Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase #2

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Can I have a little informal poll. This is my first trial, and I look forward to seeing you all again.

What will you be watching next? And when?

I know many have said they won't, but I'll be watching the Trayvon Martin case. Wasn't sure that I could take it, but based on the information I've read about it so far- plus my :loveyou: for Bernie De La Rionda, I have to be there.

Andrea Sneiderman after that.

Oddly enough, I don't think I can watch a second penalty phase in this current case. Seeing this convicted murderer on a regular basis has awakened a scary violent streak in me. What's happened since January has pushed me to near uncontrollable rage, which is something I can't allow to continue. I'll continue to pray every single day for the Alexander family and justice, but I have to be aware of how negatively it has impacted me and how it will continue to do so if I allow it.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for the links to the other interviews with the foreman, guys, I really appreciate it.

I have to say his interview with AZ central was much better than the GMA one.

I think he just got semi-duped by her, so I can't really fault him for that I guess. I mean it is what it is. She has that way. What can we say? I don't think there is anything anyone can say that would change his mind on JUST HOW EVIL she is...he seems pretty set on the "verbal abuse" stuff. What I found very interesting when Juror 8 was being interviewed by DDrew for the first time, was when he said he believed SOME of the things she said on the stand, but nothing relating to the murder. I found that to be very interesting, b/c I didn't believe ANY of it. But Juror 8 said he believed some things that were not that "out there" and WHICH HE THOUGHT SHE WOULD HAVE NO REASON TO LIE ABOUT.

I think if we take these two views together - juror 8, who believed SOME things (although not related to the murder), and juror 18 who also believed some....then we are kind of piecing together that yes, the jurors didn't have a full view of how manipulative/evil she is. They don't get that SHE LIES FOR NO REASON. That she does things for the pure satisfaction of duping people. That's what she did to Travis until he got so fed up he couldn't take it anymore.

It seems clear to me after just these two jurors, that we have a much better idea of who she is b/c of all the outside things we've seen. So maybe we can't blame the foreman too much. I think there will also be others who say they believed some things she said. It's b/c it's not in normal people's nature to just lie and cause misery for people. Like Sleuth was saying, they were trying to look at her from the perspective of a normal person, b/c they are supposed to presume innocent, which they equate with "normal."

I think that's a very good point. I know a lot about APD, BPD, and narcissism that most people do not.

ETA: This is also why people get victimized every day by these people. They ALLOW you to put whatever spin on their actions you want to, and most of us put a rational spin on it. It can take a very long time to figure out what someone like this is really thinking, that they are playing a game, and how the game is being played. Horrific.
PHOENIX — The jury foreman in Jodi Arias' trial says the panel just couldn't decide whether the killing of her boyfriend was enough to merit a death a sentence.

William Zervakos tells The Associated Press jurors struggled with what they called a flawed system, explaining Arias wasn't "Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson." They thought it was unfair that 12 average Americans who aren't lawyers had to make such a crucial decision.

The 69-year-old said Friday the entire panel believed the slaying was no doubt brutal. But he says they had to take into account Arias' lack of a criminal history or any previous violent behavior.

About unfair that 12 average Am. make decision about death, I agree. But why did he not voice this before the trial. Did he not know they wanted a death qualified jury and why? Again, too bad the knives and gun could not have been brought in. moo I thought ones criminal behavior could not be brought up in ones current trial.
I've expressed nothing but sympathy and gratitude for the jury all the way through, even after they hung. I still reserve judgement on the 3 holdouts who have not spoken. But number 18 , IMO, deserves every last bit of condemnation and contempt being directed at him. He either didn 't understand what he was being asked to do or he willfully chose to insert his own sympathies, bias and ignorance as he saw fit. I notice as well that he's the only juror going public, that he keeps speaking for the whole jury without their permission, and that he seems to be loving the limelight.

No apologies here for feeling contempt for the man.

Here's something very telling. Mr. F, according to what I've read, said he'd like to talk with Jodi and ask her what actually happened.

He has so little insight into Little Missy, even after all those days on the stand, that I think he believes there's a possibility she would actually tell him! :floorlaugh:

Even the fact that he would countenance such a question to this person shows he doesn't grasp her level of deviousness and deviance.
If the jury had come back unanimous Life, and JSS had sentenced Jodi LWOP would people have been angry, or do you think they would have accepted their decision a lot easier?

Most folks on this forum did voice their opinion on this matter, IIRC, many said they would want the DP but would settle for LWOP and would respect the jurors verdict/decision, myself included, these jurors have been on this case for 5 months, have worked very hard at arriving at the M1, and deserved nothing less.

For the record, I don't think people are angry at the jurors, per se, just voicing their opinions and frustations at the foremans statements.
if she had gotten LWOP (which is what I believe the judge would have decide given the chance), it would have put this mess to bed.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

**advertiser censored* resolution is better any day than *NO* resolution. No one likes to be left hanging and everyone is in limbo until July.
If the jury had come back unanimous Life, and JSS had sentenced Jodi LWOP would people have been angry, or do you think they would have accepted their decision a lot easier?

I think people would have been upset at first, but then the knowledge that she'll be in prison for the rest of her natural life, and that she'd have to fund her own appeals in the future would have softened the blow. I'm mostly just upset because I think this jury did a disservice to the Alexander family and to the state of Arizona. They should not have given up so easily.
Wow guys reading more about the foreman and we were DAMN lucky to get a conviction.
One of the things that is bothering me about how this "foreman" is speaking out is that he is including the whole jury in his statements. The split was 8 for dp and 4 for life, so a majority did not agree with him on that. He should only be speaking for himself instead of saying "my jurors" or "we"!!! Ugh, I'm going to go distract myself with a movie.
*ding* *ding* *ding*

**advertiser censored* resolution is better any day than *NO* resolution. No one likes to be left hanging and everyone is in limbo until July.

Agree, agree, agree.

The Alexanders are left hanging and JA gets a chance to practice her elocution again. This is the best of all worlds for her in some respects....massive public feeding frenzy not once but twice.
Jury Foreman Interview on GMA

EV: Good morning Bill. It’s really great to have you here. You did say you had a hard time believing she would be capable of, just looking at her, that she could be capable of doing this?

BILL: Yeah, that’s true. I mean, when I walk in the courtroom the first time, and looked at who the defendant was. You know it’s hard to put that into perspective when you look at a young woman and think of the crime and then you see the brutality of the crime. It just doesn’t wash. So it’s very difficult to (stammering, thinking of word) divest yourself from the personal, from the emotional part of it.

This was a huge issue on the boards when I was on earlier today. He is NOT (IMO) saying he didn’t believe she did it due to her size, etc. He is saying ON FIRST IMPRESSION he was surprised by her size and the brutality of the crime. Clearly he was eventually shown she did do it as he voted guilty for M1.

EV: You did find her guilty of killing another man, of taking another life. You said you did not believe her story that she murdered Travis Alexander in self -defense. But you say you do believe that TA did emotionally and mentally abuse Jodi?

(EV is doing a terrible job interviewing him IMO. She makes it sound like there was more than one victim… guilty of killing another man, of taking another life.” I know what she means, but the emphasis she places on the word “another” makes this confusing.)

BILL: I’m very sure, in my own mind, that she was mentally and verbally abused. Now, is that an excuse? Of course not. Does it factor into decisions that we make? It has to.

He is NOT, as was stated in earlier posts, saying TA physically abused her. He said mentally/verbally. This did shock me, as none of us feel this way. We all feel this was an anomaly. Something out of the ordinary for Travis and due to something major that happened (that we don’t know about). However, when I try to take out of my mind all that WE have seen/heard that the jury has not, I can see how he feels this way. They were not allowed to see many other texts, etc. The May text, taken alone, IS abusive verbally – he was PIZZED OFF! We see more of the context than they were allowed to see.

EV: Do you think she did herself any favors on the stand? Uh, there’s been a lot of debate of whether those 18 days of testimony helped or hurt her.

BILL: No, I think 18 days hurt her. I think she was not a good witness, um (EV: because?) We go into, we are charged with going in presuming innocence, right? Um, but she was on the stand for so long. There were so many contradicting stories. I think the way the prosecutor, um, was with her. He’s known for an aggressive style. I think it was very hard. I think it would be difficult for anybody. I don’t think I’d want to sit on the stand for 18 days. Um, but I don’t think it did her any good, no. That length of time, no I don’t think it did her any good at all.

He took big heat for this. Many feel he was saying Juan was too aggressive. That is not how I interpret this. I think he is saying her being on the stand for 18 days and facing a prosecutor with an aggressive style, hurt her case by bringing a lot of contradictions to light. Also, he shows that JA’s “Never Ending Craptastic Tale of Woe and Pity” was a waste of time.

EV: You did say the most gut-wrenching part of this entire experience for you was listening to the family of Travis Alexander talk about their loss. What was that like?

BILL: Yeah, that’s a great question, Elizabeth, if only I had a good answer. Until you are face to face with people that have gone through something like that , it’s something that you really can’t put into words. I’m six feet away from somebody talking about a horrendous loss and if you can’t feel that, then you have no emotion, no soul. And yet we couldn’t allow ourselves to be emotional on the stand. We couldn’t allow ourselves to show emotional, although I’m sure some came through. I’m very, very proud of my peers, my jurors that were with us because they did a fantastic job of holding it together. A different story once we got back to the jury room. It was a gut-wrenching thing we had to go through and everybody had to make their own decision.

Some posters were really ticked about this part. Like he was saying he didn’t feel for the Alexanders. I don’t get that at all. In fact, he is saying they DID feel for them but weren’t allowed to show those emotions in the courtroom. He actually says you would have “no emotion, no soul” if you didn’t feel for them.

EV: Bill Z., thank you very much for your service on the jury and for joining us this morning. I appreciate it.

BILL: Well, it was my pleasure. Thank you very much.
I was very hurt and disappointed with the outcome yesterday. However, I do respect the jury and the decision they made – even though I was praying for a different verdict. I know emotions are high. NO ONE wanted JA to have one moment of smug satisfaction that she "won". NO ONE wants the family to have to go through this any longer. But this is NOT the Pinellas 12! The jurors have been attentive, involved, asked good/intelligent questions AND gave her the M1 with Premeditation and Cruelty. They hit a roadblock on the one decision that you can’t “prove”. The one that is nearly impossible to sway fellow jurors on because it is a personal belief, a personal standard of where the line is that determines DP is the best verdict.

I was stunned and hurt for the Alexander family yesterday. I am horrified that after dragging up every bit of courage, energy, faith and whatever else it took to be in that courtroom for 5 months – they now may have to go through a lot of it again.
I would guess they feel raw, empty, hollow – nothing left to draw on to make it through it again. I understand. I TRULY understand and have been in that position myself. But I know with the love and support of those around them, the support of so many who have never met them, and a strength they will draw from God – if there is another mini-trial, they WILL do it. They will do what they need to do, because they have to do it. I am thankful they have some time to go home, rest, think things over, smell the flowers, wake up in their own beds, see their kids/grandkids/friends and heal. I will be here sending them prayers for the entire time they are fighting for justice for Travis.
I just saw a post on FB where inside editione talks to the Forman and he said " I want to talk to Jodi and ask her what really happened?" OMG I Am:stormingmad::stormingmad:

That told me that he just didn't get it. People like JA will never tell you what really happened. Does he really think he could just sit down and say "Now you can tell me the truth" and she will spill it? Does he really think he could ever get an honest answer out of her? He is acting like she is a normal person with a conscious who is capable of taking responsibility of her actions. Talking to her is a waste of time. There is no getting answers from her. Flores is about the best I have ever seen and he couldn't get the truth from her. He thinks he can?
I've expressed nothing but sympathy and gratitude for the jury all the way through, even after they hung. I still reserve judgement on the 3 holdouts who have not spoken. But number 18 , IMO, deserves every last bit of condemnation and contempt being directed at him. He either didn 't understand what he was being asked to do or he willfully chose to insert his own sympathies, bias and ignorance as he saw fit. I notice as well that he's the only juror going public, that he keeps speaking for the whole jury without their permission, and that he seems to be loving the limelight.

No apologies here for feeling contempt for the man.

this!!! the fact that the first thing he says is she was to small and frail to commit the murder, after she already admitted it and that question wasn't even on the table - but i truly respect the jurors who fought and didn't bend, and i agree that M1 must have been in more jepordy than we thought - better that this portion of penalty is redone than to let some one push ppl into a penalty that did not feel was right
I started watching this trial when JA tood the stand because this is the first trial Ive seen where the defendant did that. Had enough after KC and wasnt interested in following another one. I wont watch a retrial but will turn in for the verdict. I honestly couldnt stomach JW, KN and ALV again if she is called. I probably would follow another trial if its one of the missing persons Ive followed from the start. Katelyn Markham, Hailey Dunn. I would follow but I may be old and dead instead of just old lol before an arresnt is made.
So much for not drinking with reckless abandon tonight.

This is some day I'm having... rushed my dog to the emergency clinic because he wouldn't jump up on the couch and had a hard gurgly tummy. As soon as we got into the exam room ... He made a deposit on the floor....She examined him and said he WAS constipated but he seems fine now.

Yep, I paid $67 for my dog to **** on the vet's floor.

and now this!

That's good news! If he didn't poop on the floor, you'd be paying for ultrasound! Trust me... I know...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Jodi's sister posted on FB from the Grand Canyon yesterday. She was with her mother and others.

This sounds about right. These players are just going to get on with their holiday weekends...think there will be cooking out and merrymaking at the Alexander's house? Anyone?

I knew the DP would be off because of her lack of criminal history. That was the only mitigating factor, no?

But, I guess lying on the stand or lying to Flores does not count? That it in self (perjury) should be added on top of the crime committed. Kinda like a "double crime".

It seems to me something was lost in translation. Part of the jury instruction also included the reference to significance. Hard word to understand that there significance thingy. Every first time defendant can say the same, so can serial killers after killing 15 people and not being caught. Go figure.
And that's my problem with the DP. Well, one of them anyway. It's not administered based upon the crime, it's based upon who committed the crime.

Yes, it's almost a crap shoot.
Just to mention a few of the inconsistencies of a DP case:
Gender and what you look like,
Which state you commit the crime in,
What's allowed into the trial,
Prior offences not mentioned,
and all the trickery a defense can think up.

Going for the DP is close to gambling, IMO.
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