Vass deposition

I soooo can't wait for the audio of this one!

Baez "..apparently some of the instruments you sent to him broke,right, glass tubes"
Vass "That's not an instrument" :doh: :slap:
omg dr. vass was a trip during this depo!

how dare they try to discredit his science! we don't always do things "by the book" in life!
i never measure ingredients when making a cake.. i know my coffee mug holds 8oz.. so i'll use that..
when they baby poops, i don't go sniffing everyone's butts to see if it could be my 5 year old or 14 year old or 11 year old.. you smell baby poop once and you always know when you smell baby poop (like his skunk explanation) however, if she does poop an extra funky poop or green poop, i WILL inspect my 5 year old's poop and ask the others the status of their poop to see if there's a strain of butt funk virus going around my house.
but anyway, if he didn't follow "protocol" it's because he didn't feel the need to.. it wouldn't have affected the outcome..
just like me sniffing everyone's @ss when i smell ***** won't change the fact that i will eventually have to wrestle down my toddler and change her diaper.

YES, i see their point... YES his findings would eventually be used in a death penalty murder trial so they want everything on the up and up.. but NOTHING CHANGES THE FACT that an almost 3 year old child was dead and decomposing in the trunk of her mother's car. get over it, KC, JB CM.
Baez "..apparently some of the instruments you sent to him broke,right, glass tubes"
Vass "That's not an instrument" :doh: :slap:

That one cracked me up. :floorlaugh:
This is my favorite.

Question: And that would assist you in determining whether the compounds found in the trunk of the car were consistent with a decompositional event?

Answer: Well sure, I mean, if there was a bottle of chloroform in the trunk of the car, and it was half gone, I mean duh. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: < Vass's words, not mine. :D
I am literally shaking my head here. Knowing Baez was present and even involved in this deposition, after listening to LKB and still asked some of the stewpidest, most asinine questions during the Frye hearings. Dear God in Heaven, words fail me.
On page 97, so haven't gotten to read the part about the squirrels, but so far, Dr. Vass is a a peach!
So far, my favorite was

"well, yeah. It's written on the bottle."
Have gotten to the portion where Baez takes over the questioning and I believe I see the problem. His questions here are just as inane as the ones he did at FRYE. He learned nothing from his colleague.
Why does the word dunce keep coming to mind?
I soooo can't wait for the audio of this one!


It's funny-as I'm reading this I'm hearing his cute little accent in my head!! I can picture his expressions just like when he was on the stand!! Love this guy!!:loveyou:
Unfortunately-I can hear and see JB and CM in my head too!!:banghead:
By the way-if CM wants to take JA outside-my money is on JA!!:rocker:
"I mean you can't really deal with decomposition with out dealing with maggots. I know I'm going to be cremated when I die. No maggots getting to me."
Dr Vass is such a champ. I can't imagine how proud of him his wife and children must be.
JB does not like his ineptitude laughed at.
Leave the room....
Vass is a riot. I actually liked how he answered the very last question. In response to LKB's question about whether or not he knows fabric softener sheets are made with chloroform.

"Common sense would say no, but no you are correct I do not know 100% that fabric softener is made with a known carcinogen"
Yikes, anyone know of a substitute for dryer sheets?

I have only read what you guys wrote about the depo and have to thank you all. I haven't laughed like this in a while.

Can't wait for the weekend to catch up on all the depos.
Hmmm. The lady asks Michael Baden how good is a cadaver dog and he says they're good but they often hit on false positives.

Same respected Dr. Baden was the one who I first heard talk and explain about the postmortem hair banding during the Madeline McCann case several years ago. I've often wondered if he told his wife to get off this case. You can bet LKB consulted with hubby on this.
The date of this deposition is 9/22/2010. Has it taken JB and CM this long to find a way to invalidate the results provided by Dr. Vass? They must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and find an explanation for the decomp odor and the chloroform levels. Did Dr. Vass run tests on the garbage? I can't tolerate the outrageous behavior of CM and JB. They were deliberately making nasty comments and accusations to JA. Baiting, waiting in ambush. JB and CM act like a couple of buzzards, (my susbtituted polite
word) I'm glad that this was recorded so the Florida Bar Assn. can take a look at the way these two interrogate witnesses for the prosecution. I can't wait till tomorrow to see some more chit hit the fan when HHJP rules.
The date of this deposition is 9/22/2010. Has it taken JB and CM this long to find a way to invalidate the results provided by Dr. Vass? They must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and find an explanation for the decomp odor and the chloroform levels. Did Dr. Vass run tests on the garbage? I can't tolerate the outrageous behavior of CM and JB. They were deliberately making nasty comments and accusations to JA. Baiting, waiting in ambush. JB and CM act like a couple of buzzards, (my susbtituted polite
word) I'm glad that this was recorded so the Florida Bar Assn. can take a look at the way these two interrogate witnesses for the prosecution. I can't wait till tomorrow to see some more chit hit the fan when HHJP rules.

Yes, but there is a Jerry lewis and Dean Martin flavor to this depo. Jerry (Vass), Martin (Ashton). I haven't laughed this much EVER over reading discovery. I got mad and frustrated last night, but when I re read it, all that jumped out at me was the humor. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I got so mad, that I haven't been able to close my eyes. I will conk out before the hearing. :(
Can I just say that Det. Melich getting Dr Vass involved was a brilliant move.
The date of this deposition is 9/22/2010. Has it taken JB and CM this long to find a way to invalidate the results provided by Dr. Vass? They must be scraping the bottom of the barrel to try and find an explanation for the decomp odor and the chloroform levels.
Did Dr. Vass run tests on the garbage? I can't tolerate the outrageous behavior of CM and JB. They were deliberately making nasty comments and accusations to JA. Baiting, waiting in ambush. JB and CM act like a couple of buzzards, (my susbtituted polite
word) I'm glad that this was recorded so the Florida Bar Assn. can take a look at the way these two interrogate witnesses for the prosecution. I can't wait till tomorrow to see some more chit hit the fan when HHJP rules.

I don't think so! :floorlaugh: Look at the difference between this depo and JB at the Frye hearing. Clearly the DT needed LKB. I can't get the image of Dr. Vass throwing his arms up and that face at the very end and he says something like yeah, ok whatever as he seems to be looking at the Judge and JA. JB doesn't have a clue what to even ask that's why he can't stick to Frye issues. I'm curious why no one particularly the defense has not brought up the gas cans in the trunk? I know they would have left some serious fumes. Scott Peterson was actually successful in covering up the odor of decomp. on a tarp with gas from a weed eater and fertilizer. I have always wondered if Casey tried to use gas to mask or kill the odor of decomp. I know for a fact you are not supposed to have gas cans in your trunk. My niece did that with my daughter in her car and she got really sick from the fumes penetrating into the passenger area. I was very upset because I thought everyone knew that.
I'm not the sharpest tack in the pack, so maybe one of you can help me out.

In the depo they are discussing the patent and the money, etc: Considering Dr Vass won't be getting very much, why did Baez question Vass about it at the Frye hearing? I do get what Baez was trying to show, but Dr Vass won't even make Baez's fee of 250,000 that he made off KC - it seems just plain silly for Baez to imply that Dr Vass is eager for the machine to be used so he can make $$$, because from what I've understood, Dr Vass' $ return vs the work would be peanuts.

If anything, Dr Vass wants the machine to be used because like every scientist before him, he wants the name recognition that comes with contributing to the advancement of technology, and there's nothing wrong with that. Thank goodness that scientists compete with and review each other.

All my own opinions.
LOL-These justice fighters all become strangely attractive in their own way, don't they? HHJP's cheeks are to die for, Det. YM is going all George Clooney on us, and Dr. Vass was prolly that guy we tell our high school daughters to look out for- "Honey, he might have braces, acne and thick glasses now, but someday he'll grow out of all that and into an attractive and successful guy!"
Even Jeff Ashton went from grumpy prosecutor guy to saavy, sassy debonair...

Somehow, though, JB is NOT rico suave...go figure.

ETA-And the things AndreaL said about female prosecutors-well, that really reflected more on her than on LDB-Just sayin'

Oh man, I have an image in my head of that old Rico Suave video, only this time, instead of a cute barechested guy...I have BAEZ in my head! :banghead:

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