Whitney Houston passed away on 2/11/12 - Part 1

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i think whoever it was upthread who mentioned that addicts usually have serious issues long before they start drugs is spot on. in wh's case, i think what we were supposed to believe were happy, close-knit, ''religious'' roots were not that.

i think her family was manipulative and controlling. her cousin dw is pretty well known for being a complete beeyotch. it's well established that she was on drugs before bobby brown entered the picture so blaming him really isn't fair.

Something else odd was the last song she sang in public at a party in a bar was "Jesus Loves Me"... I for one have NEVER heard that song at a bar ever.

That is odd, but it is a fav of hers, I've heard. She sang it on The Bodyguard soundtrack.
While I'm sure this is going to come back as a drug/alcohol OD death, my mother always told me to never go to sleep in the bath tub. Seems weird to me, but I guess you don't necessarily wake up if you slip under.

I believe they've already said this was not a drowning though.
You know what keeps nagging me? It was reported the day Whitney died that her body was "very cold" when it was found. But it was also said that she talked to her mother about 3:15 and she was pronounced dead at 3:55. How does someone run warm (I assume) bath water and die in the water and within 40 minutes their body is cold? It doesn't make sense to me.

Also, I had assumed that she was on her back in the water...but I just read on Inside Edition website that she was face down in the water. Earlier it was reported that her legs were in the air. I had a hard time picturing that if she were on her back, but if she was face down I assume her knees were bent. Still, if she just lost consciousness and then slipped under the water, wouldn't you think she would have been on her back in the tub and fell asleep/passed out and then slipped under the water? What scenario could cause her to be face down in the water with her legs up? The would suggest to me that she was standing up, maybe getting into the tub and lost consciousness or had a heart attack or died suddenly and fell face down in the water.

The person in the room above her reported hearing two loud thumps. Maybe that was Whitney falling. Also on Inside Edition website, it says that the day BEFORE Whitney died, the man in the room BELOW Whitney's room noticed water seeping into his room from above. He went up to her room and knocked on the door and there was water that was being mopped up. I don't know what to make of that. If the bathtub overflowed enough to leak to the room below, wouldn't it also get on the carpet outside the bathroom? And wouldn't water seeping to the floor below be something that you'd need to tell the hotel staff about?
You know what keeps nagging me? It was reported the day Whitney died that her body was "very cold" when it was found. But it was also said that she talked to her mother about 3:15 and she was pronounced dead at 3:55. How does someone run warm (I assume) bath water and die in the water and within 40 minutes their body is cold? It doesn't make sense to me.

The person in the room above her reported hearing two loud thumps. Maybe that was Whitney falling. Also on Inside Edition website, it says that the day BEFORE Whitney died, the man in the room BELOW Whitney's room noticed water seeping into his room from above. He went up to her room and knocked on the door and there was water that was being mopped up. I don't know what to make of that. If the bathtub overflowed enough to leak to the room below, wouldn't it also get on the carpet outside the bathroom? And wouldn't water seeping to the floor below be something that you'd need to tell the hotel staff about?

Respectfully <snipped> for space.

Earlier in this thread, I said that I hoped that LE was putting together a time-line regarding Whitney's whereabouts, visitors, etc. on Friday. Very little has been said about Houston's activities througout the day and evening on Friday - where she went, who visited her in her hotel room, what she did all day long. After seeing that video of her leaving the party on Thursday night over and over again, it was apparent to me that something was very wrong with Whitney. I can't help wondering what went on in this woman's life on the day prior to her death. There has to be a reason why this is being hushed. jmo

You know what keeps nagging me? It was reported the day Whitney died that her body was "very cold" when it was found. But it was also said that she talked to her mother about 3:15 and she was pronounced dead at 3:55. How does someone run warm (I assume) bath water and die in the water and within 40 minutes their body is cold? It doesn't make sense to me.
That's nagging at me as well. And no, it doesn't make sense at all.

That's nagging at me as well. And no, it doesn't make sense at all.

Maybe it took awhile for her aides to clean up (mop up) and sanitize the scene (getting rid of illegal drugs, etc, if there were any) before they called 911?

Either that or it's just more bad reporting!
i think bad reporting is at fault for much of the confusion. it's a high profile case and everybody wants to be first with the scoop and that leads to speculation.

as distasteful as i find tmz at times, they've been spot on in in their reporting in the past and in this case, most of the major outlets are quoting them. i think they're reporting here was pretty accurate. of course, they will file as many new ''reports'' as possible...ones that contain nothing but speculation. that's showbiz, i guess.

speaking of which, they're reporting today that wh had premonitions of her death in the final days.
Here's another good question, why was WH at the hotel for a week before the party? Chaka Khan is fired up about it:

"During her interview with Morgan, Khan criticized the decision to fly Houston to Los Angeles a week before she was set to perform at Davis&#8217;s party, rather than a day before. Khan, who like Houston struggled with addiction, continued, &#8220;Whoever flew her out to perform at that party should&#8217;ve provided someone to be there to somehow keep the riff raff from out of the situation. To keep some of the dangerous people away.&#8221;


video at link also (I'm guessing this RayJ dude is the target, IDK)
i think bad reporting is at fault for much of the confusion. it's a high profile case and everybody wants to be first with the scoop and that leads to speculation.

as distasteful as i find tmz at times, they've been spot on in in their reporting in the past and in this case, most of the major outlets are quoting them. i think they're reporting here was pretty accurate. of course, they will file as many new ''reports'' as possible...ones that contain nothing but speculation. that's showbiz, i guess.

speaking of which, they're reporting today that wh had premonitions of her death in the final days.

I take a lot of baths and I can say that the water cools off very quickly. I usually have to run more hot water two or three times within a 15 minute period. But, what I do find unusual is that it has been reported her daughter did the same thing the day before and also seems there was a procedure in place that they were not to leave WH alone for more than 10 minutes when she went in to bathe.

That tells me she was a mess if she could not be left alone for more than 10 minutes. I have to think, hope that some of this reporting, and rumors are just that and not true. I can only think of one reason she was not allowed to be in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes. It is not a good one. jmo
I take a lot of baths and I can say that the water cools off very quickly. I usually have to run more hot water two or three times within a 15 minute period. But, what I do find unusual is that it has been reported her daughter did the same thing the day before and also seems there was a procedure in place that they were not to leave WH alone for more than 10 minutes when she went in to bathe.

That tells me she was a mess if she could not be left alone for more than 10 minutes. I have to think, hope that some of this reporting, and rumors are just that and not true. I can only think of one reason she was not allowed to be in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes. It is not a good one. jmo

I still think it's odd that she could go from alive to her body "very cold" in 40 minutes, even in the water. And how do you end up face down in the water?

Also, Whitney's bathtub overflowed the day before and leaked into the room below hers. I have read that Bobbi Kristina shared a room with her and I have also read she was in another room on the same floor. So I don't know if that overflowed bathtub the day before Whitney's death happened when Bobbi Kristina was taking a bath or whether that is a separate incident.
I take a lot of baths and I can say that the water cools off very quickly. I usually have to run more hot water two or three times within a 15 minute period. But, what I do find unusual is that it has been reported her daughter did the same thing the day before and also seems there was a procedure in place that they were not to leave WH alone for more than 10 minutes when she went in to bathe.

That tells me she was a mess if she could not be left alone for more than 10 minutes. I have to think, hope that some of this reporting, and rumors are just that and not true. I can only think of one reason she was not allowed to be in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes. It is not a good one. jmo

I watched ET last night. WH's old body guard said he was one that made the rule about baths. He told her he could protect her from others, but he could not protect her from herself. She was obviously messed up all the time and could not be left alone for bathing. (I first thought it was for protection from crazy fans or haters until I heard him.) He said the new people just did whatever WH wanted and did not look out for her.

I, too, find it very odd that the daughter did the same thing the day before. I wonder if the daughter tried to od? If she and WH had an argument? If it was another reason for WH to feel she couldn't take it? I guess we may never know.

Side note: I was looking at symptoms for heart attacks in women for my own purposes. They are different than the ones we think of. Unusual sweating is one of them.
I watched ET last night. WH's old body guard said he was one that made the rule about baths. He told her he could protect her from others, but he could not protect her from herself. She was obviously messed up all the time and could not be left alone for bathing. (I first thought it was for protection from crazy fans or haters until I heard him.) He said the new people just did whatever WH wanted and did not look out for her.

I, too, find it very odd that the daughter did the same thing the day before. I wonder if the daughter tried to od? If she and WH had an argument? If it was another reason for WH to feel she couldn't take it? I guess we may never know.

Side note: I was looking at symptoms for heart attacks in women for my own purposes. They are different than the ones we think of. Unusual sweating is one of them.

I just had a thought too about the oil she put in her bath. That is one reason I take baths and I use essential oils such as rosemary, frankinsence, peppermint, etc. If she was using any type of essential oils they would definitely react with any drugs in her system and that includes alcohol. jmo
I still think it's odd that she could go from alive to her body "very cold" in 40 minutes, even in the water. And how do you end up face down in the water?Also, Whitney's bathtub overflowed the day before and leaked into the room below hers. I have read that Bobbi Kristina shared a room with her and I have also read she was in another room on the same floor. So I don't know if that overflowed bathtub the day before Whitney's death happened when Bobbi Kristina was taking a bath or whether that is a separate incident.

I haven't followed this really closely, but was it reported that she was face down? All I saw was that her face was under water. Anyone know?

I guess I assumed (I know, LOL), she was on her back, slipped under water and her legs were still on the edge.
Profuse sweating is a symptom of heart attack for men, too, and the sweating usually accompanies radiating pain in the chest, back, arm, or neck.

I was thinking more menopause as the cause of the sweating. She also had abdominal bloating and have seen people wonder if it could be from liver disease or even pregnancy. I don't think her abdomen looks unusual for a menopausal or perimenopausal woman. It's normal to gain weight in the abdomen at that age.

But people also mentioned that either on Friday or Saturday during the day Whitney was seen wandering around the hotel lobby in mismatched clothes and behaving oddly. They said she did handstands next to the pool. They said she unexpectedly walked in during an interview that was being done with Clive Davis, Brandy and Monica and one of them said something to the effect of "You're wet again. Why are you wet again?" and Whitney said she swims every day. It would be interesting to know if she actually did swim in the pool.

It sounds like all of her friends and staff were busy doing their own thing and not paying attention to what Whitney was doing. I know she was a grown woman, but it would have been nice if she'd had a friend there looking out for her. Too bad someone like Chaka Khan wasn't there. She questioned why Whitney was flown in a week or so before the party knowing she has addiction issues. I agree with that. I know someone who is an alcoholic and none of his "friends" and family confront him about it because they love hanging out and drinking with him. They don't want to lose their drinking buddy. He's a lot of fun to be with. So selfish, if you ask me. Instead of doing what is right for him, they enable him because they want to spend time with him. Probably the same with Whitney.
I haven't followed this really closely, but was it reported that she was face down? All I saw was that her face was under water. Anyone know?

I guess I assumed (I know, LOL), she was on her back, slipped under water and her legs were still on the edge.

Yes, they are saying she was face down. I don't know how you end up face down in the water when you were going to take a bath.
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