GUILTY WI - 12-Year-Old Girls Stab Friend 19 Times for Slenderman, Waukesha, 31 May 2014 #1

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I agree that it was their motivation.. Now how did they have so much time to put into slenderman and worrying about him and not show their hand???

Where are their parents?

They could have had 5 minutes a day to look at that stuff online, and romanticize in their heads constantly. One does not need to be glued to a computer screen, to create something in their head.
"Don't worry, I'm just a little kitty cat."

I am very skeptical. People have been killing "in the name of..." since time began.

Absolutely! Their motivation can often be their faith, their God, their views on government, politics etc. But it is still their motivation and not a ruse for something else you know? They truly believe it is worthy of "defending" "proving" or even "enforcing".

Slender Man can certainly prove to be an "excuse" here but from what I am reading in this criminal complaint, I personally don't think so.

So far.
They could have had 5 minutes a day to look at that stuff online, and romanticize in their heads constantly. One does not need to be glued to a computer screen, to create something in their head.

No. No way. And have this kind of obsession? No way. They had more access than a 5 min romp. To be obsessed to the point of planning and killing another human being? There was way more in it than that.
I agree that it was their motivation.. Now how did they have so much time to put into slenderman and worrying about him and not show their hand???

Where are their parents?

I don't know because nothing has been said about them thus far other than they were good parents and are devastated.

I'm not one to look for scapegoats or rush to judgement immediately with zero facts to base my opinion on.

I'm not fixated on the parents and an assumption that they were somehow "Lesser than" in their parenting skills.

I am more interested in the minds of these children, their different environments, their previous behaviors ,and their dynamic.

Until I hear more about and from the parents I am not willing to harangue them. As of this moment, they are victims of this too.

Children are individuals, and I know MANY strict parents that "supervised" their children to the hilt that have raised children that have become unstable, low self esteem, depressed adults with a myriad of issues. Things are just not that simplistic and neither are human beings. Everything in life does not boil down to supervision and rules.
No. No way. And have this kind of obsession? No way. They had more access than a 5 min romp. To be obsessed to the point of planning and killing another human being? There was way more in it than that.

How do you know?

It takes very little to create in obsession in dark people. Again we have NO idea how much time they spent on this stuff.

I'd also like to mention, that most schools allow tablets and smart phones. They are supposed to be used for school work, but kids easily find a way around that. The kids in my nieces school are constantly on their mobile devices during the school day. Beyond that, at the mall. At the park. At sports practice. At dance, etc. Even is amazing families, how much time do teens spend really being super supervised? Very little. They can access anything they want from anywhere. Most of the day, kids are in other people's hands. It sooo easy to blame the parents right now. Again, we know nothing and we have no footing to blame them.
I don't know because nothing has been said about them thus far other than they were good parents and are devastated.

I'm not one to look for scapegoats or rush to judgement immediately with zero facts to base my opinion on.

I'm not fixated on the parents and an assumption that they were somehow "Lesser than" in their parenting skills.

I am more interested in the minds of these children, their different environments, their previous behaviors ,and their dynamic.

Until I hear more about and from the parents I am not willing to harangue them. As of this moment, they are victims of this too.

Children are individuals, and I know MANY strict parents that "supervised" their children to the hilt that have raised children that have become unstable, low self esteem, depressed individuals with a myriad of issues. Things are just not that simplistic and neither are human beings. Everything in life does not boil down to supervision and rules.

The problem is the Parents are ultimately responsible for their minor children. There is a reason that children need supervision and these two did not apparently have it. They were invested in an urban legend so much they killed over it.
How do you know?

It takes very little to create in obsession in dark people. Again we have NO idea how much time they spent on this stuff.

I'd also like to mention, that most schools allow tablets and smart phones. They are supposed to be used for school work, but kids easily find a way around that. The kids in my nieces school are constantly on their mobile devices during the school day. Beyond that, at the mall. At the park. At sports practice. At dance, etc. Even is amazing families, how much time do teens spend really being super supervised? Very little. They can access anything they want from anywhere. Most of the day, kids are in other people's hands. It sooo easy to blame the parents right now. Again, we know nothing and we have no footing to blame them.

Because I know preteen girls. And when they are obsessed it is not a secret and it is something they devote a lot of time to.
IT is not a 5 min a day thing or there would be no obsession. No planning, no killing.

These are not 16 yr olds.. THEY ARE 12!, That argument about them not being supervised does not apply. 12 year olds should be supervised.
The problem is the Parents are ultimately responsible for their minor children. There is a reason that children need supervision and these two did not apparently have it. They were invested in an urban legend so much they killed over it.

Can you please site the evidence, that allows you to know they weren't supervised? Can you also site the evidence, that these girls were viewing this in their parents care? Can you prove they were looking at this when they were under the authority of another adult, such as school? Can you show me the evidence you have, that allows you to know they spent copious amounts of time looking at this?

None? Okay then.
The problem is the Parents are ultimately responsible for their minor children. There is a reason that children need supervision and these two did not apparently have it. They were invested in an urban legend so much they killed over it.

Parents are responsible to keep their children safe, to care for them, to bring them to the doctor, to make sure they go to school, and are taken care of and loved, to guide them through life and instill in them their culture and beliefs.

Because I know preteen girls. And when they are obsessed it is not a secret and it is something they devote a lot of time to.
IT is not a 5 min a day thing or there would be no obsession. No planning, no killing.

These are not 16 yr olds.. THEY ARE 12!, That argument about them not being supervised does not apply. 12 year olds should be supervised.

Yes, they should. But YOU DON'T KNOW that they weren't.

I know preteen girls. I was one. I know how little it takes to create an infatuation and obsession. I also know how much time they spend being under the supervision of authority figures, that are not their parents.
Parents are responsible to keep their children safe, to care for them, to bring them to the doctor, to make sure they go to school, and are taken care of and loved, to guide them through life and instill in them their culture and beliefs.

Children need supervision yes, and you, I or, Adam or Eve, have zero information to suggest that they were neglected and "unsupervised."

Children are responsible for minor children. To make sure they are not being swayed by such things. To be plugged in and know what is going on with them.

If this was 2 15 yr olds, It would be different. But 2 12 year olds, there is something really lacking here. IMO
Yes, they should. But YOU DON'T KNOW that they weren't.

I know preteen girls. I was one. I know how little it takes to create an infatuation and obsession. I also know how much time they spend being under the supervision of authority figures, that are not their parents.

Yes, I do. Because kids that have their parents plugged in and are being monitored and are being actively parented don't at 12 decided together to kill another child to please an internet legend. IMO

I refuse to let these parents off the hook. No way.
Yes, I do. Because kids that have their parents plugged in and are being monitored and are being actively parented don't at 12 decided together to kill another child to please an internet legend. IMO

I refuse to let these parents off the hook. No way.

That's fine. But you assuming they weren't supervised. You are saying you know that they weren't. You did not live in their home. You have no basis to know how supervised they were.

Do you know how many wonderful parents who are plugged in, miss something? Not only are kids smart and know how to get around technology filters and tracking, they know how to hide. I had some friends who had the best parents ever, that I was totally jealous of. Plugged in, good relationship, open lines of communication...and holy crap...those girls were masters at hiding.
Also, with what technology is today, and how mobile it is and how accessible it is EVERYWHERE, constantly, and how much the internet, social media, smart phones, tablets,and computers are a part of this generation's daily life the concept of "supervision" of your child is no longer what it used to be nor is it anywhere near as easy to do. It is nowhere near the same thing as it was even 10 years ago.

You would literally have to follow your child to the bathroom, to school, to friends houses and then physically sit on them when they are home to effectively "supervise" them in relation to the internet/social media on a constant basis. And you would have to monitor their friend's tablets, phones, computers, and ipads as well.
Children are responsible for minor children. To make sure they are not being swayed by such things. To be plugged in and know what is going on with them.

If this was 2 15 yr olds, It would be different. But 2 12 year olds, there is something really lacking here. IMO

I'm confused. Children are responsible for minor children? I don't understand.
I'm confused. Children are responsible for minor children? I don't understand.

Sorry.. Mistype.. PARENTS.. I was talking and typing at the same time.. My error. I figured it was obvious.
That's fine. But you assuming they weren't supervised. You are saying you know that they weren't. You did not live in their home. You have no basis to know how supervised they were.

Do you know how many wonderful parents who are plugged in, miss something? Not only are kids smart and know how to get around technology filters and tracking, they know how to hide. I had some friends who had the best parents ever, that I was totally jealous of. Plugged in, good relationship, open lines of communication...and holy crap...those girls were masters at hiding.

Yes, yes I do. Because there is a child that was nearly murdered by these two. Can't really plan that and do it while being supervised.

This is not parents missing something who are involved. For a child to go this far and be this off the mark, there is little active parenting going on. IMO
Also, with what technology is today, and how mobile it is and how accessible it is EVERYWHERE, constantly, and how much the internet, social media, smart phones, tablets,and computers are a part of this generation's daily life the concept of "supervision" of your child is no longer what it used to be nor is it anywhere near as easy to do. It is nowhere near the same thing as it was even 10 years ago.

You would literally have to follow your child to the bathroom, to school, to friends houses and then physically sit on them when they are home to effectively "supervise" them in relation to the internet/social media on a constant basis. And you would have to monitor their friends tablets, phones, computers, and ipads as well.

And that would be up to the parents to monitor. That is our JOB! It is not, Oh well since it is so hard to watch them I just won't... Thing.
I am not in a position to throw stones as I live in a glass house. IME, Children in the same family have different personalities and interests. Children can also hide their activities, fantasies, interests from other family members. So what may have appeared "normal behavior" to these parents, was "normal" for their child. Hindsight is 20/20 and I bet these parents of these 2 girls wish they had recognized signs if there were any. I cannot imagine their heartbreak. JMV
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