AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #17

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I realize this is really nitpicking, but did anyone else find it odd that the first responder on the scene radioed back, "suicide"? Odd phrase given the mysterious nature of the 991 call and obvious front door breakage and the decedent lying on the floor opposite the door with no weapon nearby. Anyway, I am confident law enforcement will prevail in identifying those responsible for this heinous double murder/kidnapping.

Not really. I have seen these kind of logs before so I asked one of our grandsons several years ago about them and the inconsistencies at first..

He is a Sgt. with our sheriff's department.

He said several officers are arriving at the scene at the same time.

He said upon arriving the situation is very fluid. So different officers may view the scene differently based in their position and who sees what first.

At that time they are only making educated assumptions based on what they first see since they have not entered the home yet to be checked thoroughly.

When that has happened by then they have found evidence it's a double homicide..kidnapping etc. using this case as an example.

The muffled 911 call would make them think at the time someone else besides James was calling for help and they may have thought it was against James instead of the real murderer.

Until then the logs are fluid and changing. So no it's not odd at all and rather common.

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Regarding your last sentence, several people have commented that the perps spent so much time there. But to me, even 20 minutes is not very much time.

The thought just came to me, that those two shots heard by the neighbor's could have been departing shots to make sure parents were dead. Especially if there were multiple spent casings inside that were not heard. Maybe we are approaching it in reverse. It's impossible to figure without more details. Banging head against wall.....
That's exactly what I thought in the beginning, that maybe James was shot in the doorway as the killer was trying to take Jayme from the house. I've read so many possible scenarios by now that I'm not sure what to think.
I thought I read somewhere that it was at the grandfathers home but it may have just been speculation. I do know that the sheriff would not give out any information about where the party was and that it's been consistently reported that way. Jmo

I don't have a link in front of me, but i feel 98.2357% sure the sheriff didn't say it was not at Denise/James/Jayme's house. I could be wrong ... that has happened before once or twice.
Regarding your last sentence, several people have commented that the perps spent so much time there. But to me, even 20 minutes is not very much time.

The thought just came to me, that those two shots heard by the neighbor's could have been departing shots to make sure parents were dead. Especially if there were multiple spent casings inside that were not heard. Maybe we are approaching it in reverse. It's impossible to figure without more details. Banging head against wall.....

Certainly possible. We have no idea how many shots there were, or when the first/last shots were fired. I'd think that if LE had evidence pointing to this they'd be asking for info prior to 12:30am, but who knows. We're reading the tea leaves, and some of them are open to interpretation so it's hard to make any solid conclusions. I would really like to know how many shots were fired in total.
I don't have a link in front of me, but i feel 98.2357% sure the sheriff didn't say it was not at Denise/James/Jayme's house. I could be wrong ... that has happened before once or twice.
You're not wrong, the sheriff did not confirm anything about where the party took place. As far as I know... jmo
Okay, makes sense, but, what are they basing their 12:30 a.m. to 1:30 a.m. time on? I have always thought it was because of the gunshots reported...

My thought is that they are basing it on the officers arriving on scene at 1am and the 911 call at 12:53am. IMO they think it all happened pretty quickly (meaning the 911 call at 12:53am was within a few minutes of when the crime started) so the 12:30am start time would cover the period leading up to the crime and extending it to 1:30am would cover the getaway.
A possibility I've talked about with a few people already is that Jayme could have tried to get away during the commotion with the 911 call and they were left with no choice but to take her with and leave her somewhere else.
Probably somewhere close and convenient, one would think.
Regarding your last sentence, several people have commented that the perps spent so much time there. But to me, even 20 minutes is not very much time.

The thought just came to me, that those two shots heard by the neighbor's could have been departing shots to make sure parents were dead. Especially if there were multiple spent casings inside that were not heard. Maybe we are approaching it in reverse. It's impossible to figure without more details. Banging head against wall.....
That doesn’t really work though because of the 911 call.

We know that the perp was apparently still in the house until that call was made.

If the neighbors heard what they believe they heard, when they heard it, then that 20 plus minute gap exists.

If they were fleeing at the time of those shots, they 911 call wouldn’t have contained sounds of an argument/struggle.
Personally I will always take what Fitzgerald said over any magazine publication any day.

I dont rely on what is even written or reported by MSM anymore.

Nowadays they seem to be wrong on the facts far more than being right.

I think MSM is trustworthy and reliable. They get most things right and are an important part of our democratic culture.

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Apologies if this was already mentioned, but about the cell phones. I believe that it has been determined based on previous photos that Jayme owned a cell phone. So likely by now police have been able to see her digital footprint (assuming they don’t have her actual phone) and determine who she has been talking to - and they do not seem to think she had a boyfriend. Just noting that. Does anyone else think it’s possible that Jayme could have been calling from Denise’s phone? Many kids have to turn off their phone at night and place them outside their rooms. Perhaps Jayme was woken up by the commotion, didn’t have her phone, ran to her mom’s room upon hearing the shots, and got hold of Denise’s phone and maybe called 911 from under the bed or a closet, and then they found her. I’m just saying, it wasn’t necessarily Denise using her phone.
Perhaps someone more savvy than I can share new photo's here? TIA

These photos @SeattleStew


Just how cold has this case gotten? Or is it luke warm, warm, hot, etc.?

It's still hot as long as tips continue to come in, leads followed up on and lab testing continues.
To stay positive/optimistic, I think of it this way: every tip that doesn't pan-out means the suspect/motive/etc. pool is that much smaller. One good tip, maybe the next one, can turn this around in a moment.
I think the quick level of deadly violence seems to lessen the robbery angle. It's a lot to risk for an iffy payout. Who keeps cash around in this age of debit cards? And, really, kill somebody to steal a TV that's going to pawn for $100? If it was robbery, then there's a lot more of value in that house than we have any reason to suspect. Locally, we had three family members murdered because they thought the father was holding a large sum of cash for his drug-lord boss. We've heard no such rumors in this case.

The level of violence seems to indicate either lots of anger or a premeditated plan to grab Jayme at any cost. If it was only anger, then why not kill her, too? After killing two, I really don't see them suddenly going soft-hearted.

I agree the only way this type of robber make sense is if you think

  1. The target is involved in and illegal business (drug dealer, bookie, pimp or madam, massage parlor owner, etc.) illegal businesses are cash businesses and the profits need to be hidden so people engaged in these activities tend to have lots of untraceable cash on hand.
  2. The target is somehow of illegal status thus unable to easily use the banking system and dealing mainly in cash. So they are likely to have lots of cash.
  3. You heard rumors that the target has some item of high value stashed in a safe in their house. (in this case it's still stupid b/c the rumors seem to usually be false).
IMO 1 and 2 are totally out of the picture. I guess 3 is possible but we have not heard anything to this effect and in the case of #3 it still comes down to why take Jayme.
I agree the only way this type of robber make sense is if you think

  1. The target is involved in and illegal business (drug dealer, bookie, pimp or madam, massage parlor owner, etc.) illegal businesses are cash businesses and the profits need to be hidden so people engaged in these activities tend to have lots of untraceable cash on hand.
  2. The target is somehow of illegal status thus unable to easily use the banking system and dealing mainly in cash. So they are likely to have lots of cash.
  3. You heard rumors that the target has some item of high value stashed in a safe in their house. (in this case it's still stupid b/c the rumors seem to usually be false).
IMO 1 and 2 are totally out of the picture. I guess 3 is possible but we have not heard anything to this effect and in the case of #3 it still comes down to why take Jayme.

1 (and 2&3, for that matter) are back in the picture if they went to the wrong house.
That many people working for 2 weeks probably processed whatever evidence they have.

Like people have noted in previous threads, if this were the result of an online relationship, seems like they'd have made more progress/maybe have an arrest by now. Tho I imagine there's always more digging and analyzing to be done on digital assets and online activity.

Probably still waiting on DNA profiles from the scene . But other than getting a good DNA sample that doesn't match the mom/dad/daughter and matching it to a known DNA profile, police might be down to praying for someone to call in the right tip.

Note: This has nothing to do with Jayme's family being suspects. It is quite different then the name might imply.
I hadn't realized that Wisconsin was one of the few states that allows Familial DNA testing until looking for DNA times. I wonder if they are using it with this case? It seems pretty remarkable.
Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) — FBI
You can read how it was used to catch the Golden State killer in this link if interested. Truly amazing!
How did investigators find the alleged Golden State Killer? Through his great-great-great grandparents - The Washington Post
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