Deceased/Not Found WA - Rachael Anderson, 40, Clarkston, 16 April 2010 - #3 *C. Capone guilty*

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After reading other cases about missing women the husband/boyfriend/fiance always seems to make a plea for her return. I know that this can just be words and have no indication of guilt or innocence, but I just find it odd that CC didn't make some sort of public statement. I don't know what this means, if anything, but it's something that I just noticed. JMO.

I thought the same thing. I mean estranged or not RA IS STILL HIS WIFE! Why would he not speak up?? I don't get it. I just don't get it. There are so many things with this case that are nothing like any other I have ran across. It makes no dang sense I know that. Maybe it will in time, but I don't think for Rachaels sake we have MUCH time, if any, left.
It makes me sick that ANYONE would object to our dedicated member that documents cases so wonderfully here at WS from the goodness of her heart. Enough said.
It makes me sick that ANYONE would object to our dedicated member that documents cases so wonderfully here at WS from the goodness of her heart. Enough said.

Exactly! Now all the posts in this thread which contained photos from Amanda's photobucket account are gone as well. Many don't realize she had over 30 news videos about Rachel Anderson's disappearance uploaded to that album as well which took her hours to obtain and upload.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Amanda Reckonworth's work, here is a link to her Photobucket album list. Please note that 99% of these albums contain photo documentation for missing person's cases which are constantly used throughout Websleuths, in blogs, on Facebook, etc. Here:

Amanda, we love you and greatly appreciate your hard work.
Amanda, I am so sorry to hear about the pic situation. We greatly appreciate all of your hardwork.
Let me try to explain this ordeal, I am not lashing out nor am I on any side here.

The picture that has caused this was a picture that, the girls thought, NO ONE had access to but Charles Capone. So when they saw this picture in the photobucket album it raised a HUGE red flag to them. Now I understand that WE know there are a few ways of going about getting to the bottom of this picture. But imagine the shock to these girls when they see a picture, of their mom, that was taken at her 40th birthday. They only remembered ONE person having a camera that night and KNEW that this person, CC, had THIS EXACT picture. They had asked him for a copy of this picture, he told them NO they could NOT have one. He took ALL of these pictures AWAY from Rachael so that NO ONE could have them. Why? Because THAT is who CC IS! That is what he does! That is how he EXUDES his control.
SO the girls go to view this WONDERFULLY done photobucket of their BEAUTIFUL mom and BAM! Here is this picture and they think WHAT IN THE WORLD.
Again I think the detective was a "jump the gun" move, when in reality a private message to Amanda could have solved this WHOLE issue. But they are playing on raw nerves here, please remember.

They are now glad that this picture has been found and are also happy to say that NO he was NOT the only one with a camera that night, and that not only him but also a VERY good friend got to catch this FABULOUS picture of Rachael.
I wouldn't expect any apologies, I don't know as they will come. But maybe this helps with a bit of the story and some hard feelings.
For various reasons the thing with Amanda's pics happens from time to time to our Media Archivists at WS. It's the hazards of taking that job on. It comes with the territory.
I agree, they COULD BE doing a WHOLE lot more, BUT I do believe that this Facebook page was made more for prayers and positive comments then for anything else. MAYBE to some THAT is the wrong way to go about it, but they are relying on LE to do the BEST that they can.

Just because SOME/MOST FB pages for Missing Persons might do ONE thing DOESN'T mean that EVERY missing person page on FB is going to do that exact thing.
I believe that the girls and the family will do what they think is right with what they know and with what they are asked to do by LE. That is all we can ask for, they are just doing their best with what they can. If there is more out there they can do then eventually they may CHOOSE to do it, but that will be THEIR choice. We ALL need to respect that. JMO.
I thought the same thing. I mean estranged or not RA IS STILL HIS WIFE! Why would he not speak up?? I don't get it. I just don't get it. There are so many things with this case that are nothing like any other I have ran across. It makes no dang sense I know that. Maybe it will in time, but I don't think for Rachaels sake we have MUCH time, if any, left.

It is my understanding that one of RA's daughters actually called him. They told him that if he "loved" her as much as he professed, he would come over. He refused. I think that speaks volumes, and not in a good way.
Are there legal issues with Amanda posting those pictures on her photo bucket site? Was she legally required to remove them, or did she agree to do so for the sake of RA's family? Just curious.:waitasec:
Are there legal issues with Amanda posting those pictures on her photo bucket site? Was she legally required to remove them, or did she agree to do so for the sake of RA's family? Just curious.:waitasec:

I don't know as anyone of the family members ASKED her or told her to take the pictures down, but I don't know this for sure. She may have just decided to take them down until things got settled. Hopefully she will come on and let us know.
Oh, I am so sorry I did not check this thread a while ago!

No worries. All will work out. I think that as 141 said, the girls are under HUGE stressors at the moment.

I thought it best that I remove the album for now. I didn't delete it, I can put it back. I just don't want a family to be upset (or think I'm a weirdo as they pretty much said)

There is no legal problem. They did enlist the help of a detective, but I explained it to the detective. Again, no worries. And no apologies on anyone's part.

And I totally am sorry for the drama.

.......and thanks a bunch for all the nice words, it makes my day :)
Oh, I am so sorry I did not check this thread a while ago!

No worries. All will work out. I think that as 141 said, the girls are under HUGE stressors at the moment.

I thought it best that I remove the album for now. I didn't delete it, I can put it back. I just don't want a family to be upset (or think I'm a weirdo as they pretty much said)

There is no legal problem. They did enlist the help of a detective, but I explained it to the detective. Again, no worries. And no apologies on anyone's part.

And I totally am sorry for the drama.

.......and thanks a bunch for all the nice words, it makes my day :)

Oh good to hear. You do great work, it is much appreciated, and you are no weirdo! :)
Just heard a friend of mine will be going out with a friend and his search dog on Tuesday. Hopefully that isn't too late. He wants to find her before that Monster tries to cut any deal.

Smart thinking in my opinion.
Just heard a friend of mine will be going out with a friend and his search dog on Tuesday. Hopefully that isn't too late. He wants to find her before that Monster tries to cut any deal.

Smart thinking in my opinion.

If you don't mind me asking, how does this search dog operate? Will he be able to have something of RAs to smell? Or is it the other option. :(
If you don't mind me asking, how does this search dog operate? Will he be able to have something of RAs to smell? Or is it the other option. :(

I am fairly sure he will have something to smell. From the sounds of it. I didn't come right out and ask that but I will right now and get back to you.
I hope to say this politely enough for the moderators...since you are able to voice your opinions here. I know that some people did voice their concerns to RA. I know she did NOT know the full extent of his record when she was with him. And the fact is that she DID get out. I have not heard anybody say anything about her youngest son's dad at all. He is a good guy and I have not heard anyone say any differently. You say you didn't know RA. So you only have part of the story as well. RA was a wonderful mother and she loved her kids very much. As soon as she realized what was going on, she did get out. RA had a very big heart and she always wanted to believe the best of people. IMO, that's partly why she was targeted by CC. Fapone seems to have a big heart as well. Fapone has mentioned that CC played head games. Both RA and Fapone did the best they knew how to do at the time. CC fooled alot of people. Both RA and Fapone put their kids first once they realized who he was and they LEFT. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say.

It will be hard on all of RA's children if she doesn't come home alive. A lot of people love them, are praying for them and will be supportive of them. It will be a tragedy if they have to grow up without their mother. It will be hard on all of her friends that loved her dearly.

I was not in anyway commenting on RA as a person or the fact that she didn't have a good heart. It is good that people want to and do see the good side of people, that does not mean you have to marry them and subject yourself and your children to their repeated lack of self control and irresponsibility. There were RED FLAGS from the beginning of their relationship and it is not her I have opinions about, it is the situation I have opinions about.

Yes CC had a serious criminal history, he had 2 to 3 wives prior and his own children that he did not communicate with, I'm sorry but as a mother myself those are some serious red flags that I just would not put myself or my children into that relationship and the boys fathers are mad as heck about it and I fully understand why. You can see the good in someone but when someone is as old as CC is and has the criminal history he does, has his own children whose lives he is not a part of does that not tell you something about the sort of person he is???? If he didn't care about his own children he certainley isn't going to care about someone else's children.

For someone to come on here and publicly voice their opinion about one of her sons fathers when he and his wife and child are literally grieving and sick over the fact that this little boys mother is gone is just not necessary at this time. Quite obviously whatever anyone thinks about her ex husband cannot even come close to what CC put her and all her children through. I am totally supportive and understanding of the fact there are two sides to every story and everyone perceives things differently as well, I am just saying that maybe now is not the time to voice opinions to the fathers new wife about whatever sort of issues they have with him. They are doing their very best to keep it together and want answers and justice just as much as anyone, they are absolutley sick that 4 childrens mother and a grandmother is gone. Maybe people could be offering support to these fathers instead of opinions about the past. People that care about her and her children could be offering their support to them and their fathers right now, they are after all in some serious emotional termoil and grief as well. It is very disheartining to see these fathers and these two young boys wondering everyday, will we get some answers, what do we tell the boys, where is mommy.

Do not take my post as a comment as to her as a person I already stated I did not know her and I'm not in any way insinuating that she wasn't a good mother or didn't have a good heart, obviously she has 4 children, grandchildren and many wonderful friends that are grieving for her, my point is I with all of my heart wish she had never gotten into this relationship. I am simply putting the facts out there so that hopefully people will be become more aware that there are just some people you should not let into your life no matter how good you want to believe they are.

I support this whole family and I absolutley want her to come home, even if she didn't have children, no one deserves to be in this situation most of all children. I am just saying to others, that when you have children please think of them don't just get involved with someone that has a bad past and you want to believe they are good now, do not ignore the red flags. Be supportive of their good qualities but don't marry them and allow them to drag you and your children down with them.

Yes I posted the facts that she was aware of his history because it was a fact, she had confided in her youngest sons father and when he offered to come stay at the house with her and the boys or for them to come stay with him, when her tires were being slashed and she was scared for her life and someone was watching her through her windows and making scary phone calls to her, she flat out declined and told him her personal life was none of his business. Well I'm sorry but I do not agree with that at all! When you have a child with someone your personal life is very much their business, especially when the safety of children are involved. Can any of us even imagine if something had happened to either of these boys because of this situation? I hate to even think about the fact that they could have been with her that night. She is obvioulsy a strong woman but that is not enough to stop a crazy person from doing what they will to you or your children.
Oh, I am so sorry I did not check this thread a while ago!

No worries. All will work out. I think that as 141 said, the girls are under HUGE stressors at the moment.

I thought it best that I remove the album for now. I didn't delete it, I can put it back. I just don't want a family to be upset (or think I'm a weirdo as they pretty much said)

There is no legal problem. They did enlist the help of a detective, but I explained it to the detective. Again, no worries. And no apologies on anyone's part.

And I totally am sorry for the drama.

.......and thanks a bunch for all the nice words, it makes my day :)

Missed the whole drama, except for some reason you had to pull all of the Rachael related materials over one photo??? Sorry if old territory, but what was the whole to-do about -- if you can relate it here? Mucho appreciado.
I agree. It is indeed a shame. I do know this person that she got the photo from did let the family know it was received from her. It is under my impression that the family has gotten it figured out. I do hope that those involved in tiffs like this realize that at times sparks fly and things happen that normally would not.

I am slightly amazed that the detectives were brought into it, but I suppose there again when people are young and on edge things tend to happen in not the best of ways.

I agree 141, emotions do and rightly so run on a track like a roller coaster at a time like this. The person who apparently gave the pic to Amanda also posted my timeline on the FB page. It too was deleted--whether just because all her posts were deleted or because it contained the photo album I don't know, but I'm sure Amanda, as well as I realize this; we don't do these things to hurt anyone. I've had problems myself today trying to retrieve the timeline and now it seems logical.
I hope the photo album for RA will return. I can't speak for the family, but the album is keeping RA's name and pic out there---which is a good thing.

We appreciate all the care you have and the work you do AmandaReckonwith.:angel:
Missed the whole drama, except for some reason you had to pull all of the Rachael related materials over one photo??? Sorry if old territory, but what was the whole to-do about -- if you can relate it here? Mucho appreciado.

It was just a misunderstanding, but it will all be fine. I didn't have to remove the whole album, no one asked that. I think I will redo tomorrow or Sunday, too late tonight, zzz.

When I do the albums, I include the good, the bad, the ugly.
(for example, the Haleigh Cummings case is really an ugly one) These cases are not usually love stories.
Basically, without sounding callous, it isn't really done for the victims family, it is done as an info archive. For me, pics are better than words and there was no resource of 1 case in 1 place, so that is what I set out to do in the cases that interest me or that people request me to do.

But please let's drop this subject and get back to the Rachael case.
I was not in anyway commenting on RA as a person or the fact that she didn't have a good heart. It is good that people want to and do see the good side of people, that does not mean you have to marry them and subject yourself and your children to their repeated lack of self control and irresponsibility. There were RED FLAGS from the beginning of their relationship and it is not her I have opinions about, it is the situation I have opinions about.

Yes CC had a serious criminal history, he had 2 to 3 wives prior and his own children that he did not communicate with, I'm sorry but as a mother myself those are some serious red flags that I just would not put myself or my children into that relationship and the boys fathers are mad as heck about it and I fully understand why. You can see the good in someone but when someone is as old as CC is and has the criminal history he does, has his own children whose lives he is not a part of does that not tell you something about the sort of person he is???? If he didn't care about his own children he certainley isn't going to care about someone else's children.

For someone to come on here and publicly voice their opinion about one of her sons fathers when he and his wife and child are literally grieving and sick over the fact that this little boys mother is gone is just not necessary at this time. Quite obviously whatever anyone thinks about her ex husband cannot even come close to what CC put her and all her children through. I am totally supportive and understanding of the fact there are two sides to every story and everyone perceives things differently as well, I am just saying that maybe now is not the time to voice opinions to the fathers new wife about whatever sort of issues they have with him. They are doing their very best to keep it together and want answers and justice just as much as anyone, they are absolutley sick that 4 childrens mother and a grandmother is gone. Maybe people could be offering support to these fathers instead of opinions about the past. People that care about her and her children could be offering their support to them and their fathers right now, they are after all in some serious emotional termoil and grief as well. It is very disheartining to see these fathers and these two young boys wondering everyday, will we get some answers, what do we tell the boys, where is mommy.

Do not take my post as a comment as to her as a person I already stated I did not know her and I'm not in any way insinuating that she wasn't a good mother or didn't have a good heart, obviously she has 4 children, grandchildren and many wonderful friends that are grieving for her, my point is I with all of my heart wish she had never gotten into this relationship. I am simply putting the facts out there so that hopefully people will be become more aware that there are just some people you should not let into your life no matter how good you want to believe they are.

I support this whole family and I absolutely want her to come home, even if she didn't have children, no one deserves to be in this situation most of all children. I am just saying to others, that when you have children please think of them don't just get involved with someone that has a bad past and you want to believe they are good now, do not ignore the red flags. Be supportive of their good qualities but don't marry them and allow them to drag you and your children down with them.

Yes I posted the facts that she was aware of his history because it was a fact, she had confided in her youngest sons father and when he offered to come stay at the house with her and the boys or for them to come stay with him, when her tires were being slashed and she was scared for her life and someone was watching her through her windows and making scary phone calls to her, she flat out declined and told him her personal life was none of his business. Well I'm sorry but I do not agree with that at all! When you have a child with someone your personal life is very much their business, especially when the safety of children are involved. Can any of us even imagine if something had happened to either of these boys because of this situation? I hate to even think about the fact that they could have been with her that night. She is obvioulsy a strong woman but that is not enough to stop a crazy person from doing what they will to you or your children.

I understand you are upset and find yourself probably asking why this happened. It is never just one thing one can point to and say this is why...after the fact--- ie: she should have seen this coming.
Granted Rachael made some bad choices..we all do; but she also tried to remedy the problem by getting out of the situation. She was already in his crosshairs at that point. She was doing all the positive things to take care of herself and her children. Finding a good job, going back to school and trying to get their lives back on track from this train-wreck named CAC. She, as with other women, had no idea how disturbed this man was, until it's too late. She was trying to protect herself and her family and had been working with LE and the system to help her do this. It failed--as also happens too frequently. What RA was negligent of was the knowledge and awareness that all women need to possess and pass on to each other, their mothers, children, sisters, co-workers etc. LE and the media could be a big part of this in that area. I'm sure it would behoove them and hopefully reduce the incidents of domestic violence calls and God forbid--worse as we have in RA' case. It's rampant and the frequency goes up anytime there is a fall in the economy as well--more stressors. Many women marry or get into a relationship with someone and find out it's not a good thing and remove themselves from the situation and that's the end of it--normally. This man was where near it. He has a rage for women somewhere in him--from what I don't know. I'm am NOT coming to his defense, but am curious as to why that rage was there and too find it upsetting that he could not control his emotions.
Yes, RA made some bad choices and bypassed the warning signs---for whatever emotional or logically reasons---but she was a victim as well. Please don't forget that. Please put your energies of being upset, confused, and blaming to help others see and take actions upon those warning signs---I think Rachael would want you to.

Not lecturing and sorry for the long post--it's just the way I see it.
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