What was "The Plan"?

TLynn said:
One of the medical experts (Baden?) felt JonBenet had experienced the "shaken baby syndrome" - which led me to believe she was knocked unconscious and then shaken in an attempt to revive.


My theory about JonBenet's brain showing signs of "shaken baby syndrome" is a little different than most others. I don't think that, in an attempt to revive an unconscious child, a person would shake the child so hard that it causes shaken baby syndrome to the brain. Shaken baby syndrome is normally caused by a very angry and out of control person violently shaking the child, most often in an attempt to make the child stop crying. This doesn't fit the JonBenet murder scenario.

JonBenet's body showed evidence of having been stungunned. The suspected stun gun injuries were on the right side of the face near the ear, and on the lower left back, and on the lower left leg near the ankle. The facial stun gun hit in particular could have caused shaken baby syndrome to the brain. Here's why:

The 50,000 volt stun gun would have had to be held against the face for an extended length of time, perhaps 5 or 10 seconds, to cause the ugly burn as revealed on the autopsy. (Most stun gun hits are for only one or two seconds in length.) These powerful stun gun hits would have likely caused JonBenet's little 45-pound body to flop violently, like a fish out of water, and could have inflicted the internal injuries to the brain as the brain bounced around in the skull.

It was Dr. Cyril Wecht who suggested the bruising to her temples was typical of what is seen in "shaken baby syndrome" and that it fits in with a frantic attempt after the head blow to revive her by shaking her to "awaken" her.
Bluecrab - I found the source where you probably read that the fibers found on JonBenet were "blue." It was in the Vanity Fair article.
Not that it is accurate, just that this is where it was published.
She says, "Navy-blue "fuzz balls", adhered to her body, and investigators are searching for a match."
K777angel said:
Bluecrab - I found the source where you probably read that the fibers found on JonBenet were "blue." It was in the Vanity Fair article.
Not that it is accurate, just that this is where it was published.
She says, "Navy-blue "fuzz balls", adhered to her body, and investigators are searching for a match."


Thanks for finding that. It explains to me that the fibers on JonBenet's thighs and in the folds of her labia were likely black, and not dark blue.

I say this because Ann Louise Bardach, who wrote the Vanity Fair article, got a lot of her information from Steve Thomas. I know that Steve Thomas gave Bardach a copy of the police First Responder's Report, and likely leaked a lot of other information to her. The info about the color of the fibers wouldn't have been in the First Responder's Report, so Thomas must have suplied it to her verbally.

Thomas was the source of endless misinformation, and therefore I wouldn't trust his apparent "dark blue fiber" comment to Bardach. The police release purposeful wrong information, and then wait for a suspect to mention something that only the police and the killer would know. The fibers were probably black.

thanks for the link, Ivy.

Interesting that Lee also mentions the bruising, but not an explanation.

The hit on the head doesn't appear to be at an angle that would shake the brain against the skull to make those marks. It would be more at a forehead angle - wouldn't it?

If I was convinced of a stun gun, that could be an explanation - but I'm not. Perhaps if Smit had credibility, I would pay more attention to him.
BlueCrab said:

Thanks for finding that. It explains to me that the fibers on JonBenet's thighs and in the folds of her labia were likely black, and not dark blue.

I say this because Ann Louise Bardach, who wrote the Vanity Fair article, got a lot of her information from Steve Thomas. I know that Steve Thomas gave Bardach a copy of the police First Responder's Report, and likely leaked a lot of other information to her. The info about the color of the fibers wouldn't have been in the First Responder's Report, so Thomas must have suplied it to her verbally.

Thomas was the source of endless misinformation, and therefore I wouldn't trust his apparent "dark blue fiber" comment to Bardach. The police release purposeful wrong information, and then wait for a suspect to mention something that only the police and the killer would know. The fibers were probably black.



Okay, I found another source that says the fibers on JonBenet were dark blue. From the Bonita Papers:

"Dr. Meyer stated that it appeared that JonBenet's pubic area may have been cleaned, or at least wiped by someone using a towel or a piece of clothing. Small dark blue fibers, consistent with a cotton towel, were removed from the vaginal area."

And please don't forget that black fibers were found in the crotch of JonBenet's panties.

So it looks like there may have been dark blue fibers on JonBenet's inner thighs and on the labia AND black fibers in the crotch of JonBenet's panties. The black fibers were consistent with the black shirt John Ramsey was wearing that night. Thus, people may be confused by that fact there were BLACK fibers in the crotch of JonBenet's panties and DARK BLUE fibers on the inner thighs and labia of JonBenet.

The Bonita Papers may be a mystery to many of you, so I'll explain what I know about them.

The Bonita Papers received its name from Bonita Sauer, Denver attorney Larry Pozner's secretary. Pozner was part of a group of volunteer attorneys law enforcement had assembled and was using to help investigate and eventually use to help prosecute a suspect once one had been arrested. However, Bonita Sauer had stolen and copied all of the investigative police reports generated by Boulder law enforcement. The intent was to use the stolen police reports to write a book. But Sauer gave them to a relative living in another state who ended up selling the reports to the tabs. The Bonita Papers were milked for all the information the tabs could get from them, and then leaked to certain people, apparently as favors.

BlueCrab said:

Okay, I found another source that says the fibers on JonBenet were dark blue. From the Bonita Papers:

"Dr. Meyer stated that it appeared that JonBenet's pubic area may have been cleaned, or at least wiped by someone using a towel or a piece of clothing. Small dark blue fibers, consistent with a cotton towel, were removed from the vaginal area."

And please don't forget that black fibers were found in the crotch of JonBenet's panties.

So it looks like there may have been dark blue fibers on JonBenet's inner thighs and on the labia AND black fibers in the crotch of JonBenet's panties. The black fibers were consistent with the black shirt John Ramsey was wearing that night. Thus, people may be confused by that fact there were BLACK fibers in the crotch of JonBenet's panties and DARK BLUE fibers on the inner thighs and labia of JonBenet.

The Bonita Papers may be a mystery to many of you, so I'll explain what I know about them.

The Bonita Papers received its name from Bonita Sauer, Denver attorney Larry Pozner's secretary. Pozner was part of a group of volunteer attorneys law enforcement had assembled and was using to help investigate and eventually use to help prosecute a suspect once one had been arrested. However, Bonita Sauer had stolen and copied all of the investigative police reports generated by Boulder law enforcement. The intent was to use the stolen police reports to write a book. But Sauer gave them to a relative living in another state who ended up selling the reports to the tabs. The Bonita Papers were milked for all the information the tabs could get from them, and then leaked to certain people, apparently as favors.


Bluecrab - I'm confused. Larry Pozner (can't stand the guy) is a DEFENSE attorney. Why would law enforcement hire HIM to help prosecute???
That doesn't make any sense. And any time I saw Pozner on t.v. he was very Pro-Ramsey.
So perhaps these "Bonita papers" were actually from Ramsey defense lawyers?
Are you sure you have those facts straight?
K777angel said:
Bluecrab - I'm confused. Larry Pozner (can't stand the guy) is a DEFENSE attorney. Why would law enforcement hire HIM to help prosecute???
That doesn't make any sense. And any time I saw Pozner on t.v. he was very Pro-Ramsey.
So perhaps these "Bonita papers" were actually from Ramsey defense lawyers?
Are you sure you have those facts straight?


No, I'm not sure. I think the attorneys were probably the area prosecutors who were volunteering their services. Yes, Pozner is a defense attorney. He was apparently allowing his offices to be used as a staging area for copies of the police evidence the volunteers were accumulating. Otherwise, Bonita Sauer, Pozner's secretary at the time, wouldn't have had such easy access to the confidential files. I'll try to find out more.

BlueCrab said:

No, I'm not sure. I think the attorneys were probably the area prosecutors who were volunteering their services. Yes, Pozner is a defense attorney. He was apparently allowing his offices to be used as a staging area for copies of the police evidence the volunteers were accumulating. Otherwise, Bonita Sauer, Pozner's secretary at the time, wouldn't have had such easy access to the confidential files. I'll try to find out more.


How would volunteers accumulate "confidential files" and police evidence?? The Ramseys and their attorneys certainly didn't have all the evidence and files the police had on them. That's what frustrated them so much. So how would these 'volunteers' and Pozner's secretary obtain them?
More likely, if they were helping at all - Pozner and his ilk were getting information ONLY from the Ramsey side.
That's my guess.
K777angel said:
How would volunteers accumulate "confidential files" and police evidence?? The Ramseys and their attorneys certainly didn't have all the evidence and files the police had on them. That's what frustrated them so much. So how would these 'volunteers' and Pozner's secretary obtain them?
More likely, if they were helping at all - Pozner and his ilk were getting information ONLY from the Ramsey side.
That's my guess.


Okay, I researched the Bonita Papers story a little further.

The BPD files (police reports) on the case were being kept in Larry Pozner's office, but under the control of Dan Hoffman, a partner in the law firm with Pozner. Dan Hoffman, Bob Miller, and Richard Baer were attorneys who were put on the BPD payroll (they were not volunteers as I incorrectly stated previously) to help with the case, and probably to help keep evidence away from the Boulder DA's office (the BPD and the DA were feuding and the cops were afraid Hunter would turn everything over to the Ramsey attorneys).

Bonita Sauer, who wrongfully copied the files, was a paralegal who worked for both Pozner and Hoffman. The files were sold by either Sauer or her nephew in Oregon to the tabloids. No one was ever prosecuted over it.

Bonita Sauer never wrote her book and the Bonita Papers are now in circulation among certain people.

BlueCrab said:

Okay, I researched the Bonita Papers story a little further.

The BPD files (police reports) on the case were being kept in Larry Pozner's office, but under the control of Dan Hoffman, a partner in the law firm with Pozner. Dan Hoffman, Bob Miller, and Richard Baer were attorneys who were put on the BPD payroll (they were not volunteers as I incorrectly stated previously) to help with the case, and probably to help keep evidence away from the Boulder DA's office (the BPD and the DA were feuding and the cops were afraid Hunter would turn everything over to the Ramsey attorneys).

Bonita Sauer, who wrongfully copied the files, was a paralegal who worked for both Pozner and Hoffman. The files were sold by either Sauer or her nephew in Oregon to the tabloids. No one was ever prosecuted over it.

Bonita Sauer never wrote her book and the Bonita Papers are now in circulation among certain people.


I remember when the Boulder Police decided to hire their own attorneys. Unusual move - and Hunter didn't like it. I didn't know though that is was Pozner and his cronies. What is hard to understand with this is that Pozner would go on national television and just lambast the Boulder Police over the case and say, "They have NOTHING." So it still makes no sense to me.
Why would he bite the hand feeding him? (I think he'd bite anything close to him actually....he's a mean and nasty and unhappy man IMO.)
But if it did happen as you say, then it makes me wonder just what tabloid stories were based on the official police files and reports? Do you know which ones and which tabloids purchased this information from Bonita or her nephew?
And do you know when this occured? What year? Month?
Thanks for the info and your research Bluecrab. This is very interesting.
Why do you think Hunter was giving so much of the files, info, etc...to the Ramsey's attys? Was it just because they were friends, or for what reason do you suspect?

Nehemiah said:
Why do you think Hunter was giving so much of the files, info, etc...to the Ramsey's attys? Was it just because they were friends, or for what reason do you suspect?



I suspect Alex Hunter was in on the Ramsey coverup from the very beginning. It appears that John Ramsey likely called Mike Bynum very early in the morning (probably around 3 or 4 A.M.) when he discovered JonBenet's body. Bynum immediately got the DA's office involved and the coverup was hatched even before Patsy made her 911 call at 5:52 A.M. The coverup seems to
have reached all the way into Gov. Roy Romer's office -- probably in an attempt to squelch the incriminating cell phone records.

IMO everyone in those higher positions willingly cooperated in the coverup because the embarrassing crime involved very young children as perpetrators -- children too young to prosecute, so the best thing to do was to cover it up and do nothing. I think the grand jury solved the crime in 1999 and went along with what had been decided by Boulder authorities up to that point.

IMO children, two of them and possibly three of them, were the perps.

BlueCrab said:

I suspect Alex Hunter was in on the Ramsey coverup from the very beginning. It appears that John Ramsey likely called Mike Bynum very early in the morning (probably around 3 or 4 A.M.) when he discovered JonBenet's body. Bynum immediately got the DA's office involved and the coverup was hatched even before Patsy made her 911 call at 5:52 A.M. The coverup seems to
have reached all the way into Gov. Roy Romer's office -- probably in an attempt to squelch the incriminating cell phone records.

IMO everyone in those higher positions willingly cooperated in the coverup because the embarrassing crime involved very young children as perpetrators -- children too young to prosecute, so the best thing to do was to cover it up and do nothing. I think the grand jury solved the crime in 1999 and went along with what had been decided by Boulder authorities up to that point.

IMO children, two of them and possibly three of them, were the perps.


So you think that Hunter knew all along and played a game of sorts? Who else in the "investigation" may have known about this?

Nehemiah said:
So you think that Hunter knew all along and played a game of sorts? Who else in the "investigation" may have known about this?



In my opinion, Mary Keenan, who was Hunter's assistant at the time of the murder, certainly knew about it. She's still obligated to keep fooling the public because Colorado law won't allow her to do anything else but try to keep the balls in the air and protect the identity of the children. And Haddon, Morgan and Foreman all knew, and probably participated in the coverup. I don't think any of the Boulder cops knew about it until after the grand jury adjourned in 1999.

The grand jury likely solved the crime. However, there's still some unanswered questions and I get the feeling that someone, perhaps an older (and therefore culpable) teen, has been able to slip through the cracks and goes unidentified.

Just my opinion though.
BlueCrab said:
Black fibers from John Ramsey's black shirt were found in the crotch of

BlueCrab, Is this your opinion that John's Shirt was the Black fiber or, is that in reports somewhere?
BlueCrab said:

In my opinion, Mary Keenan, who was Hunter's assistant at the time of the murder, certainly knew about it. She's still obligated to keep fooling the public because Colorado law won't allow her to do anything else but try to keep the balls in the air and protect the identity of the children. And Haddon, Morgan and Foreman all knew, and probably participated in the coverup. I don't think any of the Boulder cops knew about it until after the grand jury adjourned in 1999.

The grand jury likely solved the crime. However, there's still some unanswered questions and I get the feeling that someone, perhaps an older (and therefore culpable) teen, has been able to slip through the cracks and goes unidentified.

Just my opinion though.

I've always wondered if something didn't happen at the White's? Or the Stine's. Somewhere other than only the Ramsey home. (although the pineapple in JonBenet's upper colon might dispute that).
Here is something curious Alex Hunter said on the Geraldo show in 2000:
"We have some evidence of intruder, we have not closed our mind to it, but I'm not going to say that all we have is looking in the house. I'm not going to say that that's all we have or all we're concerned with because the case is more complicated than that."
K777angel said:
I've always wondered if something didn't happen at the White's? Or the Stine's. Somewhere other than only the Ramsey home. (although the pineapple in JonBenet's upper colon might dispute that).
Here is something curious Alex Hunter said on the Geraldo show in 2000:
"We have some evidence of intruder, we have not closed our mind to it, but I'm not going to say that all we have is looking in the house. I'm not going to say that that's all we have or all we're concerned with because the case is more complicated than that."

Cool Angel, good stuff !!!!
I wonder about the note pads. We know LHP had them, we think Fleet had one, why can't we look "deeply" into their associates to find the killer? Who else would have a note pad taken from the Ramsey home?
Ivy said:
BC, I recall reading some Internet info on EA techniques...and you may be right that the wrist cords were not staging either, if the sexual play that led to JonBenet's death was EA.



Thanks for reading up on EA. The device around JonBenet's neck is an important item of evidence that people don't fully understand and therefore discard its importance. But the EA ligature was undoubtedly the murder weapon.

IMO there is very little staging involved in the killing of JonBenet. The ligatures around the neck and on the wrists, the tape across the mouth, the stick attached to the ligature, the stun gun injuries, the wording in the ransom note, the evidence of chronic and acute sexual abuse, etc., all leave clues that can be used to piece together a picture of what likely really happened that night.

The device tied on JonBenet was not a garrote and it was not staging. Garrotes don't look anything like that and don't need all those knots. The perp(s) would not have constructed such an elaborate device just for staging. Therefore, IMO erotic asphyxiation should be a part of any kind of murder theory.


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