What did we learn today 7-05-2011

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What did we learn today 7-05-2011? - MULTIPLE CHOICE!

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I learned that crime, specifically child murder does pay and gets rewards.
I learned that this system we have in place for justice is flawed and that I hope to god someone puts a cap in her before she has one once of pleasure in her life. Hateful? Yes, sure. But not as much as the hate she had for that poor baby.
What about serving time for check charges she was found guilty in that??
will she serve time for that????

CM just said to Jean C that the four charges should be rolled into one and given time served--IMHO she will walk out free on Thursday. UNBELIEVABLE
What did I learn today?

That a pig in a ball gown? Is still just a pig. But a pig in a pretty dress.

I never did see that elephant.

At least ICA won't be lonely as she goes into hiding. She has all her imaginary friends.

I learned to keep my Christian faith in check today.

I learned that while I am saddened? I have reassurance that God knows the truth. And He takes care of things His own way. I can go on with my life.
I learned that when faced with the extreme of the DP that the Jury opted to vote in the other extreme of NG.

Not innocent!! ... they just didn't want to stay another day never mind another week for a penalty phase -- thus the unwillingness to talk. They were done with this.
Today I learned that hearts all over the world could break in the space of 3 minutes. I learned that accuse and confuse is an effective defense. I learned that being found "not guilty" gives license to the defendant to smile and laugh. I learned that the prosecution is, and always has been, a class act, and that Mason needs to either retire or ... okay, I won't go there. I also won't go into why the jury wants to "hide" from the media.

On the positive side, and yes, there is one, I learned that there are so many people who wanted justice for Caylee Marie, who will never forget her, who will always keep her in the very core of their hearts. Fly with the angels, baby girl, sing and play with our other lost children, teach them about the folks here on earth who care so much and work so hard to give you all justice.

We are heartbroken, but we will always remember you, sweetie.
I also learned that lying about murder is a career choice and not a crime.
I learned that there are many single mother's all over the world that don't think they can make it another day. They are tired, and some of them feel burdened down by children, but they keep on going one day at a time. They do so because of love for their children.

I learned that ICA will be rewarded monetary, more then any of these poor women, and she will be foot-loose and fancy free and could care less about anything but "what a good liar I am!"

Where is the justice in life for that poor child? Her mother has just been given a "get out of jail free card" and no one, not one person on that jury seemed to care that she was discarded like trash?

I re-learned something I have known for a long time now, life is not fair!

Your post made me cry in its deep, deep truth. This is absolutely one of the most depressing days I can remember in my despair over the direction of our society.

ETA to add that I also agree with the person who posted about the negative effects of TV FICTION like CSI. That combined with poor education and lack of critical thinking skills are a huge detriment to this nation right now.
I don't know about anyone else and didn't read the options but I learned how to get away with murder, pure and simple.
I learned that we need a professional jury system which is an Idea being tossed ably a few years ago. Some people can't make logical connections . Some people can't put aside their own biases towards law . Some people can't be trusted to make such important decisions.

I just heard NG detail about 6 peoples backgrounds. Two didn't finish high school, one drug charges one domestic violence background. Not a competent reliable jury imo
Judge Alex on HLN said that Murder 1 was proven to him beyond a reasonable doubt so it wasn't about the evidence or testimony.

The Judge understands how to analyze the evidence so was it all about the bias and life experiences of the Jury vis-a-vis un-founded belief, a desire to believe in an accident and abuse despite the evidence? We humans prefer to humanize despite the facts.
I learned today if you want to kill your child and get away with it, do it in Florida. I'm sorry I'm just so angry right now.

Exactly what I was thinking! :banghead:And probably helps if you are attractive!

I learned that killers like Susan Smith who eventually tell the truth, go to prison for life. Killers who lie go free. I think the next mom who kills will say, "I did it and I did it on purpose. But I should not be punished just because I am a bad liar."

I think I could easily get off of jury duty because I'm a homeschool mom with type 1 diabetes. Also, my husband had jury duty and was asked if he'd ever had a bad experience with a police officer. I have, an extended family member died of natural causes and the police officer basically called my relative a killer. He even followed the family to the hospital and creeped around outside our waiting room. I learned that if I get called for jury duty I'm going to school all summer if I have to, downplay the diabetes and "forget" about that jerk police officer. And I've watched the Nancy Grace show but didn't even know there was a show called the Nancy Grace Entertainment Show. I don't think I get that show on my basic satellite service. Anyway, IF I ever get called to jury duty again (I was called once but didn't sit on a case) I will be the one who WANTS to serve.

God help me, my heart is breaking. Thanks so much, Webslueths, for being there and understanding.
I learned that if you keep a jury away from their home, family & income long enough; they will rush to the easiest decision so they can get on with their lives. Also I learned that if you throw enough BS against the wall the smell of decomposition can be covered up. Learned that if you want to get away with murder; you can just keep lying and have LE on a wild goose chase until DNA evidence is no longer present.

Angry, disgusted & heartbroken. But still believe in our justice system.
today i have learned that two men must~absolutely MUST~break away from the clutches of thier abusers completely and start a life on their own. i already knew that justice does not always prevail on the face of this earth and that there is a higher authority to which those who perpetrate or enable evil will have to answer to one day. having been failed by the judicial system personally, i will always feel tremendously sad and frustrated that it seems the "smoking gun in the hand of the accused while being videotaped" effect that some jurys feel the need to have in order to convict, has hampered justice while in this world. my hope and prayer is that JO JO and LEE can move toward healing and that those who fought for CAYLEE will not ever, ever be discouraged from seeking justice for any victim. i love my webslueth family~thank you for allowing me to say how i feel. bless your
hearts! ~pamela
I also learned that fake imaginary friends can be good alibis.
I have learned if you lose your belief in the justice system as I have today, that God will wipe away the tears, help u on your feet and let you lean on him. There will be justice for Caylee, I am just going to put it in Gods hands. God Bless all of you here.
I also learned that if you want to kill someone go to Florida! Kill them dump them in the swap and lie, lie, lie, you'll get off with..... NO PROBLEM!
I learned not to have faith in humanity, this country, or much else anymore. I am so sick I can barely fit two words together and type. God help us all.

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