VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #17

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Whoever was asking about WH and the bipolar information, it can be found here:

Click on the link within the article for the 2005 kidnapping/rape case.

ETA: Well, I thought there used to be documents relating to the 1998 Felonious Restraint case within that, but now it doesn't seem to be in there. Odd, because I clearly remember finding it in there previously. :thinking:

The original news story did link to both sets of documents. I bookmarked the links to the documents themselves and not the news story and those wtkr wordpress links are still good links (as of just now anyway). It's just not showing as part of that news story any longer.
Zach, I am SO sorry you are in this situation! I know that some ex-wives give women a bad name. What is such a shame to me is that you lost your teenage beautiful daughter Anjelica not once, but twice. My heart and prayers are with you and with AJ's siblings during this very difficult time. I think it is beyond comprehension that AJ and the girls were put into a situation where they lived with a known convict. Zach, I also know what it means to have children brain-washed against a parent. Just remember and make sure that you keep a neutral position when your children come to visit. It can be SO hard, I know! I made certain that I just didn't discuss my ex when my children were present. I made sure if they asked questions to just say things like, "These things are hard, but they are between your dad and I. You don't need to worry, and nothing is your fault."

This situation absolutely breaks my heart! Warm wishes that you find peace.

Now, I honestly just hope and pray that justice for AJ comes swift!
For Zach especially, but to show all of you that people from afar are praying for you--this was in my church prayer bulletin today from a former Longwood student:

Also A asks prayer for the family of the Longwood student who went missing for several weeks before her remains were finally found last Thursday morning. This has hit the Longwood community hard.

I have shared your name and "affiliation" with many people I know, and they are praying for you, Justice, and Gracie particularly.
The original news story did link to both sets of documents. I bookmarked the links to the documents themselves and not the news story and those wtkr wordpress links are still good links (as of just now anyway). It's just not showing as part of that news story any longer.

I'm glad that I needed to go try to find that link, though. I had completely forgotten that the 2005 charges included striking and strangling. :(
Thank you. That's what I was wondering. I think I need to give them space and being alone with me might not be as beneficial as being around all her friends. Especially considering my anger on top of it. But there is a lot of drama going on and people I do not know are there, some of which are questionable in character. Plus it reminds me of how she 'encouraged' Anjelica to forget me. Anyway I am torn.

Zach -

God bless you and guide you. The dynamics you're dealing with are complicated and heaven only knows where things will lead but I encourage you to stay as focused as you can on things you can control and not the things you cannot or could not control. Continue to reach out and check-in with your girls regularly. Remind them you are all there for each other and are all hurting and feeling uncertain about emotions and the situation but that it's okay for all of you to feel that way. Keep them communicating and continue your efforts to be sure they know you're heart, mind and arms are open to them and that you're relationship with them is not impacted by your relationships with anyone else on this planet. Continue to encourage them to understand what unconditional love and support from a parent really means.

We are all praying for you to find and hold the strength and peace you need to carry you through this tragic time. Continue to reach out for support and vent as needed. You and your girls are worth it!

Bless you.
All I know is he mostly drove the company work van. Like 99% of the time. Including to the hotel every night. I don't even know why he would have had it to 'drop it off' for Anjelica in the first place.
And THERE we go
Also remember that the courts really frown on parental alienation. She should not get away with that if she tries it again.
I am not sure how to pull the quote over from the previous thread, but these are my thoughts bouncing off a post originally by Lucky7, detailing things WH said in the first CH interview, with some tongs taken to the salad. Respectfully snipped, with my thoughts below:

My wife left at seven o’clock in the morning March 2nd.
*Kadoobernote: Using the word ‘left’ is usually indicative of missing information. He goes on to say ‘She leaves for work, she drops her siblings off at school and whatnot’. Why the change in tense? This is indicative of storytelling. And what the heck is the whatnot he refers to?

That morning I had actually dropped off the red truck for AJ - she’s home from spring break and I knew she would need it. I didn’t speak with her, I left the keys in the mailbox.
*Kadoobernote: Actually. He didn’t just drop it off, he actually dropped it off, which implies another alternative. I was going to do this, but actually, I did this. When there is no alternative referenced, this word alone can indicate deception. He is trying to convince us this happened. Why?

I left and then I heard from Anjelica. She called me on the phone and asked to borrow money - no - she didn’t ask to borrow money, but her exact words were “can I get some money?”
*Kadoobernote: See above regarding ‘left’. Missing info. The waffling about her habits or lack thereof re: asking for money… sensitive to him. Why?

When she asked if she could get some money I understood what she was probably asking, so I gave her $200 because the camera she wanted went for around that.
*Kadoobernote: The main thing I get from this part of his statement is that he wants us to know that he is sooper smart, he can figure things out and understands stuff, so it makes sense that he become Jr. Detective going forward.

I left work at 11:53am and I drove over to the gas station. I met her, I would say, around 12:10, 12:15pm.
*Kadoobernote: He left. ..sigh.. 11:53. Really… that specific, eh? 3 is the # most often thrown around when LYING. Just saying. Also, note that he WOULD say. Not that he DOES say. That bit of future tense… matters.

We kind of just hung out and stared at each other, you know.
*Kadoobernote: I am not going to put my thoughts on this into words again here. :(

She departed my presence at I would say about 12:40, 12:45pm.
*Kadoobernote: I imagine this is AJ’s TOD. But then again… he WOULD say.

I late getting back to my job, but, my daughter called me, and that’s something she doesn’t do. So, I dedicated extra time outside of my lunch break. Because, 12:45pm, I’m supposed to be on the clock.
*Kadoobernote: He was ACTUALLY late getting back to his job. And gosh, what a dedicated amazing father he is!

I got back to work at around 1:15, 1:20pm. (We do not know if his employer has confirmed this.)
*Kadoobernote: Lack of word salad. I lean towards this being true.

I know our neighbor saw her after one o’clock departing. She waved to him. (This neighbor didn't come forward until two weeks later.
*Kadoobernote: WH says that ‘She saw him’. How can he know that?

2:00pm is the last physical sighting of her driving the red truck back towards the house with a white, small, compact car following her. (Insider info tells us that the witnesses are not certain of their dates/times.)
My neighbor reported at 2:03pm he saw, behind my red truck that was parked in my driveway, a small white 4 door compact car. (Insider info tells us that the witnesses are not certain of their dates/times.)
*Kadoobernote: Two times WH tells us that smoky neighbor sees her at 2:03. Not two, 2:03. He then goes on to say that ‘He said it was there a little bit after 2, he said 2:03, he didn’t have the exact time’. I also find it interesting that a white car that comes along a minute to a minute and a half after AJ’s truck came by would be considered following, by anyone. Picture that in your head. Count 60-90 seconds. Following? Really?

Justice, my second oldest daughter, comes home from school at 2:25pm that day. My 18 year old daughter, Anjelica Hadsell, was not present at the home. The red truck was still there, however, it had been moved from the left side of the drive to the right side.

*Kadoobernote: Probably all true. 'was not present in the home' is bothersome to me, but I can't quite put my finger on why. But why not just say 'not home'? Truck moved, I would guess by him, why I have no idea.

He's a lying liar from Liartown.
Marking my spot so I'm not lost after cooking. No casserole brigade for me.

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You know what bothers me? Why didn't JH report her missing 2 days earlier? Why wait so long? I wondered this at the very beginning and still don't get it. It makes me really believe JH needed some time to "prepare" as well. jmo
I replied to Zach saying he drove the work van 99% of the time, including to the hotel every night.

Im talking about many threads ago!
I thought he said WH left the van at the house! This is how we figured he left the red truck and went to work in his van.
Let me see if I can find it
Because the news has been all over the place, a convict with who knows what rap sheet is the spokesman, there are tons of people there all the time, most of which I THEIR FATHER do not know. I would not be ripping them away. This is their week with me but I am so upset that they haven't called or responded to my texts and had attitude with me when I did last talk and that they are so worried for their mother who already did this once with Anjelica. THAT IS DRAMA! Not talking to their father but making posts on Facebook and talking to the news and hugging men and boys I do not know is drama. Pretending that I am nobody to Anjelica is wrong. Tearing down my flyers and treating me like crap is wrong. Their mother is far more hateful about me then I ever could be about her and my children are FULLY aware of that and even remind me of that. EVERYONE in that camp knows how she feels about me and if you knew what kind of person she really is then you would not support her. She has no reason to hate me except that I do not stand for her lies and I represent the truth in her crumbling world of lies. How is it that Anjelica should be Hadsell??? Even if Wes didn't hurt her, he met her as a teenager and did not raise her. He is a drug addict and had a record of serious criminal activity and mental illness leading to destructive action including suicide attempts. He has lied profusely and his wife went with it every step of the way until he was jailed. She apparently knew about the ammunition and his gun activity. Is that not a crime? What did she know if his drug use and when did she plan on telling me my children were living with a drug addict? Or was she just gonna handle it on her own like she has done and miserably failed at already? What good things does she have to say about Anjelica to all these people who have helped so much and cared so much and shed do many tears even if they don't know her?
Zach I am so sorry for your loss. I'm not good with giving advice, I've gone thru much of what you've had happen. I divorced and my ex was into drugs and drink. She tried to drive me from my kids lives. You need to love and trust in the Lord, and your children. Your children are not dumb, they see what's going on. They might not admit it now but they know. Just be there for them when they need you. It took a long time but I finally got my children back and I found out they knew what was up. I had to go thru it again with my granddaughter. Her Mom is into meth and was living on the street for two years. I couldn't get CPS to do anything about it, even after two arrests for drugs among other stuff. I finally had to go to court, soon after that she ended up in jail. She's been out for a year now. It's got my granddaughter pretty upset, because she hasn't seen her since she's gotten out. There's going to be problems either way you go. You need to find out what's going to be good for them and do your best.
I've been trying to catch up on this thread (and previous ones). I'm flabbergasted by some of the stuff I've read.

Hopefully justice is served soon and AJ's sisters are protected and safe from the crazy.
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