Was Burke Involved ? # 3

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He said he was up... he was planning to play with/look at something.
Burke said that he received a Ninetendo 64 that Christmas. As I recall, the Nintendo 64 was THE most coveted gift by little boys for Christmas 1996. Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 in North America in September, but it was was very hard to come by that Christmas.

Do you know if Burke received the Nintendo 64 on Christmas morning or if this was one of the packages found still wrapped in the basement on the 26th?


He did receive the Nintendo on Christmas morning 1996. He also received a remote control car. Jonbenet received a bike and a My Twin doll. The presents found unwrapped in the wine room cellar were intended for Burke's birthday in Jan. They were some kind of Lego game system, and I forget what else. There were 2 or 3 unwrapped presents in that room, if I recall correctly.
He did receive the Nintendo on Christmas morning 1996. He also received a remote control car. Jonbenet received a bike and a My Twin doll. The presents found unwrapped in the wine room cellar were intended for Burke's birthday in Jan. They were some kind of Lego game system, and I forget what else. There were 2 or 3 unwrapped presents in that room, if I recall correctly.

Thank you for the clarification. The reason I asked was that I had wondered if PR had kept the Nintendo aside for the family Christmas get-together on the 26th and perhaps BR went snooping in the basement looking for it.
I'm torn on that one, for sure I know it is a sign of abuse, but John's older children also wet the bed so it could be genetic. Or of course, the only common parent all those bed wetters share is John and he could have been abusing all of them I suppose. I just don't know if that is common though. Does an abuser usually choose one of several children or abuse all siblings? I honestly lean more toward their family just wets the bed for a really long time. The poop issues on the other hand scream abuse of some kind to me.
I agree with your statements here. It could be a heredity issue. My cousin wet the bed until she was 12. BUT she had bladder issues from birth. It never stuck out to me there was an issue with her in regards of abuse. Even as an adult I don't question it.
However... another far off cousin of mine who I was close to, did in fact wet the bed and I know she was abused. I refused to be alone with her father even as a child. My radar always went off. It should be known though she didn't confide in me until we were adults. But I always suspected it.
My cousin who had bladder issues, I spent the night all the time at her house and never once felt afraid. It was never explained until we were adults that she wet the bed due to an illness.
My point I think is that with both cousins I never had knowledge as a child ,pertaining to why they both wet the bed. (different sides of family btw)
Yet my instinct was on the money.
One of the reasons I always taught both of my kids to listen to that gut feeling. If something feels uncomfortable get out of the situation and don't question yourself. RUN.
Since I am really on the fence about everything...I have a couple questions for those firmly in the BDI group....

Do you think Burke struck JB with an object out of anger in a more 'sudden' way or do you think he truly wanted to kill her?
Do you think he was involved in the strangulation at all?

I think him striking her was a complete accident if he did it.
I don't think he played a part in the strangulation.
I think his mom covered it all up.
I find it interesting that he was inquisitive enough to want to sneak downstairs and play with his toys , yet less than 8 hours later his sister is missing but he is not at all inquisitive. He is one remarkable 9 year old boy imo
An FYI to those who are not familiar with antisocial personality disorder - YES depression and social anxiety are often co-morbid to this disorder. People with ASPD or psychopathy (or both) are portrayed as slick evil geniuses who get away with everything but quite often that is fiction rather than fact.
You know what I can't help but ponder?
I wonder if BR did in fact accidentally hurt his sister and his mother covered it up, if she didn't always rub it in his face that if he ever said anything that he would go to jail etc etc. Scaring him all these years into keeping quiet.
Yes he's an adult now but.... is it so far off base to think that maybe he truly thinks he might be held accountable?
I didn't know that in Colorado at age 9 a person can't be held accountable for example until someone on the forums stated it.
See what I mean?
I think he feared his mama and her wrath.
No matter what do not tarnish the family's reputation.
I find it interesting that he was inquisitive enough to want to sneak downstairs and play with his toys , yet less than 8 hours later his sister is missing but he is not at all inquisitive. He is one remarkable 9 year old boy imo

Wow very good point asyousay! That is a remarkable change in behavior. :thinking: so many questions and so many new ideas.
I love the fact that this can be discussed and seen from so many different angles.
IMOO much like a jury would look at a case and see different aspects and look differently at each thing. Each idea and opinion is so interesting and important.
Really makes you go HMMMM.:thinking:
My oldest son wet the bed almost every night until the age of about 12-1/2.
He was diagnosed at 6 with ADHD and then later in life with a multitude of different diagnosis's. Today, he's considered Schizoaffective Disorder and Anxiety Disorder.

There was never any physical or sexual abuse in our home nor was he ever abused by any family member or friend. His psychologist and therapists told us that bed wetting was a common problem with ADHD kids, especially boys.
So true!!!
I think the main thing with the bed wetting is it should alert a parent that it should be checked out no matter what diagnosis. Get it looked into. So many causes of it.
I woke up this morning thinking that the PR in this case is working for Burke just like CNN worked for John and Patsy. A very bad idea. Was it Mark twain that said "you can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time but not all of the people all of the time.".

O/T- JFK quote

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My mind is not entirely made up, but I am leaning towards BDI. I'm trying not to form an opinion until I see part 3 (or have caught up to all the theories of the case) but the ransom note is nagging the back of my mind.

Burke has never read the ransom note. Other people have expressed concern about this and I agree with them. There is no reason to NOT read the ransom note, especially when your entire family has been accused of writing it.

Burke's reaction to the question about whether it's Patsy's handwriting is strange. The first thing he says is that his mother reminded him to be neater with his handwriting. Maybe because it's his handwriting?

Patsy's handwriting was never entirely ruled out. Is it because handwriting of parents and children can be similar?


I also found a post here on websleuths that Burke has only ever used a typewriter after his sister's death:


If this is true - and I'm assuming that it would be since this forum has high standards of posting - all of this taken into context is very damning indeed.

I have read the ransom note quite a few times. I always found the "don't try and grow a brain" sentence to be a rather juvenile thing to say. Also how it seems to resemble a child mimicking in movies what they have seen/heard before (the Danny Devito clip). The ransom amount of 118000$ is chump change compared to the news story run about the Ramsey's making over 10 billion in sales. I don't consider it outside the realm of possibility that Burke (or even some other child) might have overheard P&JR talking about the Christmas bonus and put it in the letter.

I don't know, I'm still open minded to the possibility of an intruder because of the news stories and Patsy admitting she had hundreds of people tromping through her house in the days before Christmas. It's safe to say that the police botched the job and have only ever been fixated on Patsy to the exclusion of all other possibilities. However I really am leaning towards BDI because he admits to going downstairs and pineapple is found in JBR's stomach. I can't ignore these things.

Just my own opinion, as always.
I find it interesting that he was inquisitive enough to want to sneak downstairs and play with his toys , yet less than 8 hours later his sister is missing but he is not at all inquisitive. He is one remarkable 9 year old boy imo

Those are two completely different things though. He is inquisitive about HIS toys. Obviously he wants to go play with his presents. Not being inquisitive about his sister wouldn't be that surprising if he isn't really interested in other people at all.

Apples and oranges. One thing is about HIMSELF (his toys) and one is about other people.
O/T- JFK quote
Actually... I think most people attribute that quote to Honest Abe. But here's another take on it (from http://isp.netscape.com/whatsnew/package.jsp?name=fte/lincoln/lincoln):

This was thought to be part of a speech Lincoln gave in September 1858 in Clinton
(of all places), Illinois, but the line is not included in the text that was printed in the local newspaper. It was attributed to Lincoln in 1910 when two people remembered hearing him say it in 1856--54 years later.

I was always in the camp of believing the Ramseys were behind JB's death, but after watching the ID episodes the past 2 nights, I now agree with Lou Smit...that it was an intruder that got in the house while they were at the Whites. I just don't see them doing this now, and it is a real shame that they have had to live with this all these years. JMO
So many awesome comments--- but no shock considering the group on WS. I saw episode one and sadly missed two--hoping to catch it (but I have been able to watch ID Discovery).

IIRC on Dr Phil's first episode the Doc said that Burke had been paid for his interview. I am sure I heard correctly b/c its my understanding the show doesn't pay for interviews. But moving along---it has always been my opinion that Burke was involved.( The adult with odd smirk/smile is uncomfortable to watch. Is it Aspergers? Maybe....cannot say.) Patsy and John covered up the murder. Some things I find hard to believe is that there was a broken window in the basement for weeks---there are children in the house--you live ten or so houses from a church that houses the homeless and you do not secure your home ? I am a cop's daughter so that jumped out at me as odd.
Also Patsy finding the note "on the stairs". A very long and wordy ransom note that utilizes paper from your home.
I had heard also that Burke was downstairs while Patsy was on the phone--- that may have been from the Schiller book that I read a long time ago.
It seems that an "intruder" would have to get around the house very quickly and quietly to secure areas with a small child. Unless Patsy and John drank themselves to sleep---and there is no indication of that that I have read--IMO I cannot fathom someone/ones going thru the house, up and down stairs, opening and closing a fridge, opening a drawer for a spoon etc and being undetected.
The intruder sure felt very comfortable in the home. Much like if they lived there. That is one thing that jumps out at me. It wasn't a fast snatch and grab. If an intruder had stayed in a house that long, they ran too big of a risk at being caught. Also I think if it was an intruder, he was very bold, and this wouldn't have been his only crime. If anything this would have encouraged him to do it again.
I was always in the camp of believing the Ramseys were behind JB's death, but after watching the ID episodes the past 2 nights, I now agree with Lou Smit...that it was an intruder that got in the house while they were at the Whites. I just don't see them doing this now, and it is a real shame that they have had to live with this all these years. JMO
Really? Can you elaborate on which facts changed your mind?

ETA, also, have you ever noticed the Ramseys seeking answers? Does it strike you as odd that they seem to be over trying to find her killer?

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Those are two completely different things though. He is inquisitive about HIS toys. Obviously he wants to go play with his presents. Not being inquisitive about his sister wouldn't be that surprising if he isn't really interested in other people at all.

Apples and oranges. One thing is about HIMSELF (his toys) and one is about other people.

But there is no proof he was not interested in other people , he was 9 years of age and there is screaming , his mother is hysterical and yet he stays in bed.

How many children would not want to comfort there parent when they are deeply upset ?

It all stinks that he didn't help his mum or dad or get out of bed as he was ordered to stay put. There is absolutely no proof that I have read he was that socially backwards at 9 years of age. And if he was this mentally backwards then I don't see the need for the cover up if he was guilty.
But there is no proof he was not interested in other people , he was 9 years of age and there is screaming , his mother is hysterical and yet he stays in bed.

How many children would not want to comfort there parent when they are deeply upset ?

It all stinks that he didn't help his mum or dad or get out of bed as he was ordered to stay put. There is absolutely no proof that I have read he was that socially backwards at 9 years of age. And if he was this mentally backwards then I don't see the need for the cover up if he was guilty.

Perhaps he was too scared to get out of bed because of consciousness of guilt. I'm just speculating, though.
I think his answer on the bedwetting was taken out of context. He says, and I'm paraphrasing here... "At six? I don't know, but at one point we wet the bed 2 or 3 times a week". He didn't say he was wetting the bed when he was nine, and he didn't give a definite answer as to what was going on with JBR at 6. Basically al he said was that they both wet the bed as toddlers.

In Kolar's book, it's stated that BR had issues with recurring bed-wetting in 1993, so he would have been 6 at that time (the same age as JBR). He was asked about this in interviews, and according to Kolar he had difficulty discussing it (it's easy to understand that he would probably have been embarrassed about this).
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