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I believe it was Cindy on the stand. She said the main front door to their home was never used. Furthering that point it was extra locked up and secured because they never used it. They all pulled into the garage and used the garage door into the main home.

This was again mentioned when the certified letter from the towing company was placed on their front door. Since the door was never used, it took a bit longer for them to find. It was found somewhat by chance when George and Cindy were weeding the front yard one day.

If I remember correctly, Cindy said on the stand, the night she found Casey at Tonys and demanded she be taken to get Caylee, she drove home, pulled into the driveway or garage. Lee was already there. I believe Lee even remarked how bad it stunk that night. They all went into the house via the garage. Her testimony gave me to understand the garage door was left open and LE entered the home via the garage door also.

I believe one of the female officers testified she pasted by the cars in the garage on her way in and out of the house back to the patrol car.

I could understand it if the garage was on the other side of the house and no one went near the cars. However from many accounts, everyone walked right past the cars many times that night in and out of the house back and forth to the police cars. This was more than a stinky car. It was a car that clearly stunk of decomposition from a distance as many testified on the stand. George and the towing company owner said they smelled it on approach so much so George claimed he prayed it was Casey or Caylee dead inside the trunk. The Tow guy said he believed it was decomposition and held his tongue.

LE officers don't smell decomposition and ignore it because no one is reporting a dead body. I am just rather surprised LE didn't smell it and at least check it out. It wasn't cleaned to the point it was masked because Dr Vass got the air samples and "took 2 steps back" after smelling it it was SO bad.

Something doesn't sit right about this whole thing.

Either the smell was lied about, exaggerated, or some people have a more acute sense of smell than others or some just ignored it. I don't see what else it could be.

I dont think ALL those people who described the smell lied. lol I do think we have a few cops who don't now want to admit they smelled the stench but ingored it. Think about it we have essentially young rookie cops like Ryan Eberling and Adriano Acevedo who initially thought they had a domestic on their hands. They were looking for direction from their superior who at that time was Sgt Hosie. It became all about Caylee being taken by her babysitter. Apparently the only Anthony to express concern about the smell was George but he didnt do it openly. He waited till Yuri Mellich arrived. Not so great policing? Certainly. But I doubt anyone arriving at that middle class home had murder on their minds. Hosie decided to hand the case over to a missing persons. That's when Mellich was contacted. Sgt Hosie and his officers were effectively done. They were outta there. If we have to attribute blame then it has to go to the Senior Officer who left the scene in the wee hours of July 16th. That was Yuri Mellich. Hindsight being what it is, I'm sure Yuri Mellich probably wishes he'd done things differently. Then there's the little matter of probable cause. In this case the police got permission to take the car, rather than wait for a court order.
But I doubt anyone arriving at that middle class home had murder on their minds.

*respectfully snipped*

Given that the 911 that first alerted the situation was Cindy in a panic stating she found her daughters car and it smelled like a dead body and now they are reporting a missing child...

I wonder if the 911 operator relayed ALL of the 911 call info to LE officers or only the missing child part ?

To be honest, I don't think any of it would of mattered because I think Yuri Melich pretty much figured out Caylee was dead by the afternoon of the next day at the Universal Studios excursion and subsequent interview. Sadly her body wasn't found for 5 months which was the major issue in this case.

I think if the original officer that Kronk called (the one who was fired) did his job and if Kronk did his duty as an intelligent member of the human race finding a skull we would have a whole other outcome in this case.

I can't believe the mentality of someone who finds what appears to be a skull at the end of the road where a little missing girl lives and doesn't do everything in their power to report, and report, and keep reporting UNTIL SOMEONE in CSI goes in to ascertain it is or isn't human remains. I get that he called 911. I get that a lazy and rude cop attended. But if you really thought you found a skull just down the road from Caylees home, you don't stop there. You just don't.
Yes, however LE walked in and out of the garage into the house and right past the sunfire on that night in July and not one of them smelled a foul smell much less smelt it and lept to decomposition.

Respectfully, this is a statement made by JB during his closing and is not evidence. That night I went through every person on his "Who smelled what" chart and indicated what their actual testimony was. [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143062"]I started a thread here[/ame]... you can see that this was a spin by the defense, not fact. Only one LE testified that he didn't smell anything. Every other person who was asked about the smell, LE or otherwise, either testified they smelled a very foul odor or human decomp.
Despite evidence, jury flubbed Anthony verdict
Updated 11h 55m ago |
With the whole nation watching, an Orlando jury mystified and shocked the courtroom and all the legal pundits by returning a not guilty verdict in all murder charges against Casey Anthony ("How the Casey Anthony case came apart").

Despite evidence to the contrary, the death of 2-year-old Caylee, Anthony's daughter, will remain a mystery. The prosecution presented a strong case tying Anthony to the disappearance and murder of her daughter, but when the verdicts came in, it was obvious that the jury must have been watching a different trial.

Kiomarie was already telling the sheriff's dept to look for Caylee's body in trees down by the school on July 19, imagine how much better the chances to find DNA and other evidence then. The remains site was right on the way to the school, the first treed area. It would have been quite obvious to glance in there. The tropical storm didn't happen until August.
Respectfully, this is a statement made by JB during his closing and is not evidence. That night I went through every person on his "Who smelled what" chart and indicated what their actual testimony was. I started a thread here... you can see that this was a spin by the defense, not fact. Only one LE testified that he didn't smell anything. Every other person who was asked about the smell, LE or otherwise, either testified they smelled a very foul odor or human decomp.

But Tony L, Maria K and the roommates, and George A all stated no smell during June, oh also the tow driver on the 30th. Smell first noticed after that (by witnesses). Though Casey was texting to Amy about thinking there was a smell during those last days.
For me, this case can be summed up by the title of this thread -- Unanswered Questions! It seemed like a bizarre non-investigation to me from the beginning. MOO (and that's not to criticize those individuals who did such excellent work on this or that element, but the overall investigation made no sense to me.)

The state alleged June 16 as the murder date (no one claims to have seen Caylee after that date). TL is documented with Casey on that date (Blockbuster video). Of course she was full-time at his place from then on. And he states that he was in her neighborhood on June 20, down a street in her neighborhood w/her and her car (I guess maybe they had a ping of him in the neighborhood so had to ask him about that date and he explained it with the helping her gas up story. It doesn't appear that he took any gas.)

All Casey's clothes and shoes were sent to the FBI lab. But not his. The jury had to be puzzled by that. IIRC only his jeep and a couple pairs of shoes in his jeep were sprayed with bluestar. It didn't appear that any forensics, fibers or anything else, were ever done at the apartment, even though the state considered Casey their prime suspect and that's where she'd been staying. I don't think cadaver dogs were even taken there, or to his jeep IIRC.

The FBI lab found no trace from the remains scene / no trace of decomp or anything unusual on any of Casey's clothing or shoes. And not a single hair, DNA, or fiber linking Casey to the remains scene.

Meanwhile the duct tape that the state alleges was "on" Caylee's skull did have the partial DNA on it from someone other than Casey or her family (neighbor and one lab worker not ruled out, the state didn't compare the DNA to others in the case.)

Obviously all the Anthony family members as well as TL are known to have had access to the items from the A home and shed. The back gate was also found open and garage doors were up at some point so don't know who else could have accessed items at the home. The jury had to see all this, so must have wondered when the state kept claiming that only Casey had access to the items.

We also know of course that some of the items were known to be elsewhere, like the T-shirt and Winnie blanket being seen in photos at JP's townhome. Again, no forensics ever done in that townhome though. Even though Casey and Caylee had been staying there until June 9 and the original disappearance date was given as June 9 . And even though, IIRC, Casey did laundry there too after the disappearance date.

The state alleged the decomposed fat on the napkins in the trash bag in Casey's trunk was human adipocere. If they really believed that why in the world didn't they do forensics at the source of the napkins (the Sutton Place apartment. The napkins had marijuana traces on them, the roommates there had stated they were the marijuana users. The other trash items were from that apartment.) Why didn't the state have the hair and urine in that bag ID'd. Obviously the state knew he trash was from there and so the hair and the urine in the crystal light container and everything else was from there just didn't want to bring in any evidence from anyone other than Casey figuring it would just muddy their case.

The state alleged chloroform was used on Caylee and were all hot after chloroform but then when the gatorade bottle and syringe were found to have traces of steroids as well as the traces of chloroform and the Q107 hair with them was found not to be Casey's, suddenly, no more interest in any of that evidence. Which had been found in a bag so near Caylee's skull.
Meanwhile, there was no evidence of chloroform making or chloroform possession in the Anthony home. RM is the one who had the joke about a woman being overpowered with chloroform on his myspace. How was that supposed to translate into Casey supposedly having chloroform or using it on anyone? If anything it makes it seem more like she could have been a victim of chloroform at some point herself LOL. She sure sounds like it, too. imo
Respectfully, this is a statement made by JB during his closing and is not evidence. That night I went through every person on his "Who smelled what" chart and indicated what their actual testimony was. I started a thread here... you can see that this was a spin by the defense, not fact. Only one LE testified that he didn't smell anything. Every other person who was asked about the smell, LE or otherwise, either testified they smelled a very foul odor or human decomp.

Thank you for taking the time to put all this info together into a post but it doesn't help my query unfortunately. It doesn't tell me *when* they smelled it.

My original question was why LE didn't smell it on the night in July they attended the Anthony home after Cindys 911 call staying Caylee was missing and she found her daughters car that smelled of a dead body.

SURELY that dead body smell info SHOULD of been passed onto attending LE enforcement officers who should of investigated. Did the 911 operator not pass on that vital piece of info?
I think I just got one of my unanswered questions answered.

INSession are replaying testimony today. I just heard Simon Burch's testimony and George's from the day he went to pick the car up.

Simon said "When the door was opened, the smell hit me" So perhaps thats it, the car was closed up in the garage and not noticeable by passersby.

It still doesnt answer why the 911 operator didn't pass on Cindy's allegation the car smelled like a dead body to LE officers attending.
Was she planning on killing the parents too? Why wasn't it introduced at trial the text sent from Amy... about Casey stealing Amy's new roll of duct tape that she had used on those costumes? Do you think the body was buried in the back yard for a couple days first... then moved to the car?
Who is Caylee's real bio father?

IF Caylee's biological father could be confirmed, wouldn't that be the person/family to bring the wrongful death suit to a court against Casey?? (Isn't that what the Goldman Family did where OJ was concerned?) If her father could be confirmed, I would hope that he or his family would bring that suit to court, would make me feel a little bit better if she was held accountable in a civil suit, as she wasn't held accountable in a criminal court of law.
What I can't imagine is Casey actually stopping along Suburban Drive and carrying the bag with Caylee's body into the wooded area. I know she must have done so, but how could she have dared, it seems to be a fairly busy road and I don't think she would have gone into the swamp/woods at night. What if a neighbor saw her car there or saw her walking with a large trash bag? What if an LEO had come by, and stopped her for littering? When is it supposed that she did this, and did she just pull over on that road and open that trunk up?

Also, I do agree that the responders to the 911 call should have been advised to check the car, since a smell had been reported. Everyone says they were looking for a live child, but really? Most people here think the 31 days is enough reason in itself to suspect Casey of murder...so here we have police coming to take a report about a mother who has not reported her child missing for a month, a horrible smell of death in the car, and no one even thinks, this child might be dead?
What I want to know, is how this Jennifer juror can say that the jury was in tears because "not guilty" does not mean "innocent" and that it was the State that did not give them enough to convict Casey? I know everyone is asking this, I am still processing this-but I have not watched one thing about this case since the verdict was read. I have blocked out all stations that carry anything remotely like news about this case.

I am a nobody reading about something in the news, watching a news report made by people who have college educations, this Jennifer juror is going to college-so I ask from my ignorance: how can you say there was no evidence that she was guilty when that is all the State did-was give evidence. While it was the defense that had absolutely nothing-nothing-no evidence.

No one has to answer this, really. All I can come up with in my non educated mind is that this jury is as ignorant as me or they are corrupt. There might be a third option-as I said I did not go to college...so I don't know what that would be. Jennifer juror says they did not know how Caylee died, that anyone in America would not be able to write down on a piece of paper how Caylee died...

wow, I didn't know that was what they were being asked to do? :confused: :rolleyes: And, I guess Dr. G's conclusion this was MURDER didn't shake them from their "special break" slumber...

Disgusting. And, to show how wrong Jennifer juror must feel she is in true narcissist form-on television making money off a dead baby and blaming others-pointing the finger at everyone else and saying we couldn't have done "it" either. Okay honey, whatever makes you able to sleep at night...Freed Inmate Casey Anthony is out...now we have to make sure the doors are locked tight...

nighty, night.

And Disney! Oh...Disney...yeah-I know I will never see anything Disney and not think of baby Caylee Marie and how M I C K E Y MOUSE likes to get rich off the death of toddlers who have mothers who murder them.

Fun for the whole family! :devil:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9DQnT1Awig"]YouTube - ‪The Mickey Mouse Club Song‬‏[/ame]

Yes, however LE walked in and out of the garage into the house and right past the sunfire on that night in July and not one of them smelled a foul smell much less smelt it and lept to decomposition. This was, according to so many other people who smelt it, a very obvious and foul smell and one everyone claimed was decomposition. Lee even said he walked past the car and it stunk. George and the tow yard owner said they smelled it on approach in a open air parking lot. I don't get how a bunch of seasoned experienced homicide LE officers didn't notice it, and identify it as suspicious and at least take a glance.

Lee stated that he could not remain in the garage more than a minute or two because the stench was so unbearable. But apparently it was only in garage that he smelled it. Perhaps cops did not enter garage.


Page 86 - starts at line 12 - horrible smell, etc

Also in depo he tells how Casey told him she dropped Caylee off at the Sunset (or something like that) apartments then later changes it to say she had Caylee with her at the park and the nanny (whom we know to be nonexistent) kidnapped her. By her own statements, Casey was last person to be with Caylee.
Why would CA keep wanting to contact MCA?
and Why would CA want MCA home with her again?
CA/GA could NEVER control MCA, why would they think they could now?
is it so she cannot talk about her childhood? parents? problems?
I'll never understand CA........I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
The phrase........don't worry I didn't tell them anything from MCA to parents,
haunts me.........what is the SECRET?
Why was the notice from the tow yard on the front door and not in the mail??????

People normally check their mail.
Why did Casey leave Caylee's car seat, doll and backpack in the car? That does not even go along with the kidnapping story and no matter how Caylee died, why didn't she remove/destroy these items, to at least make it look like Caylee was with the nanny? And why wasn't that a bigger flag to Cindy, especially the doll?

If she did murder Caylee, and not panic after an accident, this was a very poorly planned murder, IMO.
Why was the notice from the tow yard on the front door and not in the mail??????

People normally check their mail.

I know this has been debated alot, but anytime I get anything certified or something I have to sign for, even though my mailbox is 10 feet from my front door the mailman leaves a sticky notice stuck my door. My sister has a mail slot/chute that drops the mail right into her house, but the mailman still leaves certified sticky notices stuck to her front door.
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