VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #16

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I wouldn't read much into song lyrics. Kids post them because it's the song on the radio at the moment and they are belting it out. My daughters do anyway...
No, but they mentioned WH's brother so...

Did they mention WH's sister? And if not, is that typical of an obituary? Im fortunate that I have a young family and not much experience in that regard.
Did they mention WH's sister? And if not, is that typical of an obituary? Im fortunate that I have a young family and not much experience in that regard.

Yes, I think it's typical to list immediate family only.
Exactly! I know it's natural to analyze the lyrics in this situation, but I totally agree, it was just a line in a song imo

I wouldn't read much into song lyrics. Kids post them because it's the song on the radio at the moment and they are belting it out. My daughters do anyway...
What bothers me most is they disguised Zach's children's last name. It was a tricky way to not mention it and IMO, totally classless.

Disgusting. Why am I not surprised?

When my uncle passed away, my Grams was so broken up, my mom wrote his. My Grams didn't want to have anything to do with it and told her to write what she felt was appropriate and put in in the paper. I'm wondering if a similar situation happened with JH.
When my uncle passed away, my Grams was so broken up, my mom wrote his. My Grams didn't want to have anything to do with it and told her to write what she felt was appropriate and put in in the paper. I'm wondering if a similar situation happened with JH.

I did that same thing with a sudden, tragic death in my family. Not my child though thank God.
No, but they mentioned WH's brother so...

I wonder if the slight was intentional? Especially after her interview a few days ago?

Along those same lines, if it was, this might make her angry enough to repeat what she originally said to the reporter.........on air this time.
What bothers me most is they disguised Zach's children's last name. It was a tricky way to not mention it and IMO, totally classless.

Disgusting. Why am I not surprised?

Oh wow, that blew right past me! I was thinking about the listing WH's full name separately from JH's full name, which usually signals divorced parents IIRC. Otherwise it would have read W and J Hadsell.

But holy cow! Absolutely Zach's kids should have had their last name listed, otherwise it insinuates they are all Hadsells. Of course it was done on purpose. Sorry but that's a dirty thing to do and it reinforces (to me) that JH has no problem dumping one man for the next without consideration for her children. I know that's harsh but I call 'em as I see 'em.

If his sister or anyone has an idea about the van's ownership, I hope they have told police by now. The sooner LE can examine it, the better.
Wondering if the family "spokesperson " wrote the obituary?
When my uncle passed away, my Grams was so broken up, my mom wrote his. My Grams didn't want to have anything to do with it and told her to write what she felt was appropriate and put in in the paper. I'm wondering if a similar situation happened with JH.

My feeling was that this was written by someone else, too.
I wrote my stepfathers obit because my Mom was just not up to it. They were married for 45 years when he passed. I did get some help from her but mostly she would read and nod or shake her head at something.
I doubt that JH could have written anything. I agree it was most likely the new family helper/spokesman.
That seems very odd that a grown family man, would give his only vehicle to his 17 yr old. Letting her drive it sometimes makes sense. But then it is not the same as giving it to her, imo. I used to 'let' my son drive my Explorer, but there were strings attached. And I never gifted him the vehicle.

Sorry Katy, you made me lose my spot. I'm trying to do two things at once. Yes that is odd. Also, that there was only one key for the truck. He said he left it in the mail box, and made a big deal about how he only left the ignition key, and not the door key.

Here a link to Zacks post:
Also, anxious that cause of death will be able to be determined. Too many times, it can't be, after several weeks or longer.
I wrote my stepfathers obit because my Mom was just not up to it. They were married for 45 years when he passed. I did get some help from her but mostly she would read and nod or shake her head at something.
I doubt that JH could have written anything. I agree it was most likely the new family helper/spokesman.

If that's the case then it's doubly wrong; there are other family members who could have written AJ's obituary if JH couldn't, as you did for your stepfather. To allow an ex-con who knew AJ far less than her own family to pursue his own agenda and "choose" who to add and who to snub is despicible. He's trouble.
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