VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #5

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I loved this exchange yesterday about this photo. Not only did Vasquez get in about what a staged photo it was, but got Heard to talk about her and her sister’s use of coke.

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Cathy Russon

Vasquez: You don't have any pictures of Mr. Depp actually consuming cocaine, do you? Vasquez mentions that #AmberHeard sent this pic to Rocky, "You have a habit of sending staged pictures, don't you?

Pic of cocaine on the table. Vasquez: It's your testimony that Mr. Depp left this breakfast table just way you took the pic? It doesn't really look like anyone has done cocaine off that table:? #AmberHeard: My sister taught him to use the tampon applicator you see in the pic
I thought to myself BINGO that opens up the door for JD team to address sister Whitney’s drug use if/when she testifies.
According to AH, Whitney showed JD some drug methods, instructions.
Pot calling kettle thing!
Go Camille!

Jury has gotta be thinking this is not Amber's first drug rodeo with the going on about how to snort via a tampon.
This is a younger jury so..AH prob took one look at them collectively and thought -yeah, I can work this room. Never under estimate the truth Amber!

JM take …
Sky News

Heard gave Depp a knife as present during alleged abuse in 2012

Amber Heard is being asked by Johnny Depp's lawyer Camille Vasquez about her relationship with Depp which started in October 2011.

Depp's lawyer says Heard had previously testified that the first year of her relationship was the "best of times" and "magic" which Heard agrees.

Ms Vasquez goes on to say that now she has told this jury that Depp was hitting her in 2012 and "smashing things" around her.

The lawyer shows a knife Heard gave Depp while she was allegedly abusing her in 2012.

Heard says: "I wasn't worried he was going to stab me with it that's for certain."

Asked if this is the same knife she gave Depp as a present, she says: "This is the same knife that I gave him as a present in 2012."
I thought it was interesting that Amber got snotty about there being no residue on the table. I have never done cocaine but some friends did on the center console of my car many years ago. There was a LOT of residue so I would think the table would show some as well?
You don’t leave residue on the table, you wet the tip of your finger with your tongue and run it over the line residue. Unless you’re filthy rich and know there is plenty more coke at your disposal.
Glass or smooth surface was the desired platform since things like a car console would be porous or of an uneven texture making it harder to snort plus you didn’t want to waste any of the product.
A tampon applicator?! I’ve never seen that used before. Everyone always had a bill or a cocktail type straw around.
I wonder if EB's tone is actually as disrespectful as it looks from her body language at the bar?
Ah ha….
AH has a major” tude” this morning.
Smiling at the jury with her good morning.
Only looks at jury when she answers.
This presents a rehearsed method.
A: is drinking water, rearranging papers.
A: Can you clarify what you are asking me?
A: What was your was your question?
A: it was a multi day assault

I love Camille’s white suit

AH might be having trouble sleeping.
An article out today :
Legal experts say she could face a perjury probe over evidence at High Court

The way she says "That is correct" just like Dawn whatserface (can't remember her name,sorry) did when she was getting narky. To me it seems so abrupt, she never says yes or gets even slightly upset,it just doesn't ring true for me at all.
Sky News

Heard alleges Depp smashed phone against wall and then assaulted her in Australia

Depp's lawyer now moves onto events in Australia in 2015 in which Heard alleged the actor "bashed a phone against a wall" and then assaulted her.

According to Heard's testimony it was a wall mounted phone in the bar area of their accommodation and she had watched Depp smash the phone.

Ms Vasquez says Heard submitted a declaration at the time in which she testified that after Depp smashed the phone he held her down on the counter top.

"He held me down by my neck on the counter," Heard says.

The lawyer asks if the bottle which Heard alleges Depp used to assault her was in his hand when she was pushed on the counter but Heard says: "I don't remember the exact sequence of the events."
The way she says "That is correct" just like Dawn whatserface (can't remember her name,sorry) did when she was getting narky. To me it seems so abrupt, she never says yes or gets even slightly upset,it just doesn't ring true for me at all.

I can only guess she was instructed to look at the jury when she answers questions, as well as answering in the affirmative "that is correct". Problem is, it all looks and sounds fake, robotic, and highly annoying.

Ah ha….
AH has a major” tude” this morning.
Smiling at the jury with her good morning.
Only looks at jury when she answers.
This presents a rehearsed method.
A: is drinking water, rearranging papers.
A: Can you clarify what you are asking me?
A: What was your was your question?
A: it was a multi day assault

I love Camille’s white suit

She's going to need a wee break soon if she doesn't slow down with that drink :eek:
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