Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #3 *C. Capone guilty*

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Are there cameras at the Plantation? Is this the bar next to PMS? I have been to the Plantation before it is a really large bar. On a Friday night while college is in session, it can get pretty busy. If Rachael was there, people saw her. She is a pretty girl, and I imagine she stands out in a crowd! Please call the authorities if you saw Rachael Anderson, Friday, April 16th, 2010 at the Plantation Bar and Grill in Moscow, Idaho. The number for authorities is: 509-758-2331.
YUP-lot's of morels in the last week or so-and with the current weather-more.

As far as the hunting, most hunters are a creature of habit. They have a favorite spot, likes the familiarity and knowledge of where they have been and where they have had the most sightings, best camp spot, and luck. Thus, knowing every trail, road, tree, rock, etc. in the area. And, knowledge of who else might have claim to the "spot" so not to intrude if it is "their time" to hunt. Lots of private landowners too-and the majority require permission, in person, from anyone wanting to tread on their land.

The hang glider idea is interesting-haven't seen too many locally. A few have taken off from the top of the Lewiston Hill in the past though. Still, would they know what to look for?? I am not trying to be a debbie downer AGAIN- but at this point, I have also been paying close attention to the flocks of ravens and local turkey buzzards. Unfortunately, they may know more than the rest of us.

I agree, I would pay rather close attention to them as well!
WAY 2 GO!!! You are both a super sleuth and a dear friend. I think it is wonderful you've enlisted the services of a friend to go and look for Rachael. I can imagine you are both excited and petrified...

Why the mention of Holbrook Isle by fapone? Did it spark a memory subconsciously I wonder? It is so close to where the Yukon was found. I think it should be mentioned to LE.

No spark. Just a theory, since he spent alot of time in Holbrook, AZ.
Are there cameras at the Plantation? Is this the bar next to PMS? I have been to the Plantation before it is a really large bar. On a Friday night while college is in session, it can get pretty busy. If Rachael was there, people saw her. She is a pretty girl, and I imagine she stands out in a crowd! Please call the authorities if you saw Rachael Anderson, Friday, April 16th, 2010 at the Plantation Bar and Grill in Moscow, Idaho. The number for authorities is: 509-758-2331.

It really isn't that big...but can get extreamly busy, it is pretty popular with the collage kids. I did some research and found that the weekend of the 16th was the University of Idaho's mom's weekend. The population of Moscow nearly doubles and the bars and the whole town of Moscow are crazy packed.
Mostly with people who don't live in this area.
Well nothing out at Holbrook Island that he found, climbed throught bushes had his binoculars, nothing. Which is good right? He is heading up to the Old spiral Highway now....
Fapone wrote: VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.

MY RESPONSE: Charles Capone WILL know about her involvement if her posts continue to remain on this forum. Apparently she doesn't realize this thread is being read by hundreds of people, which could very well include Charles Capone's friends or family members.

Leaving the identifying posts will assure that he finds out about her involvement as these threads will remain on Websleuths for countless years.

I wanted to make certain she was aware of this and that there was a way she could have all the posts she regrets removed.

I am not disagreeing with this part, I AGREE she does need to know that she has options to leave her posts or delete them.
Thank you.
Fapone wrote: VERY IMPORTANT: I would appreciate it if nobody used my posts outtside of websleuth's. I am concerned for my own safety and that of my family. I do not want CC or his family to know I am in any way involved in this investigation.

I have written and submitted a very detailed statement for the Asotin County Sheriff's Department and they have in turn forwarded it to the respective agents with the FBI. I was told my identity would be held in strict confidentiality with the authorities.

RA family and I have already been in contact with each other, either directly or through a close family friend who has acted as a go between.

If CC were to see my posts, he would know my identity. (Generally speaking, anything offered into evidence by the prosecution, must be give to the defense to review.)

I ask that my fellow members of Websleuth's appreciate the seriousness of my predicament and keep the posts I have generously shared with you as confidential as this cyber world allows.

MY RESPONSE: Charles Capone WILL know about her involvement if her posts continue to remain on this forum. Apparently she doesn't realize this thread is being read by hundreds of people, which could very well include Charles Capone's friends or family members.

Leaving the identifying posts will assure that he finds out about her involvement as these threads will remain on Websleuths for countless years.

I wanted to make certain she was aware of this and that there was a way she could have all the posts she regrets removed.

Wow. I hope this ends this particular issue.

Yes, I know the web is read by the world (wide web). Yes, I know that CC would have learned of my involvement eventually, if he searched the web and if it were not for the fact that Capt Hally already made it public knowledge that I have talked to the Sheriff's Dept.

As I said in my previous post, after the one quoted above: I appreciate the concern of fellow members. I apologize for my knee jerk reflex of paranoia when it comes to CC, and for over reacting in my fear. For that moment, when I posted my fear of safety, I forgot that I am so much stronger now. I forgot that this man is nothing for me to fear. I forgot that he can't hurt me anymore. I lived with that sort of fear for years after our divorce. So I guess it can be expected to fallback on old behaviors. But it does embarrass me that, even momentarily, I forgot who I am now isn't who I was then. I'm not afraid of him "coming to get me". He is no boogey man. He is no demon. He is just a human being who should be ashamed of himself. A mentally unstable little man who requires a female to be in fear of him and/or unsure of herself in order to manipulate and terrorize her. I am sure of myself. I'm not afraid of him. I'm physically capable. Mentally strong. Very aware. And I have a very big dog. lol
wow. I hope this ends this particular issue.

Yes, i know the web is read by the world (wide web). Yes, i know that cc would have learned of my involvement eventually, if he searched the web and if it were not for the fact that capt hally already made it public knowledge that i have talked to the sheriff's dept.

As i said in my previous post, after the one quoted above: I appreciate the concern of fellow members. I apologize for my knee jerk reflex of paranoia when it comes to cc, and for over reacting in my fear. For that moment, when i posted my fear of safety, i forgot that i am so much stronger now. I forgot that this man is nothing for me to fear. I forgot that he can't hurt me anymore. I lived with that sort of fear for years after our divorce. So i guess it can be expected to fallback on old behaviors. But it does embarrass me that, even momentarily, i forgot who i am now isn't who i was then. I'm not afraid of him "coming to get me". he is no boogey man. He is no demon. He is just a human being who should be ashamed of himself. A mentally unstable little man who requires a female to be in fear of him and/or unsure of herself in order to manipulate and terrorize her. I am sure of myself. I'm not afraid of him. I'm physically capable. Mentally strong. Very aware. And i have a very big dog. Lol
atta girl! ;)
Wow. I hope this ends this particular issue.

Yes, I know the web is read by the world (wide web). Yes, I know that CC would have learned of my involvement eventually, if he searched the web and if it were not for the fact that Capt Hally already made it public knowledge that I have talked to the Sheriff's Dept.

As I said in my previous post, after the one quoted above: I appreciate the concern of fellow members. I apologize for my knee jerk reflex of paranoia when it comes to CC, and for over reacting in my fear. For that moment, when I posted my fear of safety, I forgot that I am so much stronger now. I forgot that this man is nothing for me to fear. I forgot that he can't hurt me anymore. I lived with that sort of fear for years after our divorce. So I guess it can be expected to fallback on old behaviors. But it does embarrass me that, even momentarily, I forgot who I am now isn't who I was then. I'm not afraid of him "coming to get me". He is no boogey man. He is no demon. He is just a human being who should be ashamed of himself. A mentally unstable little man who requires a female to be in fear of him and/or unsure of herself in order to manipulate and terrorize her. I am sure of myself. I'm not afraid of him. I'm physically capable. Mentally strong. Very aware. And I have a very big dog. lol

Yaay! I'm so glad to hear you talk this way! The more women that feel as confident as you do, the less there are for creeps like CC to take advantage of! :loser:

Forevery, I'm waiting to see if you find much as it pains me to think about my dear friend being gone forever....and still desperately hoping for some kind of miracle. :angel:

It interests me that LE seems to have gone quiet again. That happened right before CC was arrested..and all the natives here were getting restless. I wonder if they have something up their sleeve?
Am I totally allowed to change a bit of the subject here or no?

Cause I guess if I am not a MOD will let me know but have ANY of you seen the 6th grader that sang Paparazzi on youtube? HOLY AMAZINGNESS. I had to take a time out to watch it, wow, I am still in shock.

So I am still patiently waiting for the news on Old Spiral Highway.... as I am sure a few of you are as well.
Im not going to do all quotes so I hope this makes since...

The bar is called The Plantation or by locals The Plant for short
That site is not the paper itself but articals (kind of blogs i think) that are written by people and do not make it into the paper itself

And yes there is an aggrivated battery charge in 1997

Lord help us all, the Plantation is still standing? Great place in late 70s. Had many a hot spiced wine listening/dancing to local bands on cold, snowy Moscow winter nights. Dropped in maybe 1999 and was shocked to see what a dive it had turned into. Not "rustic wood with a dance floor" dive like it used to be, but cheap tables with vinyl covered chairs, Bud Light and pool tables.

Why oh why could it not have burned down instead of the Capricorn? MOO. It might have slipped into disaster zone as well, but oh, the memories.

So his shop is directly across the Hwy from the Plantation? Somehow I had the impression his shop was further south. But no way you would go unnoticed in there if sitting at/near the bar, presuming the floor plan has not been updated in the last 10 years.

I don't recall any windows, at least not in the front. You'd have to be standing outside, no, to see CC's shop???

Been too long. Have the Saturday farmer's markets started yet? The more side stuff I can cram in the more the pull to get me down there for a day to look -- anywhere, for Rachael.
Lord help us all, the Plantation is still standing? Great place in late 70s. Had many a hot spiced wine listening/dancing to local bands on cold, snowy Moscow winter nights. Dropped in maybe 1999 and was shocked to see what a dive it had turned into. Not "rustic wood with a dance floor" like it used to be, but cheap tables with vinyl covered chairs, Bud Light and pool tables.

Why oh way could it not have burned down instead of the Capricorn? MOO. It might have slipped into disaster zone as well, but oh, the memories.

So his shop is directly across the Hwy from the Plantation? Somehow I had the impression his shop was further south. But no way you would go unnoticed in there if sitting at/near the bar, presuming the floor plan has not been updated in the last 10 years.

I don't recall any windows, at least not in the front. You'd have to be standing outside, no, to see CC's shop???

Been too long. Have the Saturday farmer's markets started yet? The more side stuff I can cram in the more the pull to get me down there for a day to look -- anywhere, for Rachael.

Started a couple of weeks ago! It is held each Saturday, May through October, from 8:00am - 1:00pm
I just want to know where the seat position was on the driver's side. RA is petite and I know when I'm driving, the seat is all the way forward. If it were someone else, the seat would be further back. That would give a big clue (if he were to leave the seat back) IMO

Good question. i am short, too, so my seat is pretty far up, also.
YUP-lot's of morels in the last week or so-and with the current weather-more.

As far as the hunting, most hunters are a creature of habit. They have a favorite spot, likes the familiarity and knowledge of where they have been and where they have had the most sightings, best camp spot, and luck. Thus, knowing every trail, road, tree, rock, etc. in the area. And, knowledge of who else might have claim to the "spot" so not to intrude if it is "their time" to hunt. Lots of private landowners too-and the majority require permission, in person, from anyone wanting to tread on their land.

The hang glider idea is interesting-haven't seen too many locally. A few have taken off from the top of the Lewiston Hill in the past though. Still, would they know what to look for?? I am not trying to be a debbie downer AGAIN- but at this point, I have also been paying close attention to the flocks of ravens and local turkey buzzards. Unfortunately, they may know more than the rest of us.

I believe Steptoe Butte is the "big" spot for hang gliders. Other outdoor activities as well means a fair number of people on weekends when weather is good.

They "look" for anything on the ground a pilot would. Same theory, expect they are moving more slowly. Ones familiar with the area might spot something unusual while up there.

When in doubt -- bird's eye view.

Nice link that shows the hot spots in Palouse region relative to each other. Dunno if they also hang glide from Kamiak? But I've seen hang gliders out I think as far north as Latah/Tekoa area.

Can Wilcox or somebody speaking for the family give us any idea at all where CC went hunting or otherwise recreating? As good a starting point as any.
It really isn't that big...but can get extreamly busy, it is pretty popular with the collage kids. I did some research and found that the weekend of the 16th was the University of Idaho's mom's weekend. The population of Moscow nearly doubles and the bars and the whole town of Moscow are crazy packed.
Mostly with people who don't live in this area.

I did not even think about the U of I mom's weekend. That is really worrisome, because if she was really there (which, imo, I don't think she was) there are tons of people that don't live in the area and it would be more likely to not remember anything. Which makes me believe even more that she was never in Moscow because it was so crowded. I would think CC wouldn't want to take the chance of someone seeing them if he had planned it out beforehand. moo
I did not even think about the U of I mom's weekend. That is really worrisome, because if she was really there (which, imo, I don't think she was) there are tons of people that don't live in the area and it would be more likely to not remember anything. Which makes me believe even more that she was never in Moscow because it was so crowded. I would think CC wouldn't want to take the chance of someone seeing them if he had planned it out beforehand. moo

Why was Riggins involved as well? Riggins is completely south-and in another time zone! Why would the family/friends be looking there???
These searches and warrants still have not produced any of us non-LE a pot to p*&% in. It just isn't normal to be this quiet and this uninformed, or do I read too much patterson and watch too much csi???

BBM. Yes. And yes.

LE just holding what they have close to protect their eventual case. I think they've learned from past mistakes, and it's rampant everywhere. Two other cases in particular come to mind, I guess because I am also following them.

Susan Cox (Powell, though I despise attaching that name to her). Lots of us going nuts wishing LE would let us know what they have. They haven't handed out a thing since she went missing, or at least since Joshie boy clammed up and ran home to daddykins.

Mackenzie Cowell. A bit more has come out in her case, but mostly because her body was found a few days after she went missing, and by Joe Blow out for a walk. But still mostly local rumor mill chewing it over and wishing for more information.

In this case, I think CC has given them an absolute WEALTH of stuff to float their boat. Probably so much they are slobbering over themselves. Certainly enough to get him into prison and held on unrelated (or not) weapons charge, and use his past recorded history to make that prison hold stick, for now at least. Those charging papers had far more about his recent past than just "he's a felon known to have bought a gun."

If CC isn't talking, or at least not telling them the truth, it may well come down to either forensics or somebody stumbling over a body inadvertently, if we presume worst case scenario.

Forensics in ID are going to take a good long while. Even in WA, unless you shoot a Seattle cop, there simply is no 24-48 hour turnaround from the crime labs. Where is Idaho's? Boise maybe? Or do we even have our own?

Regardless, when they have the cold hard evidence and can make a case stick and more charges are filed, that's when we'll hear. Meantime I'd be shocked if LE did more than throw out the occasional bone, and that most likely will come in the form of asking the public for information. If they have even done that thus far, I seem to have missed it.

I trust they are working this. And want VERY much to keep CC behind bars to buy them investigation time. Harder for them if he pulls a cut-and-run like Powell did. He already announced he had planned to sell and move to AZ.

LE ain't stupid enough to let the timing on that call to Fapone be written off as coincidence.

patience, Grasshopper, patience. Much speculation ensues meantime.
Why was Riggins involved as well? Riggins is completely south-and in another time zone! Why would the family/friends be looking there???

Just a guess, but was mentioned there were boat races there that weekend, and the place gets VERY packed.

One large captive audience, many from the general area, to hand missing fliers out to. Wider audience than local grocery stores.
Why was Riggins involved as well? Riggins is completely south-and in another time zone! Why would the family/friends be looking there???[/QUOTE

Family had said they were looking there because of cell phone activity, but didn't ever say if it was RA's cell phone or CC's cell phone.
anyoldtime48 I needed that ... thank you. I get squirrelly at least once a day and need to get set back and talked to. Normally my husband does that for me but when he is out of town you guys are all I have that even listens (at least I like to think so ;) ) .

I do believe that LE has a wealth of information as well and I do know that blowing the case just to appease the joe public isn't going to help any one.

I am also with monkeymama, I do not think that Rachael is in Moscow, that just isn't sitting right with me for some reason. Well I lie, for alot of reasons actually.
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