Found Deceased WA - Jenise Wright, 6, Bremerton, 2 Aug 2014 - #7 *Arrest*

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I will assume you're speaking about the young man interviewed with the (not trying to be rude) bad teeth? I only assume that because it's almost word for word what he said.

Do we have a link for this interview? TIA!
Boogers hanging down to his shirt and no tissue wanted?

I imagine it is on video.

I was excited when I heard he confessed.

He did confess by nodding that he was the only one.

But he was not spilling his guts out of remorse, like I envisioned.

I don't think he is going to say a thing

Lol defence will have a field day.
Meh, spice is just super strong pot. It can induce violence prob in unstable people. I know someone who has tried it and said it was just really strong and made him sleep. Bath salts is like meth pretty much.

Off topic, this past weekend there was an incredibly sad LA Times article about a 19 year old who smoked spice and died. It really detailed his death and his family's reaction - (well to do south county Christian family), like how they painted his feet and made prints as they waited for his organs to be donated, so they could have prints like they did when he was born, etc. It was heartbreaking. They gave stats on the drug. Spice is super, super dangerous. Smoke the real thing if necessary, not spice.

Valid point for sure. I do think had it been something like salts etc. this crime would have been much more heinous. Not that what was done wasn't. Usually you see some really sickening and bizarre injuries inflicted. From what I have read anyway.

Yes and drugs or psychosis do not explain the scary manipulative behavior at the police station.
Lol I am not ashamed! And if it helps other people feel less "weird" about getting help (even though they shouldn't feel weird at all, they should feel smart and awesome for wanting to be their happiest and best self) then I will blab about it all day long :)

Since he was taking meds for depression, I wonder what led to that?

I wonder if he was seeing a therapist?

If a teen is prescribed meds, do they simply get meds with no intervention?

I must of missed the information given to the cops as to the fact he was taking an anti depressant. How did they even know he was on an anti-depressant? ty
Yeah. The referenced article states that investigators told the media neighbors reported seeing Jenise on Sunday but there was no actual quote from any LEO. I kept an eye out in later articles and press releases and I couldn't find an official statement. Maybe I just missed it.

I just checked the CPC and there's mention of LE interviewing neighbors but nothing about any of them reporting seeing Jenise.

You'd think it would definitely be in there if the had a credible sighting in that time frame.

I think lots of neighbors were confused on whether they saw her Sat or Sun.

I just wish we had another confirmation that she was actually in bed Sat night at 10 pm.
Here's some information regarding the DNA collections.

Jean Johnston, CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) laboratory manager at the state patrol lab on Airport Way South in Seattle, said profiles belonging to individuals cleared of wrongdoing in the Wright investigation will not be kept in a criminal database or used to solve other crimes. The swabs themselves will be sent back to the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office to be stored as physical evidence.

There's some controversy over collecting elimination samples that GG's defense could bring up if his case goes to trial but I don't think it will be problematic. The study cited in the article is nearly a decade old and DNA has played an increasingly more prominent role in criminal cases since that time.

I think LE was justified in collecting swabs in Jenise's case given that the MHP is a small community and evidence was pointing to a resident being responsible. There literally was a killer in their midst.
Since he was taking meds for depression, I wonder what led to that?

I wonder if he was seeing a therapist?

If a teen is prescribed meds, do they simply get meds with no intervention?

I would hope if a teen was prescribed by a GP he would be referred. He presented as a fairly well rounded Teen. Involved in sports. Friends. Engaged in life. I wonder if his Parents noticed his detachment and assumed he was just depressed. Was he simply placating his Parents? Points to ponder.
Look at that. That's the face of evil. That's the face of a "kid" who just brutally raped and destroyed a six year old baby, and is now driving around with his horrified mother. That's the face...nothing.

Snip by me

Not being an expert in psych issues, I think the intense violence and horror of the crime coupled with his attempts to manipulate, fear only shown for himself (stomach heaving the car), impassioned face at the vigil and in the car (I would expect a borderline to have public displays of emotion and to make it about them - hero or devastated insider), and his ability to turn off his emotions at the police interview and yawn and stretch when they weren't in the room, as a direct and very opposite exhibition of emotion from his earlier, apparent grief or horror stricken catatonia, we are dealing with someone much more sophisticated and scary than a borderline.

Snip by me

This is what is scaring me .

He is so sophisticated that he fooled so many people.

It could be because of his sports prowess and his good looks that kids thought he was special.

That kind of thing happens in school even when the kids are not nice at all.
Okay so, the idea that this is him in the "brain damage" video was bugging me. Technically, there are 4 people in this room. The kid punching the punching bag with his head (typical teen boy stuff), the kid sitting in the corner, the kid who walks in later (and for the record, after I cleaned it up, that kid is YOUNG, maybe 10-12 years old, tops) and the person taking the video.

So, here's a still from that video, with contrast adjusted and a few other magic tricks to remove shadows

View attachment 56801

I realize this video was uploaded about 16 months ago, but if you compare what he's wearing in this pic to what he was wearing at the images of him at the vigil, this pretty much settles it for me.

GG at the vigil (I couldn't clean the still up enough, but I believe it's the exact same shirt.) Makes sense if it's a favorite tee, he'd be seen wearing it often. Also note the same black shorts - which are Olympic High issued with the name on them)

Additional shot of him at the vigil View attachment 56802

Great job enhancing the pics. I want to snatch that candle away. Jmo

That poor guy.

He's a great example, however, of what I was saying before about how young people (teens) put a lot of stuff on their social media that may make them look like jerks, when they are far from evil in actuality.

Again, I saw nothing remarkable in GG's social media at all. Nothing to indicate he was a creeper. Compared to many, he was tame. We just can't expect every male teen to refrain from posting the slightest, negative thought or post. he seemed more polite and normal than most. I've seen VICTIMS with much more questionable content.
I am not sticking up for Gabe. And, I admire the quick actions of LE in this case. However, I hope they have the changes in behaviour, when LE wasn't around, on cam. And, have a behav. specialist and psychiatrist analyze the behaviour. Defence can have a field day with these speculations. Because (I know this personally) when LE wants to get their man, they can exaggerate. Also, by all counts GG is shy and quiet. It makes sense he would feel somewhat of a relief etc when LE wasn't around regardless of whether he has mental health issues or not That was totally LE's interpretation and subjective. Thoughts?

Will we be able to see LE interviews online?
Yes and drugs or psychosis do not explain the scary manipulative behavior at the police station.

That would be needed to be determined by professionals in the appropriate field. Additionally, a copy of the videotaped interview would need to be viewed.
Channel 5 just interviewed high school kids that knew Gabe's family and had nothing but good things to say about family and older brother.

People I have spoken with said Gabe was nice, hard to believe it was him. And speaking of drugs, one person said it had to be some kind of drug he took. I really hope he talks.

If plea deal we find out nothing, right?

Ryan Brunn (Jorelys Rivera case) made a plea deal. He pled guilty to the murder (not the sexual assault, though he clearly did assault her), in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table (case was in Georgia.) Part of the deal was that he had to make a full, on the record, confession to the judge. He did. He explained how he had been watching her for a while, how he lured her to the vacant apartment....and.....yeah. All the way through to her disposal and what he did after.

Personally, I think GG had a lot of people fooled. Lots of predators are very skilled in that way.

I've never heard of a drug that turns a normal well-adjusted teenager into a child raping killer. I think people who knew him are trying to (understandably) find a reasonable explanation for something that never has a reasonable explanation. It's too horrifying to accept that horribly sick and violent people can slip right past our radar and fool us.
even for those who may be on other medications or have a history of mental illness? ((I don't know))

Oh yah I totally agree with that! I mean people who are already dealing with psych issues... Shouldn't be using any drug or alcohol.
I am not sticking up for Gabe. And, I admire the quick actions of LE in this case. However, I hope they have the changes in behaviour, when LE wasn't around, on cam. And, have a behav. specialist and psychiatrist analyze the behaviour. Defence can have a field day with these speculations. Because (I know this personally) when LE wants to get their man, they can exaggerate. Also, by all counts GG is shy and quiet. It makes sense he would feel somewhat of a relief etc when LE wasn't around regardless of whether he has mental health issues or not That was totally LE's interpretation and subjective. Thoughts?

I would think he was videotaped. So not subjective?
Ryan Brunn (Jorelys Rivera case) made a plea deal. He pled guilty to the murder (not the sexual assault, though he clearly did assault her), in exchange for taking the death penalty off the table (case was in Georgia.) Part of the deal was that he had to make a full, on the record, confession to the judge. He did. He explained how he had been watching her for a while, how he lured her to the vacant apartment....and.....yeah. All the way through to her disposal and what he did after.

Personally, I think GG had a lot of people fooled. Lots of predators are very skilled in that way.

I've never heard of a drug that turns a normal well-adjusted teenager into a child raping killer. I think people who knew him are trying to (understandably) find a reasonable explanation for something that never has a reasonable explanation. It's too horrifying to accept that horribly sick and violent people can slip right past our radar and fool us.

Agreed 100% ! Something was simmering below the surface with him and perhaps taking some drugs made him unable to keep a lid on it anymore. mooo
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