VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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Seems like you'd have to make money from the activity to correctly be called a "*advertiser censored*"....

HAHAHA exactly

if i wanted attention posting on a msg board to a few ppl isnt the way i would do it...

new merch, all these new shows they are putting on... whos the *advertiser censored* in the situation? LOL
Nothing. It makes no sense.

Thats my thoughts exactly, if she had screwed him over SO badly then why wouldnt he took his things to the show and hopped a plane back home afterwards from Detroit. There were quite a few ppl who flew in...
or he could have hopped a ride from ppl in WIR back....
or theres many things he could have done instead of brutally murdering Emma and Mel and Emmas parents
Plus if she had screwed him over why kill everyone instead of just Emma. it makes no sense to me, none of this murder makes any sense to me.
Thats my thoughts exactly, if she had screwed him over SO badly then why wouldnt he took his things to the show and hopped a plane back home afterwards from Detroit. There were quite a few ppl who flew in...
or he could have hopped a ride from ppl in WIR back....
or theres many things he could have done instead of brutally murdering Emma and Mel and Emmas parents
Plus if she had screwed him over why kill everyone instead of just Emma. it makes no sense to me, none of this murder makes any sense to me.

Oh, piXy, it doesn't make any sense. When someone goes over that edge and murders instead of just hopping a plane back home, or like when people kill their whole family instead of just taking themselves out, and all that senseless stuff, it leaves everyone around stunned and questioning like you are. I wish I could just wrap you up in a big soft blanket! :(
Hey dangrsmind, you kind of lost me w/ the Chi and Preceps...are you trying to link them w/ the crime? I can tell you as a former Longwood student that those organizations are pretty much just academic honor societies. I don't remember much about Preceps but Chi would have the "Chi Walk" now and then and they would wear robes etc and it was secret, until the members graduated and then they were revealed. They were always outstanding members of the student body, it was a real honor to be selected. But I knew several of the people in it and there is no way they were involved in anything satanic etc.

Longwood is very historical in the way that 4 major National Sororities were founded there too. Kappa Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha. Really, most Greek organizations do things in there ritual that involves wearing robes etc.
Hey dangrsmind, you kind of lost me w/ the Chi and Preceps...are you trying to link them w/ the crime? I can tell you as a former Longwood student that those organizations are pretty much just academic honor societies. I don't remember much about Preceps but Chi would have the "Chi Walk" now and then and they would wear robes etc and it was secret, until the members graduated and then they were revealed. They were always outstanding members of the student body, it was a real honor to be selected. But I knew several of the people in it and there is no way they were involved in anything satanic etc.

Longwood is very historical in the way that 4 major National Sororities were founded there too. Kappa Delta, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Zeta Tau Alpha. Really, most Greek organizations do things in there ritual that involves wearing robes etc.

I promised not to post more about this until we had a better way of managing the topics, however...

My initial point was simply that there is a lot more history of strange happenings around Longwood and Farmville than the locals like to talk about. CHI and the CHI tunnels come up in relation to some of these stories and events. Some locals initially denied the existence of the CHI tunnels entirely.

Yes I am aware that many fraternities and sororities employ robes and other occult symbols into their initiation practices etc. Both CHI and Preceps use occult symbols in their "droppings" and (at least) the CHI rituals I have been able to learn about are quite clearly based on occult practices. Why does the CHI walk start at midnight for example? Why does the CHI symbol resemble a sun rising over a Masonic temple? I can be a lot more specific about these symbols and practices if there is interest.

Whether these symbols were incorporated into CHI practices purposefully by the founders of this organization or not I can't say, but the symbols are there. I am not saying that the students are knowingly participating in occult practices, and in fact I assume they are not. And yet...

The superstitions surround CHI are often referred to as trying to "keep the spirit of Longwood alive" one assumes that this refers to "school spirit". But I wonder what exactly is the spirit of Longwood? Then there is there is that red line in Room 333. YMMV I guess.

Here's an example of one student's description of CHI and related supersitions:

"Chi is the spirit of Longwood University. it's hard to explain or understand unless you go here, but i'll try. Chi is a secret society; people get tapped in, but no one ever knows who they are until Chi Burning, where the seniors are revealed. Chi Burning happens to be tonight, and i am extremely pumped!

during the school year, Chi goes on "walks." they're during the week at midnght at different places across campus. at midnight a van will pull up and the members of Chi get out. they all wear long blue robes and blue hoods and they're in a single-file line, holding onto each other. there are people leading them down the path created by all the many people standing and watching, and they walk and chant while everyone is extremely quiet. it's honestly kind of scary, to be honest. and apparently burning is scary too. but it's a good kind of scary.

Chi drops "droppings" around campus and during Chi walks; most of the time they're pieces of cloth with the blue Rotunda (the symbol of Longwood) painted on it, the X (the Chi letter in Greek), and sometimes a message. the one i have, i found folded up on the ground during freshman orientation, and on the top it says "Keep the spirit alive!" and on the bottom it says "Welcome class of 2012!" they aren't always cloths though; during Halloween they might set out a pumpkin. at the last Chi walk one of the members tossed a protractor (probably not the best idea, seeing as how it has pointed edges, but whatevs), and at the walk before that, one of my sisters got a whoopee cushion. when you get a dropping, you must never let it leave campus. when you become a senior, you HAVE to pass it down before you leave.

Chi is just amazing, everyone loves it. getting a Chi dropping is said to be the luckiest thing that can happen to you here. hence the reason i will not be taking my dropping off the wall until i leave next week."

Why is finding a CHI dropping "the luckiest thing that can happen to you here"? Why is CHI "amazing"? Maybe I am missing something here, but I have to say as an outsider these assertions seem a bit over the top.

Also, I have a question for you especially as a former student, have you ever heard of "Red Chi"?
He hadnt been in the game long as shown from this post on a myspace forum

Thursday, August 20, 2009 11:49 PM

* ┼ Syko Sam ┼
* F/109
* CASTRO VALLEY, California, US
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Ok first question is I just made this music profile not to long ago and I uploaded some of my own music onto the player but there is no "Add" button on the player to add it to my other regular myspace profile. Does anyone know the reason for this or how to fix it?
They blame Emma for this and it makes me really upset and sick to my stomach thinking about why the hell he didnt just leave from Detroit and go back home instead of doing what he did if indeed she screwed him over so bad before they left for SFTW like they say

So these self-serving jerks blame EMMA?!?! One can't blame a girl for 'falling in love' over the internet, finding out the guy doesn't believe in baths, the Niederbrocks follow-through with taking Sam to Michigan (where he makes out with another girl) and still give him the fatal ride back and a place to stay for another week.

I'm speechless. :censored:
and check out the comment from Mars at the bottom... i thought he hated sam and creeped him out?

I also saw that Mars has ads for upcoming shows on Sam's comments. Nah, we're not going to profit from this tragedy. :furious:

Another choice quote from this MySpace of Sam's
Nov 22 2009 3:00 PM Syko Sam is the shi!# I agree with what he did 100% i just think he did it to the wrong people. Besides the preacher

I think I'll be sick now.
I also saw that Mars has ads for upcoming shows on Sam's comments. Nah, we're not going to profit from this tragedy. :furious:

Another choice quote from this MySpace of Sam's

I think I'll be sick now.

i couldnt agree more.... that comment made me sick as well
and Mars.... i dont even know where to begin on him.

Is there a puking smiley somewhere? cuz i def need it
Good article, the guy sort of pissed me off when, in the first sentence, he compares the plight of the juggalos to that of the Jewish people. Absurd.

Overall excellent reporting though.

I only know one really hard core real life juggalo and he's a spoiled brat ,even if that comment was meant sarcastic I don't even understand why he would compare the two?
I can look pretty hardcore. But then I give it away by smiling too much.

We gotta get Claudicici and Heroine there for the look!

Oh, I just saw Dangrs concert list! I wanna go see Razakel! I think I'm growing fond of her....

.....I just don't like the music,I'm sure I'd like the people though
I used to go hang out with my local Goth kids on a regular basis. They lost their venue a while back and I've haven't gone to the new spot because I don't care for the place.

Most of the kids there were very creative and generally a lot of fun to hang out with. My friends and I looked NOTHING like any of them, which meant that some of them just ignored us. We are a lot older, which does make a difference too. I never had anything but a good time and never a negative reaction to my presence.

I knew several of the kids through other connections and I also knew several people who were much older than most of the kids in the scene but still very much a part of it. Those older guys tended to be musicians or involved in promotion and they also generally played the part of responsible adults who were supportive of kids who might not encounter that level of support anywhere else in their lives. There has been a few questions raised in this forum about adults in the scene which actually tend slightly towards accusation, but if they are anything like the older goths scenesters, that isn't necessarily justified.

I find the horrorcore thing to be pretty distasteful in general, but I really wouldn't be surprised to find that it's very much the same as the goth scene. One distinction that I suspect, but don't really have any evidence of is that there may be more of a tendency for the goth kids to be middle/upper class while the horrorcore fans seem to me to be more working class. The ICP wrestling thing makes me suspect that. Horrorcore seems to me like it would appeal to the same demographic as demolition derbies, cage matches, and either lowered Japanese cars with performance robbing accessories bolted on or raised trucks with performance robbing accessories bolted on. Most of the goth kids I've met come from more middle class backgrounds, but that may just be where I live. Anyone got any thoughts or info on that?

I've often wondered if there were a southern variety of horrorcore brewing with Miami Bass, Molly Hatchet, and some Lil Wayne thrown on top of what's there already. If there isn't it may be time for us to hit the studio. I can't think of better way to infiltrate the clique than through the production side. We've got a crack team here that could throw down teh wickedestest of teh wickedest. Just think, we could all be sitting in a hotel room counting stacks of ones someday too!

I totally agree with your post ! I'm mostly around people A LOT younger than me,just cos I prefer that company ,my daughter gets mad though when her friends like to talk to me....she sends me to my room :(
....anyways I agree that horrorcore is probably mostly working class white kids.....just like metal was....
I only know one really hard core real life juggalo and he's a spoiled brat ,even if that comment was meant sarcastic I don't even understand why he would compare the two?

I think he was saying that Jews are just about the only people who have gotten more grief from outsiders than Juggalos have.

But, like, take just Kristallnacht. That would seem to be about a baba-bazillion times worse than someone writing unfriendly news articles about your music, make-up, and soft drink choices.

It was a stupid, insensitive journalistic comment that some editor should have deleted, in my humble opinion. As an editor. Who would have deleted it. And said, "What's this **** at the beginning? Look, buddy, don't pick on the Jews for your stupid comparisons."
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