" either.

If there's no trial, I believe this guy will talk to a journalist, because he's going to want to brag about his lifestyle (and deny his guilt). Or he'll want to ghost write another book.

Some speculation AA ran a mortgage scam online, among his many other enterprises, maybe he was able to swing a 0 down loan due to knowing the angles.
I wouldn't say there are "reports" of KL's phone in use at 10 am the morning after she died; I'd say there are rumors.

As to why she didn't go home, I've been pondering my own habits when I was that age. I "shared" a place with another girl, but I tried not to be there (her boyfriend was usually there; I went to my boyfriend's place). When I broke up with that boyfriend, I couch-surfed a lot...usually at a guy's house (not boyfriends...but potential boyfriends, I guess).
There is no baseline. Indeed, many colleges make tons of money off of foreign student tuition and for most state universities and community colleges, the bar is very very low. Have the money? You get to go (basically). He might have been referred for special English classes, but if he graduated high school in his home country (or could prove he had the equivalent education of high school), he could go to USU. That's the way many, many immigrants come to the US - via student visas. But there's a catch. It's expensive. You have to pay tuition to prove you're a student and that will exhaust most people's cash pretty quickly (he wouldn't have been eligible for Federal student loans - but he could have gotten less desirable loans, maybe).

But what he did was find a way to get married, thereby avoiding the student visa issue after a year or two. That's really really common too.

All you need to do is get yourself to the US on a tourist visa and then enroll in a school that has an international students officer to get your student visa. Easy peasy.

BTW, I have many students who are US born whose English and critical thinking skills are roughly comparable to AA's. About half the freshmen at the CSU where I teach will not make it past the first or second year...

I've also taught in Utah and New Mexico, and it's the same as here in California (student quality-wise), IMO.

Thank you very much for this insight on state and community colleges.
I'm disappointed to say the least. I graduated from a private, American University as a foreigner, and it was expensive. However, it was expensive for all -American or foreign applicants (at 7 - 10% students).

My experience years ago was if you did not graduate and/or were not on track to graduate, you went home, as somebody else was waiting for enrollment.

AA never graduated -- reportedly, he never even declared a major! Instead he used a phony marriage to skirt the law that granted him this privilege. Nonetheless, I believe AA was a disordered, violent, fraud since before he arrived the state of Utah.

AA was granted an opportunity to live the American dream, and turned it to include experiencing the American criminal justice system. He alone is responsible for ending ML's life. In the end, I believe we will learn that this caring, spirited, and nurturing woman, ML, simply trusted a very bad dude.

MOO in Utah, burning her tissue is one of the criteria to increase a murder charge to aggravated.
So even if she died accidentally, for example due to drugs or during some activity, he is still meets the Utah criterion for murder which includes simply putting someone harms way.
That murder charge is then automatically escalated to aggravated murder charge due to the way he treated her body after, even if all abuse was after death.

MOO he met someone with expectations, killed because it wasn't going to be like he wanted. Basically raped her and then killed her to prevent her from talking to police. Then attempted to cover up his crime with fire and dumping the body.
No premeditation is needed to make this scenario murder 1, in Utah desecrating the body does that.

He had gotten away with rape before. IMHO it was way worse than rape.
If she knew he bought a house in Rose Park, that would be a clue he wasn't well off financially. There are a lot of very good people in that neighborhood but its definitely not a neighborhood where there are many college graduates.

I'm also curious on his source of money. While houses in Rose Park are in the affordable range, working as a $15 an hour help desk guy without benefits won't pay for that house or get a loan approved. I suspect his source of money has something to do with meeting people in parks at 3 AM.

I think his source, sources, or backers of/with money is/are going to be eye opening if, in fact, we get to find that out...
But there is no way of drawing any reasonable conclusions without these details; just all speculations driven by sentiments.
This is a really big crime and for everything to be carried out by only AA without any external assistance or accomplice going by the actual facts we know (so far) is just hard to believe - thats just me. Why has he got almost 12 cameras in his house? was he paranoid about something or does he use the footage for something else? LE should surely be able to get something out of at least one of those camera? Did he host any Airbnb guests during the period ML disappeared? Have those guests been check? I am just saying, everything should be uncovered so that justice is appropriately served. I have read too many cases where someone takes the fall for others to be free.

Also, I wouldn't read too much into his ex-wife's statement, wouldn't expect her to give any glowing endorsement given the circumstances surrounding their "marriage" and how easily she "willing to testify against him", it had resentment written all over it.
He was the last person texting her at the airport. He used to live across the street from that park. LE has all the conversations. If you put ALL the puzzle pieces together it all points to AA. Besides finding her belongings and human tissue burned in his fire pit there were no tenants during that time. We don’t know what they found in his car. He gave his mattress and box springs away. I would almost bet AA led them to her body. Those interrogations can be grueling if you’ve ever watched former murderer interrogations on YouTube.
They don’t?
After I joined a “Christian” based match up/dating service
and check off the heterosexual box, as in female looking for male, the FIRST half dozen or so were females!!!!! Reporting them didn’t change much. Blocked them.
Also: there are match up sites for those for GLBT community. Men looking for men, female to female, but I’m thinking you meant straight dating sites.
In any event, there’s all kinds of dark web sites. Don’t even want to know.
If mod snip needed, snip away. But I’m hoping it’s good to go.
You're asking the wrong person, lol. I have never been on MeetUp, Bumble, SeekingArrangements, Tinder, or any other dating/hook-up/whatever-you-call-'em sites. Any knowledge I have of how any of these sites operate comes from what I have read here. MOO
Thank you very much for this insight on state and community colleges.
I'm disappointed to say the least. I graduated from a private, American University as a foreigner, and it was expensive. However, it was expensive for all -American or foreign applicants (at 7 - 10% students).

My experience years ago was if you did not graduate and/or were not on track to graduate, you went home, as somebody else was waiting for enrollment.

AA never graduated -- reportedly, he never even declared a major! Instead he used a phony marriage to skirt the law that granted him this privilege. Nonetheless, I believe AA was a disordered, violent, fraud since before he arrived the state of Utah.

AA was granted an opportunity to live the American dream, and turned it to include experiencing the American criminal justice system. He alone is responsible for ending ML's life. In the end, I believe we will learn that this caring, spirited, and nurturing woman, ML, simply trusted a very bad dude.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this scammer faked a disability claim in order to receive benefits to help buy the house or whatever.
He said he knew her from online I don’t know about you but I don’t really consider an online friend credible. If true he should have a history of chats that he warned her about this creep.

I mean this guy could have been interested in KL himself and was angry someone killed her and now he will never have that opportunity. <modsnip - off topic>

I guess we won’t know until the trial if there is one.
I thought it had also been reported, or maybe it was in that broadcast, that he had been working with LE since the beginning and had shared all he knew with them.
I think his source, sources, or backers of/with money is/are going to be eye opening if, in fact, we get to find that out...

I'd guess he is in a cash based retail distribution business that involves meeting people in parks at 3 AM.

Then factor in that banks are under pressure to loan money to minorities in certain neighborhoods such that they will loan money when there is a decent downpayment even if income is limited and job histories are sketchy.
I'm new to the forum but wanted to share some information.

I'm a single guy who lives in SLC and use Tinder, Bumble, Match, and the arrangement site that ML was on.

Tinder is a pretty routine and normal dating site. I'd guess 90 percent of single people in their 20's are using Tinder. I vaguely recall seeing ML's profile on Tinder.

The arrangement site has several thousand women on it in Utah. I've seen screenshots of ML's profile on there but don't recall seeing her profile there. I've not seen any screen shots that AA was on the arrangement site. If he was, I think someone would have posted it somewhere.

I've read speculation about what ML meant about "online only." There are certainly a lot of women on the site who are looking for "online only" but that means they do not want to meet in person. Usually, online only means they will send texts and pictures, etc. I've not done anything like that (I can't keep up on my texts anyway!) but I get a sense its often pretty vanilla.

As for in person arrangements, these usually look a lot like normal dating but more direct. I've certainly met women from the arrangement site but everyone (including me) is very safety conscious. I've never heard of anyone meeting from the site at a park at 3 AM! Like regular dating, its more likely to first meet for coffee, lunch, drinks, or dinner. Also, its pretty obvious on a date when someone has texted a friend to say everything is OK. I'm pretty confident that women I have dated through the arrangement site have told their friends who I am -- for example, I have seen their friends visit my LinkedIn profile and have met some.

As I read the news, LE was able to connect him to the situation by seeing they were texting each other. That means they had each others real telephone numbers and weren't communicating over a dating site or using an anonymous phone app. She wouldn't have given her real telephone number unless she was comfortable. As others have said, he's hardly a rocket scientist and was working at the basic help desk level, likely setting up people's new computers. I'd guess she was making more than he was. He also was comfortable enough to give her his real telephone number.

I've seen his Meetup profile and seen some comments about his interests/lifestyle. I'd guess he is a member of Fetlife, which is definitely not Tinder, Bumble, Match, or the arrangement site. I'm not a member of that and haven't read anything to suggest she is.

I'm curious about his source of money though. A help desk tech like him doesn't make much and I don't know he'd get approved for a loan.

I believe there were links to ML's profile on "Seeking" earlier, and one podcast with a private investigator that discussed her profile.

I recall yet another PI recently on tabloid news that alleged he and a friend met ML.

To my knowledge, none of these have been confirmed by LE.

Mainly because he does not come across as someone smart enough to pull such a daring act with any help (except if he was on drugs or had prior mental illness?).
Secondly, he handed over his phone with all ML's photos and text messages to LE and then went on to say he does not know who ML was? This is a very abnormal behaviour IMO. Then there is the evidence in his backyard, he had a good 2/3 days to get rid of those before the search trail heated up but he decided to leave it there but take her body to LC? Maybe he is just beyond dumb or a crucial part of the story is still missing. Remember the main point here is understanding how and when he killed her (the murder), there is nothing more important than this. I consider his person, history and other profiling to be a distraction.
I will surely be following this story to see what the official charges are, I would NOT be surprised if another suspect is unveiled.
You don't have to be smart to be a murderer. In fact, I've seen what appears to be a new strain of stupid lately. LOL MOO
You don't have to be smart to be a murderer. In fact, I've seen what appears to be a new strain of stupid lately. LOL MOO

Yeah, it’s like a fricken contest or something.

Fotis Dulos, Patrick Frazee, Chris Watts; now this guy.

“Oh, you think you’re the worlds dumbest killer? Hold my beer.”
I believe there were links to ML's profile on "Seeking" earlier, and one podcast with a private investigator that discussed her profile.

I recall yet another PI recently on tabloid news that alleged he and a friend met ML.

To my knowledge, none of these have been confirmed by LE.


There have definitely been screen shots with her. I'm skeptical about the PI story who said he talked to her in a bar but who knows. I haven't seen anything to suggest AA was on anything other than Tinder or Bumble.
I'd guess he is in a cash based retail distribution business that involves meeting people in parks at 3 AM.

Then factor in that banks are under pressure to loan money to minorities in certain neighborhoods such that they will loan money when there is a decent downpayment even if income is limited and job histories are sketchy.

No argument from me there, I agree, certainly a top possibility. I also could add a few other ideas...

If she knew he bought a house in Rose Park, that would be a clue he wasn't well off financially. There are a lot of very good people in that neighborhood but its definitely not a neighborhood where there are many college graduates.

I'm also curious on his source of money. While houses in Rose Park are in the affordable range, working as a $15 an hour help desk guy without benefits won't pay for that house or get a loan approved. I suspect his source of money has something to do with meeting people in parks at 3 AM.
I have a feeling he was making *advertiser censored* and selling it online. I'm pretty concerned about it if he sold this one.
How he was able to somehow purchase that house. Has anyone found out how much he put down on it? There are some programs out there that don't take much qualifying if you put enough down.
But there is no way of drawing any reasonable conclusions without these details; just all speculations driven by sentiments.
This is a really big crime and for everything to be carried out by only AA without any external assistance or accomplice going by the actual facts we know (so far) is just hard to believe - thats just me. Why has he got almost 12 cameras in his house? was he paranoid about something or does he use the footage for something else? LE should surely be able to get something out of at least one of those camera? Did he host any Airbnb guests during the period ML disappeared? Have those guests been check? I am just saying, everything should be uncovered so that justice is appropriately served. I have read too many cases where someone takes the fall for others to be free.

Also, I wouldn't read too much into his ex-wife's statement, wouldn't expect her to give any glowing endorsement given the circumstances surrounding their "marriage" and how easily she "willing to testify against him", it had resentment written all over it.
This crime could have absolutely been carried out by just AA alone. He wasn’t successful (meaning got away with it). He was extremely sloppy leaving evidence and witnesses (his neighbors seeing him burning things in his yard), the phone evidence, etc.

The cameras I believe seem to point to a sexual nature (pointed at the bed).

I agree about ex wife. She’s surely resentful. But there may be some truth in her story.

Overall I find AA an extremely messy criminal and it doesn’t seem unimaginable for him to have acted alone. MOO
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