WI - Sylville Smith, 23, fatally shot by Milwaukee PD officer, 13 Aug 2016 *Arrest*

If nobody believes MSM is being truthful to us, why do we put so much faith into what they report?

If they are not being truthful to us.. why? Who is directing them to lie?

I know anything about facebook. I lloked it up but it makes no sense. Can you watch this:


I am trying to figure out what the two referances to "tagging " on Facebook

Tagging himself at PUlse nightclub - what does that mean? He was there? He just wanted to see what was happening? THe report then later mentioned geotagged or something. Does that mean he WAS there?

Obviouly the dude wants to make people think he is "up" to something -- the geotagging sounds like it is proof of his location or something.

I think the bigger story is BS - just like the airport and the shopping mall incidents last week --is there any signfigance to "tagging" stuff in terms of adding "validity" to any of his other BS.

But then I think - hey often , afterwards, posts, tags, hashtags, whatever they are called ----------or "are" have emerged, if that makes sense
Gonna post on one other thread to see if I can understand " implications"
If nobody believes MSM is being truthful to us, why do we put so much faith into what they report?

If they are not being truthful to us.. why? Who is directing them to lie?

I don't trust what they report 100%, I think every station puts a spin on things, for ratings/clicks and to fuel stories. That's why social media is beginning to play such a huge part in all stories now. It's not a prepackaged story, and you can sort through many different views on one thing by people who have some degree of involvement and choose who believe to be the more trustworthy source.
This is for you, Cariis. From Wikipedia:

TAG (BBS), a bulletin board software program
Tag (Facebook), a link to another Facebook page
Tag (metadata), an index term assigned to a piece of information; a type of meta-information that captures knowledge about an information resource
Tag (programming), a method for passing parameters to subroutines
Tags (Unicode block), deprecated characters for invisibly tagging texts by language
HTML tag, a component of the HTML markup language
Revision tag, a label for a specific revision of a project
Audio tag, see Metadata § Digital music
Tag files, indexes to identifiers in source code generated by ctags
Tag system, a deterministic computational model
Tag URI, a unique identifier protocol used in internet technologies
Geotagging on FB is definitely not proof that you were at a particular place, I just checked and from my house I can do a "check in" tag basically saying I'm at any of several local businesses or schools that are within a couple miles of my location.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hit send too soon... Smart phones and smart cameras automatically geotag photos and that is in the metadata on the photo and probably could be manipulated but I can't imaging it's easy to do.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I disagree that everything would still stand. Fleeing and disobeying an officer are not grounds for lethal force. Not even close. Not even in North Korea or Nazi Germany.
If this officers life or the life of another was under immediate threat I see no problem with this officer using lethal force. Time will tell.

on a lot of these cases whoa LE out of control imo. On this one, from the beginning, until you folks bought in disenfranchised angle. i never understood why the riots started.

Unlike some of the others the guy had a gun, I did not follow the story in the beginning - he had a gun - cops can shoot if people really have guns moving around.

Imo tho LE needs some Pr training. IMO its common sense, if everything was by the book release the video. They are adding to the whole problem. But if we think about it, in all these stories we have followed --months later what do we know
Freddie Gray cops all got off
Michael Brown go got off

The toy gun one got off

What is happening with autistic episode?

What is happening with the cop that shot another cop?

Could go on but I think you guys are with me ....it is just wrong ... but at the end of the day its the medias fault - they should be following up with these events.

In some way why would anyone expect LE to knock it off -- its kinda like children -if there are no consequences, and higher ups protect them - why not continue on with their racisim?

IMO at the end of the day the focus should be on sensitivity training for these folks

only mo

Geotagging on FB is definitely not proof that you were at a particular place, I just checked and from my house I can do a "check in" tag basically saying I'm at any of several local businesses or schools that are within a couple miles of my location.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That just creeps me out - I think of domestic violence when I read this. Yuk

If nobody believes MSM is being truthful to us, why do we put so much faith into what they report?

If they are not being truthful to us.. why? Who is directing them to lie?

I dont know if it is , IMo "lying" - it is forgetting the ethics of the profession - objectivity, dont let your personal feelings in any story one is claiming is fact, dont go on air if it has not been fact checked.. IMO that kind of stuff.

It was not until I found you guys that I learned that CNN is flat out wrong, often, and then fails to own it, and change it when they find out they got it wrong.

When it comes to weekends they are IMO repulsive - its like news stops when the heavy hitters are off for the weekend. Politicians know this - they release all kinds of stuff on Friday afternoons so it vanishes - imo its kinda sleezy.

all moo - most of that false flag nonsense is just that in my opinion, there are a couple that imo are quite compelling and nausating - but everything online gets a false flag deal

I have watched a couple of them --they have missed their meds!!!!!


I know anything about facebook. I lloked it up but it makes no sense. Can you watch this:


I am trying to figure out what the two referances to "tagging " on Facebook

Tagging himself at PUlse nightclub - what does that mean? He was there? He just wanted to see what was happening? THe report then later mentioned geotagged or something. Does that mean he WAS there?

Obviouly the dude wants to make people think he is "up" to something -- the geotagging sounds like it is proof of his location or something.

I think the bigger story is BS - just like the airport and the shopping mall incidents last week --is there any signfigance to "tagging" stuff in terms of adding "validity" to any of his other BS.

But then I think - hey often , afterwards, posts, tags, hashtags, whatever they are called ----------or "are" have emerged, if that makes sense
Gonna post on one other thread to see if I can understand " implications"

I want to TY all for explaining

I have seen no claim made by the police that he was pointing the gun at anyone.

Hi Kaa!

That is a very good point!! When I read it I thought hummmmm that explains the video not be released??

If that is the case we got a problem ............again! If they could prove he was aiming why not release it??
Like I said a minute ago I thought if he was armed this is not like all the others BUT

KaaBoom now ya got me going the other direction!!!!!
I would also like to see the video released because I believe it will back up law enforcements statements. I think there are many times law enforcement would like to immediately release video but cannot. They have to make sure everyone involved is questioned before they release the video to make sure their statements are made without being influenced but what they see in the video. Also I would think that as outside agency's come in they take control of the video and other evidence and it is out of local law enforcements hands to be able to release the video.
Just weeks before a Milwaukee Police officer shot and killed Sylville Smith after a traffic stop, Smith encountered police at a different traffic stop.


The article doesn't mention if he was arrested or just ticketed. I almost find it too coincidental this man had so many charges, most of them dropped, and then was seen by a cop doing a likely drug transaction, and in possession of crack and he was still on the streets!
Channel 2 investigation found that:

Not a single fatal police shooting since 2010 has gone to trial.
Two-thirds of police shooting cases never went to a grand jury because district attorneys used their discretion not to bring charges.
Of 48 cases that went to a grand jury, only nine involved the presentation of a criminal indictment. In the rest, the prosecutor simply asked the grand jury to determine if the shooting was justified or unjustified.



To charge an officer in a fatal shooting, it takes something so egregious, so over the top that it cannot be explained in any rational way,” said Philip M. Stinson, a criminologist at Bowling Green who studies arrests of police. “It also has to be a case that prosecutors are willing to hang their reputation on.”

when they are convicted or plead guilty, they’ve tended to get little time behind bars, on average four years
Channel 2 investigation found that:

Not a single fatal police shooting since 2010 has gone to trial.
Two-thirds of police shooting cases never went to a grand jury because district attorneys used their discretion not to bring charges.
Of 48 cases that went to a grand jury, only nine involved the presentation of a criminal indictment. In the rest, the prosecutor simply asked the grand jury to determine if the shooting was justified or unjustified.



To charge an officer in a fatal shooting, it takes something so egregious, so over the top that it cannot be explained in any rational way,” said Philip M. Stinson, a criminologist at Bowling Green who studies arrests of police. “It also has to be a case that prosecutors are willing to hang their reputation on.”

when they are convicted or plead guilty, they’ve tended to get little time behind bars, on average four years
I think it is important to note that this article is about Georgia and it's 171 incidents. The same would not hold true where I live as all officer involved shootings go before a grand jury. Even if the shooting is not questionable the case goes in front of the grand jury. The policy was put in place by our state attorney.
Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel said Monday, August 22nd the fatal police shooting in Milwaukee that sparked two nights of violence was recorded by not one but two body cameras.

link next post !
There website was nuts might be my shockwave player!

A super helpful presser (learned lots in terms of officer involved case)

But then when I tried to find it for you guys it went coo coo!

So.......the page was just nuts this is the best way to do it. I am not trying to get you to the one minute piece, but the 10 minute one!

go here---even the link wont work - cut and paste it!


scroll down -- it is the video under this sentence:

They give only a narrow and incomplete glimpse of the overall picture. I can tell you now, viewing the body camera videos will not answer all of your questions," Schimel said.

"Raw Video Brad .... update....on officer involved"......

great info!!-10 min!

I hope this works for you guys - gonna post and see if it comes up on the one I am trying to get you to !

My shockwave thing just popped up so it may be fine for you guys!
August 22, 2016
8:59 PM

AG: Ex-Milwaukee officers investigating fatal police shooting of Sylville Smith


The attorney general said there are two videos from body cameras worn by two of the three officers who were at the scene of the shooting that show similar vantage points, but that no video or still shots from the video will be released until Chisholm is done with the case. There is no surveillance video from the neighborhood, he said.

While the video is a component of the investigation, Schimel said it’s just one piece among many sources of information.

“They give only a narrow and incomplete glimpse of the overall picture,” he said.

Schimel says the videos won’t be released until after the county prosecutor decides whether to charge the officer, whose name hasn’t been made public.

August 22, 2016
8:59 PM

AG: Ex-Milwaukee officers investigating fatal police shooting of Sylville Smith


The attorney general said there are two videos from body cameras worn by two of the three officers who were at the scene of the shooting that show similar vantage points, but that no video or still shots from the video will be released until Chisholm is done with the case. There is no surveillance video from the neighborhood, he said.

While the video is a component of the investigation, Schimel said it’s just one piece among many sources of information.

“They give only a narrow and incomplete glimpse of the overall picture,” he said.

Schimel says the videos won’t be released until after the county prosecutor decides whether to charge the officer, whose name hasn’t been made public.


MILWAUKEE -- Wisconsin’s attorney general acknowledged Monday that former Milwaukee police officers, now working for the state Department of Justice, are investigating the fatal shooting of a black man by a Milwaukee officer that triggered two nights of violence.
Attorney General Brad Schimel said he doesn’t see a conflict in using former Milwaukee officers in the investigation into the Aug. 13 shooting of Sylville K. Smith&#8203;.

Police investigating themselves, as usual. But there is no conflict of interest. :facepalm:
Two reporters, Aaron Mak (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) and Calvin Mattheis (an intern), have told their stories of being beaten and targeted during the Milwaukee riots for their race/ ethnicity. (Mattheis' account is available on his blog, called "The Boiling Point"-- easy to search for.)

Reporter beaten, spared in Milwaukee riots: ‘Stop! He’s not white! He’s Asian!’

A journalist who covered the Milwaukee riots this month wrote an essay for Politico magazine detailing his horrific beating during the violence that only stopped after his black attackers realized he was Chinese-American.

“‘Get your white *advertiser censored* out of here!’ he soon heard. ‘You better not let me f—ing catch you!’” Mr. Mak recalled.
He said the white man, a Journal Sentinel colleague, took off running with a gang of men chasing behind him. Not knowing what to do, Mr. Mak said he started to run after them and yelled at his colleague to get out of the area. That’s when the angry mob turned on him.

“As a former back-of-the-pack runner in middle school gym class, I wasn’t surprised when they caught me,” Mr. Mak wrote. “When they threw me to the ground, I reflexively curled up into a ball. Blows landed on my back, head and torso. ‘Stop! He’s not white! He’s Asian!’


Original article in Politico last week by Aaron Mak:

‘You’re Asian, Right? Why Are You Even Here?’
What I learned when I was attacked—and spared—because of my race at a Black Lives Matter protest.

"Unrest" overnight at Sylville Smith "vigil".

August 31, 2016, 4:32 AM
Arrests as crowd gathers near scene of police shooting

About 10 people have been arrested in Milwaukee after dozens gathered near where a black man was fatally shot by police earlier this month.

Sgt. Timothy Gauerke said in a statement Tuesday night that Milwaukee police received complaints about crowds gathering in the Sherman Park neighborhood where Sylville Smith was killed Aug. 13, sparking two nights of violence.

Gauerke&#8217;s statement didn&#8217;t elaborate about why the crowd had gathered. The Milwaukee County Sheriff&#8217;s Department said in a statement that neighbors complained about a rowdy group &#8220;doing drugs and disturbing their neighborhood,&#8221; according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Gauerke says police asked between 30 to 40 people to disperse. When some refused, police made arrests for disorderly conduct and resisting an officer.


Tracey Dent, a community activist who lives in the neighborhood, said the gathering took place near a memorial for Smith.

Marvin Taylor, who also lives in the area, said the disturbance was frustrating to some residents.

"You've got people who have to go to work the next day. People are tired," he said. "The neighbors are tired. This has been going on for too long."

Some of those visiting the memorial to Smith were from outside the area, Taylor said, adding "you can't come here and take over a neighborhood."

It was clear Tuesday night that emotions remain high among some of those on the street. Shortly after 10 p.m. police gave orders to some young people to move along. One young man, standing 10 feet from officers, hurled an angry expletive at them.


State representative among nearly a dozen people arrested near site of fatal police shooting

State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff was among about 10 people who were arrested Tuesday night near where a man was shot and killed by an officer earlier this month.

"They're arresting a state representative, and they're also arresting an observer from ACLU for doing absolutely nothing," witness Diamellia Williams is heard saying in a video archived from a Facebook Live session from North 44th Street and West Auer Avenue.

Brostoff said he was in the Sherman Park neighborhood speaking with others in an attempt to de-escalate tensions after he heard "stuff might be going down," WISN 12 NEWS' political partner WisPolitics.com reported.


According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives the damage from fires set in the Sherman Park neighborhood over the weekend is expected to exceed several million dollars.
Fires at eight locations are currently under investigation by the ATF in conjunction with with local and state law enforcement agencies.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the ATF is offering rewards of up to $10,000 for anyone with information on the blazes, while many business owners are deciding whether or not to rebuild


Damage from fires set in the Sherman Park neighborhood over the weekend is expected to exceed several million dollars, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Tuesday.

The agency is offering rewards of up to $10,000 for information leading to the arrests and conviction of those responsible for the fires.

Blazes at eight locations are under investigation by the ATF, which is working with local and state law enforcement agencies.

Jonathon Brostoff is one of my personal friends. He and ACLU observer Mr. English were arrested near Sherman Park for observing the police tearing down a memorial. He was observing a peaceful protest/memorial service of about 20 people when MPD arrived in riot gear, escalated the situation, and began arresting everyone in sight.

Sounds to me like Brostoff was not arrested:

"After waiting approximately 20 minutes, the crowd was again asked to leave. Some of those present left the area but others refused to leave. MPD began to make arrests," the statement said. "Some of the crowd became disorderly and resistive and were also arrested."

About 10 people were arrested for disorderly conduct and resisting an officer, the statement said.

One of those detained by police was State Rep. Jonathan Brostoff, who said he was passing out gum to protesters and was trying to "de-escalate" the situation.

Brostoff said he was not arrested and was released by police when someone shouted out that he was a state lawmaker.

"I think I would have been arrested if I weren't an elected official," Brostoff said late Tuesday night."


So they were ALL asked to leave, then 20 minuets later they were asked to leave again. I think Brostoff was just adding to the problem if he stayed and handed out gum to protesters. Surely he heard the officers requests for them all to disperse?

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