WA - infant, Lakewood, 3 April 2017 Parents Located

So grateful he was found by the passerby. I wonder if we'll hear why he was left?
I'm going to toss out my guess about what led to the abandonment: drugs. This is totally speculation on my part, but I think the parent or parents were high and that led to leaving/forgetting/losing their baby in a yard. The baby--as some of you have pointed out--looks clean and well-dressed. This is what makes me think drugs might be at the heart of this--the baby is taken care of when the parents aren't high.

Okay--just my two cents....

I hope the baby boy is being loved on by some caring guardian right now. I hope he lands in a loving home.
I'm going to toss out my guess about what led to the abandonment: drugs. This is totally speculation on my part, but I think the parent or parents were high and that led to leaving/forgetting/losing their baby in a yard. The baby--as some of you have pointed out--looks clean and well-dressed. This is what makes me think drugs might be at the heart of this--the baby is taken care of when the parents aren't high.

Okay--just my two cents....

I hope the baby boy is being loved on by some caring guardian right now. I hope he lands in a loving home.

I live half an hour away from Lakewood (in a nice town). When I first heard of this, I thought "drugs" because of Lakewood.

But they found the parents, and apparently they were on drugs:

I live half an hour away from Lakewood (in a nice town). When I first heard of this, I thought "drugs" because of Lakewood.

But they found the parents, and apparently they were on drugs:

Holy business! It sounds like the mom was doing (unspecified) drugs and became so freaked out she thought she was being chased so she ran and ran then left the baby and was found RUNNING later and taken to the hospital?!?! How long was this lady running because it is sounding like she ran for literally hours! What the eff was she on?!?!

(And why do I keep checking the location because this seems like a Florida story? I say in somewhat jest)

Is this the same stuff that young man in Florida took before he ate those poor people in their garage?

I kinda don't want to ever leave my house again right now.
Holy business! It sounds like the mom was doing (unspecified) drugs and became so freaked out she thought she was being chased so she ran and ran then left the baby and was found RUNNING later and taken to the hospital?!?! How long was this lady running because it is sounding like she ran for literally hours! What the eff was she on?!?!

(And why do I keep checking the location because this seems like a Florida story? I say in somewhat jest)

Is this the same stuff that young man in Florida took before he ate those poor people in their garage?

I kinda don't want to ever leave my house again right now.

Flourish...I think you mean the drug Fentanyl. The news didn't indicate the specific drug the mom was using, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be either Fentanyl or meth. Here's a link about Fentanyl:
I think this mom was likely on meth.
Meth causes these paranoid delusions.
When I wasa bit younger I heard a story that I believed was a wives tale told to teens to keep them away from meth. I wasn't a teen so I didn't really believe it but didn't know how awful meth was at the time.
Here's how it goes-

A young couple does meth and is driving down a long country road in ( insert Midwest town here) and they suddenly feel like they are being chased!
They see cars coming from behind them and see people running so fast that they are actually almost catching up to the moving vehicle. They hear that one of the people chasing the car has finally caught them and is banging on the roof of the vehicle they are in going 60 mph. ( Remember they are paranoid and delusional)
They decide to call 911 from their cell phone. They have a 911 operator on the line now and are explaining how they are being chased and attackers are beating on their moving car.
Dispatcher is asking them their location but they aren't coherent enough to give an exact location.

Delusion over.

911 had to trade the ping from their phone so it took some time to find them but they where found about 7 hours later frozen to death.
They abandoned the vehicle and stripped their clothes off and decided to keep running. They froze to death out in the elements that night.
Police did an extensive investigation and learned that nobody was actually chasing these people ( I'm sure they knew that from the beginning due to the wild 911 call. Surely they had an inkling that it was a delusion)
Toxicology came back that they both where under the influence of meth. They died because of their paranoid delusion.

Google the story if you'd like, it turns out that some of it may be a bit exaggerated but for the most part it is a true story. They really had some delusion and it resulted in them dieing because they ran outside naked all night in freezing weather. They must've truly believed they where being chased. Police found them only because they had called 911 hours earlier to report that they where being chased.
So even though parts of the story like them thinking someone was on the roof may be made up, in all it's a real story about a real couple who died from these paranoid delusions caused by meth.
I think this mom was likely on meth.
Meth causes these paranoid delusions.
When I wasa bit younger I heard a story that I believed was a wives tale told to teens to keep them away from meth. I wasn't a teen so I didn't really believe it but didn't know how awful meth was at the time.
Here's how it goes-

A young couple does meth and is driving down a long country road in ( insert Midwest town here) and they suddenly feel like they are being chased!
They see cars coming from behind them and see people running so fast that they are actually almost catching up to the moving vehicle. They hear that one of the people chasing the car has finally caught them and is banging on the roof of the vehicle they are in going 60 mph. ( Remember they are paranoid and delusional)
They decide to call 911 from their cell phone. They have a 911 operator on the line now and are explaining how they are being chased and attackers are beating on their moving car.
Dispatcher is asking them their location but they aren't coherent enough to give an exact location.

Delusion over.

911 had to trade the ping from their phone so it took some time to find them but they where found about 7 hours later frozen to death.
They abandoned the vehicle and stripped their clothes off and decided to keep running. They froze to death out in the elements that night.
Police did an extensive investigation and learned that nobody was actually chasing these people ( I'm sure they knew that from the beginning due to the wild 911 call. Surely they had an inkling that it was a delusion)
Toxicology came back that they both where under the influence of meth. They died because of their paranoid delusion.

Google the story if you'd like, it turns out that some of it may be a bit exaggerated but for the most part it is a true story. They really had some delusion and it resulted in them dieing because they ran outside naked all night in freezing weather. They must've truly believed they where being chased. Police found them only because they had called 911 hours earlier to report that they where being chased.
So even though parts of the story like them thinking someone was on the roof may be made up, in all it's a real story about a real couple who died from these paranoid delusions caused by meth.
Wow. You are correct.

"At one point, Wamsley said they had come across hundreds of bystanders who didn't speak English. Hornickel said others were taking cars apart and putting them in the trees."

More at:


this very sad story was covered in WS ... Michael Wamsley and Janelle Hornickle (and they took the meth days before they died)

I think this mom was likely on meth.
Meth causes these paranoid delusions.
When I wasa bit younger I heard a story that I believed was a wives tale told to teens to keep them away from meth. I wasn't a teen so I didn't really believe it but didn't know how awful meth was at the time.
Here's how it goes-

A young couple does meth and is driving down a long country road in ( insert Midwest town here) and they suddenly feel like they are being chased!
They see cars coming from behind them and see people running so fast that they are actually almost catching up to the moving vehicle. They hear that one of the people chasing the car has finally caught them and is banging on the roof of the vehicle they are in going 60 mph. ( Remember they are paranoid and delusional)
They decide to call 911 from their cell phone. They have a 911 operator on the line now and are explaining how they are being chased and attackers are beating on their moving car.
Dispatcher is asking them their location but they aren't coherent enough to give an exact location.

Delusion over.

911 had to trade the ping from their phone so it took some time to find them but they where found about 7 hours later frozen to death.
They abandoned the vehicle and stripped their clothes off and decided to keep running. They froze to death out in the elements that night.
Police did an extensive investigation and learned that nobody was actually chasing these people ( I'm sure they knew that from the beginning due to the wild 911 call. Surely they had an inkling that it was a delusion)
Toxicology came back that they both where under the influence of meth. They died because of their paranoid delusion.

Google the story if you'd like, it turns out that some of it may be a bit exaggerated but for the most part it is a true story. They really had some delusion and it resulted in them dieing because they ran outside naked all night in freezing weather. They must've truly believed they where being chased. Police found them only because they had called 911 hours earlier to report that they where being chased.
So even though parts of the story like them thinking someone was on the roof may be made up, in all it's a real story about a real couple who died from these paranoid delusions caused by meth.
Holy business! It sounds like the mom was doing (unspecified) drugs and became so freaked out she thought she was being chased so she ran and ran then left the baby and was found RUNNING later and taken to the hospital?!?! How long was this lady running because it is sounding like she ran for literally hours! What the eff was she on?!?!

(And why do I keep checking the location because this seems like a Florida story? I say in somewhat jest)

Is this the same stuff that young man in Florida took before he ate those poor people in their garage?

I kinda don't want to ever leave my house again right now.

This particularly saddens me because one of my classmate's sister (she is my Facebook friend as well) lives in Lakewood, and recently had a baby. She lost the baby at a week old due to SIDS. I can't even imagine how she feels about this story.

Doesn't it seem like Florida? Not to stereotype FL, of course, I just hear about all this stuff happening in Florida.

It's so strange to think that all this stuff can be happening so close by, even if you live in a nice place.
They have found the parents. Article is updated. Hope this baby gets a real chance at life now.

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I have to say it's a miracle that the woman who found the baby was walking home from a grocery store at 1:30 a.m....in the middle of the night! Who does that? Store employee, cigarettes, munchies, or other urgent need? But thank goodness she did and bothered to investigate.
updated info from OP link:

At St. Claire Hospital in Lakewood on Monday, a woman was saying that she is the mother of the child and that she had seen media coverage of the abandoned infant.
She told detectives that she was at a Lakewood home Sunday night and was doing drugs. She became paranoid and grabbed her baby. She began to run, believing she was being chased.
Police said she admitted leaving the baby in a front yard in the hopes that someone would find him.

She is now in jail awaiting charges...
LAKEWOOD, Wash. - Police say they are "confident" they have found the parents of a baby who was found abandoned in a Lakewood yard Monday morning


Lakewood Police Lt. Chris Lawler said Monday afternoon that the mother told authorities she had taken drugs at a Lakewood residence Sunday night, became paranoid and fled with the baby because she thought she was being chased.


Detectives got a tip Monday morning about the parents of the child, Lawler said in a news release. As they were investigating the tip, detectives learned that a female patient at St. Clare Hospital was saying she was the child’s mother, Lawler said. The woman identified herself as the mother after seeing the media coverage, according to the news release.


Glad this is resolved. METH is so ugly. It destroys people, it destroys families, it destroys lives. :(
isn't fentanyl a downer more like heroin? I don't see running for long periods of time on a downer.

Flourish...I think you mean the drug Fentanyl. The news didn't indicate the specific drug the mom was using, but I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be either Fentanyl or meth. Here's a link about Fentanyl:
or spice/k2

I think this mom was likely on meth.
Meth causes these paranoid delusions.
When I wasa bit younger I heard a story that I believed was a wives tale told to teens to keep them away from meth. I wasn't a teen so I didn't really believe it but didn't know how awful meth was at the time.
Here's how it goes-

A young couple does meth and is driving down a long country road in ( insert Midwest town here) and they suddenly feel like they are being chased!
They see cars coming from behind them and see people running so fast that they are actually almost catching up to the moving vehicle. They hear that one of the people chasing the car has finally caught them and is banging on the roof of the vehicle they are in going 60 mph. ( Remember they are paranoid and delusional)
They decide to call 911 from their cell phone. They have a 911 operator on the line now and are explaining how they are being chased and attackers are beating on their moving car.
Dispatcher is asking them their location but they aren't coherent enough to give an exact location.

Delusion over.

911 had to trade the ping from their phone so it took some time to find them but they where found about 7 hours later frozen to death.
They abandoned the vehicle and stripped their clothes off and decided to keep running. They froze to death out in the elements that night.
Police did an extensive investigation and learned that nobody was actually chasing these people ( I'm sure they knew that from the beginning due to the wild 911 call. Surely they had an inkling that it was a delusion)
Toxicology came back that they both where under the influence of meth. They died because of their paranoid delusion.

Google the story if you'd like, it turns out that some of it may be a bit exaggerated but for the most part it is a true story. They really had some delusion and it resulted in them dieing because they ran outside naked all night in freezing weather. They must've truly believed they where being chased. Police found them only because they had called 911 hours earlier to report that they where being chased.
So even though parts of the story like them thinking someone was on the roof may be made up, in all it's a real story about a real couple who died from these paranoid delusions caused by meth.
isn't fentanyl a downer more like heroin? I don't see running for long periods of time on a downer.

Correct, fentanyl is an opiate. Fentanyl doesn't cause the kind of paranoia we see here. Crack and/or meth would be my guess. Or maybe bath salts.

isn't fentanyl a downer more like heroin? I don't see running for long periods of time on a downer.

Fentanyl is an opiate like heroin, just a whole lot stronger or more concentrated. So it's like a kind of Super Über-Heroin. It's basically so strong that it is mainly available in patches. So strong that its effects are felt when it absorbs into your skin. You can't rub heroin or coke or meth onto your skin and get much of an effect from it

As far as opiates being "downers," they seem to do different things to different people. I know some people that somehow got hooked on Suboxone. It's kinda/sorta related to opioids. It's supposed to negate the "feels good" part of opiates, but it causes a different type of "feels good" feeling. So I don't really understand how its use is very therapeutic.

It's meant to help wean people off of opioids like Methadone, but in a different way. For at least the few people that "like" the stuff, it seems to hype them up in a weird way. I said "weird" because it makes people want to clean. Like, clean a whole house. I've seen several folks that act like that on Percocet before, but not quite to that extent.

I'm sure it would conk me right on out but, thankfully, I'm not hooked on it so I'm not sure.
I would be shocked if it was fentanyl. I've taken it (under a doctor's care). I'm pretty sure you can't run on it. Especially on too much. You'd just pass out.

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